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Old 24-06-2005, 02:42 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by oakleyeug

Hoe abt your side?
err.. depends ah... normal cheap cheap roadside stall can sell porridge at sing 80 cents..
but in shops one can sell at S$1.80..
then still hav restaurants..

not very cheap lah.. (but cheaper than sing.. ) but people here still survive..
n u will b amazed at e rate of obesity here..
Old 24-06-2005, 02:43 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by et911
Glad you know now you need rep power.. Remember, only a game..

thanks for e advice.. xiao di workin hard to get first power..
Old 24-06-2005, 02:49 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by singexpat
notice some kind bros up my points!!

thanks in advance n can PM me so that i can record in my little black book for favour returnin..


go to 'User CP' at the top left hand corner of the page and you will find out who up and zap you.

Btw, these 2 points were from me as a form of encouragement to keep writing more....


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Old 24-06-2005, 02:53 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by Harrier24B

go to 'User CP' at the top left hand corner of the page and you will find out who up and zap you.
ah.. can see liao.. lucky there's one bro that leave comment on askin where's e ons.. understand e prob..

paiseh to the bros tht zapped me, my fingers not fast enough to type e continuation.. so forgive me ah..
will work OT today.. keke..

Bro Harrier, thanks for e points.. Gold Label on??
P.S. only S$40 per bot here in minimart..
Old 24-06-2005, 02:55 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by singexpat
err.. depends ah... normal cheap cheap roadside stall can sell porridge at sing 80 cents..
but in shops one can sell at S$1.80..
then still hav restaurants..

not very cheap lah.. (but cheaper than sing.. ) but people here still survive..
n u will b amazed at e rate of obesity here..

No lah wat I mean is u earn SGD$1200 a month but u don everyday eat SGD$30 stuff rite?

So my meaning is the equation like maybe pay is equvalent to what u earn lah.... Maybe looking at like meals $3 can settle and things like that so with a SGD$1200 u will be able to live ok ok...

Hope u get what I mean....
Old 24-06-2005, 03:00 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by oakleyeug

Hope u get what I mean....
bro, i understand ah..
sorry i didn't explain clearly..

wat i meant was that people here can survive on ANY salary tht they get..
cos they pool together as a family n as i said.. got many levels of prices..
so low pay, eat cheaper..

Is it wat u lookin for??
Old 24-06-2005, 03:02 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by singexpat
Bro Harrier, thanks for e points.. Gold Label on??
P.S. only S$40 per bot here in minimart..
Hmm.... I think you in about the same area that bro 10cc is located. He drinks JW Blue when he parties and say it costs USD 200 a bottle only (correct me if I'm wrong) whereas he was unpleasantly shocked that they charge SGD 1050 per bottle at my regular place before my 20% member's discount.

You buy back when you come back sg and we drink together. I drink JW NEARLY everyday.....
Being too humble can be interpreted as being Boastful
Old 24-06-2005, 03:13 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by singexpat
bro, i understand ah..
sorry i didn't explain clearly..

wat i meant was that people here can survive on ANY salary tht they get..
cos they pool together as a family n as i said.. got many levels of prices..
so low pay, eat cheaper..

Is it wat u lookin for??

Oh ok ok.... Understand liao.... Because I find China economy strange mah so I think better ask around to find out more and in the end get some knowledge out of these....

Thank Q Thank Q....
Old 24-06-2005, 03:19 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

2 weeks after e episode...
ya.. that's rite bros.. I met her again at my fav club!!!!
Somemore tables are side by side again!!

Imagine my look when i saw her there... with my gf beside me.. QUOTE]

to continue e story in line wif e topic of e thread.. (paiseh.. slow person)

Neily gave me e look tht i'm just a normal cheongster at e club..
Lucky me.. cos gf did not suspect a tink..

So carry on drinkin as per normal (Bro Harrier, its Gold again.. keke..)

