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Re: Mistress
Bladdy obvious contribution * It is bladdy obvious that H, T, M & J's bladdy obvious confidence is at least in part (emphasis added) because of their bladdy obvious standing in the "upper strata". ** It is bladdy obvious that H, T, M & J are able, at least to a relatively large degree - as compared to a normal salary man(emphasis added), to control the amount of time they can spend in their patronage pursuit. Not so obvious contribution *** Taking * & ** (as they could affect each other) above into context, it is not so obvious whether this all important "confidence" can actually be transplanted to any person regardless of standing, or can actually be transplanted to any person to the same degree as "the HTMJ hood". Hope the above is contructive in any discussion. :p |
Re: Mistress
(At some point in the thread, I will talk about Mistress’ maintenance “cost sharing” – budget woh!) ;) Continuing the “Bladdy Obvious ……… 10) Its bladdy obvious that Budget version is somehow related the main Masterstroke strategies. It is just a few simple modifications which the TS will share. 11) It is bladdy obvious that any gift buying between Patron and Mistress must be done within a context. And that it is the Patron who defines the context. (Never asks her what she wants or even give her money to shop on her own!) 12) It is bladdy obvious that in order to make the gift meaningful for the Mistress recipient, a Patron must be “sensitive” to his mistress situation and select the appropriate gift. 13) It is bladdy obvious from the above that cost and price of the gift is not the overwhelming consideration. It is not so obvious, but true in most cases, that should a Mistress want some luxurious indulgences like jewelry, branded bags etc it should come from the allowance that the Patron gives his mistress. Keep the bladdy obvious pointers coming in (I will accumulate your “bladdy obvious” and respond later). Once we have “house cleaned” with the “Bladdy Obvious” I will continue on how the techniques on “how to develop a crutch mentality” |
Re: Mistress
This however does NOT mean that the Patron will not give "luxurious indulgences" as all. It simply means that "indulgences" should only be used as part of a reward system and/or to provide incentives for a certain behaviour trait that the Patron want to courage. It should never, ever be taken for granted and assumed that it is the mistress right to be pamper with these ‘big ticket’ items. It should be obvious that the big ticket items can have different price range. Its contingent on a case by case basis. For example, two years ago, Hua provided the down payment to a condo in Shanghai for his mistress who had been faithfully serving him for four long years! Continuing the Bladdy obvious: 14) It should be bladdy obvious that the Masterstrokes will NOT work 100% of the time. The psychological dynamics of human interaction are very complex. However, by adhering and applying its principles, it will give the best possible chance of success. After the all, the principles have been validated, tried and tested time and time again – with a very high success rate! 15) Looking at the reality blog, it should be bladdy obvious that Terrence carries very little attachment and “emotional” baggage with regards to the outcome of his proposal. Yes, he obviously wanted Xin2 to accept his offer, but he hardly fussed over it. 16) It should be bladdy obvious that Mike too have done some preparatory work before letting Xin2 go e.g..he easily get her to leave his apartment. 17) It should be bladdy obvious that the application of the Masterstroke is not only confined in getting a Mistress. The Masterstroke also can serve as strategy in courting girls. And even of a business and life strategy. 18) It should be obvious that the Mistress Brotherhood list of conquest reside does NOT only lie with Chinese KTV girls. |
Re: Mistress
Hi Warbird, …. my heartfelt thanks for your support and contributions especially with regards to the discussion element for this thread. It sometimes monologue here. :) But …. (takes a deep breath) …. are you aware of the fact that there is a disjunct between what you know about about the right behaviourial traits to present and what you actually "present on the ground"? Also there might be some tweaks needed in your current paradigm as it is very dis-empowering. Obviously I do NOT know the context of your “Baoying” foray(s) and the details are sketchy at best. Yet, based on your paradigm on how to handle a PRC mei mei, I can make a guess on how the relationship will probably turn out – even if you did not mention it explicitly. You didn't say it outright, but it should be quite obvious that you did not really want the relationship to end. However when it did, you accepted (whether willingly or reluctantly) and luckily for you, you managed to cope (I think/hope). No, I am not some sort of seer with Nostradamus vision. It simply because my experience informs me that you gotten it all wrong. You seem too eager to please them, to gain their acceptance. You did not empower yourself in the relationship. Couple of quick points before I elaborate on the above: 1) I think you got the notion of “confidence” quite wrong. You seem to equate confidence to boorish behaviour as well as being a ‘show-off’. Yes, “hao lian” behavior can be quite a turn off. Showing off and outright bragging are symptoms of poor self esteem. A confident person need not do such thing, he exudes confidence. Mike, Hua, Terrence and even Jus never need to blow our own trumpets. Everything is presented in a matter of fact way – good and bad. We know (internally) that we are good at certain things and acknowledge our deficiencies at others. All of us like the braggart during our business dealings. Why? It is because we immediately know the Achilles heel of the person. We will manipulate his esteem into the end result we want. 2) You do NOT need to make yourself likeable nor do you need to win the heart of your gal. Forget whether