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Old 04-12-2018, 02:19 AM
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Originally Posted by PowerBenz View Post
If im not wrong its 99 massage & Havana (Havana open at 5pm)

2. Orchid - izzit the one near gold bird.. think close down nv been there be4

3. Blue Moon/Moonlight - is near harmoni suites but nv go be4.. is a boking place mah

4. Memory - is near link. went there but nv see any ger.. always empty

anyone can go morena massage and let me knw hows the lady there and price
Old 04-12-2018, 10:37 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
Ya this branch have closed down. But the Sungai Panas branch (and others) have renamed as "Oki Rp10,000"
Yes, they are far Nagoya area.
There's a OKI10,000? far only been able to see Oki 8000,hehehe...havent to this one yet.

Most of the stuffs they sell were local-made. Good place to buy made in Indonesia things,hehehe...

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
If you insist on looking for Rp8k shop in Nagoya area...
Just look for "Vincent store" they do have a Rp8k area and they even hv a Rp5k area at the 2nd floor.
There's even a Serba 8000 now,hehehe... Tiban area.

Then again,i rarely move upward towards Tiban area unless i go to Tiban Tua Pek Kong.

Hmm...come to think of it,its about time i need to "return-thanks" since CNY 2019 is just a few months away.

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Old 04-12-2018, 10:43 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
There's a OKI10,000? far only been Tiban area.

Then again,i rarely move upward towards Tiban area unless i go to Tiban Tua Pek Kong.

Hmm...come to think of it,its about time i need to "return-thanks" since CNY 2019 is just a few months away.
Dont forget me for Tiban, can let go together...


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Old 04-12-2018, 10:50 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by milfmilf View Post
I saw those food stalls but not sure if I like it.
harbor bay mall was so empty till I almost not able to find gogo supermarket
Try it out if there's a chance. If you like Singapore Malay food,they serve good tasting food,just as good as many Malay food store in Singapore and at half the price.

My kind of food,cheap and yet good tasting. Pattaya rice,hehehe...indo version (my girl ate away the cucumbers before photo is taken,hehehe..becos i dont take cucumber). Cant remember exact price but definitely less than 20k rupiah.

Originally Posted by milfmilf View Post
their mie rebus very different from the malay style mee rebus.
And is it better tasting or less tastier as compared to the Malay style?

Sorry,i ask becos i rarely eat eat mee rebus in both Batam and Singapore.

Originally Posted by cashprice View Post
Your pick is another good choice too. But i still feel that the burger store at Nagoya City Walk Mall one is more tastier and cheaper. I like it but there's still some room for improvement,hehehe...

Just my personal choice of comparison for the same kind of food,hehehe...

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Old 04-12-2018, 12:31 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by farie View Post
My after thoughts on this trip, batam is really good for cheap and good massages. As for the bonking aspect, it was quite disappointing in terms of service. As my playground is in JB, price wise is comparable. Normal massage with fj is at most rm200. Men’s health centre massage with facilities is around rm240, somemore got makan and can watch movie. I was charged idr20k for 1 bottle of water at octopuss. Maybe batam is good for those bros who wants to book a lady overnight. It’s not my kind of thing as I’m a 1 shot guy and I feel awkward spending the night with a stranger. Maybe if I got a regular there, it would be different.
Thank you for sharing. I have been to those Spas in Johor Bahru before (most time no more than 300rm). The main issue for myself is i find it kind of boring to go there alone,but for batam i dont. The hotel/s which i regularly goes to knows me well enough to have myself struck up a conversation even tho i dont speak bahasa or malay. Or the least,they are willing to start talking (easy to start a conversation with even with language barrrier),and they dont mind me using google translate,hehehe...i cant say the same for Johor bahru when i am with non-chinese.

