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Old 13-06-2015, 09:29 PM
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Re: Delete FR

Originally Posted by 88088 View Post
...This board doesn't belongs to H88 or you, so why must his honest FR got deleted? Now you answer me this as you also got poked your nose into HCMC thread, trying to be friends with the HCMC hooligans.
So... this board belongs to you?
Sure as heck seems like it from your demands to everybody - including HH88, Boss and MOI!

Honest FR? Yeah - just about as honest as YOUR posts! LMFAO
And you can state this so authoritatively?
Since I did NOT see you involved at all or had posted anything alongside, during the period in question.
Unless of course if indeed taikoo0 is just another one of your clones and/or a co-conspirator.

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.
Old 13-06-2015, 09:51 PM
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Re: Delete FR

Originally Posted by 88088 View Post
Theres no rules saying :
Read it and weep turkey!

Originally Posted by Big Sexy View Post
Dear All

Clones are allowed, however it is one thing to have clones and another to use it to spam, especially in those threads where innocent parties are involved. The admin and moderators usually do not act unless we feel u have crossed the line.

My request to you guys will be (From this post onwards) restrict your flaming to the few threads which u are posting in, and leave the innocent alone.

i seek your kind cooperation, thank you.

And it is TOTALLY within Hurricane88's remit to have deleted the posts.

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.
Old 13-06-2015, 10:22 PM
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Re: Delete FR

Simi daiji here?
You all still haven't kiss n make up ah?

No head no tail thread...
So what's the FR about?
SIC here leh...
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Old 13-06-2015, 10:30 PM
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Re: Delete FR

Originally Posted by 88088 View Post
Lanpa la. You can go and kiss SEAJ.
Xdd... U carry on with your Internet quarrel hor...
Win Liao then look for me...
I treat u jiak banana...

Target 6,888... POSTS!

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Old 13-06-2015, 10:34 PM
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Re: Delete FR

Originally Posted by 88088 View Post
Did I said this ....
So typical!
Running off to yet another topic when not able to address the original one.

Dictating? Yeah - accusations of dictating which is impossible to refute AND used by you crooks, repeated ad-finitum, to make it as perceived truths.
Do substantiate where I have “..dictating samsters on how to chiong, how to this how to that…” VERSUS just my suggesting to everybody to be aware of you crooks on the International threads. Too bad it’s crimping your thieving! LMFAO

C+P FR’s? Again, care to substantiate this? Typical tactic for you crooks - trotting out lies time and again and again to make such totally unfounded lies to become perceived truths. Unlike you, I do NOT need to validate myself on any thread/location/subject – something which you crooks always need to do in order to attract unsuspecting Samsters to be in touch with you.

Try my best to be in Hurricane88’s gang? For the longest time I have stated that I will NOT meet up with ANY Samsters and direct PM to the public board. No, unlike you, I don’t have to befriend anybody here. All your “invitations” for guys to join you, meet up with you, let’s go to xxx together – all to scam them when they do meet up with you.

Big Sexy:- “….My request to you guys will be (From this post onwards) restrict your flaming….”

Nahhhh…. forget you – you’ll just come out with more nonsense!

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.
Old 13-06-2015, 10:40 PM
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Re: Delete FR

Originally Posted by Johnbass View Post
Xdd... U carry on with your Internet quarrel hor...
Win Liao then look for me...
I treat u jiak banana

There's no winning with these crooks - all they do is just switch to another clone when one gets used up.

The important thing is to identify these crooks' clones when they make an appearance on an International thread - to entrap unsuspecting Samsters - and to publicize this fact in order for us all to stay well clear of them.

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.
Old 13-06-2015, 10:49 PM
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Re: Delete FR

Originally Posted by Johnbass View Post
Xdd... U carry on with your Internet quarrel hor...
Win Liao then look for me...
I treat u jiak banana...

