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Old 01-06-2015, 12:14 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 View Post
....some people don't come batam for Indon food but rather cheap seafood and many other cheap food.

Just like if I travel to Philippines, I don't really fancy their filipino dishes as well. I would be looking for their western/fast food.
I usually go for food that i eat daily in Sillypore when in Batam (char siew rice,chicken rice,wan tan mee,hor fun,fried rice etc) and most of these arent indo. A meal to me is just a meal,as long as it fits my taste. If i were to go beyond my taste bud,the next level up would likely be heading towards tonic stuffs,vegetarian food or exotic delicacy ,eg crocodile meat,reptile meat etc.

I notice something when i am searching online for Batam Food. I notice most of whats being shared online are RESTAURANTS,but coffee shop food were VERY VERY RARE. In fact i dont see those stores like the Meximo Pub Wan Tan Mee,Instar Hotel Coffee shop mee store,or the Penuin Market's Bai Long Bak Chor Wan Tan Mee or their neighboring Char Siew Rice store,Penuin Chicken rice store etc mentioned online at all (cant find within online search engines).

These are all SUPER GOOD tasting regular daily food,but no...cant locate even a single one of them at all except in SBF,hehehe.... I guess thats what makes them an unique class of its own. From another angle of view,we have so much talk about having local food,hehehe...but most of us are still evolving around at the regular tourist eating circle which can be spotted online.And i do not mean that tourist area food is not good tasting nor no good tho.


If anyone has any of such food places in mind,do keep me posted.

I sincerely thank you.

*planning my 3 meals for my upcoming 17th Batam trip now,hehehe...

Originally Posted by Intltuk View Post
....I brought a group of kakis to TP and 1/2 the grp book girls from village for overnight. I inform them the price is SGD20(note price is 28yrs ago) and make sure the girls agree. As we were sharing 2 to a room, those of us hve did not have girls gave our rooms up to those who have. Next morning, frantic knocking on the door, I opened the door and the bros hve had their bonks standing outside. They wanted me to help settle their problem with the girls, who were demanding SGD50 vs agreed SGD20. After trying to negotiate/threaten the girls...the bros decided they do not want to drag the matter further and they paid up. As I brought the bros there.....I decided to investigate how this happen and this is wat I found out:

1. Some of the bros did not nego with the girls...they assume all same price.
2. One bro was being Santa Claus to his girl behind our backs.....thus, the girl was the leader who convince the rest of the girls to demand for SGD 50.
Thank you for sharing,bro.

As mentioned earlier,everyone in one way or another learns from history. And from your sharing,i learned that history often repeats itself till this very day,hehehe...believe me,it is already shown here at this moment of time when i type this post. Just one small example,remember the Banned Joint Morena on my signature,many were conned off in Batam,a warning was stated no less than 10 times by various different bros,but still you see people keep repeating the same "thing" till this day (received yet another complain on Morena 29,Morena 30 and Morena "whatever number" just last week via

Your "history" stated every interest party are suppose to pay S$20 per pax for each girl when you bring a whole group to a particular joint and a "confirmation in price" is required with their respective girls (thats 28 years ago of course). Some Indian chief aka "know-it-all" person out of a sudden tries to impress a particular girl he likes which result in all other interest party being having to pay more than double the amount at the end of the day.

Reminds me the time i brought my part-time job boss to a Batam KTV in 2014 (not stated in any of my summaries becos i was a follower then),told him about the tipping system and all that,but he ends up tipping S$100 for his (overnight and non-overnight). End of the day the rest of those who follows has to tip a minimum of S$50 each. Good thing is he only visit Batam once (or twice/thrice at max) and he voluntarily top up another S$50 for the rest of the other girls that were booked overnight (meaning all booked girls were tipped S$100 eventually)by us that day. Our damage per pax on that 2D1N (not counting my boss) is 1.5 juta for overnight girl plus S$100 tips (S$50 + S$50) (liquor not included). Still cheap in Sillypore term tho,but ultra expensive in any 3rd world cities. Bad thing is from that day onward,when he ask anybody go Batam with him,every regular visitors he knows avoid him as far as when we are there,we NEVER step into that KTV again becos we know all the mamissss there WOULD be expecting those "amount of tips" from any of A little similar to your story?

See,history does repeats itself from 28 years ago today and i believe given another 28 years later,the same old situation is gonna happen again,hehehe...still for the wiser and regulars,MOST WILL learn from those histories.

Originally Posted by Intltuk View Post
Were there lessons learnt? Well, those bros, I'm sure hve learnt...the hard way
Yes,there are definitely lesson learned from your experience even from a reader like me.