You were right on one thing tho,i think many goes to batam becos LT is more popular there. I mean i book a girl, i have her company throughout my day/night...and i truly dont mind leaving her in the hotel room alone (just so i keep all valuable safely 1st) so that i can still get the freedom to monger around to look for other fun in Batam. (worse case scenario,i just send her back to joint) In some way, there wont be a single boring moment or at the least,i have a choice to choose how i wish my holiday to be. I cant speak the same for Johor tho,hehehe...making more other choices there can cost more than expected.

Men Spa,i dont visit them unless i have a friend or a group of friends with me. We have a couple of hours to burn before going on to our next-to-do list. And if i am alone, i am more likely to book a girl or 2 in some booking joints, a way,its like using money to buy company.

1. Da Vienna Junior suite room is good. In fact better than most Formosa hotel rooms,but still i would ask you try that hotel out. (Formosa has a poorer outlook,in-room and out-room carpet can be stinky at times,noisy at night from the KTV upstair,some time toilet gets choked,lousier breakfast,cockroaches i caught at times etc)

2. Next time if you are still coming to Batam, drop in New Spa at Batam City Hotel to have a try (if i dont remember wrong,before 3pm is a bit cheaper). A different culture as compared to Octopuss. At least there wont be mosquitoes,hehehe...

3. Utama hotel,walk its perimeter one round,hehehe...try out their most MPs there (less than 100k rupiah/hour most time). Dont go for the option of those VIP room or those fanciful packages 1st (just the basic package 1st). Why so? Its becos if each MP is under different boss/es,more than likely the work culture will also be different. I must have killed hundreds of mosquitoes there thru out my time in Batam,hehehe...sorry,this part is a plain joke.

4. If you are looking for MPs with lesser or no mosquitoes. Hmm...try Area B Massage places,hehehe...

...which is why i am mostly sticking to Area B more than Area A nowaday after i "grew up" from Area A.

5. Its a challenge to get something "special" from MPs like Spa Secret,Manzu etc. And even a greater challenge to get the same or lower priced "service" from those places (hehehe...i rarely "recommend").

But isnt it good to have "such" in those so called "clean places"? Which is one of the reason why i am still enjoying Batam until today. I am sure i cannot get something "special" from Johor bahru's Sabye sabye, Spa Manja ,Thai Odyssey, Bangkok Spa ,Thai Imperial, Khatulistiwa Spa etc (one reason why Batam is different).

To me, its just like when getting something special from Bluewave or Poseidon is really nothing special at all becos i paid for it upfront and already expecting it to happen when the time comes. I often keep my expectation low whenever i am in Batam and i have a good time from them. A good massage with a good ending (pardon me for being unable to speak out specifically and clearly in the open).

* I am still not willing to try Batam Sports Massage becos i dont want to waste my money when i am in Batam with "expectation",hehehe... (i cant speak the same for the other MPs)

May you have a better Batam trip next round.


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Old 04-12-2018, 01:12 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by pandknight View Post
But to be honest, starting to get bored. The quality of the girls in terms of looks and service seems to have dropped, even from the places that I felt were reliable, like Happy or Sri Kandy. It's come to the point that I sometimes find myself mulling over whether to book a girl overnight or just to go massage joints for ST, or not at all. Any suggestions? If any of the other regulars have suggestions on joints or even specific girls, do PM me. Of course, we'll exchange (just name and joint is fine).
I think that was mainly becos your previous girlssss give you the top-notch quality and other newer girls you seen couldnt live up to that,hehehe....told you before, dont put all your best apples in one basket.

Now you cant find more good apples. Continue to find MORE good apples while you already have 2 apples in your 2 hands,hehehe...making sure every place/s you been to also will have some remaining good apples. A farming theory,hehehe...


Originally Posted by milfmilf View Post
Seems like hotel massage or those in the mall may spare us from mozzies.
To date,i am still looking for a good and cheap in-hotel massage place comparable with Formosa's King. Anyone any suggestion?

Paragon's in-hotel massage has been a disappointment with too many people attempting to try to break down its "wall". I am eyeing Amir hotel...

