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Old 02-08-2015, 09:00 AM
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Re: Created for the two of you.

Ooo..oo..oo Hey boss SEAJ how come didn't tell me about your juicy episode with the 6-year old girl? I thought i was your buddy/confidante/loyal supporter?
Old 02-08-2015, 03:42 PM
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Angry You crooks' disgusting behaviour has no bounds. Cockroach!

Originally Posted by ooluois View Post
Hey boss SEAJ how come didn't tell me about your juicy episode with the 6-year old girl??
True to form. You cockroaches TRULY have no sense of decency at all.
Originally Posted by 88088 View Post
Lo lifes? Hey wasn't that you? Who been going around the board accusing innocent samsters? One of them is me. And until now you didn't produce any evidence.
Facts and not more of your usual childish twisting and gibberish.
And no evidence about you being a crook? Yeah?
Then where’s your response to the questions - based upon your own words – I’ve posted repeatedly?
First I shall start with ''CARE''
On full display how you always spin, twist, turn even the most stupid, the most irrelevant NOTHING into a mountain in order to divert.
YOU SURE, you didn't meet any samsters in this forum? …So see another lies. ...... How about those PMs that you been replying with the stealth agents …
And I’m supposed to know how you and your crook gangs got ANY SUPPOSED facts about me? And I should care? True imbecille!!
And I have to account to you crooks about my PRIVATE messages? Delusional idiot!
….I already pointed out your lies. You are a crook. .
No surprises that some may believe, given the volume of lies you crooks bombard us with – which is perfect as it makes more aware of you thieves.
After giving infos to them. You waiting for them to pm you. After that you will bring them to a few tourist places and not to forget your underage girls den. After all you used to be a tour agent ain't you. So its pretty easy for you to manage them.
''SPEND MORE IN HK'' Means bring more money!! So you can rip them. So simple. You think we cant see this.
You probably even believe your own BS don’t you?
The same way that you are always able to bullshit your way in to raid your prey’s wallets.
.. Couldn't be bother to read them all. …On other forum BBS is your favourite hang out right?
One sentence saying you couldn’t be bothered, the next revealing just how much you care as to even research other forums. Pathological liar!
Wow over 1hr plus thinking how to cover your sick. Edit here and there just to convince samsters? Sorry but we ain't small boy that born yesterday.
Amazing how your twisted mind works. And no you certainly are not a small boy, you are a fully grown crook who never manage to grow out of the habit of lying. A shameless pathological liar.

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.
Old 02-08-2015, 04:40 PM
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Re: Seaj now care about his image? Contradicting!!!

Originally Posted by 88088 View Post
Last edited were at 1.44am. Wow over 1hr plus thinking how to cover your sick. Edit here and there just to convince samsters?
And he pretends he doesn't care of what we are writting on him LOL


I almost forgot :

88088 : 13 / SEAJ : 0

Old 02-08-2015, 05:53 PM
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Angry NOTHING.... is beneath you cockroaches.

Originally Posted by 88088 View Post
…Yeah what evidence you produce so far? Nil. Always harping on stupid questions of yours again and again. Again why should I answer your stupid questions again.
Because, as in your very own words – “…what evidence you produce so far..”
These questions, again based upon your own words, are the evidence. No matter how you continue to act blur
Yeah right When I already answered them twice. I thought you good at using the search button. Now suddenly feigning blur. You can searched as far as a year ago posts, why can't search mine.
Simply because there is NO such answers/posts!
Twice your ass!!
So where is it?
And again who the fuck are you that I need to answer your questions again? You just a fucking pimp and fucking crook to me. …..If you want to accuse someone make sure you have facts and evidence before you shoot your mouth off. …..
Who am I?
The one YOU YOURSELF HAD ASKED to provide you evidence.
And these questions based on your own words are the evidence.
You gonna keep on acting blur?
Again talking about decency…….. You got no right to talk about it. A crook totally got no decency. BEOFRE you said other imbecile go take a look yourself in the mirror first. Ya if you don't care, why must you go dig a year ago posts. Total about 50-60 stating that you don't care. But over and over again you been eating your words back. Why can't you stick to your words. Be a man who honour their words. Oh I completely forget that you're a SISSY.
I thought you don't care about what others thinks of you. Very contradicting to be SEAJ don't you think so. One moment you preached A the next day you preaching C. Well crook always can't have their final answer. Now I'm trying to adapt how crook works.
Yeah. Liike I said once before. You know why many samsters hates you? Because of you like to accuse things that never happen before. Whenever asked for proof to prove, you start to throw your 1000 words of thesis and yet cant produce any.
Like I told you before. Those facts about you were emailed to me. Why should I bother to research about you old fool. Many hates you and thus they cant tolerate further about your action. Asking me to expose you. So what I said about you is right la So who is Paedophile? You indirectly admitting to it.
Your usual, blah blah blah which means nothing and just shows how you twist and spin everything and the pathological liar you are.
You’re nothing but a cockroach.

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.
Old 02-08-2015, 06:00 PM
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Talking Cockroach! Let's see how U're gonna snake/squirm urself again!!

OK cockroach - simple enough for you to also just quote your supposed reply to the questions!

Cat got your tongue?

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
OK, since you insist on still acting blur – here are the specific questions based upon your own quite revealing previous statements in bold. Second time I ask you these questions as is, plus at least a couple more times previous, worded differently.

