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Old 01-09-2019, 04:08 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
Wat a great way to start off in the year of Muharram...
Ya start off with going few kost asking cewek to Q up go toliet and urine. Test urine

Heard few M-One PR got caught positive.

Last edited by ndnd; 01-09-2019 at 06:38 PM.
Old 01-09-2019, 08:16 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

2/9,9/9 and 16/9
3 Mondays = Msia Long weekend.
Old 01-09-2019, 09:33 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by fde83 View Post
Whats Muharram, bro
Mu is U. Harram is Forbidden. U are forbidden to go Batam.


Plse dont upz me

Thank you

Last edited by nitecrawllerr; 02-09-2019 at 09:59 AM.
Old 01-09-2019, 09:37 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Tried Gold Bird joint, first time trying. Lady were young but service fuckdup. Lucky I didnt get any, only my 2 poor friends kenna dead fish lying there on bed
Paid $1.3 to 1.5 million
Old 01-09-2019, 09:40 PM
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Originally Posted by ndnd View Post
Ya start off with going few kost asking cewek to Q up go toliet and urine. Test urine
Heard few M-One PR got caught positive.
Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
I love Indo style... Razia are duly announced in advance to minimize inconvenience.
That reminded me years ago...
When I stay in a kos that hosted many freelances working girls.

Not only that they can get early warning.....
If they are not in time to escape from the place...
They still can find avenue to escape the urine test....
Old 02-09-2019, 12:46 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by funboi View Post
Now a days see my nick appear in posting i a bit curious. 555 Am I the evil bad guy again?

Below info have no value to this thread. Read only if keen.
Mustard seeds,tho it is the smallest of all seeds, yet it grows into the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches.

Its can be just like your post that could be deem out-of-topic in this thread but when i choose to replied it, its easily brought back to the topic line if i choose to. And might stand a chance to eventually grew to become big trees so others would come perching.

Really depends on which angle you wish to look at it from.

Originally Posted by funboi View Post
Actually being an ordinary samster is simple but it get complicated when you know some heart hard truth after being long time/active in forum or chionging.
Yes, base on experience this is relative true. Some bedtime stories below...hehehe...and i am not hiding it...hehehe...

I remember starting out in the old Batam thread normal. I dont even knows how to begin traveling to Batam during those days (about 6 years back). In that old thread, i wish to start my 1st Batam trip. I asked a few questions there before my trip, and was told to read page one onward of the thread (in an old Batam thread back then before i started this one) which back then contain more than 1800 pages. They were not wrong tho, i mean since my questions back then was pretty much basics and was categorize under the FAQ,hehehe...if i didnt remember wrong, i read 1800 pages of the old thread 4 times (patience..).

After being in old Batam thread for a little bit longer, i assume the more experienced Batam travelers in the thread likes to :

1. Refer newbie to page one of a thread (to read 1st before asking questions)
2. Didnt really likes reply to repeated same old questions
3. A handful would pin down anyone who ask a question that has been asked before

Having the chance to travel to Batam once a month back then, i committed myself to write 1 Batam trip summary a month for the purpose of recording my own trip adventure, and they eventually piled up to 40, over a period of around 3.5 years. Must have earned some level of trust from some oldbies, and probably the moderating team of the forum too. I got to start a new thread (best part is, i even got to talk to the old TS in the old Batam thread too).

1st thing that comes to mind is not to be drifted away too much from the old Batam thread, followed by the considering what the oldbie/s "do not like to do" and at the same time can help newbie/s move forward to have the trip they desire. My number 1 objective is still to gather Batam Information as mentioned in page 1 of this thread but i need to put all oldbies,newbies
AND my thread objective/s all in one place...sort of like, to help them co-exist together.

I begin to pick up all the pieces of basic from the old thread (note : i have to read more than 2000 pages of old thread and repeat read again several times in the old thread), my own experience and back then in my mentality as a newbie to write the Basic Batam travelling guide. Well, it takes one to be in a newbie's shoe to understand how a newbie think, right? I put it all in page one of this thread,hehehe...and the oldbie/s can easily direct them to the page ONE of the new Batam thread like what they have previously do so in the old thread.

Its a one stone kill 2 birds strategy. The oldbie/s no need to repeatedly answer same question/s over and over again. The newbie/s gets enough information to get them started. Nowaday (today), if you havent already noticed, the Questions and Answering trend in the thread has change. There are still people (probably some lazy newbie/s) who ask newbie question. I cant stop that part since this is a public forum. The good thing is, at most time no one reply...hehehe...the newbies could blame all they wanted to, but we all knows who is really at fault here.

