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ol'coyote 16-06-2009 12:44 PM

Re: Mistress
yo justime...
care to continue wif the masterstrokes ?...
me more interested in those than the friendly banter exchanges...

cablesnwires 16-06-2009 02:52 PM

Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by justime (Post 3836296)
Hi warbird, how would you react to this situation?

The easiest way is of course to dump her. But reading through your blog, I believe you will not take the easiest way out. ;) It is bladdy obvious that you have invested time and effort to be in this position.

I'm more interested to know how you would be able to keep the girl in check, going back to the original agreement, and not to renege the so called contract! Is there another masterstroke to be applied?

Also, where do you placed your OB Marker? When is the time that you will drop her, if she starts to "chute"patterns?

Haha, so many questions and so little time... sorry to all bros who is keeping tabs on this, eager to know what the crunch mentality is. Perhaps I shall ask via pm. :)

Bazic606 16-06-2009 04:44 PM

Re: Mistress
Bearing in mind an absolute fact, these PRCs are here to work and expect to be paid. With time not on their side, they will gladly receive a higher amount within the constraint, expect them to jump the wagon without much hesitation.
Retaining her by increasing the ante is not gonna work in bro Jus' case, it will probably spur her into resentment. She will feel shortchanged in the first place and even she stays put, things are going to be very different in my opinion.
Gracefully alight her will be a better option to take, if she is worth it, keep her number and keep her in sight. When she has realised her "potiential perceived value" to the other party fully, you can always take over a "proven service/product", isn't it?
Never try to retain her using desperate measures, I have seen too much of these incidents taking place and they are ugly. There is always another in the pipeline, you cannot win them all.
By the way, isn't what this thread is all about? Except that you are taking over a "mistress" not from a close buddy but some stranger.
Bro Jus and Cablesnwires , pardon me for impeding.

bunnyrabbit 16-06-2009 05:31 PM

Re: Mistress
yes the prc are here to earn money..u have fun with them when u part with yr money..but how do we ensure that after we upgrade them from flings to mistresses..they wun haf nother godfathers who are oso baoing them?

if they be swap among friends i dun think they will be giving much thoughts about having numerous god daddys around...since they got so much time on their hands..

now how do we ensure that would nvr happen? perhaps another masterstroke from bro justime to solve it?

as long as there money to make, i believe they will go for it..this is just another transaction to them..remember they are here to make as mich as they can and not KC with us..mistress status or not i dun think they give much a damn ya...

so do we have a consensus that its perfectly alright to swap around? think we are veerong off the main qns TS started in the 1st post...which is it is alright to swap..

Bazic606 16-06-2009 05:50 PM

Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by bunnyrabbit (Post 3836998)
yes the prc are here to earn money..u have fun with them when u part with yr money..but how do we ensure that after we upgrade them from flings to mistresses..they wun haf nother godfathers who are oso baoing them?

if they be swap among friends i dun think they will be giving much thoughts about having numerous god daddys around...since they got so much time on their hands..

now how do we ensure that would nvr happen? perhaps another masterstroke from bro justime to solve it?

I am not speaking on Jus' behalf, flings to mistresses is not an upgrade. It's just restricting yourself to a single target instead of numerous ones. Having flings with the same subject will be deemed as keeping a "mistress". You are still paying, but now it's to the same person in a more constructive nature. I believe that many of us has a mis-conception of ownership. Keeping a "mistress" is not about owning, not about locks and chains, it's about her serving you according to your fancy. If she gets the job done, you have your deal cut out. Whatever she does outside this context is totally irrelevant unless these occurrences undermined her services to you. Do you bother about what your staffs do outside working hours? The answer is no, unless they are always late for work due to late nights. If she has multiple so-called "god-fathers", then you can rest assured that they are not going to pay anything less than you, does this make you feel better?;)


Originally Posted by bunnyrabbit (Post 3836998)
as long as there money to make, i believe they will go for it..this is just another transaction to them..remember they are here to make as mich as they can and not KC with us..mistress status or not i dun think they give much a damn ya.....

