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Re: Mistress
1) yah, how is JJ? Any chance that she will ply our shores again? 2) Yesterday an old friend from "Obamaland" (to use Bro DYBJ's parlance) popped by for an unexpected visited. Took him to Macau KTV but he did not seem to enjoy it much. (All the more aesthetically pleasing ladies all cannot communicate well in English). Hate to work on stereotypes, but the next thing I did was to adjourn Macau to the "four floors of whores" i.e. Orchard Towers There are however several "our type" gals that I espied there aesthetics wise as I was leaving the joint. Macau, like BS, is due for a re-visit from me soon. (I like it that we share similar perspective aesthetics wise in the Rashomon kaleidoscope. It makes it convenient in that you can "reserve" a gal on my behalf and me not finding her totally unappealing later and vice versa. Just a small 'academic' digression: my understanding of your pet subject, the "Rashomon Effect" is that its definition usually lies within the domain of "subjective recollection" i.e. subjectivity of perception during recall. I like it that you extend the "Rashomon Effect" concept to mean the very construction of the perception itself (and not only during recall stage). 3) Now not being at OT for quite some while, I find that the "change in scene" is rather refreshing. Nice Russian dance act in the old Top 10 (cover charge $30). Also Ipanema plays excellent music. Ipanema is like a veritable melting pot of of Asian WL talent with the Viets now constituting the majority of gals there (several Viet gems after 1130 pm). Some of the WL FL there are actually quite good. Voluptuous with nice fair complexion. (For those interested, the rates quoted is $200 for a shot and $400 for an overnighter.) 4) Knew of the term Dyspareunia because my ex gf suffers from it. Thought originally its because of the rough sex we engaged but finally doctor diagnosed it as "endometriosis" (problem with the lining of the uterus). Since doctor prescribed Birth Control pills to control it, I had her tested for STD and once a clean bill of health is presented, I delivered creampies after creampies to her. Usually I use prophylactics (condom) during sex, even for an apparently "proper" girl - if not to prevent STD then its unwanted pregnancy. In this case: Since Endometriosis (makes it harder to conceive) + BC pills + STD test + gf who is inexperienced in sex makes it an ideal scenario for sex in the raw ...... and yes, the BC pills remedy prescribed by doctor works - although it did produce a very minor side effect by her putting on some weight :) 5) Hope you are recover from your flu very soon. Want to put in a couple more sessions before you go back to Gothom City. Take care bro. |
Re: Mistress
As alluded earlier in this thread, I can not take on the mantle of a 'sifu' as I do not have a mistress under my patronage presently. "In the process of" or "searching" does not cut it. Therefore I am now at a lower rung of the mistressing/BY ladder than you and most everyone there at DC. Whatever the 'packing order', what's most germane is that I simply had a wonderful wonderful time and I want more ..... and this ultimately is largely due to the "camaraderie (within the) group of esteemed cheongsters". Tks bro. Hope to see you soon! |
Re: Mistress
"Pecking Order" as in "a hierarchy of financing sources in a firms capital structure" (usually internal financing). It is a very nuaced and oblique reference to the "financial gurus" that are present during the DC session (present company excluded). Hey, besides being women connoisseurs, I realised that the members of the group are actually steeped in knowledge in the world of finance (again present company excluded). Also "pecking" has connotation of a bird's beak. And Chicken being a bird....as well as metaphor for FL.... ah what the heck ! having one of those "wild and rambling thoughts" kind of day :rolleyes: Cheers everyone reading! |
Re: Mistress
Ur 5-days ROCKS!:eek: The litany of activities can be an Itinery for Cheonging here! Especially for visitors here for F1 Rocks? HAHAHA! As they say, keep it Cumin.... :D cheers |
Re: Mistress
1) I last spoke w/ JJ 1 month ago. Dun think she will be back. Gals who r 172 n taller dun do well in SGP as 95% of local men prefer shorter ones. My heartthrob Bingbing, a 172cm GL Cat150 PRC for whom I wrote my best FRs ever, had to return to ZH after only 3 1/2 months. I hv an unexplained predestined affinity for pretty Chn gals who r 172 n taller n hv my body type. Although I hv met a number of them but I hv upped just 3 in the last 12 months: JJ n BB, both PRC, n Aries, a local FL. JJ is 173 n prettiest of the 3, has natural c boobs, but her ass is not perky enough for me. 172cm BB is the next prettiest, has beautiful A boobs w/ pink tits, n perky ass n very proportionate body n slim extremities. I might add that her pussy is a perfect fit for my didi! The local Chn Aries is listed as 171, but she is closer to 172. She is the least pretty of the 3 n though the youngest, she looks older than her stated age. Has natural B boobs, but her ass is not perky enough n bony frame is medium. Her body is not quite proportionate. There r