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Old 20-11-2013, 11:54 AM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by Mr_don_juan View Post
The community is much bigger out there.
Don't worry about unreasonable ups/ zaps cos there are people who will up you because of what your contributions are.
It's difficult to judge the content of the posts cos what you think may not be somehow useful (disapprovals) maybe helpful to others (approvals).
Therefore it's impossible to please everyone, they always supporters and detractors.
Saying this, the community is bigger than any clone zaps as long as you continue to contribute, there always someone who will up you in good faith without expecting anything in return.
It's part of a system to put in some fun and keep some balance, keeping viewers and samsters.
Do not stop contributing or posting, there plenty of threads, sections preferably in the matters of the heart where some of top contributers are there.
Last but not least, i hope everyone should strive to share good lobangs with one another with spare time in hands, instead of arguing with one another.
Hey pcb don_juan, you shut up lah, don't preach here. you yourself go around pm people asking to be upped. You think you very holy and people up you because of the stupid pictures you posted. Fuck you lah, cheebye mouth. Here is some prove of the pm you send to others. I remove the name of the person you pm.

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Hi bro xxxxx

Hi bro xxxxx, abt clear uplist just wonder if you can upz me also will kindly return your good support. pls leave your nick have a good day bro really appreciate and thanks alot cheers
One mountain always higher than another

Talk cock and fart all come through the same breath. TCSS and be Happy!

Don't talk to me abt love, dreams, i don't need these in my life

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Old 20-11-2013, 01:00 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by Mr_don_juan View Post
The community is much bigger out there.
Don't worry about unreasonable ups/ zaps cos there are people who will up you because of what your contributions are.
It's difficult to judge the content of the posts cos what you think may not be somehow useful (disapprovals) maybe helpful to others (approvals).
Therefore it's impossible to please everyone, they always supporters and detractors.
Saying this, the community is bigger than any clone zaps as long as you continue to contribute, there always someone who will up you in good faith without expecting anything in return.
It's part of a system to put in some fun and keep some balance, keeping viewers and samsters.
Do not stop contributing or posting, there plenty of threads, sections preferably in the matters of the heart where some of top contributers are there.
Last but not least, i hope everyone should strive to share good lobangs with one another with spare time in hands, instead of arguing with one another.
cb kia like you wouldn't do things without expecting anything in return. You typical lanjiao lang + lanjiao face + plenty of lanjiao way. Hypocrite!
Old 20-11-2013, 01:06 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by mr_don_juan View Post
the community is much bigger out there.
Don't worry about unreasonable ups/ zaps cos there are people who will up you because of what your contributions are.
It's difficult to judge the content of the posts cos what you think may not be somehow useful (disapprovals) maybe helpful to others (approvals).
Therefore it's impossible to please everyone, they always supporters and detractors.
Saying this, the community is bigger than any clone zaps as long as you continue to contribute, there always someone who will up you in good faith without expecting anything in return.
It's part of a system to put in some fun and keep some balance, keeping viewers and samsters.
Do not stop contributing or posting, there plenty of threads, sections preferably in the matters of the heart where some of top contributers are there.
Last but not least, i hope everyone should strive to share good lobangs with one another with spare time in hands, instead of arguing with one another.
说的比唱的还要好听。你说话简直和放屁没什么两样。就好像有人形容你那样,爱装逼,满口大道理,其实自己连 一坨屎都不如。哈哈哈。
Old 20-11-2013, 08:45 PM
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pleasezapme is one of the Best!pleasezapme is one of the Best!pleasezapme is one of the Best!pleasezapme is one of the Best!
Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Don't fight. This is a virtual space nia. I don't know you you don't know me.
Old 21-11-2013, 12:54 AM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Actually what i think is that some clone master think he beri powerful.
But then when actual going against the overall approvals of the community.
His clone zapping of 500+ off me in 2011 doesn't bite. i so scare.
I was not overly concern about because virtual points are for the fun of it
I'm more concern sharing good frs and bonks and enjoying overseas trips with cute mei meis.
I'm happy because i know there many bros who up me in good faith which means when i forget something or busy at that time they tell me ' i don't need you to return at all'
That's why i encourage bros to continue to post more, you should not feel good when someone up you, neither should you be angry when get zap.
What remains virtually has nothing to do with who you are in real life. Happy week ahead
One mountain always higher than another

Talk cock and fart all come through the same breath. TCSS and be Happy!

