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Old 06-02-2007, 06:13 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

Originally Posted by surfer888 View Post
I always ensure that my target knows that I'm married. Unfortunately, I have also experienced the unpleasant event where my wife insists on speaking to the people I claim that I'm with. Once bitten, twice shy.
Wah, if she like dat den very difficult, man! if like dis, u hv 2 ask even a stranger 2 help u out. of course provided wife doesnt know d pple u r wif or recognise their voices. den u can ask strangers to claim 2 b those categories of pple.
Old 06-02-2007, 06:24 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

Originally Posted by surfer888 View Post
Any bros with good ideas to share?
Since you chose to get married, why don't you simply behave yourself and refrain from doing anything which your wife doesn't approve of.

I don't understand why so many people want to have their cake and eat it too. Marriage is about committment and sacrifice. If you can't live by your marriage vows, it would be best to end the relationship.

How would you like it if your wife was busy conjuring up all sorts of schemes so she could have a bit of fun with her lover without YOU knowing.
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Old 06-02-2007, 06:27 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

Originally Posted by David_Ginola View Post
Hi all bros

Just wanna share 1 of my friend's friend wife. What happened was, this guy was a pilot from 1 airline. Then 1 day, as usual, he told the wife that he was going on long flight to europe. And he dressed in captain's uniform and his wife and children sent him off at the airport. But no matter how gd we calculate, we can never out-calculate heaven (in chinese), 1 child of his was hospitalise and wife was desperate to locate him. Wife called the office and was told he was off and he took 5 days off also.

So the rest you guys know wat happen. Now, i heard they are separated. SO we have to be extra careful.....

if using abv kind of trick, must stil ensure dat yr HP is left on, so dat if any real emergency u can stil be reached n wont cause OC to call office.

oso nowadays there r some times dat the ring tone stil sounds local even though u r really overseas. i hv experienced this myself though cant remember which countries.

oso if u go ard Northern part, eg parts of sembawang, woodlands, HP may connect to Malaysia network so it may sound like u r overseas though u r not. so guys, go figure it out n b creative..........

so dis ring tone business can stil b used to certain advantage.
Old 06-02-2007, 06:28 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
Marriage is about committment and sacrifice.
some are not married yet.. GF ler.. kekeke
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Old 06-02-2007, 06:34 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

Originally Posted by asdfghjkl View Post
some are not married yet.. GF ler.. kekeke
GF or wife, just remember that she could just as well be playing the same game too.

My motto in life is to treat others as you would like others to treat you. If you think being unfaithful is fun, let's see how how much fun you'd experience if your loved one was unfaithful to you.
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Old 06-02-2007, 06:42 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

Originally Posted by just4fun View Post
if u hv watched this HK movie called 大丈夫2 whereby 陈小春 will prepare a life size picture of his company toilet wall.... just paste it anywhere and tell ur OC that u r in the loo lor if u OC wanted to 3G with u....
Super funny if any of the bros here do this.
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Old 06-02-2007, 06:46 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

Originally Posted by laodi123456789 View Post
u better not let her study ur passport.. she might see something wrong there too.
No problems there... I usually really fly to the location I say I'm going... just that it is getting tiring to coordinate all these... not to mention, expensive as well.
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Old 06-02-2007, 06:48 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

Originally Posted by surfer888 View Post
No problems there... I usually really fly to the location I say I'm going... just that it is getting tiring to coordinate all these... not to mention, expensive as well.
Yeah and while you are at the "location" of your choice, your neighbour could be fucking your wife 3 times a day.
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Old 06-02-2007, 06:57 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
Since you chose to get married, why don't you simply behave yourself and refrain from doing anything which your wife doesn't approve of.
I wish I could. Trying hard and have given up commercial sex but still find it difficult to cut-off my gf whom I mistakenly did not marry instead for reasons other than love.

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
I don't understand why so many people want to have their cake and eat it too.
Guess its human nature to constantly strive for improvements in life... also greedy. Not only having the cake and eating it but wanting all the toppings and the cherry to go with it. No matter what... still a bad excuse.

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
Marriage is about committment and sacrifice. If you can't live by your marriage vows, it would be best to end the relationship.
Sometimes, remaining in a marriage is not just about commitment and sacrifice. Money, children and a host of other reasons can make or break marriages as well.

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
How would you like it if your wife was busy conjuring up all sorts of schemes so she could have a bit of fun with her lover without YOU knowing.
Honestly, I would not mind (as cliche as it may sound). But I would need to know so that I can leave with my money and kids.
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Old 06-02-2007, 07:01 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
GF or wife, just remember that she could just as well be playing the same game too.

My motto in life is to treat others as you would like others to treat you. If you think being unfaithful is fun, let's see how how much fun you'd experience if your loved one was unfaithful to you.
Totally agree... that is if your loved one was unfaithful to you. I would be crushed if my gf was unfaithful. Wife however is another matter.
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Old 06-02-2007, 07:03 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

Originally Posted by viceman View Post
Heheeehee... That's why till now I still using phones without camera... OC asked me many times to upgrade my phone, coz got vouchers, but my excuses is always the same, "No lah. I rather buy for you... I always travel, not safe to carry good phones lah, later kanna rob or what hor, heart pain lah..."
One reason why I have using a Nokia 8250 till recently.
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Old 06-02-2007, 07:16 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
Yeah and while you are at the "location" of your choice, your neighbour could be fucking your wife 3 times a day.
Currently, that would be nice thought but highly improbable. My wife travels often too and I have envisioned her having affairs with her colleagues. I have hoped that she can find someone else to settle down with... but leave me my money and kids. Again, highly improbable.

I thought I had the perfect marriage but kept thinking of my gf even before marriage. Maybe it could be a case of "greener pastures" or maybe "love" is just a transient phase. Anyway, its what we've been discussing on the other threads:

Does the so called "true love" still exist

The one you marry is not the one you love most
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Old 06-02-2007, 07:31 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

Originally Posted by dalps View Post
if using abv kind of trick, must stil ensure dat yr HP is left on, so dat if any real emergency u can stil be reached n wont cause OC to call office.

oso nowadays there r some times dat the ring tone stil sounds local even though u r really overseas. i hv experienced this myself though cant remember which countries.

oso if u go ard Northern part, eg parts of sembawang, woodlands, HP may connect to Malaysia network so it may sound like u r overseas though u r not. so guys, go figure it out n b creative..........

so dis ring tone business can stil b used to certain advantage.
Ring tones have been discussed previously on:

More tips and tricks on ringtones can be found there in case any bros out there needs help.
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Old 06-02-2007, 08:05 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

Well your wife/gf could be cheating on you even if you were not cheating on her in the first place...

Anyways, humans are generally an irrational lot. Smokers know that smoking is bad, but they carry on smoking (I am a smoker myself). We all know we should exercise regularly, but we prefer to slack on the couch watching television. We know that drinking and going to ktvs are meaningless activities because we get nothing at the end of the day, but people like me still like to burn my pocket on such places...
Old 06-02-2007, 08:17 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

Originally Posted by surfer888 View Post
One reason why I have using a Nokia 8250 till recently.
in case you need to know, 3G phones actually work in japan/korea.
also, in case there's a webcam on your notebook, and you chat with yr kids over skype or yahoo msgr from your hotel room, remember to check the room fengshui each time b4 you start a chat. you don't want them telling mum about that colourful handbag in daddy's room - "mum, you should also get one like that..." oh oh....

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