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Re: Mistress
Thx so much for ur input n encouraging words. I believe in acting swiftly to get what I want in life. He who hesitates is lost. And I try to control my emotions very minute of the day. I hv learnt a lot from my first BY which I consider a failure. Quote:
I hv read ur posts twice. Thx for ur many pointers. Let's just say that I'm constrained by time n circumstances, but not by money. In fact, the damage involved in Bao-ing any PRC gal will be so minuscule as to be completely invisible to my family n my accountant unless I kena Gong Tao n sign over everything to her. The said, being a die-hard "value" buyer, I'll definitely use the "budget approach." Hahaha.:D I'll be meeting w/ JJ for lunch in a couple of hrs. I'll give u a FR. I need to move quickly bcos I wont be free to meet her again until next Sat. I'll hv a lot of free time after the first wk of July. If it's mutually agreeable, I may start BY after that time. Thx again n hv a great day!! |
Re: Mistress
Dear Bros Warbird and justime,
Hope you guys can share your experiences in this thread. Am very interested to learn! |
Re: Mistress
And to show you that we are on the same "psychic plane", I am being blown by XH even as I respond to this page, right now she is kneeling under the desk doing a Monica Lewinsky. ;) No worries, I never ever show any girls any websites I visit! (Also XH doesn't know any English whatsoever except: "Hello, how are you?", "I love you" and "Fuck!") Cheers |
Re: Mistress
I didn’t realize that Warbird is such a prolific contributor to this forum till I did some searching. (Good on ya. Bro!).
Anyway to provide some context to the Reality Blog, I have extracted the relevant bits (mainly from TAM and “Pick up gals outside a KTV” threads) with regards to his BaoYing of girls. From my reading of Warbird’s past contributions, it appears that I may be of only a miniscule “value add” in helping him catch and land a lass. In fact, I can perhaps learn a thing or two from him. I guess the only key area whereby I might be useful is on how to extract the best possible terms when negotiating a “Mistressing” deal. In the meantime, enjoy the little extracts below. I am sure there may be quite a few brothers here are waiting to hear more about the sexploits of “Project JJ”. Quote:
Re: Mistress
Good for u, hehehe. Being busy may be a signal that one is up in the male dominance scale (which is very attractive to gals at the subconscious level). I often try to give the impression that I'm busy even if I'm not, haha. However, being too busy n not having time to meet up w/ the gal could be very negative, as has been my case lately.:( Quote:
I admire ur humility. I consider u a mentor/master in the art of BY. I may know a lot of strategies n theories about man-woman RS n gender differences in attraction, I hv had very limited experience w/ KTV PRC MMs n even less w/ BY. My first BY was a failure. BTW, I didn't meet JJ today bcos she didn't pick up the phone when I called her at 12:50 PM. I acted fast but perhaps not fast enough. Last night when I called her at 9 PM, she was out shopping n asked if we could meet at a certain KTV later, but I was busy n also feeling tired. So suggested that we met today at 1 PM. Unfortunately, I'll not hv free time to see her until next Sat at the earliest. In the meantime, some "fast hand fast foot" bro may hv sealed the deal to BY her.:( He who hesitates is lost. In this case, I may be the loser. But this setback will not deter me. I'll remember that it's now or never. Must be bold n decisive, hahaha. Thx n goodnight! |
Re: Mistress
bro warbird and justime,
quite an intellectually stimulating topic. Fantastic info ... and I considered it in the past. Sadly, my limited command of chinese does not make it a worthwhile and enjoyable pursuit. That being said, this has made very good coffee-shop-talk material with like-minded brothers. One experienced brother mentioned that 'security' is good leverage for negotiation (as in 'security' of not being caught and deported). Since this has not been discussed, i wanted to get the expert's view. on another note, i think the content in this thread is very good and will make a good book when organized properly. If you have read the book 'The Game' by Neil Strauss - the same idea. |
Re: Mistress
Fantastic reading. Thank you - what I took away from everything thus far is that the tactics (and the reasons behind them) that you've employed are worth examining again and again.