There you are, you have answered your question full marked.


justime 17-06-2009 01:25 AM

Re: Mistress
Hi everyone,

What a week I have been having! it is now a little downtime for me. I have a slight respite from my business activities and I am quite drained (energy wise and my testicles’ spermatozoid fluid) to “ball” my latest squeeze anymore.

Since I am still of relatively fresh mind (until my tired body catch up), I think it is therefore an expedient time to put forth some elaboration on Masterstroke #2: the creation of a crutch mentality” first before tackling the issues raised in the discussion.

I shall start with the 'draggy' elaboration on what a crutch mentality is and then show some basic techniques used. This will be followed by rapid fire bullet points to reinforce what is described. I am pretty sure that quite lot of you will find a find points quite interesting (and workable as a strategy1)

This being said, please however do keep ‘em post coming brothers! I enjoy your posts very much and promise that every issue raised and every pertinent comments will be tackled accordingly.

Meanwhile also do keep up the spirit of discussion amongst yourself while I elaborate on Masterstroke #2 (during the time where my mental energy is still up) – I will join you in a bit.

justime 17-06-2009 02:16 AM

Re: Mistress
Let me preface my exposition of Masterstroke #2 by first putting a damper on some brothers who may not so proficient in the English language:

It “cr U tch” (as in a medical device that consist of supports to provide an injured patient stability of movement) and not “cr O tch” (as in area where you balls are). Fret not however, I will talk about the CROTHCH mentality in another Masterstroke!

As an analogy (quite typically Singapore), the use of crutches can develop into an unnecessary (and often unhealthy) reliance on it. It is often used here in the context of the government being prudent in the giving out of handout to the needy as they fear that the needy may become overly reliant on them over time.

In the Mistress context, it is used as a metaphor that the Mistress will rely on the Patron in such a way, that she becomes complacent and dependant on the Patron’s support for her income and emotional needs. The Patron can, by withholding or threatening to withhold the support, get the prospect to first agree to become his Mistress and then subsequently do his bidding.

In essence, the whole purport of the strategy is get the mei mei rely on you (her future Patron) for her income and emotional needs. This support provided by the Patron does not come for free (unless you are an Uneducated Robert), it must be paid ‘in kind’. In essence, it is like a business transaction with some emotional content thrown in

(The creation of a crutch mentality should ideally come in tandem with the ruthless step of starving the income potential of your intended quarry. This is the quickest way of positioning yourself as the ‘superior’ in the relationship).

justime 17-06-2009 02:33 AM

Re: Mistress
Essential information for the Creators of Crutch Mentality to take note of:
Many of us know the general attributes of a mei mei coming to Singapore to ply her trade. She has to be independent. After all she leaves her homeland to live and work in a foreign land. She must be ruthless and single minded in her pursuit for money (and must not be sidetracked in this primary mission). If confronted with a choice, materialism (as expressed by money) always takes precedence over psychic needs like acceptance and love.

It pays well to always remember the above at all times – through the tears, through the pulsations and quivering of her the body as she basks in the throes of an orgasm, through the jealous pouts and tantrums, through the Love Wayangs etc …. ,

Remember to also not provide justifications such as “China has a population of 1 billion people and therefore we cannot generalize. She is different and not like that”.

Taking such a perspective will disempower you! It usually starts with this line of thought, and in time, you will provide more and more ‘excuses’ and justifications of the mistress poor delivery on her part of her deal.

Now knowing the general attributes, it does not mean we cannot influence the manner (modus operandi) in which she goes about accumulating money. It also does not mean that the mei mei are like automatons – singular in the pursuit of money without the need for emotional fuel!

People are naturally inertia prone i.e. lazy and will look for the least effort in getting money. The mei mei are no exceptions. Once exposed to the easy way of life, they will find it difficult to get back to the grind. They rather rely on the generosity of the Patron (especially if coupled with emotional support) than work...... more so if the work is very draining and taxing.