I learn from reading your story and physical experience that the people joining in group needs to share close enough frequency,only then can the group easily break the ice to accommodate each other and can then have more fun and lesser conflicts.

Some will want to have 100 bonks a day (ilustration) to have fun,some needs to tip over and beyond to show off their "i have the money" ego,some needs to hug 2 girls to proof they are a REAL man,some needs ecstasy and shake both heads at a discotheque,some needs to out-oust their own friends (or others) in terms of money and/or experience (when 2 super rich frens cross path),of course on some unique cases,there will always be those who try to "cook green bean soup" using money to replace "charcoal" to enjoy their version of fun.Everyone is different. If 2 or more party shares the same frequency when it comes to having fun in an entertainment place/s,the fun portion would then multiplies,hehehe....and if its not,it would likely be the last they see each other.

Originally Posted by Intltuk View Post
Agree on two points. For me, reputation of OKT is important as he decides the behaviour/misbehaviour of the girls/mami. Picking of girls...well, that is something ea bro will have to pick up as there is no hard and fast rules as like u say, one man's meat another poison....but the nbr one rule as u've mentioned.......Pick the girl that show sincere interest as a hot looking babe can give u a bad time and a av girl can bring u to heaven...with the right attitude
Yes,yes...the OKT is an important key factor when it comes to picking the rightly behaved girls in a booking joint in my case. So,i also have some requirement for both papi and mami,hehehe....even tho i am not a believer of "customer is always right".

Past FRs has shown me that a handful of cheongster do not treat the girls like human. The girls to them are like robots or sex dolls from my perspective (base on their expectation), that do not need to "eat to live" at I will give the girls respect,and while i do not expect to have similar amount of it back;if i dont get the borderline basic, then i will consider the girl under "no good" girls category. In my 16 trips to Batam,i have only encounter one bad one base on my poor standard. No runaways so *touch wood*, and knowing of the existence of "runaways",i try to devise ways of my own to prevent it. Isnt that what learning from others is all about? (again,its my own perspective)

Originally Posted by Intltuk View Post
In summary, other than reputation of joints, picking up of girls are a hit/miss affair. Every chiongster would have at least one incident of picking the 'wrong' one.
Totally agree. There will still be joints with consistent fairly ok girls (notice i use the word "ok" and not "good"). But who dares guarantee all girls in these joints will be "ok" for everyone? I doubt anyone could do so. Turn what i just say the other way round now.If there are joints with consistently "not-so-ok" girls,who dares to guarantee there wont be any good girls in these joints for anyone? No one too,i

So while trying to maximize hits and minimize misses...i am sure there would be a formula to it (and these formula applies to different time and places) and they changes all the time. This is the part that would be a challenge and it goes a lot as accordance to an individual player's experience,which i am experimenting and learning today.

Thank you for sharing your experience.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 01-06-2015, 01:12 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post

I notice something when i am searching online for Batam Food. I notice most of whats being shared online are RESTAURANTS,but coffee shop food were VERY VERY RARE.
Think tis is common for traveling overseas as most would patronize restaurants since the price is equivalent to S'pore coffeeshops and they're there only as a tourist . Only frequent travelers will patronize coffeeshops/stalls as they become `part local'

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
......still you see people keep repeating the same "thing" till this day (received yet another complain on Morena 29,Morena 30 and Morena "whatever number" just last week via

.....Some Indian chief aka "know-it-all" person out of a sudden tries to impress a particular girl he likes which result in all other interest party being having to pay more than double the amount at the end of the day.
True.....history tend to repeat....esp with bros who are not regulars . I've a few encounters thru' my chionging days....and it's always with `newbies' with attitude of `I know better'.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
.....1.5 juta for overnight girl plus S$100 tips (S$50 + S$50) (liquor not included). ....from that day onward,when he ask anybody go Batam with him,every regular visitors he knows avoid him as far as when we are there,we NEVER step into that KTV again becos we know all the mamissss there WOULD be expecting those "amount of tips" from any of A little similar to your story?
I would do the same thing too....avoid ur boss and not step into tat KTV for a long while.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Some will want to have 100 bonks a day (ilustration) to have fun,some needs to tip over and beyond to show off their "i have the money" ego,some needs to hug 2 girls to proof they are a REAL man,some needs ecstasy and shake both heads at a discotheque,some needs to out-oust their own friends (or others) in terms of money and/or experience (when 2 super rich frens cross path),of course on some unique cases,there will always be those who try to "cook green bean soup" using money to replace "charcoal" to enjoy their version of fun.Everyone is different. If 2 or more party shares the same frequency when it comes to having fun in an entertainment place/s,the fun portion would then multiplies,hehehe....and if its not,it would likely be the last they see each other.
Yup, had my fair share of bros with different agenda....but usually no problem as we go our separate ways and only meet up for meals and/or end of stay.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Yes,yes...the OKT is an important key factor when it comes to picking the rightly behaved girls in a booking joint in my case. So,i also have some requirement for both papi and mami,hehehe....even tho i am not a believer of "customer is always right".

