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Old 11-07-2010, 06:15 PM
EnigmaofSorrow EnigmaofSorrow is offline
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My attempt at sharing my experiences...

I have been reading other Samster’s personal experiences and suddenly I am inspired to pen down my own. Maybe it will entertain (if you actually find it entertaining), or maybe it will just be another piece of my memory that will be retrievable down the years when my own has failed.

So, where do I begin?

Well, let's see.

I have had numerous encounters, be it sexual or not, with various girls at the different points of my life. I doubt I will list them all out here as firstly, you readers might just get bored. So I guess I will be writing of the more memorable encounters.

Hope you guys and girls have fun reading!

Disclaimer - for confidentiality reasons I will leave out parts of the story that may lead to the identification of any one in the story, however, rest assured that all the stories are true, and should you doubt otherwise, they are as true as you believe them to be.
Old 12-07-2010, 04:44 AM
siaochong siaochong is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Camping for your juicy experience..
Old 12-07-2010, 06:45 AM
EnigmaofSorrow EnigmaofSorrow is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

to all the bros and sis awaiting the start of the story, kindly wait out...

i came to work early after the world cup to use my office com only to find out that sammyboyforum has been blocked...

and i cant possibly type out a story on a windows mobile phone...

appreciate the patience...

Old 12-07-2010, 07:51 AM
AXIO03 AXIO03 is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

camping here for your sharing
Old 12-07-2010, 11:13 AM
fledged fledged is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Please bring on your memorable encounters. Thanks.
Old 12-07-2010, 11:26 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

as i am still under moderation, my posts may take longer than usual to appear.

i hope you will be patient...

Old 12-07-2010, 01:47 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Looking forward to reading your sexperiences , cheers bro .........
" Life is what happens when you're too busy making other plans." - John Lennon

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Old 12-07-2010, 03:28 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

patiently waiting
retired liao... very seldom online
Old 12-07-2010, 09:44 PM
EnigmaofSorrow EnigmaofSorrow is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Thanks for the patience, the first installment may be a bit lengthy, so bear with me...

My God-Sister

I got to know her while I was fresh out of Secondary School, having been assigned as an Instructor to a Uniform Group in the same cluster. She was one of those girls who did not stand out, and kept to herself most of the time. Looks-wise, I would say she was average, as most Singaporean Chinese girls are at that age (Secondary 1). Long-hair (up to her waist) tied in a pony-tail, flat-chested, no figure to speak of. As expected, I paid no attention to her or any of the other girls in the Uniform Group. Besides, it would be illegal if I had tried anything with any of them, and instead of sitting behind this computer screen, I would probably still be sitting behind bars, hopefully on soft ground, as my ass would probably be sore from the treatment I would be getting, not just from the rotan, but the other inmates (I am sure everyone has heard about how rapists and paedophiles are treated in prison).

Well to cut the long story short, I was playing Snooker with my neighbour one Friday night (or should I say Saturday morning, as it was close to 3am), when my handphone beeped. As I was concentrating on the game, I decided to ignore it. Then it beeped again. Frustrated, I put down the cue and checked my phone. I had received 2 messages from an unknown number.

"Hi! Hope I am not bothering you! How are you? =p" - The first one looked something like that, I cannot really recall the content of the message, but I definitely remember the smiley.

OMG, who is sending me such messages at this time? I showed the message to my neighbour.

"Dude, you have a stalker, now can we get back to the game?" was the un-interested reply.

I checked the second message.

"Sorry if I woke you! Bye! =p"

Curious, I replied with a simple "You are?" and proceeded on with the game.

Strangely, there was no reply so I ignored the message.

At around 5am, we went for breakfast at a coffeeshop and went home. I fell asleep when I got home and was awakened by a SMS barely 2 hours later.

Who the fuck is messaging me so early? I cursed as I reached for my phone. It was only 8am.

"I am Shirley. You're not coming for training? =p"

Who the fuck is Shirley? And what training was I supposed to go for?

Then it dawned upon me. At that time, I could not put a face to the name, but Shirley was one of the Secondary 1 girls who was in my Uniform Group. And I was half an hour late.

I jumped out of bed and hurriedly took a shower, changed into trackpants and my instructor Polo Tee, grabbed my phone, wallet and cigarettes and dumped it into a bag and rushed out of the house. On the way, I called my co-Instructor and told him that I had overslept.