And she is oblivious to the fact that the Patron can manipulate to make her work conditions much worse than it actually is in order to manipulate her into taking the easy way out! ;)

justime 17-06-2009 02:50 AM

Re: Mistress
Creating a “Crutch” Mentality: First "Drain" her

I have talked earlier about exhausting her through the combination of alcohol and giving her the runaround in her place of work. This is lay the groundwork, make her work unbearable so that she will think of a way out. (Its similar when companies want a deadweight employee to quit - simply make his work life a stressful living hell!)

Besides the above, there are numerous other ways as well.

(Its inevitable that someone will suggest a nice rogering session. Yes, its applicable, but execution and delivery in the real world quite tedious!)

I shall share some not so common ways:

Using the wuss method:

One secret: The Mistress Brotherhood would often utilize the wuss (the “girly” man, the needy, spineless guy) in her life to facilitate in the “draining” effort. It is not only mentally tiring but also physically exhausting to quarrel with the man in her life. Sometimes it can take a whole night and the following day as well. All we need to do is to intentionally create the situation and context (such a jealousy) to trigger a hissy fit from a wuss.

There are many many ways to do so. One effortless way is to simply talk and even ask her questions especially when she converses with her man. They like to do that – even when you are around. Thrust me, I encountered countless times whereby some lovelorn insecure brothers will keep calling his China mei mei girl friend (when she is with me) like some hungry baby in need of a feeding.

In "use the wuss" method:

Remember to not take the bullshit and ‘conspire’ with her to keep quiet while she talks to her guy with you around. You talk as and when you like – remember empowerment guys!. You may nod as if you agree to keep silent when she says she needs to take a call. But once is call is put through, talk as if normal.

(Mike and Terrence are more vicious, they would intentionally loudly mention “Hotel 81” – just to provoke a reaction!).

What if the mistress gets angry because you reneged on your promise to keep silent?

Simply shrug it of and cast aspersions on her guy by pointing to fact that he is so insecure and wuss and that she is better off without him. She may be annoyed and/or even ignore you for a while but later will cool down and assume normal interactions. (China mei meis by an large are a feisty bunch – fast to anger and also fast to cool down).

Okay, what if they still refuse to cool down and display apathy in the interactions subsequently? Now YOU show the annoyance and say that you will be sending her home. If you had bought her time to keep you company, never pay in full – near to the full (as you don’t want to leave the impression that you are miserly which is counter productive at this stage of the affair).

(To be continued ......)

justime 17-06-2009 03:45 AM

Re: Mistress
oh yes, we do "love" the wussy guy - especially if he is young! Not only does he help to drain the girls emotionally and physically, but we will use him as an example to illuminate to our future mistress the virtues of a more mature (read "older") and experienced guy who is in control of our emotions.

Suddenly our age is no longer seen only as a 'liability' by our future mistress but as a 'possibility'. We are not seen as old (and undesirable), but mature and experinced. And mature is a desirable trait espcially when contrasted against the petulant hissy fit of the wuss!

Yes, and we do "rub it in": We will make sure that our future mistress sees that the younger wuss is selfish (with no consideration that she is in Singapore to earn money) and immature. We will also show that he is unstable and therefore unreliable. :eek:

Its like killing two birds with one stone!

warbird 17-06-2009 10:33 AM

Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by justime (Post 3836296)
Hi warbird, how would you react to this situation?

Can share who this "famous" figure is?

The best reference point I have is John Derek (who? younger ones may ask .. Bo Derek's husband who is purportedly a svengali figure in Bo's life. Google it!) and Mike Douglas (love Cat Zeta Jones .. imagine coming on 'that' face!)

I would just dump her.

The most famous n the oldest MENTOR in the world. Hint: He is a lawyer-politician.


Originally Posted by justime (Post 3838437)
.................................................. .................
Its like killing two birds with one stone!

Excellent strategies, bro justime.


justime 17-06-2009 02:42 PM

Re: Mistress
Crutch mentality and Animal farm: Identifying and Cutting Off the “Mother Hen

Xin2 had it going with Joey. Its not so apparent is the Mummy system KTV but for a mummy less system, we see it every time. What is it? I call it the Mother Hen syndrome.

