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Old 15-05-2014, 10:49 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Thanks a lot for this thread! Learnt a lot of it.
Old 15-05-2014, 10:59 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by lateNightyOwl View Post
So disciplined, sian already still can carry on everyday
Then how ? Hungry also cannot go out eat, at home got cook eat at home lor better then starve mah .... Worst still go out eat wait get "food poisoning" then more chialat
Old 16-05-2014, 02:19 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by HARPERS View Post
In a pretty similar situation with soggypants, at least 1s a day for the past 4 years we are married , one 9 month old kid and we still continue to do it daily even now.

I think my only complain is that the sex is no longer enjoyable. It's just sex for the sake of sex or it's like eating for the sake of eating and it's getting pretty awkward for us.

A usual night goes like this -

After the kid is asleep, we watch tv, at about 9ish or 10pm, she'll ask " want sex? " .... My response, "ok" we will strip, she will do the usual bj and then lay down for poking. After which we just put on our clothes and act as though nothing happened..... Wanna watch next chapter ? She'll ask , ok I respond ... We watch the next chapter of her favourite serial .... Grab a stick of ciggy then off to bed to sleep

Very monotonous and very robotic .... Kinda sianz actually
Try breaking the routine. Try different ways to approach her instead of either one of you asking for it. Maybe you can try to be more romantic such as hugging her or playing with her hair?
Old 16-05-2014, 07:16 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by HARPERS View Post
Then how ? Hungry also cannot go out eat, at home got cook eat at home lor better then starve mah .... Worst still go out eat wait get "food poisoning" then more chialat
But the thing is you all seem to be stuffing food into your mouth even when not hungry.
Old 16-05-2014, 10:49 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

I rather overeat than starve.
Old 16-05-2014, 10:56 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by ls460 View Post
Personally I think any wife wants to feel attractive and wanted even though she isn't as much as SYTs(after 3 kids). She might even feel that she is fat or unattractive to me anymore after having 3 children but I let her know that I need her everyday and if she doesn't feed me enough then I will eat elsewhere. The key words is to make her feel wanted all the time.
She has since been giving me every single day both in Singapore and when we are overseas.
she wants to drain u dry!
Old 16-05-2014, 01:23 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Hi, 1st time posting. I'm in opposite scenario from u guys. In fact it's my man who seems to be too stress supporting the family to think about sex now. And I realised that after childbirth I actually had an increased libido.. wierd.. maybe due to changes in hormones. In the past I used to reject him but now I'm more than glad to service him! But instead I don't get it as often now or it wasn't as passionate as before..

And also, due to natural delivery, I no longer feel as tight or sensitive as before. Regret not opting for csection. Any husbands here have the same problem? Do you feel sex is less enjoyable now because ur wife no longer feels as tight?
Old 16-05-2014, 02:00 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by ktmh View Post
And also, due to natural delivery, I no longer feel as tight or sensitive as before. Regret not opting for csection. Any husbands here have the same problem? Do you feel sex is less enjoyable now because ur wife no longer feels as tight?
Sis, natural delivery is good then Csection. How u tell yr is not tight.

Click here for my latest post to return Up.Thanks!

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Old 16-05-2014, 03:12 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by ktmh View Post
Hi, 1st time posting. I'm in opposite scenario from u guys. In fact it's my man who seems to be too stress supporting the family to think about sex now. And I realised that after childbirth I actually had an increased libido.. wierd.. maybe due to changes in hormones. In the past I used to reject him but now I'm more than glad to service him! But instead I don't get it as often now or it wasn't as passionate as before..

And also, due to natural delivery, I no longer feel as tight or sensitive as before. Regret not opting for csection. Any husbands here have the same problem? Do you feel sex is less enjoyable now because ur wife no longer feels as tight?
For me I never really noticed any difference , no matter what kind of delivery or how loose or tight you are , there bound to be some friction. Important for me is the foreplay that leads to the passionate sex afterwards ... That IMO plays 80% part if I m gonna enjoy my shot ..... Of course feelings ( emotional is also very important )
Old 16-05-2014, 03:18 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by ktmh View Post
Hi, 1st time posting. I'm in opposite scenario from u guys. In fact it's my man who seems to be too stress supporting the family to think about sex now. And I realised that after childbirth I actually had an increased libido.. wierd.. maybe due to changes in hormones. In the past I used to reject him but now I'm more than glad to service him! But instead I don't get it as often now or it wasn't as passionate as before..

