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Re: Mistress
Oooooooooooooooo Tit-bit #3 oooooooooooooooooooooooO
Some brothers may want to know how to frame, present or persuade a mei mei into accepting a Bao proposition. Now to worry, I'll cover it on the Main Maserstroke Menu. Meanwhile, a "Tit-bit" version of a recent example (in a narrative format) .... Quote:
The “logic” I proffer to XH is frankly a whole lot of rubbish and riddled with poor assumptions, fallacies and inconsistencies! What the hell – she bought it and it works though! :cool: Anyway, just for fun, for the heck of it, here is my logical proposition (don’t laugh!) to XH to get her accept the offer. (Precondition is of course XH must ‘like’ me at some level) 1) I know that you (XH) are uncomfortable with ST arrangement. However, face it. Most men here will want to have sex with you. All men who go to KTV will want to fuck, you must accept this truism. Most mei mei working here at Amani chu jie. If you keep refusing, you will get less and less customers. 2) How many men here do you really want to have sex with? Did you meet even one man here that you like for the past week that you don’t mind to sleep with? 3) My SGD 1500 means that for every 3 days, you get a confirmed ST arrangement with someone you like --- charming smile put on here ----- you will therefore not need to worry about considering ST anymore. 4) Also I will take care of how you live (I had already known about the price and living conditions of her existing accommodation arrangement). 5) You can continue to work and earn money and you get extra from me. Its a win-win situation and Who knows, if we strike it really well together, we may build a nice future together.... There, this is how it went Big caveat: This is a little anecdotal fun posting (and is applicable with XH and woman of a similar profile). Do NOT use this same logical reasoning for the experienced mei mei please! Note also that my arrangement here with XH is NOT the typical patron-mistress. The power dynamics is subtle (slightly favouring me of course!), and there is a fair bit of "persuading" needed to be done before I can get XH out of her comfort zone when it comes to sex. |
Re: Mistress
A very interesting thread. I would recommend all the bros who have a mistress to read "The Pilot's Wife" by Anita Shreeve.
Re: Mistress
This thread surely qualifies as "sticky"-worthy :) Cheers, jj_jj |
Re: Mistress
I was rather thinking of the word "minx" (especially as how a Brit would use it) but somehow I feel that it does not quite translate. It is rather like the term "sian" (I know the ang mo equivalent is "ennui" - but somehow it does not quite encapsulate its essence. :cool: cheers mate! |
Re: Mistress
Hi bro justime,
I'll be meeting JJ soon. I'll give a truthful FR here. My purpose is not for ST but to BY her. I now know how much to proffer her. Thx again for ur expert guidance. Goodnight! |
Re: Mistress
I will address the above issues you raised in my next Masterstroke: Be a Confident Bastard. But even at this stage, I believe that it should be obvious to you that the concepts of self empowerment do not reside only in the realm of mistressing. It is applicable to other aspects of your life as well. It’s a visceral and intuitive impression, but your post above suggests to me that you are someone who has quite a strong sense of introspection. And that you are probably just ‘starting out’ in a new phase of your life. For you then, may I suggest that you take all the concepts with regards to mistressing as a metaphor for self empowerment. Being a ‘business person’ I am most concerned with practical application. The Masterstrokes are strongly action oriented. And the action is bias towards “what works” in real life rather than theoretical abstracts. Obviously the “what works” is forged in accordance to my own personal experience (which is largely validated by similar experiences of the Mistress Brotherhood and others). That being said, I will whenever possible provide the logical and philosophical premises underlining why a particular Masterstroke works (such as Masterstroke #1). But in the interest of not boring anyone with too much theorizing, my own personal philosophies (everyone has their own set of personal life paradigms), will be naturally woven in the context of discussion. And I am pretty certain that you have the intellectual wherewithal to discern what my philosophies are from there. :cool: |
Re: Mistress
Okay, people who are inherently bored with discussion about books, movies and general philosophizing please ignore this post. Unless there is a high level of interest in this kind of discourse, it will just be a one off post. Quote:
