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Old 29-09-2012, 10:28 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Without the opportunity, there would be no outcome. Maybe it was better this way.

perhaps ... perhaps ... hope your story doesn't end here Bro.
Exchange with +10 pointers and above only. Thanks.

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Thanks for up Javabeans, Swagelock & bigbirdbird but I can't return pts to you this round.
Old 02-10-2012, 09:51 PM
creamiestlove creamiestlove is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Jia you bro the perfect one will definitely come soon. Pls dont end the story its really nice...
Old 06-10-2012, 07:51 PM
Delsha Delsha is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

All the best bro!
Old 06-10-2012, 10:49 PM
EnigmaofSorrow EnigmaofSorrow is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

So I have moved out from Shirley's place, only returning on weekends. Jenny was still staying there, and she had already found a job.

In any case, now I was truly just a housemate, and let them move on with their lives with me just as a passerby.

Sex was not in the picture, as I did not want to complicate things further.

In any case, I had the pleasure of meeting someone new recently, and we had the opportunity to meet up for coffee before she started work one night, and even spent the night together chatting at a place that held some memories for me.

However, the situation here was unique as well, as she was married.

I wondered why she even wanted to meet up. But it was refreshing, meeting someone new for a change.

She's neither tall nor short, had rather long hair, around shoulder-length, slim, slightly curvy figure, and a rack that appeared to be quite a handful. The things that attracted me to her were her eyes, which felt that they were piercing daggers into me when she stared, and her smile.

The first time we met up was at a Starbucks outlet near her workplace, where we chatted for about an hour before I sent her to work,

The second time, we actually had the chance to chill out the whole night by the beach, chatting about life and other random stuff before I sent her home and head to work like a zombie.

I am guessing most readers are wondering how I met her in the first place, but that is not important. I guess why I met her would be more interesting.

As we all know, every guy needs/wants a release every now and then, and as such we go all out to secure such activities, whether it is through fuck buddies, or commercial sex, or self-pleasure.

Initially, I thought that maybe it would be interesting to meet up with someone who did not really know what happened in my life so far, and maybe I could try to develop something new, a sex-only, no feelings involved relationship. Then I discovered she was married, and things changed. It became clear that she would not be willing to do things against her principles, and that meeting up with me was purely to be friends. So being fuck buddies was technically out of the question, but I did have an enjoyable time just chatting and chilling out with her.

In any case, I discovered some things about her that were rather interesting. Her husband was not really satisfying her, and sex with him seemed merely for his pleasure. He also liked to disappear to do his own activities, and leave her alone at home. Every time she tried to initiate sex, he would say he was tired, and only went through the motions of it, leaving her unsatisfied. Somehow, that triggered something in the corrupted mind of mine that maybe perhaps I might have a chance.

Anyway, that fateful night, I was in camp stoning as usual, when she texted me and asked if I wanted to meet. Having nothing better to do anyway, I agreed. I showered, got changed and picked her from her place. It was around 830pm and I wondered if she had to work that night.

As I picked her from the bus stop at her place, I noticed that she was wearing her work clothes. I assumed she needed a lift.

As she got into the car I thought she looked a little weird. For the story's sake, let's call her Rose.

Me: Hey, your make-up is running.

R: Yeah.

Me: You ok?

R: Yeah.

Me: Going to work?

R: No.

Me: You're dressed for work.

R: Just drive.

Me: Ok.

I had no idea where to go, so I just headed to the highway and drove.

Me: Did something happen?

R: Why do you ask?

Me: You're dressed for work, but not going, and it seems like you've been crying.

R: I asked him why he's always so tired, and why he's not interested in having sex with me.

I wondered if my suspicions were true, but chose to deflect the topic anyway.

Me: Maybe it's like you mentioned before it's been so many years that you two were together and he's bored?

R: He's been sleeping around outside.

Me: Oh. How do you know?

R: I asked him.

Me: And he confessed?

R: Not at first. Then I mentioned that I went through his browser history and saw that he was surfing some sex websites.

(Yes guys, remember to delete your browser history, otherwise you might get stuck in a sticky situation...)

Me: Nothing wrong with that.

R: He admitted to visiting prostitutes and had some one-night-stands at some pubs.

Me: Would you have been ok if you didn't find out?