Why u always kana scolding one. Your backside so itchy.
Old 13-06-2015, 10:55 PM
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Re: Delete FR

Originally Posted by xalerr View Post
Wah lao eh always 2 idiots quarrel then see the same fucking thread keep getting pushed and bumped up in this subforum. Mai kaobei la both of u. Bring ur fucking fight somewhere else. U all want kill each other i also dun care. Just dun KAOBEIKAOBU here la CHEEBYES!

You ain't seen nothing yet!
Wait till the rest of these crooks and their various clones make an appearance too!

Hey, if it bothers you so much - easy, just put us on your ignore list!

And.... errrr.... talking about dictators!!

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.
Old 13-06-2015, 10:59 PM
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Re: Delete FR

I can answer this qn, H88 is a both a TS and moderator.
Seem like many still do not know he is moderator.
Originally Posted by conquer View Post
I thought only the moderator can delete a post, e.g. FR.

You are the TS now, is there any button you can access to delete a respond in this thread?
I like to voice out my opinion.
Please do not take it seriously, end of the day this is just a forum. :)
Old 13-06-2015, 11:33 PM
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Re: Delete FR

Originally Posted by 88088 View Post
....Until now theres no evidences being produce by you mofo china pimp!

No no! I supposed you forget? Before your business went bad, ...After Changping got raided by the authorities, your business start to decline and decline further and you realised that Tony's business maintain, and thus this is the reason you set up the thread to warn samsters, but actually your real intention is to flame his business don't you. ...
So skilfull at spinning yarns these crooks!

But that's OK as it gives me another opportunity to remind Samsters to read when doing research to plan for an overseas mongering trip and avoid being scammed by these crooks. On this thread, I have also posted the following which totally refutes this crook 88088's lies:
Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
Like I said, all just so much bull-crap, but I will address this particularly vile accusation about my supposedly being /wanting to be an agent myself.

First – if it was true that I wanted to be an agent, how does it make sense that I AM on this mission to inform Samsters here of their evil ways? And BTW, just to highlight the stark contrast – on other boards, my posting of the same information is universally greeted with thanks and support, but of course not here. I guess it’s primarily SBF that is infested with these undeclared stealth agents as the rules here do have grey areas to allow these conmen to keep on with their thievin’ ways.

Second - how many of you have I instead replied to PUBLICLY when you PM me for information? Agents will always take such PM’s as their golden opportunity to befriend you.

Third – how many of you have I actually agreed to meet up with? Shortly after I started to participate on the old Chang Ping thread 3 or so years ago, and after being totally flabbergasted at the reception I was getting just because I was suggesting ways to avoid being carrot-headed, I have NOT entertained any requests for meet-ups with any internet acquaintances from here or other boards. So how does that jive with my wanting to build an agent business? A helluva way to build up ANY business! LOL. (Please allow me to take this opportunity to again apologize to those who I have turned away when you requested to meet up – hope you now better understand why. Thanks)

The amount of time, effort and organization that these undeclared agents spend on their evil way of doing business, I wonder why can’t they instead spend such on building up proper and honest businesses? Advertisers on here like ebonkie, Thaihotels, Vivianxu, Philip Japan TVB etc. all prosper whilst honestly building up their business – why can’t these conmen do the same instead of always just trying to scam us? How can it be that paying Boss his minimal advertising fees represents such a drain on their finances? Doesn’t it tell them that the way they are doing business is not only wrong, but truly stupid?

And…..OK… here’s a bit of scrap for you stealth agents - some personal information about SEAJ! Woo Hoo!! And before I get attacked again on this, NO, I am NOT in the least bit interested in doing ANY business via SBF or any other sex boards and I certainly am NOT interested in being an agent – stealth, declared or whatever! Been there, done that, forget about it!!! Many years ago I invested in a regular travel agency, and the margins just weren’t there. I guess, perhaps that’s why our stealth agents insist on instead just thieving from us? Because the job of an agent for quite minimal pay-back is NOT an easy one, and I take my hat off to them who would do their job properly and honestly.

