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Re: Mistress
Re: Mistress
I am now assessing our 'relationship'. If I should decide to continue - in all probability I will just go to JKT instead. I communicated with Sarah in a mixture of English and Bahasa Indonesia. Sarah’s command of the English language is not too bad. Basic interaction seems competent enough, although concepts pertaining to patronage – mistressing may just be beyond her (just a guess though!) given her relative inexperience in life. Anyway, since my command of Bahasa Indonesia is only rudimentary at best – I therefore give it a possibility of miscommunication. Quote:
Yes, I have got to admit that I don’t want to really hurt her – after all she is just a regular salaried girl and not a WL (in sammyboy’s context) per se. Sarah personality seemed to undergo some transformation post coital vis-à-vis when I was flirting with her. She now seems a little demure with a tint of vulnerability. I also know that our relationship will be transient: Firstly, I am more than TWICE her age! Our relationship cannot be nothing more than a short lived affair. I had intended it to be just a direct commercial transaction – I simply pay for her time to be my temporary girlfriend. But apparently Sarah takes it to be more than that – (my only hope is that she views mistressing as being a temporary wife and is simply acting out the part) Secondly, I do have a GF in Thailand and Singapore (both of whom I am very fond of). Thirdly, my plate of partners is slowly filling up and I don’t have the luxury of time to indulge her. As it is, in addition to my gfs, I have to indulge my FB, M (whom Bro warbird met) who is currently in Singapore. Also Peang, my Thai gf has already been ‘complaining’ that I have not been seeing her nearly enough. As for Sarah, I now feel, does not go out much or even has much experience in handling matters of the heart. She suddenly became way too sticky post coital (innuendo here!). I had misread her attitude during our flirting stage as one of ‘independence’ (when actually it is nothing more than youthful bravado - attitude). And I don't have the time or energy to play the Pygmalion role to help transform/mature her. (Although in another time and context this could be real fun to be a Svengali like character to a young impressionable nubile lass!) However, I also know that if I drop her now, she will be quite devastated and would require some painful period of coping. Not sure if my experience in letting a girl down easy is equally applicable to a person of Sarah’s psychological profile. Still thinking of whether to be ruthless and cut the relationship now before it gets even more complicated. (BTW, it not in my nature to do what a lot of guys do: i.e. be the bastard in the hope that the girl will break up with you). Again, this unexpected development presents another learning point for me in life’s lesson. Views and comments please – I may just pick up some valuable tips from readers here. |
Re: Mistress
Please don;t quote the whole post unncessarily. thanks.;) Quote:
Re: Mistress
Thanks for the edits Big Sexy!
Anyway, just a quick update. XH, my hybrid gf – Mistress called me a while back. (To save readers the trouble of re-reading through this thread, XH is a WL from Armani whom I had semi Bao-ed for SGD1, 500 about three months back. By ‘hybrid’ I mean that XH is ‘allowed’ to continue working while drawing a GF allowance (patronage fee) from me. This fee means that I can anytime get her to skip work and indulge/entertain me. It also means she is exclusively mine – not even dinner dates with customers without expressed permission from me. But as mentioned in this thread, XH is one hellva lazy lass. Instead of capitalizing on this additional income – she use this gf allowance to often skip work. Yes, she extends me extraordinary level of girlfriend “feel’ to me. She is always at my love nest awaiting my company. Yes, XH is also not too money minded and any presents demanded are very reasonable. Very positive attributes indeed given other circumstances. However, I knew that monetary pressures would soon assert itself (after all she has to pay for her trip here). The allowance of SGD 1, 500 simply cannot sustain her in terms of recouping the cost of going to Singapore. True enough, come the end of the month, XH asked me for more money. As I am heavily financially committed then (mistressing budge also blown), I maintained that I cannot support her at a comfortable level. (I dispensed the no other men date rule entirely in order for her to build a customer base of regulars!). Anyway I gave her only a token money to partially off-set this shortfall (and left for a business trip subsequently). XH seeing the tightening money situation decide to leave Singapore soon after. We did not ‘break up’ or terminate our arrangement per se when I return to Singapore. I simply told her that she should take a break and come back when she is re-charged to see if working in Singapore really suits her. For first couple of weeks there were the usual telephone calls and SMS. In time however, the correspondences receded. This soon trickled down merely to forwarded SMS (such as mid Autumn festival and other bo liao type of SMS that talks about