Just nice, one of my friends sittin wif me knows one of e girls at Neily's table..
so drag me to go toast together (he CH lah... )

I LL no choice, lucky this time PC (gf PC onli rite??) went to join her friends at another table..

Neily juz toast normally n didn't say a tink.. My heart was pip pop pip pop throughout e whole time, scared she suddenly bao to... then i sure die tragically..

Juz then remember she said dun tell anyone.. keke.. heart resume normal beatin liao.. kinda trust tht sentence cos till now, she did behave as though she had sometink with me..

At around 2 plus in e morin.. Neily's friends are mostly wasted.. some have went off for their ONS.. keke..
Only Neily n another friend are at e table.
My table?? Out of 4 persons, i'm left standin.. (sittin actually)..
PC drunk like dunno wat, sleep in e car..

Actuali i admit i'm kinda bastard.. know PC drunk still carry on drinkin..
dunno y too.. till when i saw Neily flicked out her tongue at me when i looked at her...
DARN!!! Its e BBBJ!!!

Her other friend has left by now n she's alone.. (Me also alone.. waitin for e owner to come n drink)..
I lifted my glass n toast with her (in e air type,, dunno how to explain)..

She came over n talked to me.. "Ur gf ah?? Quite pretty ah.."
"Ok ah.. normal ah.. nothing special.."

"I miss tht night.."she whispered..
POP!! My heart skipped a beat...

"Err.. tot u said not to mention again??" i replied..
"I did.. but couldn't forget tht night... reali veri special".. she cooed..

I remember seein somewhere tht when a girl eats ur spermies, she'll b hooked on u.. Suddenly dawned on me dunno is it true or not..

"Sorri Neily, I'm wif my gf now.. reali veri sorry.."
"It was a very special night to me too... if u wanna know.."i said to her..

Juz then, e valet came to me n said PC wans to go home now n ask e valet to come n look for me..
Wat to do.. hav to act decent.. keke..

Bid Neily goodbye n sent PC home (my home.. keke..)

Tht night.. cannot sleep.. (mayb cos no BBBJ or sex.. keke..)
tot of Neily.. common look, big bum, small breasts.. but powerful tongue..

Should i look for her again???
Old 24-06-2005, 03:23 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by Harrier24B
You buy back when you come back sg and we drink together. I drink JW NEARLY everyday.....
ok ok.. should be goin bac for a few days in July..
but bro Harrier.. go to those normal places.. ur description (of prices) in ur thread reali too solid for me.. keke..

same here.. drink JW almost everyday too.. Keep Walking..
Old 24-06-2005, 03:24 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by oakleyeug

Thank Q Thank Q....

no prob bro!! anytime!! cheers!!
Old 25-06-2005, 02:00 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Sorry folks for the considerable time-lag in posting my final encounter. Been busy since returning from Bintan. You know how work piles up when you're away lah. The number of emails flooding one's inbox is enough to crash a server man!

Anyways ... I noticed that this thread has been hijacked somewhat and the discussion seems to have deviated a little. I mean, it's ok to post up ONS FRs but not in this thread lah.

Pls stick to the thread and don't TCSS coz I don't particularly appreciate scrolling through so much irrelevant stuff.

Back to my final encounter ...

Final Incident
Well this kinda took place during my freshman year in Uni more than 6 years ago. Think I came back half drunk from some all-guys cheong + hunting session with no spoils to show for that night.

Dialled my fav chatline number in a desperate attempt to score an injury-time equalizer.

Somehow got chatting with a nice-sounding, eloquent chick. We shall call her 'B' for the time being. Can't remember what da hell we talked about coz I was half drunk that time. Well we basically liked each other well enough after a few exchanges and eventually swapped numbers and started chatting on the phone.

B was teasing me throughout coz I was quite incoherent since I was kinda drunk. I told B that I could down another pint or 2 if given the chance and she took the initiative to invite me to her place.

"I have drinks in my room, why don't you come over?"

"You live alone?"

"Nah with my parents but they're sound asleep. Come over and I'll sneak you in."

