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Old 05-12-2010, 03:46 AM
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Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

Read in the papers yesterday saying that more and more old man getting HIV.

Till date in Singapore alone there are more than 4500 people with this dreaded virus. Many of them are heterosexual like us....

Looking at this stats, some of them have an active sex life and constantly seek commercial sex, some through online means such as sammyboy.

4500 are those known to have HIV, there are still many out there not tested and unaware if they got HIV. Going by this statistics, there is a good probability that there are a handful of samsters who are infected with HIV (aware and unaware) and still lead an active sex life through this forum.

It shrudders me to think that some samsters dun wanna wear rubber when bonking FLs. I also realize that even though every often the very danger of HIV topic has been raised, it is easily brushed off by many if they dun wish to accept the reality that the dangers of commercial sex and bonking raw are very high.

I myself am no angel and tend to avoid reading too much into all these statistics...but on serious thought...perhaps its time for me to cut down on my paid sex activities....but its bloody hard!!!!

To the rest of the samsters out there....please take care of urself and love ones. Dun let small head overrule big head....
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Old 05-12-2010, 07:13 AM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

it could be passed on from wife to husband for all you know ...

u think only men makan outside ?

i heard one story about this fella who went clubbing and this GORGEOUS girl came up to him and chatted with him, bought him drinks, both got drunk and high and ended up in bedroom, fucking madly like rabbit in heat. he woke up next morning and on the mirror it says "welcome to the club". he thought nothing of it until months later and went for HIV test, he was tested positive. He went back to the club and people that he doesn't know patted his back and said "welcome to the club" - all HIV people in club.

any way, sounds like some vampire movie to me.
Old 05-12-2010, 09:14 AM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

This is scary! "Welcome to the Club"
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Old 05-12-2010, 11:46 AM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

Originally Posted by bastardball View Post
Read in the papers yesterday saying that more and more old man getting HIV.

Till date in Singapore alone there are more than 4500 people with this dreaded virus. Many of them are heterosexual like us....

total number 4500, but abt 1500 already dead, so active one is abt 3000 + .

dont know how many in sbf, and i am sure there are some here
Old 05-12-2010, 12:18 PM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

Yes, you are right. Sure some samsters here are HIV+
One of the reason retiring is because of HIV+ statistics which was scare me away.
wonderful sex!
Old 05-12-2010, 12:34 PM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

this probably explains the raids on unlicensed workers...and yes, the reports have scared me into patronizing the legal ones (those legal workers get medical check ups regularly at least)...hope the bros here do the same to keep everyone safe while having fun
Old 05-12-2010, 12:37 PM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

Life as cheongsters still cheong even there's HIV or not but always wear helmet coz raw is war!
Pm me to exchange points! min 4 pointers pls
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Old 05-12-2010, 02:37 PM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

Originally Posted by cereal-killer View Post
"welcome to the club" - all HIV people in club.

any way, sounds like some vampire movie to me.
ya, i heard from a friend, some idiots got it and purposely no wear protection to have sex and pass on the HIV

real scary

Old 05-12-2010, 02:59 PM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

Originally Posted by cereal-killer View Post
it could be passed on from wife to husband for all you know ...

u think only men makan outside ?

i heard one story about this fella who went clubbing and this GORGEOUS girl came up to him and chatted with him, bought him drinks, both got drunk and high and ended up in bedroom, fucking madly like rabbit in heat. he woke up next morning and on the mirror it says "welcome to the club". he thought nothing of it until months later and went for HIV test, he was tested positive. He went back to the club and people that he doesn't know patted his back and said "welcome to the club" - all HIV people in club.

any way, sounds like some vampire movie to me.
Walua!!! which club sia, can PM me or not later kanna zap.... I wanna avoid it ar....
Old 05-12-2010, 03:33 PM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

HIV percentage is getting higher and higher
Old 06-12-2010, 02:52 AM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

One samster Verna got HIV, now still not die yet posting happily here
Old 06-12-2010, 12:31 PM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

Sometimes when girls give you free sex, they even often you free HiV for life..

Nothing come free! N I learnt it the hard way.. Hopefully i won't Kenna HIV from the Thai slut who throw herself at me.. Really like bro's story... A gorgeous girl came, hug n kiss me n give me free sex everyday..

Guys who fucked will have their retributions, -> HIV
Old 06-12-2010, 04:37 PM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

HIV is now considered as Chronic disease, instead of a death sentence. Those who are HIV positive are administered a cocktail of anti viral drugs to fight off viral attacks and prevent AIDS from setting in early.

Those with HIV positive are regularly checked to determine the level of their immune system. As long as they do not drastically have very low body immune system, they are fine. This is why doctors will vary anti viral cocktail to HIV positive patients when they are less responsive to earlier treatments.

Some live with HIV for 30 years, if u have hiv at 40, u can easily pass 70 yrs old if you detect it early.

Also, so far no one get HIV from bbbj, although there is a very small risk if u have a cut on your didi. BBBJ is more risky for the giver (gal), than for the receiver (boy). Would you be so lucky as be the first in the world who gets HIV through oral means? That will be headline news

Other STDs can be transmitted orally. FYI. A good dose of antibiotics can cure most STDs if detected early, with the exception of herpes.

So, if u cheong, check regularly and detect anything early. check regularly every 2 to 3 months.

Hope this helps.

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Old 06-12-2010, 04:46 PM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

Originally Posted by gentleman View Post
Yes, you are right. Sure some samsters here are HIV+
One of the reason retiring is because of HIV+ statistics which was scare me away.
Would these samsters who are HIV+ even admit that they have contracted the disease?
Old 06-12-2010, 06:36 PM
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Re: Samsters with HIV (taboo subject)

Originally Posted by F-boy View Post
One samster Verna got HIV, now still not die yet posting happily here

Who is Verna? You mean this person got HIV still cheongin in this forum?

If that is true, this simply reinforce what I feared the most...arse who endanger others on purpose to join the free "HIV club"....membership is free and for life. Just like Visa or American Express, you can bring it around the world and use it freely.....
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