friendship and/or love). XH also tried to get me to sponsor her to Singapore once before prior to today. She promised to work harder and not rely on me so much for sustenance. Back to today: You know that when a PRC mei gives you a call out of the blue, money will somehow figure into the equation. After scolding – chiding me for forgetting her, XH says she truly misses me very much and that she wants to go back to Singapore to see me. :rolleyes: She also says she needs the money urgently as her mother is in hospital ( ….once again goes this Raison d'être as mentioned in earlier here in this thread). Throw in some emotional blackmail such as how she gave me her heart (implying that she didn’t make money the last time she is here is because she puts everything onto me), she asked me to “lend” her about three thousand to defray her mom’s hospital cost as well as subsidize her trip here. (In the PRC WL parlance, the word “Lend” is always euphemism for “give”). Now comes the insane part. I don’t know whether it is her “mei” and “tare” tone, the choice of words etc but I suddenly somehow feel a little horny towards her. My mind went back to the many wonderful sex sessions we had. To conclude, I told XH that I will check my bank account whether I have the money to give it to her. I am supposed to give her an answer tomorrow. Three thousand is actually within my ‘mistressing’ budget. I would in many other circumstances give her the money just like that. But given the increasing complexity of my relationship with my gals presently, I could do with a little respite by XH not coming to Singapore presently and complicate matters. Yet a part of me – the lusty part – wants her. Actually even as I am typing this, I am so horny for XH that I would actually pay / give her 1K to her for a session if she is right in front of me! I think I “blogged” this here earlier: I vividly remember how XH gave me a half hour BJ while I was at my desk doing a report ….. very Clintonesque! More importantly XH is also very obedient yet adventurous (perfect mistress attributes) when taking instruction on what I want to do carnally – e.g. I get XH to catbath /lick me literally from top to toe) Now if I were to use a “Pecker based thinking (ratiocinating by giving pecker / lust due consideration in the decision making process), the money will be remitted tomorrow. However, using cold non emotive logical process (remember ‘lust’ resides in the realm of emotion) – it is obvious that I should not invite XH here. …….to be continued |
Re: Mistress
All females need some testosterone to stay healthy... Haha, you're still a young man compared w/ me. If u enjoy Sarah's pussy, why give it up? Pls give us an update on XH n whether u hv remitted the money to her. Good day! |
Re: Mistress
Good day Bro justime
I stumbled upon this thread few days back and have read thru the pages upon pages of methodical tatics and analysis of the typical PRC behaviour. This article has redefined my ROE with PRC and my view of the patronage system. By which, the Masterstrokes are indeed derived from experiences tried & tested. I am currently applying some of the techniques & know-how. Hope that my theorical understanding are sufficiently competent to enable proper application. My absolute kudos to you & all. |
Re: Mistress
Would you mind sharing you experiences? Every interaction and circumstance(s) that surrounds a Mistress Patronage is unique. The more we share and learn from each other the better. This is so that we can empower ourselves and derive the most value proposition from our “investment”. Looking forward to hearing from you Bro Delta One! Quote:
…. as long as the testosterone is not at the elevated levels of the South African Athlete (Semanya?) at the recent Berlin games and the Chinese lass who was banned for life recently. ;) Young? That’s flattery indeed. My ‘vintage’ is only slightly less matured vis-à-vis yours. In wine vintage terms, you command better premium over me! "Sarah" I am certainly not giving up Sarah’s pussy at this juncture. What I am doing is simply getting ready for the inevitable – that my Patronage with her will end in a matter of time. Weeks? Months? Years? No idea. Sarah is fine specimen in terms of aesthetics, however personality wise (largely passive and non ambitious) makes it improbable that she will end up like Paeng (my Thai mistress who now becomes my gf). Then again … one can never know. Metamorphosis may just occur as Sarah chalks up more life experience. In terms of GF personality traits (unlike a Mistress where aesthetics is the overarching consideration), I like my GF to have some ambitions career/business wise. I derive a kick of seeing my GF prosper in terms of career and business (especially if it is me who gives her that big break – my hero complex) I am currently trying to schedule some business appointment for Indonesia - a Business cum pleasure trip. "XH" Talking hero complex …I will give XH the money that she requested for. I have however told her NOT to come to Singapore first but to take care of her mother until she is well. (Whether XH reasons are true or outright lies does not matter i.e. non material in the calculation) The ratiocinations that go into making this decision are as follows: 1) The Affordability