As expected, I went through training like a zombie. My co-Instructor, who was from my Secondary School kindly oversaw my portion of the training, being understanding enough that I had a late night. Or maybe he was just trying to show off how hardworking he was to the female co-instructor who I think he had a crush on.

After training, and after getting dirty looks from the other instructors during the debrief, I stumbled out of the school and headed to a bus-stop 2 stops away from the one I usually took a bus from as I wanted to smoke.

I stood away from the bus stop as I did not want to irritate the other people waiting for buses with my smoke.

I lit up and took the first puff and assumed that I was safe (I was still underage at that time). Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, I didn't know you smoke!"

Thinking it was one of my co-instructors, I turned around and nearly choked.

One of my juniors was standing there with a disapproving look on her face. I stole a quick glance at her name tag.

Shirley Tan.

So this is Shirley, I thought and decided against asking her to mind her own business.

Me: Er, long story.

I tried to explain and stubbed out the cigarette.

S: Why didn't you reply to my SMS?

She looked up at me.

Despite not being very attractive when she was that age, one thing about Shirley stood out. It was her eyes. They were large and doe-like, and when she looked at you, it was hard not to be mesmerised. It was too bad that she chose to hide them behind ugly spectacles then.

Me: Oh, you message me ah?

I decided to use Singlish in an effort to be friendly. Little did I know that she had actually spent most of her childhood in Australia, and spoke relatively good English.

S: Yes I did. Were you asleep?

Me: Er, ya, tired lah.

S: Could you not speak like that? I am not used to it.

Me: Opps. Sorry.

S: So why are you smoking?

Ok, I have to give it to her, she was persistent.

Me: Bad habit. Stressed. Stuff like that.

S: I am sure there are other things you can do.

Me: Like?

S: Play sports, read a book, you know?

Me: I do all that. Doesn't really help.

S: Do you have a girlfriend?

My my, where was this leading to? And boy was she fast. I hardly knew her for more than 6 months.

Me: Nope. Why?

I nearly wanted to ask her if she was interested but held back to see what would develop.

S: Well, if you had one, she would probably not like you to smoke, and you would stop!

Damn. She was not interested.

Me: If that's the case, I will find a girl who smokes as well!

S: Ok, you are mad, I won't bother you anymore.

She turned to walk off.

Me: Hey! I was just kidding.

She stopped and turned around, her pony-tail swishing as she turned (that's something I found cute about her, too bad she doesn't wear her hair in a pony-tail any more). She walked back.

S: Are you free now?

Me: I might be? What's up?

S: I need some help with what was taught just now.

And there I was thinking that she was not interested in me, but this surely sounded like an excuse to get me alone with her.

Me: Which lesson was that?

S: The **********

Me: Oh that. Hmm, I am not really the expert on that but I will try my best. Did you ask the other instructors?

S: I did not see any of them. And I was walking home and I saw you.

Me: Do you live around here?

S: I am not supposed to tell strangers where I live, but I guess you could find my address in the nominal roll if you wanted to anyway.

How cute. Then she pointed in the general direction of a block of flats.

Me: So when do you need the help?

S: I need to check with Diane (another Junior), she needs help too.

Damn. So it was not a ploy to be alone with me.

Me: Alright, you have my number, let me know if you need help.

S: Sure!

Me: Anyway, how did you get my number?

S: There's something called a nominal roll...

Great. I was not dealing with a normal girl but a smart-mouthed one. Well, it would be interesting having verbal battles with her.

Me: Hey, my bus is here! Message me ok?

S: Ok! Bye!

Me: Bye!

I went home thinking nothing of it and not expecting her to message me. Even if she was interested in me, I can't say that the feeling was mutual. After all, she was too young, and not really attractive to me at that time. Besides, I was more interested in computer games, snooker, clubbing, and the other stuff that guys my age did. Girls were a luxury. If I had one, well good for me, if not, I had other things to do.

Well, she did message, and I did meet up with her and Diane to help them out with the lesson. Obviously nothing happened between us then. But we got closer to each other, frequently exchanging SMSs every other day.

I found out that she was an only child and both her parents were working. She did not have many friends over here as she only moved back to Singapore when she was in Primary 6. As far as I could see, her only close friend was Diane, the rest were more like acquaintances. In essence I was like the brother she never had, hence I became her 'God-Brother'. I always felt an indescribable feeling (not sexual mind you) whenever she called me 'Kor'.

Despite being close, I never showed favouritism towards her as it would be unprofessional of me as an instructor. If she deserved to be reprimanded she was, if she deserved to fail a test, she did. In any case, she never expected any favours from me. To her, I was seriously just a 'sibling companion'.