you made a favourable impression on her or not. Just focus on presenting yourself in a certain manner. And let the outcome (whatever they may be) come naturally – without undue fuss whether you win over the girl or not. (Assuming you are lacking in the type of confidence I talk about in point 1 – or just starting out to cultivate your “confidence muscle”): At the start of the journey, all you only need to do is present an external image of being confident (don’t worry the inner confidence will soon catch up with your external projection). Learn to present the demeanor that seems to command respect. By doing so, the paradox is that not only will she respect, but will also be inevitably drawn toward you. I will show you how project such a demeanor in Masterstroke #3. Oh yes, and in terms of time and effort: it is easier project the above image and “create” the situation/context in which you can command respect than rather than working to make someone like you. |
Re: Mistress
Part 2 of my reply
3) You (and very often the girl herself) do not know what she likes. You may think that being nice, friendly and funny is the route to go, and that it is the so call “likeable attributes” are universally attractive to woman. Let me once again put forth a counter intuitive point. (Remember to always judge the success of a strategy against actual experience and results and not what you think should be correct. Take my statement at face value and validate it yourself against the actual result of your interaction if you should take my advise.). First off, you will never know what a girl like or loves (a lot of this resides in subconscious and other esoteric places. We don’t go there – it is too complicated and speculative. Never, never, never, (did I mention “never”?) assume that just because she appear or seem to enjoy your banters and laughs with you, you are getting to her heart. How is she supposed to react? She must indulge you. It is part of her job requirement. Just as in the case of a woman faking orgasm, she can easily put on such an act. Yes, put your ego away – you CANNOT tell for sure if it is an act or if it is genuine. Okay, then even if she genuinely likes and enjoys your company, so what? It does not mean that she harbors romantic notions about you. An empowering solution to always revert back to the golden axiom: “Don’t tell me you love me, SHOW me!” You tell whether she likes you by her deeds (which are observable). Yes, she may make pretence out of it and/or do the loving things out of obligation rather that love. But brother, this is the best indicator you have got. It is certainly better than verbal professions and mini lovey-dovey actions (“Love Wayangs” I call it!) Mike had a case whereby his previous mistress-girlfriend (two ‘affairs before Xin2) indulges in heavy Love Wayangs coupled with huge dose of “sweet nothings”. But when he was sick for four days, she did not make the effort to even visit him. Numerous telephone calls and SMS telling him how she misses his hugs, his company etc does not cut it. If she genuinely likes him, she will make the effort to visit him (observable). No excuses, no prevarications – if she is “really into him”, she will make the visit. |
Re: Mistress
Part 3 of my reply
4) Please do not have the misconception that the Patron and Mistress relationship is tyrannical. The Patron is NOT a dogmatic army general, compelling the ‘foot soldier’ Mistress to follow his orders (even if she is unwilling). Yes, just because the power equations favour the Patron, it does not mean that all the actions of the mistress are very robotic – devoid of emotions. Or even that she is unhappy to be in her submissive or ‘inferior status’ position. A lot of woman (mistress or not) loves a ‘father – mentor’ figure and especially a ‘provider’. Present yourself as a confident someone who knows what they want in life. Show evidences that you can take care of her (emotionally and to an extent financially). For that added strenghth: be the mentor figure who also knows how to indulge and pamper her. Let me tell you that the above traits are more effective (and sexy)than being nice and/or having a sense of humour. Note: The use of banters, humor and all the sweet talk must always be subsumed under this image: a confident person who knows what he wants (in charge, go to person). If not, you are no better than an object of amusement for her. 5) In my younger (“xiang dang nian”) days, I had often played the clown. I have witty repartees and can regale everyone with a drop of a hat. (Hell, I even won a dancing competition!). It took some keen observations and a whole lot of instruction from my mentors (among them Hua and Mike) to realize that it is not the best or even the fastest way to a woman’s heart or pussy. Yes, I may have had numerous “one night stand” based relationships. This however quickly fizzled out. At each conclusion of an affair, I would require a period of getting over it and then another period of seducing a new prey using charm. It is a vicious circle and time consuming indeed. Speaking from my heart, let me tell you that being funny, warm and engaging can be enervating. Charm takes effort and time. My mentors drilled to me that this time and energy should be better used elsewhere – like building a profitable enterprise. And then use the fruits of the 'profitable enterprise' to get the pussy. It's simpler, faster and age-proof (unlike charm based seduction techniques). And you can get the girl to engage in kinky staff faster than charm (and likeability) ever will. So in essence, why not adopt a persona that can be useful in the world of business and at the same time get all the chicks you want? (Confidence is the key by the way – “if you don’t believe in yourself, how do you expect other people to believe in you?). |
Re: Mistress
Part 4 of my reply