Straighforward slut. I like ....

So I drove over to her place in my half-drunken stupour and called her when I had arrived. I was worried that she might turn out to be some Ms Piggy in the usual chatline game of Russian Roulette but oh no, this delectable-looking Eurasian-Ang-Moh chick with obviously huge knockers in a white t-shirt and a pair of shots approached my car and identified herself as B. She was in a pair of glasses as well, mind you. Ummmmm mmmmm ...

B requested that we popped over to a nearby 7-E to grab a pack of cigarettes and she automatically took my hand in hers and we walked hand-in-hand to get her pack of nicotine fix.

While we were there, I cheekily asked if there was anything else we should get (big head starting to clear up so small head got stirred into activity) with a smirk on my face and B took the hint and said "no need, I don't like rubbers". Wooooweeee.

To cut a long story short, we had the compulsory TCSS for about 15 mins or so (she was 18 or 19 then I think) when I was in her room and before you can say "fuck me", we were all over each other and frenching wildly, hands frantically removing each other's clothes. B had a perfectly rounded pair of C cup titties and nice brown nips and my persistent nibbling and tongue-fu evoked moans of pleasure from her. B tried to give me a BBBJ but her braces hurt my dickie so I told her to forget about it and went muff-diving on her instead. B was soaking wet and the slut's juice just kept flowing like a broken-tap. B couldn't take more than 5 minutes of it and grabbed my hands,

"Aren't you gonna take me?"

With no further invitation, I did her raw since she told me that she didn't like rubbers and that it was her safe period. Whoa, penetration drove her crazy man and for the first time in my life, I truly found out the meaning of the often used phrase "she screws like a banshee" and she kept screaming all kinds of shit you can imagine - "fuck me harder!" "give it to me!" "explode inside me I want to have your babies!" that kinda shit. I was afraid that she might wake her parents up and basically had to stuff her pillow into her mouth to shush her up. But the thrill and sensation was just too much - I shot my load into her and collapsed onto her bed. B would later sneak me out of her place and we basically met up for the next few weeks or so for daily (make that nightly) fuck-sessions. I remember once we were at it for 4 consecutive rounds and my legs were basically lembeh and I had to limp from class to class the next day.

I remember that B was involved in Chang & Eng at that point in time and I was even invited to it. Ahem, she even introed me to her mom and she thought that we were a couple. Ha, but I knew better!

Anyway this carried on for about a month or 2 before B obviously lost interest in me and prob found a new playmate coz she stopped picking up my calls after a while and I didn't wanna pursue this as well since I'd already gotten my fill.

Many many years later, I was watching Singapore Idol when I realised that she was one of the finalists! No prizes for guessing who since there was a thread about her sometime ago in the Forum and I couldn't really be bothered to talk about her since she's obviously a village bicycle (everybody's taken a ride!). But I must say that she looked much much better when she was 18, she bleached her hair blonde then and looked much younger. She looks spent now, probably the result of being screwed so many times by so many men.

And yeah, she's totally emotional man. A bit only the tears will start to fall.

Well, that's all folks. Hope you enjoyed my 3 encounters
Old 26-06-2005, 09:53 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Originally Posted by Chandler

Anyways ... I noticed that this thread has been hijacked somewhat and the discussion seems to have deviated a little. I mean, it's ok to post up ONS FRs but not in this thread lah.

Pls stick to the thread and don't TCSS coz I don't particularly appreciate scrolling through so much irrelevant stuff.
Bo Chandler, I apologise to u for hijacking ur thread.. didn't do it on purpose..

N also my writing not so seasoned, so pls give me ur guidance if possible as i would like to b a contributor as well.

Cheers to ur great encounters!!!
Old 26-06-2005, 10:24 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

singapore idol? not difficult to guess who though..
Old 26-06-2005, 10:47 PM
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Re: Anyone ever bump into the girl you had ONS with...?

Leandra? hmm...jessica theodor? Not sure correct or not...
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