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Re: Mistress
me really like the way you put it... very smooth language and yet able to be right-in-your-face... very appreciative of your effort in putting all these into writing... me have much to learn... |
Re: Mistress
Re: Mistress
Yes, I do intend to touch on the topic of “ending the patronage”. Emotions, especially one that emanates from a woman scorned scenario (“Hell has no fury like a woman scorned”) can be notoriously hard to predict. There are times where mistresses exited with a sweet smile of gratitude and times whereby the reactions are that of the melodramatic, “Fatal Attraction” proportions. If the latter scenario prevails, let me tell you that “Consequential annoyance” (I like this turn of phase) will seem like a welcome relief. That being said, there are certain actions that can (and indeed must) be taken to reduce the intensity of negative reactions. Note that negative reactions can be ‘others’ directed (lashing out at those all around, especially the ex Patron and his circle of friends and family) or ‘self’ directed (whereby the spurned mistress does violence – physical and mental – upon herself). We will want to mitigate and move away from these two unpleasant reactions. Will show you how we have done so (reducing the negative reactions through the years!) Despite the literally hundreds of mistress the Brotherhood that has come and gone through the years, “Player transfer” (especially between one member of the group to another) is a new experience altogether for us. We are all still learning. |
Re: Mistress
* Jus (in his early forties) and keeping mistresses since his twenties. Mike (in his mid fifties) and keeping mistresses since his twenties. Hua (in his early sixties) and keeping a mistresses since his thirties. Terrence (in his late forties) – been keeping mistress on and off for the good part of nearly a decade. And All are still actively at it presently … (whoa! How scary is that? :eek: … now that I actually try to count the years!) |
Re: Mistress
And guess what? You are also on the money about one of my primary motivations in setting up this thread and the sharing all our life experiences. Despite my philandering ways, I always have a strong sense of fair play. Seeing how the men here are being manipulated, exploited and “settling for crumbs” brings a sense of disquiet to me. I compared our situation with regards to woman (refering only to KTV lass here) and to those that I observe and read here and elsewhere. I note the disparity in what we get from our investment vis-à-vis the men who has been given the run around despite putting in so much of themselves (I am not talking only monetary). What I realized quickly is that people settle because they do not know any better. I then resolved to share our experience and knowledge – to let these people know that there better alternatives than to settle for meager returns. Knowledge is a great liberator! Internally I know that I will derive great satisfaction if this thread helped even one such person to come to terms with his condition and take appropriate steps to up his Return On Investment when it comes to male female relationship. I will share with you a story which encapsulates the above point: Hua had a client, William (name changed), who literally spent close to SGD 150, 000 on a Hanging Flower Joint to win over a girl's heart. Notwithstanding whether he can afford it or not, William had the mistaken notion that his generosity will ‘melt’ the girl of his dreams heart. William had the fantasy that by spending so much on her, she will reciprocate with love and affection. And he can live happily ever after. Poor sod, the reality is very far removed from his fantasies and desires. William gets only the occasional loving from his dream girl (and that only on her terms!). He is short changed because he does not know better. This is where if William is exposed to Mistress Masterstoke #2, he will certainly derive more from his investment. The Masterstoke #2 is counter intuitive but will yield the desired result. Most people will think that kindness begets kindness and that generousity will invite gratitude and love. This does not however work in the real world. Our experience informs us that the so called ‘logical’ step William takes to win over someone does not hold true in the real world. And why is William doing it all wrong? Instead of limiting his target’s income as Masterstroke #2 tells it – William feeds her income! Of course he will invariably get the complete opposite of what he desires. By giving her money, William inadvertently empowers her. With no financial pressure now, she makes her choice based on other criteria instead of survival (and material needs). And William may not meet her internal criteria! And what if William threatens to withdraw the financial incentive? This is desperate threat measure that a poor Uninformed Roberts like to use in the last resort. Okay, I haven’t really finished expatiating on Masterstroke #2: “creation of a crutch mentality” at this point. But we can generally guess the probable outcome. If William does not “create the crutch mentality” – essentially designed to make the girl reliant on you (not only income support but emotional support) – you can be sure that any ‘loving that is derived from such threat is only transitory. And William will also probably not be able to dictate terms for the relationship. Hope you are convinced now on the power of knowledge to free you! :cool: Do be on a look out for the continuation of Masterstroke 2: Creation of a Crutch mentality ... |
Re: Mistress
You are too generous with your compliments, without doubt, it doesn't take an Einstein to figure out these dynamics, greatly appreciative anyway. I have never engage myself with activities associating more than a little fling with these PRCs which probably explain my intense interest in your group's escapades. Neither do I really give much of a damn with these PRCs' unreasonable demands due to the financial crunch currently. But there are always exclusive cases and one of them happened to me, will not elaborate further on this else it will rub shine away from this awesome thread. All in a day's work, it's poetic justice in the making, I have been deprived from that kinda "feel" with other gers ever since I pull the plug.