But let me at the outset apologize for my straight talk with regards to this book. If you have any emotional attachment to the contents of it, I suggest you don’t proceed. Not casting any aspersions here … but here are my frank views (mostly negative) on “The Pilot’s Wife”. Remember, this is only MY PERSONAL TAKE! 1) As a recommendation, the book is way off the mark in terms of the intended audience. Most of the people at this forum here are lusty heterosexual males. The female perspective (right down to the title of the book itself – mind you) will alienate a lot of readers here in terms of emotional connectedness. Myself: I would rather read it from the pilot’s perspective ………. I may just learn a thing or two. 2) I have read this book during a flight delay. My staff passed it to me and say that its "un-put downable" and that its part of the Oprah's book club recommendation. My reaction was very "beng"-like (although I did not show it outright): "Oprah? sian 1/2 liao" ;) But since she is a very good staff of mine, and as I was feeling a little restless about the delay, I indulged her recommendation. And my initial visceral impression of the book is vindicated as can be obviously seen from the comments below.. 3) Quickie plot summary: It basically about a woman’s journey of self-discovery as she learns of her husband’s double life when the plane he pilots crashed. What followed was the typical shocks, grieve and angst moments as the Pilot’s wife unveils the dreaded secret of her husband – he is a bigamist! Anita Shreve also throws out some sub-plots of “pilot error” and the dynamics of mother-daughter relationship as they cope with their own personal tragedy among others. Philosophical and ethical dilemma peppered the book – such as a marriage quietly morphing “from being in love to just loving each other” etc. 4) I don’t know about other readers, but for me personally – it’s a gigantic bore! Hell my personal life itself is so much more colorful from the narrative standpoint. 5) In addition, the Pilot’s wife internal battles too are very hackneyed. Essential angst aside, the ethical – philosophical dilemmas put forth are so shallow that I laughed outright. I personally think that Anita Shreve (the author) does not have width in understanding cultural dynamics (and other non mainstream lifestyle variables). She appeared not to possess the sufficient depth of experience to draw on to make it thought provoking and at the same time within the real life possibilities that a truly good book should have. Come on, men having two “wives” (hence double lives)!!. Alternative enough but not too far from mainstream … might as well say that you can screw a lady while administering cunninglingus simultaneously! Ahem …and that I have done! ;) 5) Wonderful writing aside, this book can also be subtly disempowering because of the undercurrents of guilt complex. Anita Shreve does not ascribe attribution of guilt whether to the pilot, his wife or life circumstances per se. I am afraid she is trying too hard to be deep (chim). What life complexities? You can pass judgment. In Anita’s Shreve world (as espoused in “the Pilot’s wife”), “Everybody is at fault here (and then has redeeming features as well)”. Don’t sit on the fence Anita – tell it like it is! Take sides and pass judgment. Say the pilot deserves to be castrated with a dull spoon. You may sound like a shrill feminist (like AWARE ah?) but at least you provoke a reaction. 6) Also the morose way she goes about the ending is not life affirming at all. Absolutely lame. Come on, the ending where the Pilot’s wife accepts / settles / come to terms to her husband deceit. It is a thrill ride only an “emo” person can apprehend and appreciate. And it is definitely so NOT me! 7) I don’t read books to ‘get’ the different emotional flavours. There is no need to. I live life hard and experience it viscerally (as opposed to vicariously through books). How’s that for a book review? :D |
Re: Mistress
Re: Mistress
Re: Mistress
Its been a while since I last update on the "main" Masterstrokes.
To recapitulate: Quote:
The Mother Hen is like a double edge sword. You can utilize her services to serve as a catalyst in order to get the prospect to agree to become your mistress or she can be a huge stumbling block that will stymie any progress you make. The first step is to obviously find the tortoise’s main source of emotional dependency. Note that the Mother Hen may NOT be successful in her own right. She could be placed in that vaunted mentoring position simply by circumstance. For example, she may come to Singapore first (hence by implication more experienced and purportedly able to show the tortoise the ropes). The Mother Hen simply be a “friend of a friend”. The Mother Hen may be one who arranges and takes care of the tortoise’s accommodation. Or simply, a chance meeting that leads to ‘friendship’ between that of the tortoise and the Hen. * Most people don’t go about actively cultivating friendship. We allow the diktats of “chance meeting” (usually brought about by similar life situation at that particular time) coinciding with some degree of rapport to deem someone as a ‘friend’. In the above instance, the connection is not strong. If she is against the Tortoise to be your mistress, I would suggest that cut off the Mother Hen right away. Point out to your prospect the lack of success of the Mother Hen. Be direct, and ask point blank “How can the Mother Hen be qualified to dispense advice given her lack of personal success thereof”. Conversely if the Mother Hen is strongly for you, you may want to demonstrate some kindness toward her (such as when buying your prospect food / flowers / mini gifts) by giving her token gift as well. It should be obviously that there must be differentiation. The Gifts to your prospect must always be superior to that of the supportive Mother Hen. The bigger challenge is when the Mother Hen has already some pre-existing depth of connection (such as member of an ‘extended’ family and/or already friends). Obviously if the Mother Hen is