KTV WLs, especially the tortoises (new comers), can have a mentor or da jie (big sister) system going on. KTVs, such as the ones in Jalan Sultan and Peace Centre area, are replete with a no mummy system style KTV and the Mother Hen syndrome.

Here you can practically witness a purportedly more experience lady guiding a green horn in the art of securing a ‘tai’. I call the experienced KTV veteran the “mother hen”.

In fact some Mother Hens are so immersed in their zeal (largely to fill their own ‘ego’ needs) that they sometimes forego the tai themselves as they try to push and sell you the services of their more inexperienced friend.

Note however, that this mentoring and guiding system does not stop inside KTV world. The tortoise also defer to the Mother Hen in many other matters. Ironically, it is easier to get a Mother Hen to be a mistress than her tortoise chick.

The Mother Hen provides the tortoise chick with the emotional crutch. As such the chick will defer to the Mother Hen in many matters - especially “big decisions” regarding the acceptance of a Patronage.

You can work with and through the Mother Hen initially and then cut off the Mother Hen or loosen the power of the Mother Hen at the outset. I will with you some strategies on how cut off the interfering Mother Hen.

Like to mentioned that the payback of having provided the Emotional Crutch can be quite big. Once a Patron make himself the sole (or primarily source) of emotional support, he literally can twirl his mistress around his little finger. The Patron can get his Mistress to do things that she is not comfortable with by just temporarily withholding the emotional support.

Hua had a mistress, Lina, who is quite the conservative sort as far as sexual adventures are concerned. She likes the bedroom setting type of scenario. However, Hua had developed a “doing it in Public Place fetish” with regards to sex in that phase of his life.

Hua wanted to emulate Jus (who told him about his tryst in Europe with a cabin crew on the top of the mountain). Unfortunately, he is unable to persuade Lina to do indulge him in this kink. All that took Lina to come around to doing his will was to clam up a few days – Lina always confides in him about her activities of the day. And Hua usually just provide a listening ear and the occasional advice. (Mike and Terrence and to certain extent Jus – not really into the listening of babble type). Clam up - never pout - there is nothing so disgusting as witnessing a lao hero pouting and throwing tantrums!

This ‘subtle blackmail’ indeed got its desired response. Lina knowing that she disappointed Hua actually suggested to him to do so at a “mountain” (okay, hill, okay okay – its in Singapore … so a “Knoll” is more like it. Its at Kent Ridge Park near the suspended bridge).

Hua, after this “breaking Lina in” through emotional blackmail (you can 'blackmail' only when you have got it), gets to finally indulge his public sex fetish (until he tires of it and moves on his next new kink).

Getting the emotional dependency is therefore very powerful indeed. And usually a Patron will like to have this weapon/tool at his disposal. But first he must systematically identify and then destroy the Mistress existing emotional crutches and replace it with themselves.

Yes, despite their independenat exterior, almost every mei mei I know have their own sources of emotional crutch. And yes, it should also be obvious that some woman have a higher emotional maintance cost and hence you may want to leave some of her emotional supports in order that you will not be bothered too much .....

(To be continued …)

justime 18-06-2009 01:14 AM

Re: Mistress
Reality Blog update:

Xin2 and Mike:
In terms of 'entertainment value', I would really like to things to get moving to some sort of conclusion with regards to Xin2 and Terrence. Then we can discuss about the “ethics” of mistress transfer between friends (a new experience for me). In the absence of that, I had hope for at least some interim drama or anything to 'spice things up'. Unfortunately, this is real life. And sometimes events unfold at a glacial pace.

The fact is that I have been so busy with my own affairs that I have not spoken to Xin2 nor with members of Mistress Brotherhood until today for a quick update. There is no significant developments, mainly because Terrence is still busy at work after his Middle East trip and Xin2 still vegetating.

My new retainer XH:

As mentioned in passing, this is a straight forward deal that is concluded very quickly. There is no elaborate execution strategy needed like in the case of Xin2.