Don't talk to me abt love, dreams, i don't need these in my life

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Old 21-11-2013, 10:29 AM
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Talking Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by Mr_don_juan View Post
Actually what i think is that some clone master think he beri powerful.
But then when actual going against the overall approvals of the community.
His clone zapping of 500+ off me in 2011 doesn't bite. i so scare.
I was not overly concern about because virtual points are for the fun of it
I'm more concern sharing good frs and bonks and enjoying overseas trips with cute mei meis.
I'm happy because i know there many bros who up me in good faith which means when i forget something or busy at that time they tell me ' i don't need you to return at all'
That's why i encourage bros to continue to post more, you should not feel good when someone up you, neither should you be angry when get zap.
What remains virtually has nothing to do with who you are in real life. Happy week ahead
There goes your chee bye mouth again. So what you trying to tell us? Zapped 500 over points doesn't bite and you not OVERLY concern then why do you go around sending private messages that I have shown above to so many people asking them to up your points? Your fucked LANG-GA face you think mei mei like you? They are only concern how much can they dig out of your pocket. Given the fact that you go around abusing FL but hitting them, I think now no FL want your business so you have no choice but to stay at home and post picture and pcc

By the way, I was told you go around telling people you drive a Ferrari, is it those miniature in matchbox type? Pui! Drive a Japanese car yet so fucking thick skinned say drive Ferrari, I think your skin is so thick that atomic bomb also cannot blast through.
Old 21-11-2013, 10:36 AM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by reading View Post
just notices two more zap this morning, not sure if it is considered "mass clone zap" type, exposed here for reference

advise from experienced... 19-10-2013 08:26 AM zap
advise from experienced... 19-10-2013 08:24 AM clone!!!!!!!
Big Boss, i got another zap reated to the above clone gang zap

"WeChat Lady 20-11-2013 11:34 AM mass zap complain huh? then you mass up you no complain? self up points is also wrong here leh. try up more points for urself la"

just want to let big boss know, hope boss can do something so rules for gang zap can be enforced, and forum is safe for normal samster to post and contribute

I know this is keewee's gangster / clone, now this Keewee is really become forum's monster. he really want to control forum via gang zap other Samsters

Last edited by reading; 21-11-2013 at 10:47 AM.
Old 21-11-2013, 10:44 AM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Following is keewee's email to me in September,

" bro if u have noticed, im the highest rep normal samster ard ... if i got master, my master should have even higher rep, am i wrong to say dat?

im the master heee ... so whois yr master bro? "

After told him im just normal samster and dont have / not interest in any master staff , he has instigated his gangsters to gang zap me

I want to upload the pic of his massage to me, how to upload the pic here ?
Old 21-11-2013, 11:37 AM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by reading View Post
Following is keewee's email to me in September,

" bro if u have noticed, im the highest rep normal samster ard ... if i got master, my master should have even higher rep, am i wrong to say dat?

im the master heee ... so whois yr master bro? "

After told him im just normal samster and dont have / not interest in any master staff , he has instigated his gangsters to gang zap me

I want to upload the pic of his massage to me, how to upload the pic here ?
Not only one clone master, one result in exchanging points with another master.
The points traded are in thousands.
If you count the actual samsters standing up to each individual, one can also look into the profile views to determine popularity.
But most of time, he will hiding behind the keyboard and using another clone.
There some samsters who has lower rep pts but with high profile views <50,000. What got this shows ? samsters are interested in his girls / products / something he offer.
You can ask people/ supporters to assist you if you been clone zap, is a valid reason and if you are contributing via field reports/ matter of hearts/ or other sections , they had a choice to determine the quality of the posts.
Irregardless, don't worry abt clone zap, there always someone around looking, thinking with a clear frame of mind whether to up you or not.
Say the truth as you see it and try to help people. Try to keep your mind open and learn. That's more important than any rep points.
But if the person really believe they are their online virtual self and it's a sad psychological state to be in.
One mountain always higher than another

Talk cock and fart all come through the same breath. TCSS and be Happy!

Don't talk to me abt love, dreams, i don't need these in my life

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Old 21-11-2013, 11:59 AM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by reading View Post
I want to upload the pic of his massage to me, how to upload the pic here ?
You were massaged by another man??? Are you gay???
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Old 21-11-2013, 12:05 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
You were massaged by another man??? Are you gay???
hehehehe big boss, i mean his email message, typo la

Thanks for your reply, hope you can do something to the gang zappers and gang master, and make this place better lol
Old 21-11-2013, 01:52 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by reading View Post
hehehehe big boss, i mean his email message, typo la

Thanks for your reply, hope you can do something to the gang zappers and gang master, and make this place better lol
It is not an offense to gang zap. It is only an offense to clone zap.

If I were to take action against gang zappers and gang uppers, there would be nobody left in this forum.
Tips for ALL samsters.
  1. Keep your identity secret.
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  4. Whores are for fucking not loving. Just fuck them and be done with it.
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Old 22-11-2013, 12:13 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

After reading all the recent posts...perhaps everyone wld do well to remember these 2 phrases below...oh n when I say "everyone" that includes me as well but not Sammyboy as this forum belongs to him!...

Let he who is without 'sin' cast the first stone

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

Peace Out
Old 22-11-2013, 12:16 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

just read this:

Finally the clone zap / gang zap master is out, hopefully big boss will do something for a better sbf
Old 22-11-2013, 12:20 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
After reading all the recent posts...perhaps everyone wld do well to remember these 2 phrases below...oh n when I say "everyone" that includes me as well but not Sammyboy as this forum belongs to him!...

Let he who is without 'sin' cast the first stone

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

Peace Out
this reminds me of the following: what goes around comes around
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