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Old 24-05-2017, 11:16 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

bad news. The friend who got HIV from batam girls committed suicide this morning. 2 years ago, he is like all of you here, happily cheonging batam.
Old 25-05-2017, 06:56 AM
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Originally Posted by mygirly View Post
All waiting for ur new joint to open.
Plus attractive package discount for samsters ma...
Almost done... But I've been advised by my local friends to not be too open on who owns it as everyone will want a slice of the pie once they know the owner is Singaporean. Cause u know lah we carrot head mah.
Old 25-05-2017, 01:46 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Ramadan in batam is drawing closer :

Old 25-05-2017, 02:41 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

any guy chionging batam tomorrow? want tgr pm me. arriving in the morning
Old 25-05-2017, 05:03 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by dannythedog View Post
any guy chionging batam tomorrow? want tgr pm me. arriving in the morning
you book liao?
Old 25-05-2017, 11:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Asakurayoh View Post
you book liao?
Hotel nv book... decided to go there than see how because with 1 newbie who plans to go home. Trying to psycho him to overnight since my gf go Malaysia my only opportunity this yr to go Batam chiong... Really hope to have a memorable experience.
Old 26-05-2017, 03:19 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

nice thread.
Old 26-05-2017, 01:32 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
* The free movie ticket thingy, BookMyShow only allow one promo code usage per account. I got another promo code from our friend here but they don't allow me to use it.

Means Telkomsel restrict you to redeem 1x for the cheapest/free ticket, then BookMyShow restrict you to only 1 promo claim. There goes my dream of free movies every trip.
Hmm...true,true. The other promo will need 200 points for a free ticket,which means a juta top up.

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
* I've more or less zoomed into to a hotel to use on long term basis. Cheap, flexible staff, wealth of amenities nearby (though higher price due to location). I'm testing the Internet of the rooms, but that will be secondary since I don't book girls nowadays.
Definitely,hehehe...the most suitable for yourself will always be the best. I am more concern with the staff's abilities to solve my problem/s if i ever encounter one and of course, cheaper convenient amenities. Safety has also been 1 of my main concern.

Example,Da vienna is a good hotel but its massage is ultra expensive,but Hana is cheaper but their surrounding massage around the hotel's 1 to 2 min radius-distance is cheaper. Since massage is one of the entertainment that i am looking for in Batam.

A good Wifi and Lan connection is always good to have hence i often bookmarked certain good rooms in certain hotel/s.

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
* Didn't know I brought up the poins to you in the past. Yes, these types of things must wait for more merchants to adopt then we can see the benefits.
You did. Remember you mentioned to me before that some points can be use to claim internet data via apps? I simple modify and tweet it a bit from your idea and put some effort into looking at what i need for myself in Batam. Glad i found something that suits me, hence all the sharing here now.

Someone shared something here,i modify it to make it suit me when i am in Batam,so i can enjoy batam better. Not follow blindly,hehehe...

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
* My favorite spa raise their pricing again, the second instant in 2 months. This time round, no more happy hour. It's whole day 20% discount only. Signing for membership at 100k PER MONTH and members get to enjoy 40% discount. The "per month" is in bold cos Venus charges membership at 100k per year!!!
Cant be help,the better their business,the higher chance they will increase their price. These practically applies to most business entities in Batam. The jump of price can be as fast as one month. So I assume they have good business and didn't want mine,hehehe...

I hear Relax massage also increase their price too. But i didnt confirm its pricing,so i dont know the exact amount yet. My friend told me it hits the 100k mark already.

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
* Yes, *858# Call is what I'm talking about. We are taking about the same thing.
I am talking about calling from Singapore to Batam.

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
* I'm lost. What special deal about the men's spa here?
Arent you talking about the fire and ice special service? You mentioned it as 1 out of 2 but i prefer to drag your words to 1 out the 5 in Batam. So that in order for newbie reader/s who wish to find the right place,they will need to try out at least a few of the 5 before they could possibly get to the right place.

Depending on their luck too as I dont enjoy spoonfeeding. But if they share their experience,i might slowly help them shortlist to the right target.

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
* The 50 poins one don't include Cinema 21 chain. Means no BCS/mega mall/Nagoya Hill Mall.
Yes,i think so. My most suitable theater is often Harbour Bay Blitz theater.

If i go for late night movie,those theaters like BCS and Nagoya Hill Mall are in higher floors,walking down from those theaters can be a pain. (no escalator and lifts were often full). I dont exactly have a good sense of direction,hehehe...i am comparing getting down to the ground floor from Harbour Bay's Blitz ,comparing with other theaters in Batam. And I am often lost,hehehe...

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 26-05-2017, 01:33 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by iicycold View Post
mayb u like 2 read a bit of nono's last time collection of posts on ramadan first 2 get sm idea b4 u go?

btm no such thg as no gers,onli got those dn't knw how 2 find.
Thank you for keeping my record of important postings. There are more than just what I have written before and I don't think I wish to repeat the whole essay-writings on Ramadan all over again, here's my experience on it taken from my 29th Batam trip summary last year (during Ramadan 2016 month) which I am cross-referencing for my upcoming Batam Ramadan trip 2017 (3rd one),hehehe...