Re: Mistress
Bro justime,
Been a wonderful thread, the best so far. Kudos to you, for taking the time to explain and breaking it down into simple terms for people like me. It is really an eye opener for me to find out the strategies employed by the patrons. I am now waiting eagerly for your updates. Masterstroke #1 is priceless. A simple action like ruining a dress can have such a positive impact. With your simple and easy to understand English, it just re-affirm my beliefs that many newbies (like me) are often clouded by our our emotions, and ended up having being dictated by the girl's terms. |
Re: Mistress
Re: Mistress
Bro justime,
Excellent thread. I wished u hv written ur strategies on the art of BY a little earlier. I hv had my share of problems w/ my first BY of a young PRC student whom I met at a KTV many months ago. I like to comment on the followings: 1) By ruining the article of clothing, it will elicit a degree of emotion. Seasoned Casanovas know that nothing is worse the attitude of indifference when courting a girl. Casanovas would rather work from a position of hate. There really is a thin line between love and hate. It is the intensity of emotions. And emotions can be easily converted from one to another. Very true. A jerk can be more attractive to a gal than a nice guy aka beta male bcos he elicits strong emotions in the gal. However, it's the cool, calm alpha male w/ emotional control who beats them all, hehehe. 2) To establish a dominant position, you cannot be seen asking for a date. By asking for a date, the woman holds the power. At the very least, she wields the power of refusal. By proffering to buy her a replacement dress, a context is set. You are not needy. You can say, she better accept the gift because you always pay up and hate to owe anyone anything. Its sets the patron up in terms of his self interest. Another very good point. Never, ever appear desperate n needy. Otherwise, a gal w/ normal self esteem will run away no matter how good looking n rich you're. Give the impression that she is lucky to hv u n that a bevy of pretty gals are lining up for u, hehehe. I also enjoy reading ur analysis of the 2 types of "roberts": DFR n PR. Mr. "William" is a classic example of DFR. He tried to be a nice guy n sucked up to the gal. Such beta male behaviour is very unattractive to gals. However, there is just one point I beg to disagree w/ u. You seem to imply that DOMs can never be attractive to pretty SYTs. Not so. Becos gals are attracted to words/voice/body language first, then character/personality traits second, high value status third n lastly to looks. And she can't choose whom she is attracted to as attraction occurs at the subconscious level. If a DOM has the body language, character traits n high value status of an alpha male n he is not physically repulsive, he will be very attractive to many pretty SYTs if they get to know him. Why? They can't help it!! :eek: By way of comparison, we men are attracted to looks/figure first, words/voice/body language 2nd, character/personality traits 3rd n lastly to high value status of a gal. Money can buy their bodies but never their hearts. Mr. "William' is very ignorant on this pt. He got KC-ed n was desperate. He forgot that the one who cares the least controls the relationship.:cool: Just very recently, I was KC-ed by the gal I'm BAO-ing n lost control of the RS briefly bcos I was the one who cared more ....Thankfully, my KC has waned so much that I dun care a damn about her anymore, hahaha. Having a bevy of chio SYTs is a very important defense against any KC, which occurs at the subconscious level. To that end I'm organising expeditions to TAM n elsewhere to find, meet n bonk the prettiest SYTs.:D Just my 2 cents. Good day!! |
Re: Mistress
Yes, you are indeed correct about other attributes being more important than physical appearance. (Jus "budget" Masterstroke mentioned earlier in my posts serves to precisely accentuate the other attributes so that looks and even money becomes secondary). Not to worry, I will touch on this topic in due time. Since you broached the subject, I shall jump a gun a little and state that that the number one most important attribute that turns a girl on (notwithstanding 'regular' or WL gal) is: CONFIDENCE. In fact so important is confidence that forms the foundation and basis of Masterstroke #3: "Be a Confident Bastard". Which I will expatiate after I finish elaborating on "creating a crutch mentality". Know the joke about the little boy and girl trying to up one another? Boy: I have got four toys. Girsl" Well I have got five toys! Boy: I have got a Wii and a computer. Girl: Well I have two Wii and two computers. Finally in exasperation, the little boy whipped out his pants, pointed to his balls and proudly proclaimed, "Well, I have got two of these!" In response, the little girl too pulled down her shorts. Pointing to her pussy, she says: "I have only one of this. But with only one of this, I can get as many of those (balls) as I want". Notwithstanding the above Punchline: If the boy indeed develops confidence in his later years, the girl's retort can actually be twisted to suit him in the form of: "I can get as many of those (pussy) as I want". Its all in the attitude. :cool: |
Re: Mistress
Re: Mistress
More house keeping time:
