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Old 18-01-2020, 01:10 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by PowerBenz View Post
Just now saw one polis car stop at beside bunga that massage shop and a polis officer went in and 5mins later the police officers came out and went in the car and also saw that polis car stopping at other mp...Not sure what happened...
Most Indonesian Polisi makes me feel deep down that they were the Daylight Robbers of Indonesia. These group of people, were whom i FEARED most during my travel in Batam.

Which is why i will ALWAYS carry with me the address and contacts of the Singapore Consulate in Batam with me at all time when i am there. I feel they are one of the most important thing any Singapore tourist should have on hand.

Come to think of it, i just realize that i didnt even know what number to dial in the event of an emergency in Batam, eg like fire, ambulance, polisi etc etc,hehehe...despite being more than 6 years there. And i strongly believe at least 90% of the tourist travelling to Batam DO NOT know about it too, did i find out? I ever ask uncles and aunites if they got into an accident or if a building caught fire in Batam, what number should they dial. Almost all their answers were...999 or 995.

Just a general look up on google :

(Emergency and important numbers in Batam)

Most would probably like myself before, would not expect anything bad to happen during our holiday travel. Its a habit to take things for granted. But no harm for me to keep such info on hand tho.

Just a thought.

Originally Posted by milfmilf View Post
could it be they are more interested in his 哮天犬?
True enough,hehehe...the dog is suppose to the the star of the whole display for that year 2018 but end up no one really notice "him".

And Er Lang in the later part of the story kind of "abandoned" the dog 哮天犬 tho,hehehe...anyway, that only story. But kind of ironical to have the dog and Er Lang on display for the year of the dog.

Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post
Oh yes. Hes my favourite. Sun Wukong lose to him. Er Lang have 73 power. Monkey God 72. Er Lang has the 3rd eye.
I dont think thats right.

Both Er Lang and monkey king has the 72 transformation. And it was a draw to be exact. It was becos of the dog 哮天犬 who intervene that transcend Er Lang's 72 transformation into 73 which helps him wins the fight (if you read the full story).

Its actually 2 against one in this case,hehehe...subsequent later fights was consistently a draw (w/o the dog 哮天犬) when done on 1 to 1.

Monkey king earns the 火眼金睛 (fiery eyes) later on by accident after being captured by Er Lang tho.

There was no temple for Er Lang in Batam, but there is at least one i knew for the Monkey King,hehehe...

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 18-01-2020, 01:39 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by PowerBenz View Post
Bte taking photo with this bumber bee they will want you you give some money...did ypu notice the two side of the leg gt paste money?? Its the place for you to put in loney when you took a photo or take photo with...
Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
Don't think so BCS mgmt paying it to perform...
Saw this in Jakarta years ago...
They are individual who hve put on this costume to let ppl take photo and get some tips...
If you happen to see it again...
Look carefully and you will see a container(on the body) for you contribute.
Yes, i notice there is 2 pieces of 10k or 50k rupiah on both the thigh area of the "Rumble Bee" transformer,hehehe...

...but i didnt know i need to pay to have a photo shoot with this guy.

No wonder it kept a distance from me and the kids were pull a distance by
their parents when they show wishes to want to approach Rumble Bee, i know why.

Poor Rumble Bee, he should have some "human" around him with a sign board or something to show what its all about. Then they might probably make some rupiah out from this so call "show".

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
After you visiting there,
Come down to the main road...
1. Turn right, travel around 500m, watch out for the lion status on your left.
What is this "lion status" ?

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
2. Turn left. Travel about 500m. That the Batam U on your left. If you are early enough, you might witness the kue(pasty) whole sales on the right.
I pass by the Batam Uni tho, but i was there in the late noon. Hence i might probably missed the shop.

Anyway, i might probably go to this temple twice during my CNY 2020 trip. I have a sudden turn-up of 9 aunties and uncles trip on the 3rd day of CNY.

During one of my pre-CNY, ONE lonely "mango" was hanging downward from one of the mango tree there at Vihara Cipta Dharma Temple (玄天上帝庙 ) were the center of attraction.

Erm..ermm...there's every aunties there holding the mango and taking selfie with it,hehehe...

As for Hock An Kiong Temple (福安宫), its the filial piety marble stone...

...and the 2D door craving that were the key attraction of the temple.

They were hand made by craft man employed in China, base on conversation between aunties and the temple caretaker. May share a little more details once i sort out the photos and details when time allows.