It is almost a direct proposition - "wanna let me take care of you?" (I find that this "line" is quite effective in the sense of how you position yourself - "I take care of you" is a subtle crutch mentality programming)

Of course I did run some Masterstrokes on XH. I presented a certain style that resonates with her (as will be explained in Masterstroke #3). In addition, I did a "mini" Masterstroke #2 by having her sit with me a long time (and then tipping her only $30 for two days consecutive), and lending some emotional support by some active listening and then providing a solution - basically I helped her a new place to live, one that is cheaper and better place to live.

////////// BUDGET MASTERSTROKE TIPS 1 (Only used by Jus) //////////

Know that there is unscrupulous housing agents / landlords taking advantage of a mei mei ignorance to charge them high rental. For a lousy location and four sharing bedroom which is quite small the average going rate is $250 - $280 a bed. In effect, they get a bed space for $250- 280 and they have to share it with four other persons.

What I did is to pool money with 2 other buddies of mine (not Mike, Terrence or Hua) - to rent an entire house and then sublet it to interested parties (including our mistress prospect). Of course, I will NOT inform our mistress that I am one of the main tenants.

Anyway, I will charge a token sum of "$300" for an aircon non master room for my mistress and top up the rest quietly. Unlike Mike and Hua (and to certain extent Terrence), I do not provide accommodation when I issue a retainer to my mistress. I used to but not anymore. Now, I simply say that I have an excellent ‘kang tao’ for accommodation which I will specially arrange for my Bao Pei (darling mistress) and I get this special deal because I know the landlord very well.

From her perspective, its indeed very special deal: Paying $300 (only $50-$20 extra) I get an "unshared", non-owner occupied, aircon room that allows cooking and "conjugal" visits from your loved ones.

I top up the difference because it would still be cheaper than overnighters at Hotel 81 and Fragrance (especially over the period of the month) and I can also get my laundry done here.

Because of my recent "Tao Hua Yun" (lucky streak with women), I may need to find new persons who will share the cost of renting the whole apartment (love nest I call it) ... and then sub-letting it to our mistress and/or girl friend. Perhaps someone here ?........



Originally Posted by warbird (Post 3836107)
Hi bro justime,

Thx again bro for ur revelations...

My biggest problem is that my didi is very choosy ( if u hv read my other posts, u will know wat I mean). As a result my potential quarries r very limited in number.

One man's meat is another...n reality is in the mind of the beholder.

You're very lucky to find a gal u like at Dong Men. I did go there recently bcos it's rumoured that DM has 300 gals at HH. Of the 150 plus gals I saw that day, I wont even want to hv ST w/ any of them!:(

Have a great day!!

I share your sense of aesthetics with regards to the damsels at Dong Men and Amani. I too surveyed quite a fair bit of damsels at these two places. In fact, I had patiently sat through the entire gamut of singers. Of the girls (and including singers) that I came across, only two have struck my fancy - and one of them I had on retainer. :p

However to be fair to Dong Men and Amani, the girls do move about and roam freely. Since, there are no room allocation system and no 'gathering point' for speak of (unlike say Club Infinitude) … there may be quite a few gems that may go unnoticed in my radar.

That being said, my current flavour of mei meis is the fair and tall type. If this coincides with your current preference, (and if you want to give it a shot), I shall pm you a name and number. If she does not take to your fancy, the most you give her a $20-$30 tip for her troubles. By the way, she is the other one of the two potentials that I mentioned earlier.

By the way, I have not worked any Masterstroke on her whatsoever. Also, she is less than a month old here – similar to XH.

The one big caveat is that I had only a cursorily look at her. She may be good from far (but “far from good” on closer scrutiny). And if she does catch your fancy, perhaps you may join in the reality blog of this thread. :)

小龙问路 18-06-2009 01:30 AM

Re: Mistress
Nice story!!!:p

warbird 18-06-2009 10:21 AM

Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by justime (Post 3841375)
Reality Blog update:

Xin2 and Mike:
In terms of 'entertainment value', I would really like to things to get moving to some sort of conclusion with regards to Xin2 and Terrence. Then we can discuss about the “ethics” of mistress transfer between friends (a new experience for me). In the absence of that, I had hope for at least some interim drama or anything to 'spice things up'. Unfortunately, this is real life. And sometimes events unfold at a glacial pace.