Truly you are at the adept level in this particular branch of kungfu! :) However, being the wide-eyed and inquisitive disciple that I am, I was wondering if you could expound more on of the philosophies behind this particular art that you are imparting to us all. I can see clearly so far that it is all about having the confidence as a man to know what you want, and then going for the kill. It is this mental framework that I have been trying to develop, be it in my interactions with PRCs, in business or in just personal relationships. How does one plant his feet so steadily on terra firma and deal with self-doubt about your own abilities and the future? What should one's attitude towards money be, knowing that $$$ is such an important factor in securing such arrangements with these women? There is a time to rest, but the arrival of a grandmaster has made this novice keep his training robe on in delightful expectations of much more to learn. |
Re: Mistress
Apologies for the delay in my expatiation of “Creating a Crutch Mentality: The Mother Hen”. Quite inundated with business projects and XH was quite an energy sapper yesterday (in a good way).
In response to some of the posts: Quote:
1) For your information, my command of the Chinese language is not that good as well. Whatever level you are at, it will probably be better than mine when I started my PRC mistress ventures. In fact, I still struggle with lack of Chinese proficiency. I know this for a fact because only last month, I tried helping my goddaughter with her homework - Primary Three Chinese as a Second Language – and could not do so! Immersion (there is an innuendo in there), by the way is the fastest way in learning a language. So is necessity (the mother of invention). Notwithstanding my language handicap, but because of the need to communicate with my PRC mei meis, I had learnt to SMS in Chinese (an accomplishment in itself) and can even hold some basic philosophical discourse with them. I will not be flippant and say that there is “no need to talk, only use body language”. Verbal communication adds a certain flavor to interaction, that is a given. But this is not to say that you cannot have fun during the picking up of the Chinese language phase. More empowering perspective for you is therefore not to use your perceived lack of command of the language as an ‘excuse’. Use it to your advantage. Learning Chinese via immersion can be very enjoyable. It adds flavour and new dimension to the interaction too. In addition, you can teach your prospect English too (this is empowering). (By the way, how do you think I learnt my Thai, Malay and German (which is very rusty now)?) Assuming that your command of the language is at the below rudimentary level, here are some fun 'starter' activities: Start with nouns – eyes, nose, ears, pussy, ass, clitorious, Add verbs: run, walk, sleep, fuck etc (ask her variations on how to express verbs differently) For adjectives, (my favorite as it allows me to slip in subtle compliments without being direct. Woman love this subtlety), go for things like radiant, elegant, In time, you will pick up the language simply via immersion. (Come old gogies like me can also do it!). Let the relationship stimulate both heads – the mental and the genital. 2) Yes, I will address the “security” element that you talk about. However, this will be put under the category of “Petty Masterstrokes” which will come in much much later in my treatise. Threats to a would be mistress' security have a blackmail dimension to it. Yes, it WILL work, but the efficacy is limited in scope. Why? A new Patron that comes along can easily negate this hold you have on her. Threats emanating from the contravention of visas (study, work or social visit) can come only in the context of her having to work in a KTV. Take away the need to work at such establishment and the “security threat” hold is almost blunted. Also, as the case of Professor Bryan Ngoi Kok Ann (accused of giving false information to the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority) about Chinese national Guo Juan (his Chinese girlfriend), the blackmail based strategies such as via the threat of immigration may come to haunt you later. (Google for details if you are not aware of the above case). And it should be very obvious to reader of this thread that notwithstanding his academic prowess, Professor Ngoi is one hellva “Uninformed Robert” when it comes to handling mistress! 3) I have not personally read Neil Strauss, 'The Game' although I have heard about him when discussing buaya strategies with friends. As such, it would not be right that I comment about his works without knowing its explicit contents first hand. Only advice I can give is a general one (with regards to all self help materials – including this very thread itself): Take and weigh the advice against the context of your personal life. Use what’s useful and discard the non productive. Use the “What works in real life” test criteria to determine if applies to your life. I presume that you are not gonna sit on the self help material without some form of validation in the context of your life. If not, might as well read porn - at least you will get a good reaction/erection out of it. :rolleyes: |
Re: Mistress
excellent content !