Totally agree. There will still be joints with consistent fairly ok girls (notice i use the word "ok" and not "good"). But who dares guarantee all girls in these joints will be "ok" for everyone?

So while trying to maximize hits and minimize misses...i am sure there would be a formula to it (and these formula applies to different time and places) and they changes all the time. This is the part that would be a challenge and it goes a lot as accordance to an individual player's experience,which i am experimenting and learning today.

Thank you for sharing your experience.
Whether in chionging girls/joints/KTV, etc.....rep of place is important as the probability of encountering problem is less.

Girl picking u say, one man's meat is another man's poison...thus, ea individual will hve to develop their own `skills'....other than the common advice of making sure the girl is interested in u. when I was chionging with my bros...we like to do a `debriefing' of the girls we is always fun and knowledge `enhancing'.
Old 01-06-2015, 02:49 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

17 June trip anyone? Going for massage (Atalanta) , some shopping and seafood dinner.. Watch movie if got time..
Old 01-06-2015, 03:11 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
I usually go for food that i eat daily in Sillypore when in Batam (char siew rice,chicken rice,wan tan mee,hor fun,fried rice etc) and most of these arent indo. A meal to me is just a meal,as long as it fits my taste. If i were to go beyond my taste bud,the next level up would likely be heading towards tonic stuffs,vegetarian food or exotic delicacy ,eg crocodile meat,reptile meat etc.

I notice something when i am searching online for Batam Food. I notice most of whats being shared online are RESTAURANTS,but coffee shop food were VERY VERY RARE. In fact i dont see those stores like the Meximo Pub Wan Tan Mee,Instar Hotel Coffee shop mee store,or the Penuin Market's Bai Long Bak Chor Wan Tan Mee or their neighboring Char Siew Rice store,Penuin Chicken rice store etc mentioned online at all (cant find within online search engines).

These are all SUPER GOOD tasting regular daily food,but no...cant locate even a single one of them at all except in SBF,hehehe.... I guess thats what makes them an unique class of its own. From another angle of view,we have so much talk about having local food,hehehe...but most of us are still evolving around at the regular tourist eating circle which can be spotted online.And i do not mean that tourist area food is not good tasting nor no good tho.


If anyone has any of such food places in mind,do keep me posted.

I sincerely thank you.

*planning my 3 meals for my upcoming 17th Batam trip now,hehehe...
In A2 foodcourt, there is a Medan guy selling what I think is one of the best kwetiau goreng in batam. Only available at night...

If you are familiar with A2, you will know that there are a row of portable stalls somewhat in the middle of the foodcourt. The stall selling satay is closest to the car park, and this kwetiau goreng stall is at the other end of the row of stalls..

If I remember correctly, the stall says Medan Kwetiau Goreng. What's interesting is that the boss is an Indon fella (dunno whether Muslim or not) who sells these translucent kwetiau goreng laden with seafood, pork slices and lapcheong (yes, lapcheong!! Slurps) for 20k a packet (if U're really hungry, order the jumbo size @ 30k).. It is by default not spicy, but I always ask the boss to make it spicy for me... Best...!!!

I usually pair it with a serving of satay from there, which is pretty darn good too... Double best..!!!
Old 01-06-2015, 04:36 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Not really a fussy eater....but those make shift stalls do have quite decent nasi goreng / mee goreng.
I usually ta pao a packet when walking back to hotel.

Actually what is the exact Indo word for ta pao (take away)?
Mostly I use hand language.
Old 01-06-2015, 05:30 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by MiG27 View Post
Actually what is the exact Indo word for ta pao (take away)?
Mostly I use hand language.
Bungkus is tapao
KliK sInI >>>IndO C3W3
Old 01-06-2015, 07:22 PM
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Makan in Bata,

Yong Kee Soup Ikan susa la as they use too much dry flat fish for their soup. Their other zi char dishes ok only.

Ping Kee Soup Ikan at Eatern Food Court opposite BCS beats it hands down. Not just their fish soup, their yam fish head soup, teochew poached fish, assam fish and their fried fresh snapper fillet are killers.