The fact is that I have been so busy with my own affairs that I have not spoken to Xin2 nor with members of Mistress Brotherhood until today for a quick update. There is no significant developments, mainly because Terrence is still busy at work after his Middle East trip and Xin2 still vegetating.

My new retainer XH:

As mentioned in passing, this is a straight forward deal that is concluded very quickly. There is no elaborate execution strategy needed like in the case of Xin2.

It is almost a direct proposition - "wanna let me take care of you?" (I find that this "line" is quite effective in the sense of how you position yourself - "I take care of you" is a subtle crutch mentality programming)

Of course I did run some Masterstrokes on XH. I presented a certain style that resonates with her (as will be explained in Masterstroke #3). In addition, I did a "mini" Masterstroke #2 by having her sit with me a long time (and then tipping her only $30 for two days consecutive), and lending some emotional support by some active listening and then providing a solution - basically I helped her a new place to live, one that is cheaper and better place to live.

////////// BUDGET MASTERSTROKE TIPS 1 (Only used by Jus) //////////

Know that there is unscrupulous housing agents / landlords taking advantage of a mei mei ignorance to charge them high rental. For a lousy location and four sharing bedroom which is quite small the average going rate is $250 - $280 a bed. In effect, they get a bed space for $250- 280 and they have to share it with four other persons.

What I did is to pool money with 2 other buddies of mine (not Mike, Terrence or Hua) - to rent an entire house and then sublet it to interested parties (including our mistress prospect). Of course, I will NOT inform our mistress that I am one of the main tenants.

Anyway, I will charge a token sum of "$300" for an aircon non master room for my mistress and top up the rest quietly. Unlike Mike and Hua (and to certain extent Terrence), I do not provide accommodation when I issue a retainer to my mistress. I used to but not anymore. Now, I simply say that I have an excellent ‘kang tao’ for accommodation which I will specially arrange for my Bao Pei (darling mistress) and I get this special deal because I know the landlord very well.

From her perspective, its indeed very special deal: Paying $300 (only $50-$20 extra) I get an "unshared", non-owner occupied, aircon room that allows cooking and "conjugal" visits from your loved ones.

I top up the difference because it would still be cheaper than overnighters at Hotel 81 and Fragrance (especially over the period of the month) and I can also get my laundry done here.

Because of my recent "Tao Hua Yun" (lucky streak with women), I may need to find new persons who will share the cost of renting the whole apartment (love nest I call it) ... and then sub-letting it to our mistress and/or girl friend. Perhaps someone here ?........


I share your sense of aesthetics with regards to the damsels at Dong Men and Amani. I too surveyed quite a fair bit of damsels at these two places. In fact, I had patiently sat through the entire gamut of singers. Of the girls (and including singers) that I came across, only two have struck my fancy - and one of them I had on retainer. :p

However to be fair to Dong Men and Amani, the girls do move about and roam freely. Since, there are no room allocation system and no 'gathering point' for speak of (unlike say Club Infinitude) … there may be quite a few gems that may go unnoticed in my radar.

That being said, my current flavour of mei meis is the fair and tall type. If this coincides with your current preference, (and if you want to give it a shot), I shall pm you a name and number. If she does not take to your fancy, the most you give her a $20-$30 tip for her troubles. By the way, she is the other one of the two potentials that I mentioned earlier.

By the way, I have not worked any Masterstroke on her whatsoever. Also, she is less than a month old here – similar to XH.

The one big caveat is that I had only a cursorily look at her. She may be good from far (but “far from good” on closer scrutiny). And if she does catch your fancy, perhaps you may join in the reality blog of this thread. :)

Hi bro,

You hv the strategies of a true master!

I can't resist gals who r "fair n tall" if they r also "young n pretty." Hahaha. Some gals look fantastic at a distance but may prove disappointing on closer scrutiny. If u could take a closer look, I would greatly appreciate. Thx again!

You got PM, bro.


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