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Old 08-12-2010, 10:36 PM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

i have a weird thinking not sure other bros agree wth me.

to me sometimes commercial sex is considered safest, why do i say that? let me explain.

1stly, the 99% of the WLs i encountered, dont do raw. the remaining 1% i will back off.

2nd, they always asked for bj with caps. even if its bbbj, the gals will usually use listerine & wash our dick properly.

3rd, i have seen many who always wash their privates wth feminine wash before & after the deed.

4th, most of the time they will really bathe u thoroughly before the deed.

Ok so now why i say is safe compared to others

for those who hv had ONS, do u go thru the 4 process i mention above? mostly i think is not doing it raw.

for gfs, wife & fb, i think some may not even follow any of the steps i mention above.

so who is safer? u decide...
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Old 09-12-2010, 12:34 AM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

Reading this thread really send a shiver down my spine! Can bros here advise which hospital is best for medical checkup, waiting time and costs etc. Thank you very much~
Old 09-12-2010, 03:36 AM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

I'm a firm believer that if u wanna screw around, don't be scare...

Don't be scared of:

1) insisting on using a condom with all your sex partners (FB/GF/OC included).

2) visiting the DSC Clinic at Kelantan Lane every few months for their anonymous HIV testing. It only cost $30 (same as a H81 room).

If u ever talked to a HIV patient or read about their thoughts on HIV, they commonly lament about 2 things. 1) Not practising safe sex all the time, even with their spouses. 2) Knowing about their condition too late that they had infected someone they love because they just didn't bother to screen regularly.

If u can't help screwing around and definitely can't stop your other half from doing the same, at least try to limit the damage on yourself and your loved one.
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Old 09-12-2010, 12:34 PM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

consistence use of a condom (with no breakage) all the time is a way to minimise risk to the lowest, you can be sure your risk is the lowest for HIV but not other nasty STDs.

Legal WL is not as scarely as FL as they go for regular health check and almost all the time insist on using condoms to protect themselves not you. For FLs, I personally had encountered FLs who offered raw to me, which i rejected straight away and send them away. Which is why I stop going FL and concentrate on finer things in life..

To me the most dangerous are those people who going overseas and fuck around and are most plausible to fuck unprotected as people tend to do crazy and stupid when overseas and bring back the virus back to their families..
Old 09-12-2010, 02:27 PM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

At the end of the day, it all just boils down to this question that I have been asking myself:

How many samsters here in this forum are already infected with HIV, but are still fucking around with the FLs here knowingly and unknowingly with/without condom.....

Food for thought....
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Old 09-12-2010, 02:44 PM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

a lotof disease can transmit through samster providing painting, frenching, even with helmet, it is not 100% safe too...

what to do?? want to cheong , dun want life!
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Old 09-12-2010, 02:45 PM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

Originally Posted by miniboy View Post
ya, i heard from a friend, some idiots got it and purposely no wear protection to have sex and pass on the HIV

real scary

damn bastard sia, feel like beating those people up
Old 09-12-2010, 03:00 PM
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This country all red light districts have posters on SAVE SEX. Also 3yrs ago, mine last trip at a GL hotel, the room also had such posters. It remind everybody on the important of safetly.

An old 90s HK kung fu comedy, an actor used to say, "safetly come first". He was right also another statement, "safetly will drive a ship thru trouble water" Canto speaking sounds better, think sex workers will agreed with it.

Nothing much can prevent horny men, trust me many men tried and failed. What frightens me is some men will seek other forms of SINs. End of days, until i complete give up commercial sex, i will always have responsibility.

Personally after thinking over, the HIV tests thing, so people who are negatives are save. Then, next sessions they decide to become superman or girl. Same what? Finally, it boil down to own responsible.

Shared this, 1 senator said hospitals have HIV screening for patients. Thing is when it become FOC and allow people to decide whether to go for it. Many people choose no.

If that is not some politic tricks, it shown many people have the scare mindset which is not necessary wrong. The more we scare, the more we are careful. Give up that is as difficult as swimming across the Pacific Ocean.
Old 09-12-2010, 06:42 PM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

Originally Posted by mr_missile View Post
After reading though all links,i decided not take up bbbj from any FLs,so farking dangerous!
Old 10-12-2010, 01:37 AM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

Originally Posted by compaq69 View Post
After reading though all links,i decided not take up bbbj from any FLs,so farking dangerous!
Bbbj will not give you HIV or at least there no record HIV infection thru bbbj.

But bbbj does have risk of other STD.
Old 11-12-2010, 05:02 PM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

even with condoms, you can still get gential herpes which is very troublesome during outbreak.
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Old 11-12-2010, 11:16 PM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

Originally Posted by freezetheDB View Post
even with condoms, you can still get gential herpes which is very troublesome during outbreak.
Yup....u r absolutely right...just see my signature....

Not just herpes...gential warts as well...especially those areas not covered by the when you finger the FL, those juices on ur hands...if it comes into contact with your gential areas (e.g. mutual masturbation), you still can kenna herpes / warts....that is why i say....I still dun understand why some bros still like to go down south on a girl...dun u noe u can kenna things such as cold sores etc....

Good luck to those who crave for pussy juice...
The strangest gift I ever received from a fan is herpes...

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Old 12-12-2010, 12:21 AM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

I can only say one thing, protection is a must for all strangers you have sex with and this list of strangers should include your FBs. And when you are married, it is best to stay faithful.

Remember this. Your worry isn't only HIV. There are herpes, VDs and other stuff you have to worry about.
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Old 12-12-2010, 12:53 AM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

Hi bros,

Nowadays I believe everything has it's risks.

Had a guy friend who was knocked down by a car while cycling, even with proper lights. Passed away on the spot.

Another friend, perfectly healthy, kena cancer out of nowhere as well.

For STDs/HIV, we can still protect ourselves to a certain extent, make sure you wear protection, and restrict from painting (I still do sometimes, something to change) especially if your gums are bleeding or if your lips are dry and have been bleeding recently, or getting BBBJ.

Personally I go down to the DSC once a few months (depending on how active) just to make sure. Next one would probably be next month.

For older guys, best to go for overall checkup once in a while as well, for the other common male illnesses.
Old 12-12-2010, 01:18 AM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

Always wear condom.
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