I am still learning and my own summaries are helping me. Adding the link from your quote above and the below is my very own version of complete Ramadan info which I gather.

More info should be able to be added after my Ramadan 2017 trip,hehehe...

(CNY and Ramadan month were the only time Batam can be quite different)

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post

2. I have read a lot on Ramadan in Batam. There was myth,mysteries,rumors etc on Ramadan in Batam. Some says Ramadan in Batam not many girls,some says got many girls. So,which is's my part of the story base on my experience.

a. All booking joints were open as per normal during Ramadan period,in fact all entertainment places were open for business. But they open late and when i mean late,it means as late as after 6pm and closes earlier than usual. (ok,thats what most people would already know)

b. Now when it comes to booking joints and massage shops. Remember i said this before,as the days draws closer to Hari Raya (end of Ramadan),girls will become lesser and lesser as they will gradually go back to their hometown. 1st week of Ramadan,most likely 80% of total Batam working girl left,2nd week lesser and so on for the 3rd week until it reaches around 40% to 50%. This part,i am sure most would already read before in my earlier post/s,so nothing new again.

Do note that some working girls DO NOT go back to hometown due to the high air fare cost.(while some couldnt due to contract) They rather remits the air fare money back to hometown for their families instead.

c. All booking joint,even some massage places were still operating and entry were by the back door. In fact,all booking joints in Batam were opened but entry only via back door.Again,everyone knows that. But how to gain access to the back door is what not being shared here and some back doors take about 5 mins walk. Knocking on their front door definitely wont get them to open shop. And how do i find their back door so that i knocked on the right door?

Every booking joint will surely have some neighbours,some of them even sit outside the booking joint smoking,TCSS in group etc etc.Yes approach any of them,ask them how to go in and i was then shown the back door,hehehe...

3. Booking joints girls,the quality and quantity :

I went to 90% of the Batam booking joint more than once,all of them entry via back doors. Girls were however limited in each different timing.I even step into their 2nd floor and 3rd floor sleeping quarters, here's what i found out...

a. At around 12pm to 1.30pm ,there was an average 5 to 15 girls in each booking joint but...when i step into their sleeping quarters,there was like another 5 to 15 girls (if not more) who were sleeping,resting,eating etc but none were getting ready to work. My analysis is,each booking joint has many girls,but not all of them are working.

b. Got so many girls but its like around 60% not working and sleeping on an early noon,why? Simple reason,they were fasting. And they only appears after their fasting ends. This i am sure no one ever mention in any Batam threads in the forum,not even in the Balai one.

c. Some of the girls were fasting,some didnt. Those who werent fasting came out to work as the 1st batch,after the fasting is over around 6pm.After that came the 2nd batch. So all in all,there was 2 group of girls in booking joints.

d. I gathered there should be 2 batches of girls,each batch has their own "cream". Be sure to grab them fast or they will be gone soon especially on weekends. But if there is no cream of the crowd on the 1st batch,come back at about 6pm for the 2nd batch.

Note : There were also girls who fast and yet working,do forgive them if they need to leave early the next morning or if they cant eat together or go walk walk out of the hotel together with you.

4. Girls playing the runaway game during Ramadan. Yes,i see some girls already planning to runaway from their customers (especially those they didnt like). I have not met one which i paid for tho,however i have girls telling me that they will be citing the reason becos of Ramadan and they need to pray etc etc. Visit the more established joints to prevent such from happening and always keep the name card ready. I can however see OKTs were a little more lenient towards girls during Ramadan.

5. If one wish to see all the girls in the booking joint,you will have to pay a visit to the same joint in 2 different timing,at around 1230pm and 6pm. But do keep in mind if you visit at a timing of 6pm,the better 1230pm girls would already have been taken by others.

6. In certain more popular joints,many girls has already been pre-booked when we visited. So that means there were some more-intelligent regular bros who came prepared.

7. In Ramadan,everything seems to be normalize after 8pm but back to fasting-mode when fasting time starts on the wee hours of the morning. This reminds me of the movie Silent Hill,hehehe...

8. Its afterall a long school holiday with the combination of Ramadan month. Batam was crowded by religious and social organization from Sillypore (especially during weekends). So most of the main crowd comes from this group of people rather than cheongsters. Many foreign Indians there too,but the girls appear not to like them very much and a handful even planned to "run" halfway thru their overnight deals. So when i dont belong to the Sillypore foreign worker group,my choice were plentiful this Ramadan.