in favor of you being the Patron, you ‘incentivize’ as per the above. If she is against you, then its time you play down right dirty: you need to create a “distrust” situation between Mother Hen and your prospect. Fortunately for you in a KTV situation, it is very easy to manipulate such conditions. Simply present it to your prospect that the Mother Hen always steals her customer. Do so several times and let the subtle resentment fester in your prospect’s mind. For example, get an accomplice-friend to sit with your prospect and you call the Mother Hen to your tai. Your accomplice flirts with Mother Hen (who is sitting with you). When the tip comes, your accomplice-friend gives minimal to your prospect (remember the masterstroke about limiting the income potential of your prospect?). For the next visit, your accomplice-friend calls the Mother Hen to his table. He now tips her generously. Repeat the generous tip routine for a couple of times. For added effect, as Mike and Hua likes to play it, repeat the scenario in different room. Get the mummy to allocate the girls as per the above arrangement. Then tell the person (one who sits with the prospect) to flirt with the Mother Hen. Remember Mike and Hua determines the tips payment, they take care of the cost and the allocation of tips for this. Take a while and imagine the above scenario. Try to get into the skin of your prospect and it is easy to empathize how she will be feeling. Know that essentially there is an element of competition with regards to the girls working in KTV. And that they always compare notes among each other. Don’t under estimate the power of competitiveness amongst girls (sub-conscious or otherwise). I had mentioned that Xin2 had a Mother Hen Joey. Joey and Xin2 connection is relatively tight. But even then, it takes only two such arrangements before Xin2 complains to Mike about her so called friend’s behaviour! |
Re: Mistress
This must be one hell of a gal for you to work out such exquisite "masterstrokes" on her. Basically, most of us would not have given a second dime if the lass proved to be a difficult character to manipulate, whether the complexity comes from the Hen or not. The effort could have been put to use on other secondary targets reaping better yields. Yet again, I can see that you have already develop an attribute to take on the challenges. This is definitely a valuable personality to develop since Singaporeans are known to be "followers", "queuers"....
Something useful I have definitely picked up from this thread. |
Re: Mistress
I now know better. Successful people don't settle. They see what they like and then go get it. It more than just the "thrill of the chase" per se. It is a success habit that is all permeating and all encompassing, even to such a “mundane” enterprise as chasing girls. Also, the Masterstrokes may look complicated on paper. But its actual execution is very easy. It just takes some astute observations (which already come naturally) and the clever use leverage. What’s more the so called “work” is mainly mostly “instructional” (e.g. to mummy and accomplice) in scope. Always remember that the successful person is not outcome driven per se. (Jus has yet to master this attitude – he is still very obsessed with things going his way). The successful ones are more concerned with the process that will allow for the highest probability in getting the outcome they want. They derive pleasure and relish the thoughts, analysis and rationalizations that go into the “process” itself. It is precisely because of this discussion of the “process” that allows me to understand the underlying principles of Masterstrokes. It enables me to articulate what exactly is happening beyond that of simply witnessing and observing how they do it (whether in chasing girls or other ventures). Now when I observe, I understand the rationalizations as well. And I can communicate strategies to people in order that they can benefit from it too. |
Re: Mistress
Jeet Kune Do was a philosophy more than a martial art, but Bruce Lee embodied it both in form and substance. It is the substance that I seek at this stage of my life, and hopefully when the time is right, I can apply it (although I recognize there is always a learning curve and understanding the philosophy without a bit of practice is useless, ha ha) Please keep writing, I am normally not that effusive with praise but this is just a damned good thread! |
Re: Mistress
Although I do occasionally rub shoulders with the rich, powerful and influential, I am still a 100% member of the "lesser mortal" club. Its kinda like a grassroot leader rubbing shoulders with Ministers; there is no real substantive transferrence of "status" by this association; he still remains a proletariat, a "common man" in essence, stature and in lifestyle! :rolleyes: Yes, if the book deal somehow crystalizes, I wil definitely hide my real name behind a pseudonym (pen name). I will give this some thought. What I do however know now is that my pen name should not be something crass like "Chee Koh Peh" (3 common surnames concatenated with an all too obvious "hidden" meaning). Cheers! |
Re: Mistress
hey bro if the book really materialise can you mention me in yr thanks page as in
thanks to bro bunnyrabbit for initiating the idea of writing this book. hee..:p joking lah! |
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