OK you dummy thieves – carry on!! Carry on exposing your evil ways all by yourselves!
CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.
Old 13-06-2015, 11:47 PM
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Re: Delete FR

Originally Posted by 88088 View Post
... Actually you admitted that in last month, but unfortunately the thread got deleted by big sexy.

Those who read, will know. This is fact, you cant hide it.
I admitted it?
Thread got deleted by big sexy?
OMG you are so blatant in your lies.
What else can anybody expect with a total crook like you!

Again you trying to lie. You been kissing H88's ass until you got high? I remembered after MC got shot down by H88, and H88 listed down his friends names, but cleanly forgotten about you, and you did asked him, '' how about me''
Only a conman like you would seize upon a very obvious joke/pulling of legs and try make something out of it. EVEN if it is true that I try to ingratiate myself to HH88 - which is not the case at all - so WHAT?!
Of course you won't meet anybody in this forum, after you created havoc flaming others, falsely accused others and your balls just shrink off afraid others might just hammer you for this. But wait I recalled back, that time you agreed to meet up Hurrycane88? Don't you at one of the train station? So fast you wanna to brush it off. Now you claimed you don't meet others?

And I remember you just posted recently wanting to meet vbkk? All this lies from you? So matter of fact who is crook here?
Again seizing upon every inconsequential piffle and trying to make it into something. Very obvious that Hurrycane88 was bluffing when he supposedly requested to meet me in Hong Kong- and of course, NOTHING ever came out of this and he wouldn't even reply; ASKING about vbkk's invitations to others was to point out the fact that you crooks' main purpose for posting on here is ALWAYS just to actually meet up with Samsters when you can scam them.

Try again bub!
Again and always coming up with more nonsense when not able to address the topic at hand
CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.
Old 13-06-2015, 11:51 PM
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Re: Delete FR

Johnbass want to kiss and make up with u all!
Like that sure...

Madness Is Like Gravity... All It Needs Is A Little Push.
Old 14-06-2015, 12:00 AM
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Protect yourself against these crooks.

If you are planning on an overseas mongering trip and doing research on SBF, please be aware of all the crooks that are thick on the International threads.

Knowledge is power – it is incumbent upon you to learn about these crooks and how to avoid them.
Before going to your particular destination thread, please first go to the following which is an official “Sticky” on the top of the main “International Field Reports” page:

Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.

Have a great trip!
Stay Safe!
CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.
Old 14-06-2015, 01:36 AM
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Re: Delete FR

Originally Posted by 88088 View Post
I remember when being asked about the advertising fess, you said its not your concern/business. So what is this. ''How can it be that paying Boss his minimal advertising fees represents such a drain on their finances?''

Lies and lies coming out from you. Told you umpteen times, you unknowingly self exposed your real intentions.
Dear Readers:
The reason why these crooks refuse to pay ad fees is NOT because of the dollar amount per se, but because they NEED to not let anybody know that they are agents/keep pretending to just be a regular guy. They do this to befriend unsuspecting Samsters in order to then scam them.
Your memory seems to be failing you many times today, or you feigning blur?
''Scammers in SBF''
Isn't this thread got deleted? In this thread many of your intentions were exposed. Some got exposed by me, some exposed by yourself. LOLOLOLOL.

Cock got your tongue again, and your sentence will be ''so what''
Spit it out! WTF are you talking about/asking?
What lies are you trying to fashion .... out of supposed "facts" in a deleted thread? Gimme a break!
So finally you admitted that you want to befriend with H88, but let me wake you up from your dreams.