Re: Mistress
Hi bro justime,
I Just want to give an update on JJ. I was undaunted by her apparent lack of response yesterday. I called her today n asked why she didn't answer my call n she replied that she wasn't sure who I was. I told her I was the one who met her just inside the KTV that nite, gave her my name again, n reaffirmed my interest in "taking care" of her. :D She has to go to Malaysia this weekend n will be back in 2 days. We hv agreed to meet this week near where she lives. If she looks half as good in broad daylight, I'll offer to BY her, haha. I called her again this afternoon n she answered X 大哥 (my name to her) w/ the most seductive voice, hahaha. BTW, bro justime, I think u r right that she would not do ST. In that case how much should I offer her? Thx n good night! |
Re: Mistress
bro justime,
good advice. agree that the pursuit of a mistress is good incentive for learning. will take that definitely as a key point. In reference to the security issue, i wasn't quite referring to it as a blackmail per the case referenced. I think it is quite despicable, and frankly we shouldn't be resorting to such. I will give this a new name - RobertStroke. To clarify further, I was referring to 'security' being presented as a benefit from BY and how (if at all) it can be leveraged to negotiate the final price. I am sure there will be exchanges before settling on an agreed price. Is there a BY price calculator for inexperienced brother like me? :p Definitely do not intend to support a mistress with poor ROI (and of course, 'returns' here is subjective). The Masterstrokes you have discussed are very important to achieve the maximum ROI. I too, want to be 'blown' away :D |
Re: Mistress
I know that some brothers here may be “hungry” for more Masterstrokes as well as for me to get going on to “Creation of a crutch mentality: Dealing with the Mother Hen”. Rest assure, I am working on it – albeit slowly due to my very busy schedule.
Pardon the slow pace, but do note that the discussions and other so called distractions are equally integral to a successful cultivation of a mistress as the Masterstrokes itself. That being said, I recognize that the Masterstroke makes for easier and more interesting reading as it is a radical and counter intuitive strategy that is proven to work in the real world. So to temporarily assuage the hunger of some brothers, I hereby provide some bite size (tidbits) Masterstrokes. I call this Masterstroke Tit-bits. This is because they are not part of the overall Masterstroke banquet per se but rather stand alone nuggets of wisdom in the field of Mistressing and dating in general. Yes, and like the main Masterstrokes itself, they serve to empower you: Ooooooooooooo Masterstroke Tit-bit 1 ooooooooooooooooO What if you get a lady’s contact from a buddy or a brother here and then when you call, she insists that you disclose the identity of your referral? 1) First off, do not accede to her request unless you have checked with the referral first. 2) Then, you must make a judgment call on the “cool” factor of your referral. Like it or not, you are judge and assessed by the quality of the company you keep. You need to take to take a dispassionate and objective look at your friends. For example, based on looks and general presentation alone (without the accompanying knowledge of the fact that Mike, Hua and Terrence high status), a casual referral from them might not take me far in upping my desirability factor to my prospect. I may love and respect my friends to bits, but this respect is probably not translated onto the prospect – especially on the superficial level. The prospect may just see the picture of relatively well off old fogies who is not desirable by any stretch of the imagination. This poor perception will be rubbed on to me. 3) By succumbing to her insistence of you disclosing the identity of your referral, you already lose out in terms of dominating and controlling the interaction. It is very disempowering to you. What then do I usually do? a) If I were to meet her in person, as in I call her at her place of work and ask her to come over to “xx” room so that I can book her, I would “explain” how I got her number by simply looking incredulous and say that it is she herself who gave me the number – (an indignant “how can you forget”) is a good. Allude to the fact that she must be drunk when she last met me and show a little “annoyance” and displeasure in a non threatening way for her 'forgetfulness'. The fact on how you get her number is soon swept away as you continue the interaction naturally. By the way, if the woman does (pretend or otherwise) not buy the above story and is still insistent that I disclose the identity, I will simply just walk away. She is not worth the endeavour. You have got a long way to go in taming this shrew! Other strokes are needed. b) If over the telephone, I will also apply the similar – “you must be drunk when you gave me your number routine”. And but then add “Meet me. I guarantee that once you see me, you will definitely remember me”. Let the curiosity percolate in her brain. Like before, walk away (by hanging up the phone) if she gets too suspicious and insistent. 4) What ever her reaction is, don’t ever be bully into meekly submitting to her orders and reveal the informant (unless he has the "it" factor). Because even if you do get to meet her, you esteem and position in her eyes will be so lowered that you have to take massive steps to recover lost ground! OooooooooooooooooooooooooO |