a no of other tall gals I hv met. The dancer/singer at DC whom we met last wk is 172, but she is older n not that pretty. Her body is proportionate n slim though. I also met a 172 pole dancer at Armani. Unfortunately, she is not pretty at all n has muscular arms n legs! Very disproportionate body! Facial beauty is very subjective, so I can't argue when a gal is said to be the prettiest. But I'm a perfectionist when it concerns a gal's body type n it's quantifiable n measurable. I used to carry a tape w/ me in my younger yrs, hehehe. I hv yet to meet a Chn gal who has a perfect body type (at least to me). A few Ang Mo gals, yes, when they were 18-20.;) 2) Yes, I hv expanded the domain of the Rashomon Effect to well beyond subjective recollection of an event bcos it's germane to complex interrelated phenomena n all areas of human activities. What we think n feel abt an event, a person, a stock, a book, a painting, a country n of course a pussy n just abt everything else in this Universe is subject to the same Effect n is influenced by our preconceived beliefs, bias, previous experiences, personal interests, social-economic status, physical health, emotional state, nationality, religion, cultural construct, dominant representation systems, our visual acuity, hearing, etc. We only see n hear what we believe or find interesting. Reality is in the mind of the beholder! 3) An old fren took me to OT a couple of yrs ago but I was unimpressed. The going rate for a young VN gal was $150 for 2-3 hrs. 4) Luckily, ur GF's dyspareunia was easily treatable, whereas there r some really intractable cases out there. 5) I'm recovering nicely. I look forward to joining ur outings. Pls call me. Best regards, Warbird |
Re: Mistress
If local men here prefer the “shorter ones”, better for me. Under appreciated means less competition/demand and therefore more value proposition for me! On the aesthetics front, my taste (and preference) in women is governed by flux and change. But my taste in the tall ones has been with me for quite some time already! Absolutely agree with you on the body type and the concept of proportion (although that too has a degree of subjectivity in its construct – as to what constitute proportionate). As for facial beauty, there is a purportedly an ‘objective’ measurement too – the ‘science’ of physiognomy. I too used carry a metaphorical measuring tape. Using my fingers I would “measure” brow distance, lucky symmetrical distances of facial features, I would delicately touch a women features, do a spot of “mole”/blemish/birthmark hunting etc……that was during my younger days. I still do the physiognomy thing occasionally. The key difference is that I used to that in earnest because I want to make love with lucky women (in the hope that her luck will rub off in me). Nowadays it solely for “flirtation” (hell I totally forgotten physiognomy principles already …. shhhh :rolleyes:). Delicately and lightly touching a women’s features and “explaining” to her its interpretation/implication is a very sexy.. especially when coupled with an authoritative soft yet deeply resonating voice. Also the face has many peripheral nerve endings which can sometimes cause shivers if you literally press, stroke, caress the right spots! (It is certainly more effective and sensual then doing the “palm reading” thing that I so often encounter!) (NLP proponents take note: You are using two modalities here. Aural and Kinesthetic. Most people operate with sub-modalities. This little flirtation exercise gives you the perfect opportunity to apply sub-modality in communication. Will not be bringing too much NLP here at this thread henceforth – interested brothers who are conversant with the basics and want feedback on its application, kindly PM me.) For blantant - in your face "flirting" - I sometimes would on the pretext of finding and interpretation "moles" go for her nipples. Then act sheepishly .... "opps thought that it is a mole" :rolleyes: (Note that this 'stroke' should not be used as an ice-breaker but rather at a later stage of flirtation.) |
Re: Mistress
That is why "knowing oneself" is one important aspect of EI (Emotional Intelligence). Btw people like to interchange the term EI with EQ (Emotional Quotion - which actually "measures" Emotional Intelligence). This is similar in concept to IQ which measures Intelligence based on WAIS. Not being didactic here, but you can say that a person "has a high EQ" but NOT "the person has EQ" (everyone has an EQ score - its how well you do on this quotion / measurement that matters!). Dam ...if Ris Low is my gf she would strangle me by now :rolleyes:) Knowing yourself and how you see things ("conceptual lens" / "worldview") is important because it gives you he best chance of structuring your own personal happiness. |
Re: Mistress