6) I have talked about the futility of second guessing whether a mistress likes you not. Ultimately it is of no consequence. You had implied that when the mistress likes you (as in she "gives you her heart"), you will have “extras” served onto you. What exactly are these “extras” that you are referring to? To put it crassly, a Patron will have sweet wayangs and her pussy will be just as wet! In fact the very thread will show otherwise. A Patron based mistress will have much more "extras" served up than a regular girlfriend and/or Uninformed Robert. If you think that a relationship must have vexations before it is authentic (hence good?); let me tell that even in the course of Patron based relationship, the dynamics of human interactions is such that vexations will also exist. Only that it exists on a smaller scale and that you can control it to a much better extent. As Hua puts it: “When you eat durian you know to eat the flesh (“the good bits in the relationship”). You also know to throw away the thorns after you eat and spit out the seeds when eating the flesh” (able to decipher this metaphor?) We got better things to focus on and more sexual dalliance to indulge in than to deal with vexations. Warbird, Thank you once again for your posts. It allowed me to present another dimension of empowerment (which may better resonate with some readers here). And if you are to take only one lesson from this thread (from a relationship in general perspective): "Always think in terms of how a relationship can empower you" PS: By the way, I have recently concluded a new deal (the same one which I mentioned in my "reality blog" earlier). I have a new SYT on my retainer (SGD 1,500 monthly) hence my delay in responding. :D This however is not strictly the Patron-mistress relationship, but a more 'commercial' arrangement (with some echoes of budget mistress). Anyway at SGD 150 a pop (no need to be so fastitidous and make distinction about overnighter or one shot lah - all that its important is she accomodates to my schedule), I reckon that all I need to do is to do her more than 10 times a month and I am 'on top' - financially. She is allowed to work but will likely do so on a part time basis (ooops, I created a "crutch mentality" in her under a week ... trying to help you guys paradoxically 'helped' hone this skillset!) And my apologies for taking a 25 year old SYT off the market from Amani/Dong Men in only her third week of work - but she claims she doesn't chu jie anyway (or so she says ....... :rolleyes: ) PPS: Will address other comments on "bladdy obvious" posts - very many good observations here bros! And then its onward to continuing "Masterstroke #2: Creating a crutch mentality". |
Re: Mistress
this thread got many chim words for me.. like writing a thesis ler.. :p
Re: Mistress
champ here , cheerrs:D
Re: Mistress
Just curious, she may agree to your terms now, and rightly so. But what if she had managed to hook onto a bigger fish, and within a month or so? Expect to hear her giving excuses... How would you deal with that? P/S: Sometimes things just don't work the way it should, and what are the contingency plans that you have? |
Re: Mistress
I hv carefully read ur reply twice. Thx a lot! Your analysis of the problems w/ my first BY is mostly correct. Knowing n doing r indeed very different. Yes, I didn't want the RS to end, but accepted it n got over it quickly. No, my behaviour was never boorish. But I was trying to be cocky n funny n ended up being too funny...I did make the mistake of losing my emotional control when she refused sex after dinner one day. By likable I dun mean being a needy wussy n sucking up to her. One can be arrogant, assertive n dominant n yet likable... My major mistake? I was the one who cared more in the RS. Since I was constrained by time n circumstances, I thought it would be difficult to find another gal like her...I suffered from "scarcity or refugee mentality." I'm going to hv "abundance mentality" from now on, haha. I hv found CC... Projecting an external image of confidence is very similar to having the dominant body language n personality traits of an alpha male. Quote:
I got "out KC-ed" by her. But I know she has feelings for me. Why? She still habours hatred n resentment towards me. I know I can get her back but it's not worth my effort at this time as I hv other quarries, hehehe. Quote:
My biggest problem is that my didi is very choosy ( if u hv read my other posts, u will know wat I mean). As a result my potential quarries r very limited in number. One man's meat is another...n reality is in the mind of the beholder. You're very lucky to find a gal u like at Dong Men. I did go there recently bcos it's rumoured that DM has 300 gals at HH. Of the 150 plus gals I saw that day, I wont even want to hv ST w/ any of them!:( Have a great day!! |
Re: Mistress
I love ur concept of being a "father- mentor" n "provider" to the gal u BY. I like to emulate a very famous "father-mentor" figure. Just watch carefully how he speaks, moves, walks, sits, stands n his eye ctc, body language...he projects charisma, power, dominance, confidence, emotional control, assertiveness, etc. I always watch n learn. If only I had a small fraction of his mojo, I would hv bedded all the gals I ever wanted, hahaha.:D Good day!! |
Re: Mistress
Just a quick response before I address some very good observations posted by bros to the 'bladdy obvious' pointers:
Other than for business writing and correspondence, where got time to write other things one? Oso ah, writing in this type of ang mo can give a little different bawu and rasa to the thread. Chim neber mind lah, can check "dick"tionary what! (See how stilted, anal retentive and affected I sound when using "Singlish" to write?) Quote:
Re: Mistress
11. its bladdy obvious that we are smitten by the prc gals to have a discussion here
12. its bladdy obvious that bro justime should just come out with a dummy book to finding and keeping prc mistress :D |
Re: Mistress
The best reference point I have is John Derek (who? younger ones may ask .. Bo Derek's husband who is purportedly a svengali figure in Bo's life. Google it!) and Mike Douglas (love Cat Zeta Jones .. imagine coming on 'that' face!) |
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