We often went out to watch movies, play pool (yeah, she was underage but somehow managed to sneak in). But we were never alone together, it was always group outings, mostly with my other Juniors.

We were so close that one of the Teachers in-charge of the Uniform Group actually confronted me and asked me what kind of illicit relationship I was having with one of her girls. It was so hard to explain it to her that I eventually gave up.

The only time I was alone with her was when she asked me to tutor her when she was taking her O Levels. These tuition sessions were at her place, as it was quiet and no one was at home, it was easier to concentrate.

Another sign that I thought she might have been interested in me was her dressing whenever she was at home. She liked to wear over-sized T-shirts (don't they all?) and those shorts (or was it hot pants? I seriously have no idea how to describe it). The first few times, I was slightly aroused when I caught sight of her breasts and nipples (she was not wearing a bra), but I got used to it after awhile (hey, I was her 'brother', not supposed to be having incestuous thoughts, am I?). There were also a few times when she sat on the chair with her legs propped up against her, and I swear she was not wearing any underwear. I was also pretty sure that she caught me staring at her all those times, but she did not bother to change her sitting position or pull the neck of her T-Shirt up to stop me from peeking at her boobs.

post too long so continued on next post...
Old 12-07-2010, 09:45 PM
EnigmaofSorrow EnigmaofSorrow is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

In any case, our platonic friendship carried on till she enrolled in a Polytechnic after getting her O Level results.

By that time, I had already enlisted in the Army, and hardly had time to meet up. My weekends were spent clubbing, or sleeping. But we still kept in touch through MSN and SMS.

About one semester into her Polytechnic life, she told me that she was quitting school and moving to Australia with her parents for awhile. Her father was posted back there to undertake a higher managerial appointment by his company. Apparently, her parents worked for the same company, and somehow, the company had no issue with both of them going overseas.
I still recall one particular MSN conversation which I still keep. It was on the Sunday before the weekend that she flew off.

S: Kor, I am going back to Australia… =(

Me: Why?

S: Parents’ job…

Me: What about Poly?

S: I quit yesterday.

Me: Can’t you stay behind? Live with relatives?

S: My parents think I am too young to be independent. And they want me to attend college in Australia.

Me: Hmm, ok. But do you want to stay here?

S: I don’t know. All my life I have been following my parents wherever they go. And they are selling the flat. If I stay here, where can I live?

Me (joking): You can live with me! Haha.

S: Really??? My parents will not allow that though…

Me: Just kidding, my parent’s will probably think I am keeping an underage sex slave in my room…


Me: Joking… Anyway, when will you leave?

S: Next weekend. My things have already been packed.

Me: Wow that’s fast.

S: Will you come send me off?

Me: Sure, why not? Will your parents’ mind?

S: I don’t think so. They sort of know that I have a very close older male friend who’s not my boyfriend…

Me: Wow, what a description… Haha… Anyway, I need to go back to camp. Live-firing tomorrow.

S: Ok, don’t forget to be there next Saturday! Terminal 2, 9am.
Me: Wouldn’t miss it for the world!

Well, as luck or fate would have it, I mis-fired a blank during the dry run for the live-firing on Monday and was charged and given Stoppages of Leave for 7 days.

I called Shirley on Friday night and explained what had happened. She seemed fine but somehow I could detect a hint of sadness in her voice.

I told her I would call her just before she left but she said that her phone line would be terminated that night.

I would have liked to chat with her longer before she left, but the mother-fucker of the Company Orderly Sergeant suddenly decided to make us wash the toilets of the entire block.

So I bade her bon voyage and told her that we could still chat on MSN and email each other. She said she would miss me before hanging up, and I went to find the other confinees who had already started to wash the toilets, while singing vulgar songs, mostly directed at the Company Orderly Sergeant.

And that was the last I saw of Shirley.

to be continued...
Old 16-07-2010, 08:03 PM
EnigmaofSorrow EnigmaofSorrow is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

finally back from camp... it's been a hellish week...

and here's the continuation...


Or so I thought.

Flash forward to 4 years later, I was still in the Army as I stupidly decided to sign on. However, this time, I was the one who was making others wash toilets.

I was chatting with Shirley on MSN one night while on duty in camp.

S: Hey are you free this weekend? On Saturday.

Me: Should be? You’re coming back?

S: Yep. Can you pick me up from the airport?

Me: Sure, what about your parents?

S: Er, let’s not talk about them.