It's indeed great news that most men here prefer shorter gals. That was the reason an old chi ko pek like me could get gals like JJ, hahaha. As for the preferred body type, research has shown that gals w/ higher leg to body (torso) ratio r considered more attractive to males: Leg-length to height ratio and attractiveness But I hv found a few very short gals extremely attractive. There was a gal known as the "pocket Venus." She was an 18yo Malaysian Chn, only 155, weight 42kg?, very beautiful face, very cute, flawless fair skin, perfectly balanced n proportionate body, slim w/ very small bony frame n even small head n delicate neck. I would give her a 9.5! Her cunt must be very small n tight!! My frens n I were all chasing her. I threw in the towels after a few months of futile pursuit. That was many, many yrs ago, hehehe. I like ur "physiognomy" approach for establishing rapport n fortune telling. It's more classy than palm reading. But I'll use both methods w/ my next quarry. I'll also ask for the exact time n date of birth, hehehe. I'm learning something new everyday. Ths n hv a good day!! |
Re: Mistress
Hi Bro Warbird, tried to call you several times after my meeting at Suntec but your lines is forever engaged. Guess you must be doing a number on whoever is on the other line around 5-6 pm ;)
Anyway since I know that you are meeting GO, I made 'alternative arrangement' to while my time before catching up with you. This lass (from Amani) is LX. She is a MILF - totally against my type. I just activated her just for the sake of some variety and a change in scene from the tall, fair SYT type. LX BTW has a nice proportional body and she is TANNED. A result of regular swimming sessions. Anyway, I booked her to out with me - including an overnighter if I desire. We ended up at Macau with some of my friends - yes confirm that there are few gems there at Macau - followed by dinner and a ST. (Perhaps ST is a misnomer we spent nearly five hours at hotel 81 and I expanded four loads on her). A very satisfying sexual encounter indeed! Lembek already now - maybe I need to imbibe some of your special Herbal Concoction! :) The whole point I want to make about the LX scenario is that sometimes straying from your 'cookie cutter' template of girls can be satisfying. Never unders estimate the power of the novelty factor when it comes to sexual dalliances. |
Re: Mistress
Totally agree with you on the preference of an "exaggerated sexual dimorphism" when it comes to legs vis-a-vis torso/body in terms of aesthetics. Note that in the classical Indian "physiognomy" approach however, a portionate - toso length equal legs is preferred. (Who cares about 'lucky' attributes? We want only that which satisfy our aesthetic criteria.) :rolleyes: "Pocket venus" = "Chilli Padi". Pocket venus offer certain advantages vis-a-vis when it comes to sexual positions. :) .... My (or our) tall ones may be too heavy to 'lift'. The use of fortune telling as a pretext is one oldest trick in the book of flirting/seduction. Sweeping back a lady's hair in order to examine the ear etc ... certainly presents a more romantic picture vis-a-vis merely hand holding that palmistry entails. (Psychologically, we are invading at a more intimate space. When a women 'allows' you to touch her face you breech more 'social-intimacy' distance. Flirting/seduction in essence afterall involves you breeching every more 'barriers' as you seek to plant your flag into her love hole!) Imagine if we both were to do the physiognomy, hand reading and fortune reading thingy at the same time. People wandering into the room will think its a gathering of fortune tellers talking shop instead of lascivious old men wanting to fornicate with SYT! :cool: |
Re: Mistress
Yesterday GO decided to meet earlier n I took her to a safe place. I had the phone off for abt 2 hrs. Variety is indeed the spice of life. Just recently I had a MIFL, a 29 yo Fujian woman. She was very, very wet n horny!! She wants to return as a student!! I'm also looking for a pocket Venus like that M'sian Chn who chose to fxk a good fren of mine.:( I lost out despite having a nice car. I used to drive them n her not-so-attractive gf on a double date. Life is never fair as he got to fxk her everyday, whereas I had to resort to PCC while thinking of her. Well, that was over 30 yrs ago!! Dun know wat has happened to her all these yrs, hehehe. Bro, you got SMS. Cheers!! |
Re: Mistress
Sorry for not updating this thread in quite a while (I do post at Bro Warbird's thread "Picking Up Gals Outside KTV")
Anyway just a very quick update: 1) Two nights ago concluded a patronage with an Indon lass (its my first time BYing an Indon). She is a cosmetic gal at a shopping complex. I will be arranging her to visit SIN soon for two weeks (an 'audition' of sorts).* Probably overpay a little but .... anyway I did not "impale" her heretofore as she got mens. But her ancillary foreplay skills quite good. For Sarah, I will be paying her SGD2000 for her two weeks here excluding airfare and accommodation. I did not "pay" her monetarily for this little dalliance - I did however buy her presents to the tune of nearly SGD 300. She is 1.7m, Age: 20 yrs body type: slim - a little thin category complexion fair okay command of English (my bahasa indon sucks!). 2) I am now a mini ASEAN: i) M (my FB from Vietnam. Sister whom you have met is only okay, but she does photograph very well as evinced by the studio pics I saw) ii) Paeng (my Thai GF) iii) Sarah (my new Indon BY) iv) J (My SIN gf - who is previously Msian) Might as well go to the pubs at TP and find me a pinoy to "complete" the ASEAN "collection". :rolleyes: As my offer was done at a 'spur of the moment', I am not sure of the inherent value proposition for the patronage. Will ruminate the transaction against my previous experience and come up with my own personal assessment on the value. (Note that this is my first time BY an Indon, bros who had done so kindly advise please) Cheers bro! Will elaborate a little on the above soon. |