Re: Mistress
Ooooooooooo Masterstroke Tit-Bit 2 ooooooooooooooO How do you broach the subject of BoaYing without disempowering yourself if she refuses? nitefyre, this is where the "Security" that you allude to comes in. These are more or less the words (need to be translated in Mandarin obviously) that I have previously used in presenting the offer: "I would like to take care of you. How can I take care of you?" "Working in a KTV is so stressful, always worrying about Immigration catching you and all that. How would I protect you from all this hassles?" “Take care”, “protect” ect ... are euphemisms ("a substitution of an agreeable or less offensive expression in place of one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant"). The Chinese Lass will understand your intended meaning so no need to go elaborating on this. Couching the offer thus does take away the sense of crass commercial-ness a little as well as leaves a hint of romance in the proposition. More importantly, it confers you an alpha position is the relationship. (By the way, the line also works for Ang Mo prospect. Yes, I have ever kept Ang Mos (Eastern European Girl) under my retainer before as well) If she refuses, don't beg or ingratiate yourself. Say simply, "think it over"! OooooooooooooooooooooooooO Yup, there is a pricing calculation guideline in this. It is simply too long to elaborate in this post per se, but since you asked, let me mention some key guideline figures in the tabulation: 1) Knowing your own affordability limits. Note that besides the mistress allowances, there are numerous other plus plus which the Mistress expects the Patron to pay. 2) Having a sense of the true takings of your prospect (as opposed to her claims – which is often inflated) 3) Knowing the circumstances of your mistress life condition. 4) It is also dependant on whether you take the budget route or direct route. Jus always takes the Budget route by the way! Like a budget carrier, you will definitely need to give up something in the budget deal. One of which is that you may have to give up your first preference! 5) As a rule of thumb, it appears that for the direct route, the median amount of money that most Patron offer here is SGD 10, 000. It makes no sense to me, but this arbitrary ‘round number’ seems to be most popular going rate. When comparing notes amongst one another this is most often cited figure. Offer any less, and the prospect will feel a sense of being shortchanged – especially if the Patron is deemed as “old” aand/or "ugly". I think I have “interviewed” literally hundreds of girls over the years under retainer and/or who are offered a retainer: From what I hear this “yi wan” (10, 000) figure props up the most often. 6) On a brighter note – the SGD 10, 000 has been around for ages. Inflation does not come into play. However, the economic crisis does seem to have its impact. Always use the “economic crisis” as your bargaining tool to get better deals monetary wise. (Note that a true blue blood Patron will NOT use this strategy. They pay a comfortable and what they deem as a fair rate - never a bargained one. Almost a take it or leave it proposition). 7) After SGD 10, 000, the next most popular sum is SGD 6, 000 to 8, 000. This figure makes more sense to me. Why? It is because it the monetary target range of a Singer at a Hanging Flower Joint. They would rather be BAOed than to work the stage every night for seven days a week! 8) No ego, no thinking with the pecker, but an honest old hard fashion look at your financial status is the way to go in determining whether you can afford Mistressing or not. (Short time outlets can be quite fun too!) Hope that the above helps a little in the formulation of your calculation. (Give me more details and I will give you a better approximation! And remember, always think affordability) And as for how to gun for better ROIs, I will cover this a little later in this thread. But for now, I shall put forth my personal score card and general impression of PRCs mei mei about their ‘servicing element’ in terms of sex : Band “C to D” (to use a common Performance Appraisal system here. Blow jobs are not standard issues and even when given, poorly executed. (An example is XH, her skills are perfunctory at best, she is now under my personal tutelage to become a better lover). In short, to get the ROI you desire, be prepared to invest in some time and “training”. And I will show you what Masterstrokes to apply in order to achieve this! :cool: |