Test: Since Sarah is a relatively cheap patronage – only SGD 2, 000, taking on XH is still therefore within my monthly “Mistress Budget”. I set this budget as SGD 8, 000 to SGD 10, 000 max currently*. For a straight up BY scenario, I classify SGD 6, 000 to SGD 8, 000 as Mean/Average and anything above SGD 8, 000 as premium. This being said, I will try to go the budget route as far as possible. The budget serves as a ceiling to sexual indulgence – to ensure that you don’t go excessive. You certainly need not spend all within the allocated budget! Everyone should have his own budget – relative to your own financial circumstances of course. * This is down from SGD 12, 000 to 14, 000 only three months ago – largely due to my business not performing as well previously. For me, the amount represents the Total Indulgence budget. For SGD 10, 000 I can have one spectacular ang-pai or five Sarahs. In other words, I have to manage derive largest possible value arising from this budget. 2) Countervailing the Negative: a) The Second Time Round Scenario usually does not meet expectations. There is a tendency for one to filter out negative experiences and accentuate the positive. Now, I am sure that my relationship with XH will likely diminish vis-à-vis the first time round. (In Ball-park Terms: SGD 3, 000 means that I have to have at least 12 sessions in a month to break even – assuming SGD 250 per session. Despite the recession, the mean cost for a typical girl at TAM and CI is still SGD 250 per session.) In other words, I ask myself whether I am willing to pay more for a likely lower grade of service. The answer is obvious - of course I think there is still value in XH to be explored! (I have not actually counted, but I don’t think I did XH more than twelve times a month after second month of “patronage” – patronage in “” because XH is not outright BY as mentioned in this thread) The “CALCULATION” on why I decide to give XH the money: What then am I “buying” with regards to XH? For brothers who have traded in Options (or Warrants as more commonly known in Singapore) – it gives me the right but not the obligation to take up patronage with XH should I so desire. XH (in line with the financial nomenclature: past performance is no indication of future performance) had discharged her mistressing responsibilities very well previously. The fact that I get her “on the cheap” and did not fully utilize her value should not obscure the inherent value (“Intrinsic Value”) should she go into the market. In other words, should I go and try to find another girl of XH aesthetic appeal/value at Singapore KTV, in all probability I cannot get it at this price. Although SGD 3, 000 represents the doubling of “Patronage Fee” for me, XH is still below "fair value" in the market place. I am very sure that more financially well heeled brothers will gladly pay her at least 6K - likely more. “Pecker Based thinking” Just like Bro Warbird who like to talk about the “Rashmon Effect”, I too like to have my own thinking strategies. I call it Packer based thinking. (Pecker based thinking = thinking with your cock) in the decision making process. Yes, I recognize that there are some “Pecker based elements” on why I pay XH the money. But those who know about this type of “Crooked Thinking” (to borrow Robert H. Thouless terminology) will see that I have taken the necessary countervailing measures such as” A) Creating a CHOICE scenario. I don’t need to take XH to get my sexual kicks, I have other quite pleasurable options. For example, my FB M (who is "free" - just occasional token presents) B) I also assign a value (preferably monetarized value) when I ratiocinate on XH worth to me. See above "calculations" Cheers all! :cool: |
Re: Mistress
Ths for detailing ur thought processes n rationale for ur actions... In my limited experience, 2nd rounds (not 2nd session but 2nd BY-ing) may be more sextisfying for both my BAO-ee n me. I'm constantly trying to learn new psych n physical approaches, positions, etc. There is always room for improvement... Pls up date ur RS w/ ur various BAO-ees. BTW, that Manzhou gal JY wants to return on a student visa n be my long-term BAO-ee. She makes it explicit that her pussy will be exclusively mine n she will be hurt if I dump her after only 2-3 months. To her credit, she has not asked me to sponsor her. We hv agreed on the amt I'll pay her per month when she becomes my mistress. She will never request a penny more n anything extra or gifts will be entirely up to me. Of course I still hv a free hand to hunt for n keep additional BAO-ees, hehehe.;) It's also my experience that SH n Fujian Ningde gals r the most materialistic, mercenary n cunning. On the other hand, the Northern gals r the least mercenary. I hv had only 2 such gals: JY n a Dongbei student from TAM. Ironically, they r among my shortest BAO-ees as JY is 165 n the Dongbei gal is only 164 (but closer to 163). Best, WB |
Re: Mistress