Re: Mistress
You must be having a ball in Jarkata. Congrats on ur new Indon "conquest"! Tall, slim n quite fair n only 20...I'm sure she is my type too. May I tag alone w/ u to Jarkata next time? I really like ur "ASEAN collection." You're indeed a reponsible n civic-minded SGP citizen as you r helping to promote goodwill n spread ur spunk in all ASEAN countries!!:D Pls share ur BY experience w/ this tall Indon gal. Where will u keep her for 2 wks? Take care bro. Cheers! |
Re: Mistress
Anyway, just a quick FR on my Indon 'friend', Sarah. I did consummate my relationship with her. However, there are a couple of things that does not sit well with me: One, there is a faintest of lip hair – to be fair, it is really infinitesimal – but you know the Rashomon Effect …. Two, I suspect that she is a virgin. Not implying that I am Peter North (well known porn star who is famous for discharging copious amount of cum) or anything, but when I impaled her, she seemed to be in pain despite being lubricated during foreplay. I had fondled her and rub her clit but had heretofore not inserted my finger into her love hole. Remember she had just finished menstruating whilst I was in the process of 'upping' her. Anyway the act of consummation involves bleeding (which I thought initially was due to her mens not being completely cleared up). Frankly I had not seen or felt a hymen for decades so I am not sure if it’s a normal virginal skin fold or hymen even if I were to see it!). :rolleyes: I had inspected her genitalia afterward and my untrained eye tell me that it is hymen rapture. This is collaborated by her behavior later during and after sex that is very incongruous with the foreplay and sexual prelude prior that make me suspect that I had deflowered her. * I had asked Sarah whether she had any boyfriends. She had replied in the affirmative. I also asked her whether she had sex prior. She claimed that she had – but somehow her assertions now seem less than convincing especially in light with above 'evidence'. Now I am sure to receive some flak on this, but I really do not dig virgins at all (subtle innuendo here). :rolleyes: Most women I know remember their first time doing it – and I really don’t want to be in Sarah’s consciousness or memory. I know that I am being silly (and a little mystical) but when I move on with regards to a woman, I hope she does so as well (and forget me completely). No such thoughts of me being the best she ever had etc .... I feel therefore that by taking her virginity (if indeed so) makes me a keeper of her essence. And that essence stays with me forever. A disquieting prospect indeed as I am more in lust rather than in love with her! Yes, I am constantly working on eradicating myself of such mystical non rational thinking but apparantly there are vestiges of such thinking in me still as evinced by this incident. Anyway, I did not harp on the issue with the tissue and let matters be. Our arrangement for me to sponsor/offer her my patronage still stands. No date set as to when I will take her to SIN (or even whether I will come back to JKT). I did Sarah one more time just before I left. What is 'strange' is the interactions with me after the first time we had sex, the Love Wayang Sarah displayed to me suggested as if a newly wed or honeymooning couple. For example, every time I sit alone, she would come over and nestle her head on my arm while looking lovingly at me (and Sarah has big bright Japanese Anime type of eyes!). Its an intense lovelorn type of gaze. Sarah would also give me little kisses and smell my bawu as she sits beside me! I now begin to wonder whether my lack of communication and understanding of cultural parameters in Indon has something to do with it. Ipso facto, whether my communication of patronage (mistressing) was apprehended wrongly and taken to mean something else. :eek: Anyway when it is time for me to leave Indon, Sarah shed so much tears and seem to be so much in pain that I too feel a little like tearing – dam where is that “bastard” attribute when I need it! What's more, upon my return to Singapore she calls me almost five times a day (and I really don't have any substantial conversation / communication with her) Altogether a very surreal experience ……. |
Re: Mistress
Ths for sharing ur surreal experience w/ Indo virgin Sarah. Faint lip hair is quite common among gals aged 18-22. It may be a sign of good health n high hormonal levels... While I dun dig virgins, I hv no qualms or hesitation in deflowering them.:D This impressionable young Indon gal has fallen for u dear bro. Get her to come to Sin for short periods whenever u need her, hahaha. BTW, do u communicate w/ Sarah in English or Bahasa Indonesia? Do take care of ur flu. Plenty of water n rest pls. Best regards, Bro Warbird |
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