R: Yes. He can do anything he wants as long as I don't find out.

Me: So why did he tell you?

R: I don't know.

Me: Ok.

We drove in silence for awhile longer.

Me: So are you going to work?

R: No. Can we go to where we were the last time we met?

Me: Ok.

I headed to the location of our second meeting. Truthfully, I was not expecting anything out from tonight, other than having to offer a listening ear, perhaps a shoulder to cry on.

When we reached there, we headed to the convenience store and bought drinks.

R: Can you get some alcohol?

Me: Ok. What would you like?

R: Whatever you're having.

I grabbed two bottles of bourbon coke and was about the proceed to the counter when she literally emptied the entire shelf, taking over 10 bottles of the stuff.

Me: Erm. I can't drink that much. I'm driving.

R: I'm drinking.

Me: Oh.

I paid up and we headed to the exact same spot we sat at the last time.

She opened the bottles the minute we sat down and started drinking. I decided to take things slow.

By her fifth bottle, I was still at my first, but my pack of cigarettes was almost gone. And we had yet to start talking.

Me: Hey. Slow down.

R: I can hold my liquor.

Me: I'm sure you can, but binge drinking isn't healthy.

She ignored me and opened the sixth bottle. I wondered if I should quickly finish my first bottle, and help her drink the rest.

Me: So what's wrong?

R: I feel cheated.

Me: Why?

R: This alcohol is not strong.

Me: And? You want to get drunk?

R: Yes.

Me: With a guy whom you're only meeting for the third time in real life?

R: I know you won't do anything to me right?

Me: Erm.

I was now placed in a position where I could give in to my temptations. What was I supposed to do?

Here was a relatively hot girl, who was drinking a little too fast, and just had a bombshell regarding her personal life dropped on her. Would I be the kind of person to take advantage of her? I really wondered.

By the time I finished my second bottle, and my last cigarette, she had already finished eight bottles of bourbon coke, and was staring out at the sea, possibly stoning.

I moved closer to her and put my arm around her, half expecting her to shrug me off. But she did not, and instead, lay her head on my shoulder.

Me: Are you ok?

R: How can I be ok?

Me: Still thinking about your husband?

R: Yes.

Me: Why did you agree to meet me in the first place?

R: I think you're interesting.

Me: And?

R: And what?

Me: Were you looking for something else?

R: Like?

Me: I don't know. Your husband is not satisfying you. Maybe I can?

R: That was never my intention.

Me: Oh.

R: But now...

Me: What's so different between then and now?

R: I don't want to do things I'll regret.

I decided to try my luck.

Me: Well, he cheated on you first.

She pushed me off and slapped me.

R: Are you thinking of using this as an excuse to get me to sleep with you? To take revenge on my husband?

Me: Erm. Yes?

I thought she was going to slap me again, but the hand never came.

R: If I was single, I would have slept with you already.

Me: Really?

R: Yes. But I'm not.

Me: He doesn't have to know.

R: It's not right.

I decided to try my luck again, and placed my hands on her face, bringing my lips to hers. At first she resisted, and kept her lips together, but I persisted, and slowly but surely, she relaxed herself and welcomed my kiss.

It was a little weird kissing her as she was wearing braces, but she was quite good at it. We kissed lightly for a couple of minutes before stopping.

R: Why did you do that?

Me: I don't know.

R: You're really going to take advantage of me?

Me: Erm.

R: If this goes any further, let's not do it here.

Me: Huh?

R: Let's go somewhere more private.

I felt whatever alcohol-infused blood in me rushing downwards. I guess us guys always think with our other heads...

We left the empty bottles on the table and headed back to my car, hand-in-hand.

I wondered where the nearest budget hotel was.
Old 06-10-2012, 11:17 PM
Heyitsmeman Heyitsmeman is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

I really envy the life u got there with girls man.. Haiya 同人不同命啊
Old 07-10-2012, 12:16 AM
KallIan KallIan is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Interesting update bro. Keep it cumming.
Old 07-10-2012, 01:57 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

still the best
semi retired or almost
Old 07-10-2012, 09:28 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

We ended up at a Hotel 81 relatively nearby and I hastily parked the car.

As we stepped onto the corridor, I could see that she was flushed, no doubt from all the alcohol she had consumed.