In the interest of readers who want to come up with a Brainstorming idea, I shall share a business technique that the “Mistress Brotherhood” uses periodically. In this thread, I shall structure the technique under the guise of “thread house cleaning” and “fun” and will not elaborate on the mechanics/ techniques of it. Know however it is really a very powerful business and thinking tool. For readers that are able to intuit or understand its underlying premise, I betcha that it is really worth its weight in gold! There are now around four pages of this thread. I had assumed that readers would have got most of the concepts and general purport of what I am trying to communicate therein. Based on the facts presented, I also assumed that everyone would be on the same page when certain inferences is called for. My assumption could be wrong. Some readers might not get it – even clearly obvious ones (e.g. Jus is one of the protagonist of the story as well as the Tread Starter of this “Mistress” thread). I shall therefore call the following pointers “Its bladdy obvious that….. “ Hua and Terrence use the terminology differently. They call it: (insert expletive) obvious! :rolleyes: 1) It is bladdy obvious that Hua, Terrence and Mike are not your ‘everyman’ and that they are relatively successful in terms of their career, business and wealth. They may not be Li Ka Shing (or even Ong Beng Send rich), but they would largely constitute “upper strata” in terms of income and position. 2) Its is bladdy obvious that Jus thinks the techniques employed by the Mistress Brotherhood can shared, learned and applied not only to “Upper Strata” but that the concepts can be distilled and translated across to many people with different financial and social standing. 3) It is bladdy obvious that the “Mistress Brotherhood” lives does not revolve around the KTV. 4) It is also bladdy obvious that the WL discussed is largely from China and that they are working at a KTV establishment in Singapore. 5) It is bladdy obvious that Hua, Terrence, Mike and Jus are not well blessed in the “looks” department. It is also bladdy obvious that they have the self confidence that their other attributes more than compensates for the lack of personal aesthetics. 6) It bladdy obvious that the protagonist know how to and have applied the MasterStrokes for their personal satisfaction. 7) It is bladdy obvious that the protagonist can forward plan and knows how to influence outcomes. (As an aside: Even in the simple writing of this thread Jus knows the intended ending he wants. After imparting his masterstrokes and concepts, Jus will invite/recruit a volunteer on a field trip whereby he will personally mentor him to be a Patron in the fine art of keeping a mistress. His mentee will then blog the learning experiences and/or continue with the thread (if he desires), thereby leaving Jus to exit the scene. 8) It is bladdy obvious that there is an element of Power Play in the male-female interactions. This all the more apparent in the Patron based mistress relationship. 9) It is bladdy obvious that the Patron must the dominant one in the above relationship. Followers of the thread, I would hereby like to invite you to join in the “bladdy obvious" game …….. you may also start on ..."Its however not so obvious" |
Re: Mistress
You hv hit the nail on the head! Self-confidence is the most important attribute of an alpha male. However, one needs to be LIKABLE as well, otherwise ur confidence n "high value status" can be a turnoff for many PRC MMs in terms of attraction at the subconscious level. Of course, u will still get their pussies, but never their hearts. A healthy dose of humour n occasional smile will do wonders...hahaha.:D [/QUOTE=justime;3826800]More house keeping time: In the interest of readers who want to come up with a Brainstorming idea, I shall share a business technique that the “Mistress Brotherhood” uses periodically. ... Some readers might not get it – even clearly obvious ones (e.g. Jus is one of the protagonist of the story as well as the Tread Starter of this “Mistress” thread). ............................... (As an aside: Even in the simple writing of this thread Jus knows the intended ending he wants. After imparting his masterstrokes and concepts, Jus will invite/recruit a volunteer on a field trip whereby he will personally mentor him to be a Patron in the fine art of keeping a mistress. His mentee will then blog the learning experiences and/or continue with the thread (if he desires), thereby leaving Jus to exit the scene. 8) It is bladdy obvious that there is an element of Power Play in the male-female interactions. This all the more apparent in the Patron based mistress relationship. 9) It is bladdy obvious that the Patron must the dominant one in the above relationship. Followers of the thread, I would hereby like to invite you to join in the “bladdy obvious" game …….. you may also start on ..."Its however not so obvious"[/QUOTE] Hi bro, How do I sign up as a mentee? I'm game...:p Thx n have a great day!! |
Re: Mistress
Nice thread, will bookmark it for reference:cool:
Re: Mistress
Dear Bro Justime
1) It is bladdy obvious that I have a great chance of being your 'mentee' since the first 2 letters of our nick are the same. 2) It is bladdy obvious that you will be sponsorship the 'training activities' during the mentorship. 3) It is bladdy obvious that I will be keeping the thread alive after I graduate from your training scheme. hehehe...juzz keeping things light and obvious :p |
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