Then comes the information compilation part, which is one of my main objective in this thread,hehehe....and in case no one here realize, ONLY (or mainly) those who are new to the thread who has wrote an FR on Batam, actually get more replies. When this discussion steps in, i could gather more information and compile them together. So it become a win-win situation for the oldbies,the newbies and finally myself,hehehe...

So if you are new and ask a FAQ here, you mainly see 5 results :

a) you get dump aside,nobody hack care you or reply you

b) you get a link to read,starting with page ONE

c) you get a link from one of my past more-detailed reply to someone who asked the same question

d) you get a brief non-detailed reply from someone who is kind enough

e) you got a clone talking to himself

I mean thats my observation so far. I observe forum user's behaviors, starting with the old Batam thread before i started this one, under the Forum staff/s permission. I have to make sure in the beginning of this thread, the foundation is strong enough.

Most who followed this thread actually knows what i wrote above were repeated stuffs (sorry about that...), but i rewrite them here again few years later for a reason. More like a reminder (to myself and readers) ,to make sure one of my key objective when i 1st started didnt stray off. And as well as allowing those who followed the thread to know what i have said in the past and what i have said today...still didnt change.

Exactly the same expectation i have for the island, Batam today,...consistency.

Originally Posted by funboi View Post
Everyone have their own privacy or selfishness. I have my own "evaluation SOP" to determine if certain info can or safe or should be release. There are some cases I intentionally planned or purposely released the info. Where the contents shared is of genuine n private, I often paint the picture with hidden codes or missing pieces.
Which is why i use this thread to compile information, at the same time observe user/s behavior and i treat it like a learning thread for myself. I went more in depth into Batam's cheong scene by observing the Batam girl's, as well as the OKT/s and the market behavior in order to seek what i looked for.

Its like i can compile the more in depth Batam information here, i could also break them up into smaller pieces and shared it out in public. The good and better guys who knew me well enough would be able put all the bits together to form an answer (vice-versa for them to do so to me so i can solve the pick up their bits too). Its because they know me and its no shame to say it here again,...we were all strangers when we 1st met in Batam.

I have a feeling Batam is slowly becoming another China SZ/GZ, one needs to believe me, i dont believe it at 1st either. But when i get the PRC style service (eg HDLY, 蚂蚁上树 etc) done by Indonesian girls last year in Batam, i was caught by surprise too. The girl's service kind of improved over the years,hehehe...

Originally Posted by funboi View Post
Everyone have their own unique experiences, taking the same boat doesn't necessary mean buying the ticket on the same day etc.
Like i have mentioned previously, this is the internet world. 2 strangers come together, only by sharing can they know each other. From the beginning of knowing each other to another step of trust towards the friendship takes a while. Its like Rome isnt built in one day,hehehe... end of day, we are all learning from one another, right?

And it all begins with...sharing 1st.

If you dont start sharing, i cannot start to know you. No chance to, no matter how bad i wish to,hehehe...make sense?

Originally Posted by funboi View Post
I am friendly with anyone. They can dislike me, add me to ignore list. Those fake news? Fake to begin so we always laughing at them. Sometime we help them too. 5555

I can even "close" the thread I started because of trolling/flaming. Even admin don't delete the thread? A thread having a body without soul is useless.
The last thing i wish to do is to offend anyone in public ,whether its in the forum or in the country i enjoy cheonging in, and especially so in Batam, Indonesia. Those childhood play time game where you beat me one time, i will beat you back twice and you later beat me again 3 times and i have to think of how to beat you back 4 times and the beatings just go on and on and on, until both parties got into some kind of shit is really not my kind of game (if you are in this forum long enough, you might probably notice such games were often played here).

Much often, i am relatively careful with my words, and use them carefully so i can avoid hurting anyone or minimize misunderstanding/s.

Example, if i wish to help somebody who is in need of some cash, i dont simply stash money directly to him. He may feel i look down on him or something. I work around it, by creating a situation whereby the cash is dropped somewhere, he found it and probably thought it was heaven who drop those money on him.

Above example were just illustration.

What i am saying is, everyone has some level of pride, i am just careful not to accidentally step on them when i try to help. Just being considerate can go a long way and I try to avoid strong words too.

Originally Posted by funboi View Post
At least those you heard are more high tech a bit. Some simply use login timing lah or similar posting style lah etc and start AssUMe n make stories. 555

Many know i chiong Dome1 and Thais mainly but i post everywhere. When i post it don't mean i expecting reply cuz it can simply mean i'm trying to express my personal views/thinking/question in mind.
My earlier explanation on IP address in a forum is for those who didnt know...