As far as I can recollect, once the patronage is over - it is over. Hardly have any renewal or repeat patronage that I can think of presently. So I guess when I say that the second time is not as good, I am using the reference point of a GF. (Second Time round: Getting back together after a Break Up). Then again, this perception is taken from the context of my personal experience. I am quite sure for many others, the second time round is a better experience. Whatever the case, I am mentally prepared that the second time round will suffer a degradation of service from XH. If I am wrong, and the service goes up - it is truly a bonus! Don't think I have ever BY a Shanghainese woman before. No 缘分. Not that I eschew them intentionally. To me, regardless of where you come from, as long as I find you beautiful and your character suits me, I don’t care where you come from. Besides being the apotheosis of materialistic and 现实, other stereotypes abound for the Shanghainese women – such as the husband has to do the household chores (after bringing home at Bacon at the office), while the Shanghainese lass indulge in mahjong with her friends. Guess there is no smoke without fire in the context of your experience. Actually your comments and observations about northern girls are echoed by several of my friends too. Although a generalization, if a situation presents itself whereby if you had to choose either a gal from the North or SH/Ningde, all things being equal (ceteris paribas), better go for the north. Didn’t realize that JY is so short. She appears taller. She must have physical “stature”. Can see why you are enamored with her. Good on ya mate! I am sure you will tutor her well when she comes in as a student! Anyway, yesterday is a strange day of sorts for me. I got three propositions: 1) M (my Viet lass) hinted that she wants to be more than simply my FB. 2) Remember our last trip to GL? Anyway I was there for one hour. The so called ang-pai gal (short gal with nice tits - who sat with me the last time you were there) suddenly asked me to be her “patron”. She says she is tired of the KTV scene. She says that she knows I “照顾” ladies and wants me to do the same to her. And she proceeded to do a sales pitch – self extolling her virtues. 3) Sarah called as usual. She somehow had this notion that I am married. Guess what? She told me that she is willing to be my other bini (wife). Told her that Singapore does not allow for bigamy and then reiterated to her that she is my lover-girl (my exact word: “part time lover – like what Stevie Wonder song say” - followed by humming the song tune). Cheers bro! |
Re: Mistress
Yes, been busy wif my long lost soulmate, trying to get everything in place, redecorating the place, new furniture blah blah.....
Also, have officially stopped cheonging if it was to be my call but will still be there if the good bros requests my presence......... Yes, other than that, I'm a very happy man:) |
Re: Mistress
Retired but still be there for friends ...now that's indeed a noble "brotherhood" gesture. Your soulmate is indeed a swell lady and easy to get along with. I can empathise with you on why you don't see the 'need' for cheong. I also like the fact that she is open to your "cheonging" and not awkward in a KTV environ. In fact, the wonderful thing is that she accompanies you for the session - a lot of local gals I know will try to circumscribe a guys KTV activities once they land him). Truly to be treasured bro! |
Re: Mistress
Tks bro justime for your well wishes n nice words.
I made a pact that if i go, she'll be my companion thus is also my committment & guarantee that i wont stray. It's not like i have a very good report card on womanising you know lol |
Re: Mistress
I must be eccentric as I hv BAO-ed my "first" BAO-ee 3 times. I'm still in ctc w/ her. JY was sitting on the back of a long sofa in the main hall at DC when I first met her n told me she was 165 w/o shoes, perhaps cus I wasn't tall. She is likely a tad taller at 166. Try to keep all the gals as long as u like them... Cheers!! |
Re: Mistress
hi bro justime,
thread has been quiet for some time. how are you? any new tips and stories? anyway, 15 nov The New Paper publish front page tat man's mistress pour hot oil on his wife, and yet the man's heart still with her ..... dam serious case of KC man ..... what are your thots? shud be interesting insight coming in frm the master. btw, never post for so long because computer kaput - now buy a new one. pock liao - this month cannot cheong. :( my life a lil more interesting - got gf now! :) will post a lil later to share story |
Re: Mistress
bros & sifus on the art of empowerment,
had a major fight with my gf (less than one mth already fight). tis concerns the carrying of her handbag by me. last time, i always submit and be the wuss tat bro justime talk abt. everytime aso give in. wat my gf want i do. i admit tat i totally no empowerment. nowadays i more heong. know got options & confident tat if she donch me - her loss. i refuse to give in to her. not sure if tis is the empowerment tat bro jus talk abt or me simply being petty on the issue of me carrying her handbag? does it mean tat i am not a man when i do so? if i give in & carry her bag, will it say i got lose power & kena take for granted? is carrying bag symbolic for me being 乾纲不振 (henpecking) or being a 太监? i mentally prepare to habis tis relationship ... altho inside i feel 可惜 tat only man ego & over 'small thing' like hand bag must end relationship. kum siah for yur views & advice. |
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