Originally Posted by pandknight View Post
Hi bro. How have u been? Been a while. Hahah I'm booking Travelodge. Nvr tried before. 3 nights about 180. Ok lah. Was expecting the end of year rate to be more like 80 or 90 per night.
Not bad a price for Travelodge Hotel aka Novetel. It used to be higher last couple of years during peak season. The surround of Travelodge has nothing much,except Pacific and Harbour Bay Mall and its still quite a substantial walking distance. So make sure to fully utilize their free shuttle service,hehehe... (sorry,i am just being stingy here,hehehe..)

Originally Posted by pandknight View Post
I go once a month so if you are there in Jan, or Feb, maybe can meet up for coffee again or sth.
Same here too. Jan trip,i can be pretty busy,so i arent sure of the timing. My feb trip is confirmed to be on CNY 2019,hehehe...well,if you happen to be there,maybe can do some catching up and allowing me to "stuff your lung with some smoke",hehehe...

Originally Posted by pandknight View Post
But nowadays really hard to find a great service girl that's my type. Been missing more than hitting these days. And my regular girls are either retiring or went back to their villages. Don't really like the massage joints cos the places usually look a bit run down, not like in bandung kind. Hahahah
Does those who have retired have close friends still in Batam?

Better still if they were from same or nearby kampong,hehehe...many girls after retirement still keep in contact with friends in Batam tho. Keep a look out for a friend's friend,or a friend's friend's friend,hehehe...jealousy can sometime make people do stupid thing. And it might just bring those from Kampong back to Batam,hehehe...

Sorry,i am just counting the option/s if i am in your shoe.

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Old 04-12-2018, 05:56 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by biostar View Post
We woke up around 6am, the lazy girl start to manja with me and asked for 200k tips, saying that she stays far from nagoya area and needs a massage. keep on whining for the next 5 min on why she needed that amount. i told her let's see how after the 3rd round. did a quickie and could see that she was upset and emotionless and laid there like a dead fish. her service was getting from bad to worse, no foreplay, no BJ, yank my dick anyhow and call it a HJ she finished her shower and i gave her 100k and told her to leave. i have no sympathy for her princess attitude.
i like wat u alike me. i dn't knw kick hw mani princess out of my btm rm liao. Great job!!
Old 04-12-2018, 07:38 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
I think that was mainly becos your previous girlssss give you the top-notch quality and other newer girls you seen couldnt live up to that,hehehe....told you before, dont put all your best apples in one basket.

Now you cant find more good apples. Continue to find MORE good apples while you already have 2 apples in your 2 hands,hehehe...making sure every place/s you been to also will have some remaining good apples. A farming theory,hehehe...
Hahah that's the problem with me. I'm the type that if I like something, I don't mind having it everyday. Even here, I can have the same meal everyday for months without getting sick of it. So now suffer lor.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Same here too. Jan trip,i can be pretty busy,so i arent sure of the timing. My feb trip is confirmed to be on CNY 2019,hehehe...well,if you happen to be there,maybe can do some catching up and allowing me to "stuff your lung with some smoke",hehehe...
Hahah cny I can't. Colleagues already taking leave during that period. So only end of this month, end of Jan and end of Feb. Hahah nvm, maybe another time.

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Does those who have retired have close friends still in Batam?

Better still if they were from same or nearby kampong,hehehe...many girls after retirement still keep in contact with friends in Batam tho. Keep a look out for a friend's friend,or a friend's friend's friend,hehehe...jealousy can sometime make people do stupid thing. And it might just bring those from Kampong back to Batam,hehehe...

Sorry,i am just counting the option/s if i am in your shoe.
They do have friends, and they do recommend some of their friends, but not my type lah. I know ppl usually say go batam find girls don't think too much about looks, but for me, need to at least be my type to have appetite. Hahah if service not that good also, at least can still sleep with my type kind.

Hahah for me, a lot of times is like the girls a bit psycho kind. Scare me a bit. Like if I go to a joint and pick a girl and we hit it off, seems like some will warn the other girls off me for my next visits, so when I go back, the mami will straightaway try to push same girl to me. Make it awkward to try others, or when I insist on others and book them, keep getting asked by the new girl why I never take the same girl until I sian. Hahah got some until cry. Turn off sia, but make me feel damn bad like as if I killed their pet.
Old 04-12-2018, 07:49 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post

And is it better tasting or less tastier as compared to the Malay style?