I left her at the corridor and headed to the 7-11 to get some water, and condoms. I remembered that she mentioned before that she sometimes found it hard to get wet, so I bought a bottle of lube as well, totally not trusting my skills to get a woman aroused.

I booked a room for two hours and we headed up.

Inside the room, it felt like a whole new experience for me.

The only other memorable time I had brought a girl to a budget hotel was after clubbing with Jenny many years ago.

I believe she was scared, having not done something like that before, but she had not ran away, or called the cops, so I guess I was safe.

I put the stuff on the table and sat on the bed, motioning for her to join me. She took off the jacket she was wearing and sat next to me in her working attire.

Me: You sure you wanna do this?

R: No.

Me: No you don't wanna do it or no you're not sure.

R: I'm not sure

Maybe it was a bad idea after all. But since we were here already, I supposed I should make the most of the situation. But then again, part of me did not want to take advantage of her.

I inched closer. She did not move.

Me: I could send you back.

R: I can't go back. I'm supposed to be at work.

Me: Ok. What do you wanna do then?

R: How does this work?

Me: Erm, we shower, then make out?

R: Then?

Me: Then we'll let nature take its course?

She did not respond, but moved closer to me. I could smell the alcohol on her breath. Perhaps she really drank too much, such that her inhibitions were lifted, and she was willing to do something that she might regret in the morning.

I brushed her fringe off her face and kissed her forehead gently, planting soft kisses on her face, behind her ears, cheeks, and ended up at her lips. This time, she parted them willingly and our tongues were introduced for the first time. I had not really kissed many girls who wore braces before, Shirley being one of them, but she was good at this. Maybe I was inexperienced in this aspect, or maybe I should find more married, braces-wearing girls to test out this theory.

As we frenched, I felt her hands running down my shoulders and arms, and ended up under my t-shirt and on my stomach. I wished I still had the rock-hard abs that would be the envy of guys out there. But I was getting old, and weak, and I had to acknowledge the fact that it was due to my own laziness that I had lost the hot, desirable body I once had, maybe my bedroom skills would make up for the lack of a good body. But had I lost those skills as well? It was time to find out.

My own hands reached around her and unzipped her top from the back. Maybe it was a little fast, but I searched for the hook of the impediment that was preventing me access to her chest.

Before I could do so, she stopped me, and removed her clothes herself, leaving just her bra and g-string on. I felt myself marvelling at her beauty. Her skin was flawless. I ran my fingers down her arm and ribs, feeling her soft and smooth skin. She trembled a little under my touch. Perhaps the air conditioning was a little cold? Or maybe she was not used to being touched this way. I placed my hand on her stomach, which had a little bit of flab on it. Much less than my own of course. She pushed my hand away.

R: Don't play with my fats!

Me: That's not fats...

I removed my t-shirt, exposing my upper body.

Me: These are fats.

She giggled, and touched my chest.

R: I see you used to work out.

Me: A very long time ago.

We lay down on the bed and started kissing again. I wanted very badly to remove my berms and boxers, but I guess it would be moving a little too fast. I enjoyed the feeling of her skin on mine as we kissed and I caressed her body. I tried my luck again and managed to unhook her bra, letting her breasts go free. I estimated them to be a large B-cup, or perhaps a small C. Judging sizes was not really my forte. I sneaked both hands to her breasts and cupped them, feeling her inhale a little and I gave them a slight squeeze. Definitely a handful. My fingertips traced their way to her nipples, they were slowly filling up with blood. I guess I was doing things right. Her breathing got a little heavier as I teased them, flicking them slightly.

I detached myself from her mouth and kissed her neck, giving her soft pecks as I made my way down.

R: No love bites!

Me: I won't!

I kissed along her clavicle and ended up at the side of her breast, placing gentle kisses along the way until I reached her areola. I ran my tongue in a circle around it, teasing her, trying to elicit a moan from her lips, but none came. I flicked my tongue on one while gently tweaking the other. Still no significant reaction. I wondered why. After a while, I decided to move down south instead, kissing her stomach and side of her hips, before slowly removing her g-string.

What greeted me was a freshly waxed pussy. I ignored it and continued down to her thighs and calves, before moving back up to her inner things, spreading her legs as I worked my way inwards.