1. Why must blow things out of proportion when he just didn't pay the advertisement fee
Crook agents like you insist on not “outing” yourselves as agent and will refuse to advertise openly. That is all my concern with ad fees.
QUESTION – why are YOU so concerned about being caught doing promotion on here/being forced to pay Ad fees? Is it because then you cannot fool others into thinking that you are just a plain Samster instead of the crook stealth agent that you are?

2. maybe that crook got some good informations to share?
Crooks have the specific purpose of luring their prey into their traps for doing ANYTHING on SBF.
QUESTION – is this what you want? To be able to post anything up without restraint in order for you to lead your unsuspecting prey into your and your cohort’s trap?

3. My previous question: You want the Mod to allow EVERYONE including (and especially??!!) crooks to post without fear of being accused?
Your reply: Yup, why not? my post above explained, you can refer to it
QUESTION – there is absolutely no reason why crooks should be allowed to run rampant on SBF trapping and robbing Samsters - and here you are advocating precisely this. I don’t think I even need to ask this question as it’s quite apparent - Are you one such crook and thus advocating this?

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.
Old 02-08-2015, 06:11 PM
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Re: NOTHING.... is beneath you cockroaches.

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
Because, bla bla bla and bla bla bla and bla bla again bla bla bla bla LMAO bla bla bla bla

Old 02-08-2015, 06:31 PM
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Re: NOTHING.... is beneath you cockroaches.

Originally Posted by Snacky View Post
For someone who supposedly don't give a damn, totally revealing that you constantly reply to my posts and even post stupid doctored Pixs/GIF files!

You're a cockroach and a dummy!
CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.
Old 02-08-2015, 06:53 PM
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Thumbs down Ridiculous! Still twisting and turning. You're a cockroach!

Ridiculous! Still twisting and turning.
You're truly just a cockroach!

Originally Posted by 88088 View Post
My words. Right. You think I'm like you? A pimp for underaged girls, an agent for HK, a liar, a crook, and latest indirectly you admitting you're a Paedophile.I already did my reasoning with you way back then, its you so stupid to interpreted it differently. If that so, until now there's nobody come to you and say I conned them. But there's samsters who came forward to say you are a pimp for underaged girls? Why there's isn't any evidence that you can produce starting I'm a crook agent?
When one trying to reason out with you labelled them as a crook right. Just see your sig. WHY WHY WHY? YEAH who the fuck are you? You just a pest! You should appreciate that Sam has not yet ban you. Again why the angst? I must hit your nerve? You just too light weight Paedophile.
CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.
Old 02-08-2015, 08:13 PM
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Re: Created for the two of you.

Originally Posted by 88088 View Post
WASSAMATTER?? Hairy cock caught your tongue?
No, you cockroaches too disgusting
CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.
Old 02-08-2015, 09:44 PM
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Re: NOTHING.... is beneath you cockroaches.

Originally Posted by 88088 View Post
He just making fool out of you dummy! It's us who supposed to have the line.
For an idiot SEAJ who always said that he doesn't give a damn but always have 1000 words of explanation.
Exactly, we are hearing his barking, but we dont listen to him. LOL
As i use to say, his stupid post are just entertaining and it always amazed me how far and deep can go his stupidity haha

Old 02-08-2015, 11:16 PM
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Re: Ridiculous! Still twisting and turning. You're a cockroach!

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
Ridiculous! Still twisting and turning.
You're truly just a cockroach!

You are worst! Being a paedophile is worst than an animal! No matter how you twist the fact that you are pimping underage gal and engage with them , you still can't run away from the law! It's a matter of time that karma will come haunting you! You are a disgrace not only to hongkong but the whole entire animals kingdom!



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Old 03-08-2015, 12:03 AM
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Ban SEAJ The Underage Girl Pimp

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
Tony Cheong (who I highly suspect is also SEAsiaJoe) are of course experts on this.
Bastard where is your evidence?

_|_ understand?

I backed with evidence when I say you are an underage girl pimp. There are at least 3 samsters that can testify.

CROOK AGENTS: SEAJ = tchad88 (Pimp), indianmagicoil = ChiefPilot, sentsggirls = CPBoy = vsat = Humlea = elvenskin.
EVIL CLONES: SEAJ2, oolouis.

Old 03-08-2015, 09:27 AM
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Re: Ban SEAJ The Underage Girl Pimp

Originally Posted by SEAsiaJoe View Post
I backed with evidence when I say you are an underage girl pimp. There are at least 3 samsters that can testify.

this pedophile SEAJ should be behind bars. And should have a bar shoved up his ass.
Old 03-08-2015, 04:04 PM
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Red face You cockroaches are useless!

That’s it?

That’s all of you cockroaches?
Where are the rest of your clones? The certifiable loonies?

And that’s all you can manage?
Just more kiddy name-calling, more twisting and more blatant – and totally obvious - lies?

Hoookkkkaaaaayyyyy.....!!! Here's back to you!!
You cockroaches are useless!

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.
Old 03-08-2015, 04:07 PM
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Ban SEAJ The Underage Girl Pimp

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
That’s it?
_|_ understand?

"SEAJ" Underage Girl Pimp

CROOK AGENTS: SEAJ = tchad88 (Pimp), indianmagicoil = ChiefPilot, sentsggirls = CPBoy = vsat = Humlea = elvenskin.
EVIL CLONES: SEAJ2, oolouis.

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