Sorry,i ask becos i rarely eat eat mee rebus in both Batam and Singapore.
the batam mie rebus serve in a plate instead of bowl, less gravy
if you can remember the taste of mee rebus, the batam one is rather different ....
abit sweet? no lime? with ginger taste? and a bit oily, or was it just Malaya Cafe.
Old 05-12-2018, 12:16 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Sg n My mee rebus more 豆醬.
Btm one more peanut.
I like the one at Tg. Uma.
Rp10k with 1 full egg. Like mee top with satay source.
Old 05-12-2018, 08:36 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by milfmilf View Post
the batam mie rebus serve in a plate instead of bowl, less gravy
if you can remember the taste of mee rebus, the batam one is rather different ....
abit sweet? no lime? with ginger taste? and a bit oily, or was it just Malaya Cafe.
I never see and know there is Mie Rebus in Batam. In fact, I dont know whether there is Mie Rebus in Indonesia..
Old 05-12-2018, 09:36 AM
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Mie Rebus in Batam is commonly called Mie Landil.
There's a store in a coffee shop name A3 in a market in Jodoh selling it...not bad taste.
Old 05-12-2018, 10:45 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by sam782003 View Post
More keen on massage with happy ending n any recommendations on gd massage place near formasa will be great. Thnx.
Perhaps the below links may help :


Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
I think the most usual rate is in range 60-65 SGD. It must be a busy weekend.
2 nights for S$83 is for Formosa's basic room.Its still a pretty good deal. But its not the same kind of room you usually stayed in. Usually guest will be put up on the 3rd storey,directly below the KTV and w/o windows (this is not 100% the case tho,some lucky guy might have gotten better quality of superior/deluxe room).

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
Don't flush the water!
Not afraid of the toilet flushing water but more of the showering water,hehehe...i wonder what people keeps inside a safe inside a hotel room.

I ask because most time,my passport would be with the hotel at most time. I put some of my money inside my self-made "safe box". So most time when i stayed in a Batam hotel with a safe box,i would lock it up but there was nothing in it at all.

Originally Posted by biostar View Post is getting more and more expensive. I remembered i still had an Agoda account and proceeded to book from its mobile app. Only $41.37/night taxes all-in for deluxe double room (monday night).
Thank you for sharing and duly noted.

I just registered an account with agoda after talking to bro pandknight,hehehe...and you just reminded me to look in again.

Thank you.

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Old 05-12-2018, 12:10 PM
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Usually I keep my excess money in the safe, my phone, tablet/laptop. But, that was when I used to stay at Hana. When I changed to Paragon, they don't have a safe so I keep much of my stuff with me, except the laptop.

Try to sign up for Ag9da's mailing list. They usually have a further 5% discount (up to $50 per booking) that's sent via email.
Old 05-12-2018, 01:15 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Perhaps the below links may help :


2 nights for S$83 is for Formosa's basic room.Its still a pretty good deal. But its not the same kind of room you usually stayed in. Usually guest will be put up on the 3rd storey,directly below the KTV and w/o windows (this is not 100% the case tho,some lucky guy might have gotten better quality of superior/deluxe room).

Not afraid of the toilet flushing water but more of the showering water,hehehe...i wonder what people keeps inside a safe inside a hotel room.

I ask because most time,my passport would be with the hotel at most time. I put some of my money inside my self-made "safe box". So most time when i stayed in a Batam hotel with a safe box,i would lock it up but there was nothing in it at all.

Thank you for sharing and duly noted.

I just registered an account with agoda after talking to bro pandknight,hehehe...and you just reminded me to look in again.

Thank you.
Thnx bro. Any one or two gd massage joints to go? Realize there is a lot. Haha.

Would u be at batam?
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