R: Stop!

Me: Huh?

R: Let's shower first.

Me: Ok.

What a killjoy. We got up and headed to the shower. I was a little worried actually, as I had not shaved in awhile as I did not really have the opportunity to have sex, but thankfully, I had the decency to trim a little.

I removed my berms and boxers and stood there with my erection in its full glory. She looked at it.

R: That's a nice size.

Me: Is it?

R: I've only seen two before.

Me: You've never slept with anyone other than your husband?

R: Nope.

Me: Oh ok.

As we headed into the shower, it suddenly dawned upon me that this might not be such a good idea after all.
Old 08-10-2012, 12:13 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

camping for more bro
Old 08-10-2012, 04:38 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

We entered the bathroom as I stared at the flawless skin on her body. She was definitely a very attractive girl. It made me wonder why she was not being satisfied by her husband. Was it because her sexual appetite was too much for him? Or perhaps she was frigid. Part of me wanted to find out, but did I really want to be the second person to sleep with her?

The situation was not right anyway. Could I really take advantage of the situation and of her? She did consume quite a bit of alcohol while I did not. While there was an off chance that she would not remember anything when she woke up, there was also the chance that she would remember, and regret the entire incident. This would definitely be bad, and in th end, we might not even be friends any more.

I made up my mind and stepped out of the bathroom.

R: Where are you going?

Me: Are you sure you want to do this?

R: No. But we're here anyway.

Me: Is this going to be a one off event or will we see each other again?

R: That depends.

Me: Are you going to regret this in the morning?

R: I'm probably regretting it now.

Me: Then perhaps I should send you back?

R: I thought you were horny and wanted sex?

Me: Yeah I'm horny. But I'm not sure if I wanna be that kind of guy.

R: And?

Me: What if we develop feelings for each other?

R: I thought fuck buddies didn't have feelings for each other.

Me: Yeah.

R: Don't tell me you like me.

Me: It's not that. What if I'm so good in bed that you can't get enough of me?

R: Don't flatter yourself. We haven't even had sex yet.

Me: What about your husband?

R: He doesn't have to know.

Me: Actually I'm suffering from a little performance anxiety here.

R: That's hilarious. Why?

Me: I really do want to sleep with you. And you're damn hot. But the situation feels wrong. It's like I'm taking advantage of you.

R: Maybe I want to be taken advantage of?

Me: Do you?

R: What do you think?

Me: I don't know what to think. Stop mind-fucking me.

R: Well, I'm here, we're both naked. Your move.

If this was a game of chess, I guess you could say I had been checked. Now my next course of action was to get out of the check and avoid a checkmate. Unfortunately, my inaction might also lead to a stalemate. I wondered how long I could continue playing this game.

She stood under the shower and washed herself. I felt myself getting more and more aroused by the second as her hands caressed her own body with the body wash.

I guess it was now or never.
Old 09-10-2012, 09:39 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Condoms checked ... Room checked ... willing sexy hawt partner checked ! Go Go Go !
Exchange with +10 pointers and above only. Thanks.

Need to Return:
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Thanks for up Javabeans, Swagelock & bigbirdbird but I can't return pts to you this round.
Old 09-10-2012, 08:56 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

I seriously just stood there and watched her as she washed herself.

Could I really be such a bastard to take advantage of someone else's wife?

I really wondered.

Maybe if it was ten years ago, I would have done so with no qualms, but now this situation was different. I had just gotten myself out of a complicated relationship-of-sorts and was only looking around for mutual sexual gratification when I stumbled upon this girl.

Instinct was telling me to go for it, but somehow it did not feel right. But could it be that she was leading me on as well? Did she also want someone who would provide her with pure physical satisfaction?

I stepped into the shower with her and hugged her, my erection pressing against her stomach. She hugged me back, pressing her breasts against my chest. We kissed and caressed wildly under the running water, soaping each other along the way.

She reached down to my erect member and began wanking me slowly, using the soap as lubricant. It felt really good, as I had not had sex in a rather long time. I grabbed her breasts with both hands and flicked her nipples gently, moving my mouth down from hers to her breasts. I took in each nipple one at a time, sucking softly, flicking it with my tongue, drawing circles around it. She wanked me faster and harder.

We finished our shower and dried ourselves before proceeding to the bed.