Did you all also try the very nice curry puffs and freshly made at Nagoya quite near to Queen 833?
Old 01-06-2015, 08:11 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by johnkhb View Post
In A2 foodcourt, there is a Medan guy selling what I think is one of the best kwetiau goreng in batam. Only available at night...
I like the one near Winsor Foodcourt. They operate in the house, just behind Winsor foodcourt, along the road where meximo is. They have alot more ho liao in the food.

Originally Posted by Lao Er Ge View Post
Yong Kee Soup Ikan susa la as they use too much dry flat fish for their soup.
Yong Kee fish soup is crap to me, too much MSG always thirsty like fuck after makan there. The is a coffee shop opp Sri Jaya hotel, the corner shop. Tried the soup ikan there once, very good. Will go again next time I am in batam.
Old 01-06-2015, 10:11 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Some FR below on the meals i had during the long weekend.

1) Mahkota

Located opposite Utama Warehouse.

75k rupiah per pax for the Dimsum Buffet excluding 10% Government Tax, it comes with free Chinese Tea.

Recommendation: Their Siewmai and Fried Prawn Dumpling.

Avoid: Their porridge.

Total Rating: 6.5/10

This place also serve Suki (steamboat) & Bbq Buffet.

Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
Old 01-06-2015, 10:12 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

2) Red Crab Restaurant

Located at Nagoya Hill Foodstreet. When you are facing KFC, Red Crab Restaurant is your left end.

Indeed as what bros posted here days ago stating that the Restaurant is currently having a promotion of 50% off for Crabs.

Recommendation: Must try their Mantou !!!

Rating: 8.5/10

Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
Old 01-06-2015, 10:13 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

3) BonChon Korean Fried Chicken

Located at Nagoya Hill Foodstreet. When you are facing KFC, BonChon is your right end.

Recommendation: Chicken Skin from the chicken, i feel that the taste of the flour they applied on the chicken is very unique.

Rating: 7/10

They do delivery, Tel = 0778500051

Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
Old 01-06-2015, 10:18 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 View Post
Some FR below on the meals i had during the long weekend.

1) Mahkota

Located opposite Utama Warehouse.

75k rupiah per pax for the Dimsum Buffet excluding 10% Government Tax, it comes with free Chinese Tea.

Recommendation: Their Siewmai and Fried Prawn Dumpling.

Avoid: Their porridge.

Total Rating: 6.5/10

This place also serve Suki (steamboat) & Bbq Buffet.

Koh, although it's super cheap, I feel that the dimsum quality is only 4.8/10 leh... Quite jialat...
Old 01-06-2015, 10:40 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Latest pricing at Delta as per 31st May 2015.

Per Session = 45 mins, free use of facilities.
(min 2 session i guess, senior please confirm)

2 Session = 150k per session x 2

Additional session (add this to get HJ) = 130k

My bill as follow:

2 X Session = 300k
1 X Addition Session = 130k
Add on lavender oil = 40k
Tax: 2k (I don't know why 2k only but it shown exactly 2k on the receipt.

Total damage: 472k.

For bros visiting Delta can try to take note of the following:

1) If want HJ, after using of facilities, when you are at the level 2 and was approached by the GRO just tell her you want 3 (Tiga) Session.

2) The GRO will try to push their other Add On like hot stone, mud scrubbing etc to you. It's up to you whether you want to take up their offer anot, no obligation.

3) The GRO won't tell you the type of room available, she will just say Vip Suite Room or just Suite Room (Private room with bathtub, after massage the masseur will shower you). This will cost additional 200k or more if i remember correctly, senior please confirm again.

4) If you want the same pricing as me, tell them normal only will do (Biasa Saja), you will be placed in a hall with different cubicles with curtains.

5) And then the GRO will ask you if lavender oil is ok, for me i took it because i had a pair of hairy legs Same here, you can reject if you doesn't want it.

6) Lastly, the GRO will ask you if you have any preference Masseur? You can try to tell them what type of girl you want and hope she select for you.

Overall i feel Delta is also a tourist trap as they do not have the menu for massage and they don't prompt you with choices and they tend to push all the "VIP Benefits" to you unless you had done your homework.
Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
Old 01-06-2015, 10:41 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by johnkhb View Post
Koh, although it's super cheap, I feel that the dimsum quality is only 4.8/10 leh... Quite jialat...
For me ok la, as long as eatable and affordable.
Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
Old 01-06-2015, 11:48 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by johnkhb View Post
Went to Dae Jang Gem on Saturday night with a bunch of friends and our partners...

We ordered ALOT...

"Sex pleasure in woman is a kind of magix;
it demands complete abandon;
if words or movements oppose the magix of caresses, the spell is broken."

Simon De Beauvoir
ma thuat da
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