Re: Mistress
Thx for ur pricing guideline! For SGD 10,000 or 6,000 to 8,000 a month, is the gal still allowed to work at KTVs? There will be additional expenses such as rental n food, etc. I guess I offered my first BY too little, although I did let her continue to work at KTVs. But how did u get to pay only SGD 1,500 for ur current gal??!!! You must be a gifted negotiator:cool: Thx n hv a great day!! |
Re: Mistress
Again I can provide only a guideline. Every situation is unique you have look into all variable and pitch the proposition accordingly. 1) For SGD 6,000 to SGD 10, 000, it usually means that the girl is taken off the KTV market. In other words, she can go only when you do so. Note however, that the girls have "no other life" besides those that involve the KTV establishment. Their friends are there and they are comfortable (as in accustomed) to the environment. As such, many will still go there to KTV with or without you Mistress arrangement/agreement notwithstanding. Only two days ago, I played chauffer to one of XH 'friends'. She is purportedly under a retainer (I think it is SGD 5,000) by her so call Singapore Boyfriend. Yet, she still goes to Amani (she always dresses "Office Lady") in order to earn extra income. From what I found out, initially her Boyfriend-Patron refused but later relented. Man are sometimes quite a sucker for "tare-tare" behavior of a gal (hell .. don't have an English equivalent that quite capture the essence – “manja” feminine wiles?). 2) By accepting the proposal, it is definitely a no-no for Chu Jie (Short Time, Long Time, BJ time – anything that has to do with sex!). Crossing this line is a point of no return. In the context of my experience, I am pleasantly surprised of the Mistress by and large do keep their end of the bargain with regards to this 'line'. They know the limits! 3) The “grey area” is going out with other men. One on one is a definitely, no-no, while a group setting is more or less tolerated by more easy going patrons. 4) Usually accommodation should be provided. Like a “Lau-gong” providing a roof over her head – the Patron is also a provider and the home is the best expression and manifestation of this role. Most Patrons usually factor this in under the allowance. For example, if his budget (and please always do budget) is say SGD8, 000, he will offer only $6,000 as allowance. The other SGD 2,000 is set aside as accommodation. Of course, in the proposition, he will mentioned SGD 6, 000 plus accommodation. Due to my “cash flow” situation, I nowadays hardly provide accommodation. (See Page 6 post #89 of this thread – Budget Masterstroke #1) on how I get round this. 5) For my XH SGD 1500 deal is a loosely coupled deal. She has absolute freedom to go and work anywhere. She can see customers (even one-on-one) to entertain. However, the defining line is again – no sex of any sort whatsoever. Any instance of a breach and the deal is off. As this is the Budget arrangement, I would have done some profiling on her. I will perhaps touch on some elements of profiling later on – but let me tell you that a lot of it is intuitive (perhaps cultivated over the years through experience). From what I gathered, XH is not the aggressive type in pushing for a “tai”. She is passive (I think JJ is a little like that – despite my limited interaction with her). As such, XH does not maximize the “tai” potential she undoubtedly have – especially at Amani . She is the sort who sits a little longer with a prospect in the hope of getting a larger tip rather than going round to generate volume. Also XH may do “ST” but is likely to be very selective with the prospect. (I think the same applies to JJ too – but her selection criteria will probably be much more stringent than XH – almost as good as no “ST”). 6) I’ll admit that I went a little on the “seductive” route with XH, plying her drinks, booked her (paid $250 for the first time) and take her out for dinner and then entertainment. I did that for two nights consecutively for XH. Anyway, we clicked (got some Masterstrokes for that) and ended up in bed. This is when I first broached the subject. Anyway to cut a long story short, I arranged accommodation for her (again see post # 89) and made it clear that sex on demand is on the cards as I have tight and relatively inflexible schedule (some semblance of truth here). “Today I may “do” you 10 times (of course exaggeration lah – think I superman is it?), but there may stretches of consecutive days whereby I’ll be too busy to even kiss you” 7) Warbird, you have met and engaged more than a fair share of KTV lasses, do quick a snapshot profile of what you think JJ is about. I will help you with the interpretative / analysis part if you want. (I am very hesitant to do any profiling as my interaction with JJ is cursory at best. – as I said to you – JJ is virgin and she is yours!) :) |
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