We rolled around in bed for awhile, kissing each other with wild abandon, like long lost lovers just rediscovering each other. She reached down to my crotch.

R: Hey. Why is it not hard anymore?

Me: We're only making out. Do you expect it to be hard? I've got good self-control.

R: Yeah right.

Me: Well, why don't you make it hard?

Without giving a response, she stared at me with her piercing dark brown eyes, pushed me onto the pillows and went to work on my limp cock with her mouth.

Within seconds, I felt myself growing to full erection.

She caressed my balls as she bobbed her head up and down, swirling her tongue around the head for good measure. Her braces scraped me a few times but I felt pleasure instead of pain.

It was definitely one of the best blowjobs I had ever received in recent times.

I had to return the favour.

I lay her down gently after she was done and planted soft kisses from her neck down to her collarbones, purposely avoiding her breasts and nipples which were erect. I spread her legs as I kissed her thighs, calves, before proceeding back up via her inner thighs.

I could not tell if she was squirming because it felt good, or because it was ticklish.

Her freshly waxed pussy stared at me and I stared back, before running my tongue along her labia, and on her clit. As I flicked her clit with my tongue, going in circles first, then up and down and left and right, I slowly inserted a finger into her pussy which was by now pretty wet.

Oh my god she was really tight.

Her pussy muscles were squeezing my finger as I slid it in slowly, centimetre by centimetre, taking extra care in case I hurt her. I managed to locate her g-spot and prodded it, while licking her clit at the same time. I heard her moan softly as she grabbed my hair, pressing my face onto her pussy. She did not seem to be squirming much anymore, and instead, appeared to be enjoying the oral pleasure I was giving her.

After a couple of minutes, I stopped, capped myself with an okamoto condom and positioned for entry.

R: Slowly. You're quite big.

Me: Ok.

I spread her juices around with my dickhead before slowly inserting it in.

She looked like she was in pain as her eyes were closed and she was biting her lower lip.

I pushed it in further, an inch at a time, and I thought I was going to come instantly.

She was definitely the tightest I had ever had in my entire life. I was not even half-way in and yet she had me in a vice-like grip.

Even though she was rather well lubricated, I had much difficulty putting it in. It felt like I was raping her.

I decided to stop, and withdrew slowly.

Once out, I removed the condom and tossed it aside, then sat down next to her.

Me: Sorry.

R: It's ok.

Me: Does it hurt?

R: A little.

Me: I think we should stop.

R: But you didn't get to cum.

Me: It's ok.

R: I could suck you.

Me: No. It's really ok.

R: Don't you want to cum?

Me: I do. Very badly. You're so hot. But sex shouldn't be just for my pleasure.

R: You sure you don't want to? I was going to suck you till you cum.

Me: Yeah. It's really ok. Can we just cuddle instead?

We lay down in each others arms.

It felt so right, but at the same time, wrong.

I wondered if I had the balls to continue seeing her.
Old 09-10-2012, 10:13 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Bro, I dun know to praise you or scold you.
Got a good gal at home dun want go for others wife!
U either like to Gey-Gey or really a gentleman?
I catch you no ball leh?
U r so self conflicting at times.

But good stories
I hope it is fictional
生命何时开始? 确信不疑偶遇你时, 凝望你一双眼开始. ....
Old 09-10-2012, 10:44 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Read it with a pinch of salt la..
True or not who cares..envy or not does it matter..
Only TS knows it real or just writing a story to past time..
This is a virtual sex forum long as something excite our birdie..who cares
Old 09-10-2012, 11:02 PM
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EnigmaofSorrow is a splendid one to beholdEnigmaofSorrow is a splendid one to beholdEnigmaofSorrow is a splendid one to beholdEnigmaofSorrow is a splendid one to beholdEnigmaofSorrow is a splendid one to beholdEnigmaofSorrow is a splendid one to beholdEnigmaofSorrow is a splendid one to behold
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Originally Posted by drslump99 View Post
Bro, I dun know to praise you or scold you.
Got a good gal at home dun want go for others wife!
U either like to Gey-Gey or really a gentleman?
I catch you no ball leh?
U r so self conflicting at times.

But good stories
I hope it is fictional
Well, true or not it's up to you to decide... Haha..
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