And also, due to natural delivery, I no longer feel as tight or sensitive as before. Regret not opting for csection. Any husbands here have the same problem? Do you feel sex is less enjoyable now because ur wife no longer feels as tight?
no hard facts that natural means a lose vagina.
u should practice kegel exercises to maintain elasticity.

for him, hope its really work or physical stress than 'something else'

btw are u a home maker?
Old 16-05-2014, 03:25 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by HARPERS View Post
In a pretty similar situation with soggypants, at least 1s a day for the past 4 years we are married , one 9 month old kid and we still continue to do it daily even now.

I think my only complain is that the sex is no longer enjoyable. It's just sex for the sake of sex or it's like eating for the sake of eating and it's getting pretty awkward for us.

A usual night goes like this -

After the kid is asleep, we watch tv, at about 9ish or 10pm, she'll ask " want sex? " .... My response, "ok" we will strip, she will do the usual bj and then lay down for poking. After which we just put on our clothes and act as though nothing happened..... Wanna watch next chapter ? She'll ask , ok I respond ... We watch the next chapter of her favourite serial .... Grab a stick of ciggy then off to bed to sleep

Very monotonous and very robotic .... Kinda sianz actually
least there's sex, just boring sex.. maybe too routine and thus taking each other for 'granted'
Old 16-05-2014, 04:19 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by HARPERS View Post
For me I never really noticed any difference , no matter what kind of delivery or how loose or tight you are , there bound to be some friction. Important for me is the foreplay that leads to the passionate sex afterwards ... That IMO plays 80% part if I m gonna enjoy my shot ..... Of course feelings ( emotional is also very important )
That's what my man says too.. He says sex is better now as im more spontaneous than before. Maybe im just being too self concious. Im toying with the idea of getting it fixed through plastic surgery but surely it will cost a bomb and i cant afford it now for sure. But I can definitely feel it myself. It's frustrating as I can't physically feel as high as I can mentally or emotionally.

And yes I'm pretty sure it's due to his work stress that's causing the dip in drive. Can tell he craves for it but physically too tired.
Old 16-05-2014, 05:36 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Hi all,

We have sex once a week. we are married for almost 13 years with 2 kids.

For bros who are having issues please hang on there for the sake of your kids...
"Xiao Hai very Wu Gu"......

sorry for the rushed reply as in office
Old 16-05-2014, 10:23 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by mokermania View Post
Hi all,

We have sex once a week. we are married for almost 13 years with 2 kids.

For bros who are having issues please hang on there for the sake of your kids...
"Xiao Hai very Wu Gu"......

sorry for the rushed reply as in office
Hanging on to a marriage just because of kids? Is this sensible? I know I wont cuz i am divorced with a kid. You live only once.
Old 16-05-2014, 10:44 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by ktmh View Post
That's what my man says too.. He says sex is better now as im more spontaneous than before. Maybe im just being too self concious. Im toying with the idea of getting it fixed through plastic surgery but surely it will cost a bomb and i cant afford it now for sure. But I can definitely feel it myself. It's frustrating as I can't physically feel as high as I can mentally or emotionally.

And yes I'm pretty sure it's due to his work stress that's causing the dip in drive. Can tell he craves for it but physically too tired.
Yes spontaneous is the word ! Planning usually ends in disappointment for us. Chinese has a saying " ji hwa mei you pi pain hwa kwai "

I always look forward to spontaneous advances for sex, maybe during dinner she can stroke me under the table or suddenly join me for shower etc unfortunately that seldom happens.

I work US hours from home and we used to have such wild times in the beginning , I would be on the conference bridge and suddenly she would wake up and initiate sex !!!! Wah shiok .... Imagine getting a bj while on the bridge with your executive leadership team and major client and your wife giving you a blow , would put the handset on speaker turned to the lowest volume and mute and we would bonk our brains out .... Sometimes my name is mentioned and i need to stop everything and talk in a business tone for 5 secs ( usually it's yep I m good with that xxx ) then continue ... Those were the days ... Now conference calls need to be taken in the study , sometimes she comes out in her t shirt and I thought Wah hoe say Liao but she says " don't forget to off light when finish ah " then sleepily go back to room ... Sigh
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