...and not meant solely for bro Hurricane88. I am just using his reply on my post to elaborate a situation/complain i have encountered.

My dad used to tell me when i was a kid, "dont know nevermind,ask (or seek) and learn from it"... "i am only 5 mins stupid but when i got the answer, i am forever clever",hehehe....

No one can know everything (neither do i).

Originally Posted by funboi View Post
This forum is full of businesses and special interest. As much as possible, I try avoid promoting, marketing or endorsement openly or even privately because years back i realised, there are "invisible" followers 5555. I don't want to say I am an "Influencer" but there are pp out there quietly following or reading my postings (useful/rubbish) other than the trolls/haters. I can only say its true that what don't kill you? Will only make you stronger.
Welcome to the world of internet.

I am just someone who wish to make Batam like a home one day. In this thread, readers watch me grew up from knowing nuts about Batam to someone who wish to build some ground there,hehehe... i even hearsay from friends who also visited Tanjong Balai with other samster here that i am an OKT in there (in Balai), island that i only visited once in my current life a very long ago. We all have quite a good laugh on this one when i shown them my passport,hehehe...

Put myself in that kind of shoe and one would understand why the Ignore Button in this forum is there for (at the same time, understand a bit of character on the owner of this forum too).

Originally Posted by funboi View Post
555 Which is why sometime i emphasize i am funboi and there's only 1 x funboi in SBF but out there? there are many funboi or even nono1973 because everyone is taking similar boat probably similar journey to chiong. Again doesn't necessary mean buying the ticket on the same day etc.
Hehehe...those who has met me before were constantly asking, since i am such tech savvy type of person (or at least i project myself as one in SBF), how come i didnt have things like wechat, watsapp, facebook,tweeter or other similar online media messenger etc. I have my reason for that and one of it was due mainly to my characteristic, i guess...hehehe...i dont like being interrupted halfway through when at work.

Well, it also goes to genuinely shows here that there is truly ONLY one nono1973 in SBF and another one in the other forum which i use to back up my Batam trip information.

Water doesnt always have to run downward,hehehe...

...just like smoke also dont always flow up way.

I am referring to cheonging experience and the way i made-to-measure my trip itinerary when i am in Batam in general (i do plan quite a bit before my trip,hehehe...). When there is stumbling stone ahead, i try to work around it. Batam is like a RPG game to me.

(Phew! Feels like another essay-writing here....)


Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 02-09-2019, 08:03 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
U are forbidden to go Batam
Dont like that la om, later i cant practice my muffdiving skills
Sepi, nanti udah bukak
Mulai sok hebat anging2 ni
Bodoh amat!!
Old 02-09-2019, 08:45 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by fde83 View Post
Dont like that la om, later i cant practice my muffdiving skills
Tunggu masuk bulan safar.


Plse dont upz me

Thank you
Old 02-09-2019, 10:07 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

planning to go batam this sat, day trip.
maybe gonna try fame.
Old 03-09-2019, 01:29 AM
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Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post

Weekday go watch a movie also full house.
So u go alone to batam?

Last edited by Hurricane88; 03-09-2019 at 07:14 AM.
Old 03-09-2019, 03:01 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Anyone test drive this gal before?
What good is an army if it doesn't march off to war?
Old 03-09-2019, 04:44 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

I am planning to go to Batam on 21 and 22 Sept. PM me if you care to Join.
Old 03-09-2019, 11:35 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Anyone planning to go next Monday?
Old 04-09-2019, 02:54 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Transporter1 View Post

I really really miss the KTV's in changping from a while ago, so I thought I would go the ktv here in batam. I am on my last day now here in batam, and I have been to 2 ktv here: Alishan, and M2. The cost for the whole night including tax and service fees and everything (except any tip) came out to roughly 1 mil for both places per night.
Initially I was extremely skeptical about the pricing, and had it explained to me countless times before I went in, as I thought that they would try to rip me off and the end price would be super high.
But no, I am extremely satisfied with the price I was charged and paid, and would easily do it again.
When I get around to writing a report I will elaborate more.
Going to get some breakfast now, and start packing up to catch the ferry to JB in a few hours.

Exactly. You are so right about it. I had the same feeling before going in and after that i felt happy about the price. And i always do it alone.
Exchange points on daily basis with power 9 n above.
Old 04-09-2019, 11:13 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Any bro here try TPG roaming at batam? How's the coverage? If good then I don't need to buy roaming data just for 2d1n
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