Me: Did something happen?

S: Maybe. I will tell you when we meet.

Me: Ok… What time’s your flight?

And so it was settled. I was actually scheduled for duty on Saturday but somehow or another, I managed to con a junior Sergeant to take over my weekend duty. For a price of course. It was worth it I guess, as I would get to see my god-sis after so long.

And so Saturday came and I drove to Terminal 3. I hung around at the Coffee Club while waiting for Shirley’s flight to touch down.

Soon, my phone rang. She had arrived!

Me: Hello?

S: I’m back!

Me: Where are you?

S: Take a wild guess!

I looked around but did not see anyone using a handphone, as I turned back, I caught sight of someone vaguely familiar. It was Shirley.

She was still short (shorter than me anyway), and she no longer had long hair in a pony-tail. Her hair was now shoulder-length, and dyed Auburn. From afar, she looked tanned and appeared to have a taut body. I think the reason why I could not recognize her was because she no longer wore spectacles, but had sunglasses perched on her head like a hair-band. I wondered if she had been cold on the plane as she was wearing really short shorts, and a T-shirt.
I finished my coffee and walked towards her.

As I got nearer, I saw that she had multiple piercings on both ears. A sign that she was wilder than before perhaps? She smiled at me and a glint of light appeared from her mouth. She was wearing braces. I smiled back, remember the time when I had unsightly metal in my mouth too.

She put her bag back on the luggage trolley and came towards me.

S: Missed me?

Me: Nope.

She wrapped her arms around me, pressing her soft breasts against my chest. Woah. Before she left, we hardly had any physical contact. This was a start. I estimated her chest to be at least a B-cup, a far cry from the literally non-existent chest she had years back. I wondered if she had undergone Breast Augmentation. But they felt too soft to be fake. I did not know where I should place my hands, so I put them on the small of her back, just above her ass. My my, she was definitely more curvy than before. And her body was well toned. Athletic in fact, my kind of girl.

I felt a stirring in my loins, but quickly put the thought out of my head. We hugged for about a minute before breaking off. I took over her luggage trolley.

S: Wow you are hard.

I hoped she was referring to my muscles on my body and not the muscle in my

Me: Well, that’s what army does to you.

S: Really? You’ve been working out a lot?

Me: Kind of. You?

S: Yeah, I did surfing for awhile in Australia.

So that explains the tan and the toned body.

Me: So, where are you going?

S: Home!

Me: And where might that be?

S: The same place.

Me: I thought your parents sold the flat?

S: They did. Sort of. They actually rented it to one of my dad’s friends. But
he’s got his own place now, so the flat is empty.

Me: Cool. And you’re alone? Where are your parents?

S: They are still in Australia. I will tell you more later. Oh yeah, can you swing by my dad’s friends’ place? I need to collect the keys.

Me: Sure.

And we continued chatting all the way to the car.

She had already completed her degree from RMIT. What a coincidence, I was doing distance learning with an Australian University too.

Along the way to collect her house keys, I could not help but sneak glances at her. She was not hot and sexy but there was something about her.

S: What are you looking at?

Me: Just admiring how you’ve grown.

S: What do you mean?

Me: Er. You grew bigger.

S: Where?

Me: Everywhere?

S: You mean my boobs?

I was stunned for awhile.

Me: Er. Yeah.

I contemplated asking the question.

Me: Did you go for surgery?

S: NO! They’re real!

She acted pissed.

Me: Really? Can’t tell. They seem much bigger than the last time I saw you.

S: Haha. That was 4 years ago. Ever heard of puberty?

Me: Are you sure? They seem too shapely to be real.

S: They ARE real! I am wearing a good bra!

Me: I still don’t believe you.

S: You want to touch them to see if they are real?

What the. That was pretty direct. But it could be a trap. Maybe she was testing me. I had to think of a suitable response.

Me: Are you daring me to touch your boobs?

S: Well, I’m sure you’ve touched many other boobs while I was gone…

In actual fact, I had not. I did not even have a girlfriend. Most of my time was devoted to the Army. I did pick up the occasional girl while clubbing but nothing really developed.

to be continued...
Old 17-07-2010, 09:51 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

No comments from anyone? Is it too draggy?
Old 17-07-2010, 10:10 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

bro, you're doing great! i'm camping! keep up!
Old 17-07-2010, 10:56 PM
digdug digdug is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

TS, good work. Keep it up (pun intended)..
Old 18-07-2010, 12:46 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

one of the best stories i read in sbf
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