Theres no way he wants you to be his friend.
Soooo skillful at twisting everything! I ADMITTED I want to befriend HH88? Yeah?
Let me repeat what I had posted:- "EVEN if it is true that I try to ingratiate myself to HH88 - which is not the case at all - so WHAT?!"
Bluffing? How you know he is bluffing? The thread got deleted after you two agreed to meet up didn't you? Now without that thread, you can always twist your words that'' NOTHING came out of this and he wouldn't reply

Wait suddenly you can recalled, but before this you questioned me about the thread got deleted, and now you can recalled it back. Which shows here you very good at feigning things. Don't you.
Again WTF are you saying/asking?
ME making things up?
Them lying words come out so easy from you, especially when quoting things that SUPPOSEDLY were in a thread that was deleted.
And come to think of it, I had even practically forgotten about this hurrycane88 and I just checked and he's been banned; why did you bring him up?!
Sheesh! I wouldn't put it past you, to have had that hurrycane88 as another one of your clones.
You're such an all out, blatant, Pathological liar!
Scam them? Vbkk claimed that because of you many had PM-ed despite your warn umpteen times not to meet him, but nobody come back and complain about being scam by him. So what does this tell.
What it tells is that you crooks ARE so skillful at manipulating and trapping Samsters into your dens of thieving!
And Snipeshot also wrote a short testimonial about Tony's. But you shot him down by saying his is a prestige senior, so Tony won't con him. Something like that.
"something like that??" Sheesh what a slimy crook you are.
And Testimonial for a crook stealth agent that has actually been banned from here?
And what has this got to do anything with the topic at hand - which is that you are a crook. Period!
So till now you don't have any poof to prove that who is real crook here, but we can prove with proof that you're the biggest crook in SBF.

Two prestige members already came forwards saying you doing pimping underage girls in PRC. What say you now?
Prove with proof? Where?
What a joke!
"Prestige members? Or just another one of you crooks?
And whoever it is that you have bestowed YOUR title as "Prestige member," in order to make your lies believable. Sigh...
As matter of fact, I been addressing all your questions, but not for you. Again I asked you wheres the evidences/posts stating that I'm lure samsters into scamming them. Sigh.
You can fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time.
You by your own words and action have shown time and again what an atrocious crook you truly are - and how it's so easy for you just glibly lie and make up all sorts of incredible yarns.

Forget you, you slimy, lying bottom feeder!

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.

Last edited by SEAJ; 14-06-2015 at 01:52 AM.
Old 14-06-2015, 06:34 AM
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Re: Delete FR

Originally Posted by 88088 View Post
You must be an idiot. SBF biggest idiot. Big sexy didn't said one should be polite in replying someone when he asking questions. He did said spam. And what makes you think by producing a FR is a spam? Idiot! That message is mean for you!! Spammer. But Sam thinks you can produce high traffic, so that why he didn't got you ban.
Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
If you are planning on an overseas mongering trip and doing research on SBF, please be aware of all the crooks that are thick on the International threads.

Knowledge is power – it is incumbent upon you to learn about these crooks and how to avoid them.
Before going to your particular destination thread, please first go to the following which is an official “Sticky” on the top of the main “International Field Reports” page:
A handful of people who spend their whole lives fighting in this forum does not produce high traffic. People just get turned off and the traffic drops because the noise level is so high useful information is buried in shit.

Lots of interesting threads with lots of helpful info and the minimum of flaming is what produces high traffic as everyone who wants information will decide that this forum is the best place to come to.

If you guys are trying to kill my forum, you're going about it the right way. Keep fighting on a daily basis and very soon you guys will be the only ones here. Everyone else will have gone to some other place on the internet for their sources of info.

When you look around and find that nobody else is here anymore, please turn off the lights before you leave.

All I can say is that my faith in the human race has never been high but you guys have convinced me that there is little hope in the long term.
Tips for ALL samsters.
  1. Keep your identity secret.
  2. Do not divulge personal information eg phone numbers, real names & addresses.
  3. If you do arrange social meetings through this site, do NOT reveal your primary sammyboy nick.
  4. Whores are for fucking not loving. Just fuck them and be done with it.
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