9. My entertainment bill -

Overnight girl = 800k x 2 nights (tips 100k/night) - 3pm onward to next morning 9am-10am

Massage + FJ at Kings = 81k + 300k (in-house)

Massage + HJ at Kings = 90k + 150k and 90k + 200k (in-room)

Massage + FJ (and HJ) at elsewhere by indo Chinese = 100k + 300k (fj) and 100k + 150k (hj)

10. The highlight of my trip :

a. Getting to do a little more in-depth research on the booking joint/s and massage cheong scene in Batam during Ramadan for my next Ramadan trip.

b. Gather a group of 7 boys and girls to watch porn in a hotel room together. There's nothing great about this one,but well,i didnt reveal what kind of porn we were all watching and THAT is the "great" part.

c. Having the entire 2 shifts of massage girls coming to my room,hehehe...different timing of course.

d. Getting to the living quarters of the girls in overnight booking joints as well as non-overnight booking joint.

e. Braving thru the back doors of entertainment places. i didnt know from the start that from front door walk to backdoor,sometime takes around 5 to 10 mins walk,hehehe...

f. I get to see more variety of girls during Ramadan than any other parts of the year,hehehe...not many girls during Ramadan in Batam? It was becos of the wrong timing,and not no girls.

g. The squirting booking girl was a bonus.

*sometime we were all so dependent on technologies which brought us convenience that we tends to forgot to use our common sense and basic instinct. (my shoes went muddy,parts of shirt during the day were wet etc)

Conclusion :

If i were to head to Batam next year during Ramadan on a weekday,i will not plan to go to Batam so early in the morning. I may even take the late afternoon ferry there after-office hour becos i KNOW,choices of girls were more at around 6pm Batam time and onward (the cream of the crowd may be gone during early noon tho). The girls were basically divided into 2 groups,the fasting group and the non-fasting group. OKTs seem to respect the decision the girls's made whether they choose to fast or not. Early noon,i see the non-fasting group,later noon (about 6pm) i see the fasting group.But i dont see all the fasting and non-fasting group of girls together as most of the earlier non-fasting group would already been taken up by walk-in customers.

I dont see 100% of all the girls at any one part of the day like the normal day,maybe only about 80% compare to the normal days. But whats left of the 80%,60% of them seems to be fasting and the other 40% not.(thats why the girls seems lesser) And lastly,not all girls fast thru out the whole Ramadan month.

Are there more girls during Ramadan than non-ramdan time in Batam? My answer is there are "seemingly" MORE girls during Ramadan time with even more girls hungry for my money than non-Ramadan time. Reason is supply becomes more,and the demand is much lesser and the girls (and OKTsss),they cannot hang up their original price to sell if the night is coming to an end soon (so,please bargain,hehehe...).

Once again,Ramadan is a little tricky and more of a direct opposite ways of looking for girls during the normal days (for me). I guess thats about all i wish to record down in my summary.
What I read and wrote were history, but history has taught me,hehehe...


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Old 26-05-2017, 02:17 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

My add-on notes :

1. Most massage girls in massage places where they are required to wear uniform wont be wearing it thru out Ramadan month.

2. The booking girls I categorized under the fasting group above will need to leave early in the morning (i will let them go if they ask).

3. Night spots in Batam if opened for business will close earlier than usual during this time of the month.

4. This year 2017,i hear the Indo government is getting stricter than all other previous years base on a new article I read :

5. Many entertainment places like, Booking joint, Massage Palors etc will still run their business as if they aren't in operation.

6. Play safe,lower my vocal volume while in public places, be humble ,stay out of trouble and be courteous.

7. Its close to school holidays, so hotel rooms can be rather tricky. But most hotels near entertainment places should have room as Ramadan time is quieter, just be a bit more caution during a weekend.

...will be collecting more notes hereon.

Still so many places in Batam I have not been to before,hehehe...

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Old 26-05-2017, 06:03 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

here goes my in the midst FR.. came to Batam via Horizon, called silver cab paid (27k thx bro NONO) planned go back same day but on ferry decided to stay overnight. bookedFormosa. proceeded to room to lepak and went to New spa to nagoya, ate a&w for 2 paid 15k (no wonder u bankrupt in SG becoz do 1 time business) watched pirates of carribean (awesome movie +awesome price) now back in hotel. massaging.. havent pick up girls overnight and dont know where can pick up. its raining and Ramadan. tml... amy bros can advise good first time for newbie like me?
Old 26-05-2017, 06:32 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

New Spa closed?


New Spa closed today and tomorrow. Sunday then open...
Old 26-05-2017, 08:02 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by miumiu6464 View Post
New Spa closed?


New Spa closed today and tomorrow. Sunday then open...
Wah I can't imagine being there and no action except for Wechat FL sia.
Old 26-05-2017, 08:30 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Lol.. and Venus spa is closed till Monday then open.
Old 26-05-2017, 08:32 PM
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Originally Posted by dkdk View Post
Wah I can't imagine being there and no action except for Wechat FL sia.
Out of the entire 12 months, minus 1 month of fasting, you have 11 months to build your rolodex of performing FL. All booking joints + ktv + etc... can closed and I'll still be fucking cewek every night. And I only started building my rolodex since December.

If not for me having to standby in office, I should be on the last ferry to Batam tonight.
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