* all photos above were taken during my pre-cny Batam trip.

Originally Posted by BFOMF5 View Post
3. Turn left. Travel arout 1km, you got MB2(Mall-Botania-2) on your left.
And yes, i pass by MB2 and saw the CGV theater big signage outside.

Its so near, yet so far.

Will have to drop by that mall one of these days when chance arise.

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 18-01-2020, 02:24 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post

Which is why i will ALWAYS carry with me the address and contacts of the Singapore Consulate in Batam with me at all time when i am there. I feel they are one of the most important thing any Singapore tourist should have on hand.
bro, dun expect much help from these civil servants...from my friends experience they rendered no help for any polisi cases...these buggers tot you committed crime...they are only good to issue temp passport with a fees...
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Old 18-01-2020, 03:50 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by leekwantew View Post
Does anyone know if my passport left 3 mths validity on date of trip whether I can pass batam customs?
Depend on ths officer whose taking your paasport.. but this is the norm.. they will ask you to turn back and came backonce your passport is renew.. just make a confuse and sad face saying that you had an engagement in batam such as a friend wedding and ask if theres any he can help you.. they would then whisper to you to move one side .. place a $50 in theassport then come agn to him.. thats what hppn to me abt 8yrs ago.. but note im not sure how much they ginna ask fior now and also once you pass through the custom.. the cop given doesnt serve as a warranty.. if you are being spot check by another officer then it will be another cycle of the earlier event.. even when im coming back to spore.. the return officer ask me how much i gave to the arrival officer.. i just lied $20.. because he also wanted to ask of the same amount for himself but then he changed his mind and just tell me to go..
Old 18-01-2020, 04:01 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

If I am not wrong, if your passport left with 3 months, I don’t think you can pass through the counter to get the boarding pass. Even get boarding pass, at the gate entrance before custom check and immigration clearance, the Cisco officer will check through. Better be safe than to take the risk of going.
Old 18-01-2020, 08:58 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

100% it's safe, as my friend with 3 months left before expiring is allowed to go in. As the kind immigration officer was very kind and advice him to renew his passport when he comes to batam the next time.
Sepi, nanti udah bukak
Mulai sok hebat anging2 ni
Bodoh amat!!
Old 18-01-2020, 09:13 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by fde83 View Post
100% it's safe, as my friend with 3 months left before expiring is allowed to go in. As the kind immigration officer was very kind and advice him to renew his passport when he comes to batam the next time.
I wouldnt want to take the risk. Sure kana pay under table money.
Plse dont upz me

Thank you
Old 18-01-2020, 09:45 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by PrcLust View Post
If I am not wrong, if your passport left with 3 months, I don’t think you can pass through the counter to get the boarding pass. Even get boarding pass, at the gate entrance before custom check and immigration clearance, the Cisco officer will check through. Better be safe than to take the risk of going.
But i guess you can check at the ticket booth during purchasing ticket.. and the staff there wilk let tou know if its ok or not.. incs the boarding pass has been issue..suppose to be good to go.. but as i said like what happen to me.. i was already at harbour bay custom when i aware that my passport is below 6mth of validity.. it all depends on the officer who took your passport.. once they saw this as an opportunity they will pursue..
Old 18-01-2020, 09:48 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by PrcLust View Post
If I am not wrong, if your passport left with 3 months, I don’t think you can pass through the counter to get the boarding pass. Even get boarding pass, at the gate entrance before custom check and immigration clearance, the Cisco officer will check through. Better be safe than to take the risk of going.
And bro most of the times especially when there are many ppl going over.. the counter staff wont ne checking the expiry dates.. they would just proceed with the printing and issue.. by then you are on your own..o
Old 19-01-2020, 12:05 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by ezzal View Post
And bro most of the times especially when there are many ppl going over.. the counter staff wont ne checking the expiry dates.. they would just proceed with the printing and issue.. by then you are on your own..o
The best that can happen is that the Singapore officer skip to check this, so he boards the ferry and arrives to Batam, where the Indonesian officer will send him back.
It happens with flights, and of course the return ticket is charged to the passenger if he did not prepare all the immigration required documents duly.
Old 19-01-2020, 08:29 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
The best that can happen is that the Singapore officer skip to check this, so he boards the ferry and arrives to Batam, where the Indonesian officer will send him back.
It happens with flights, and of course the return ticket is charged to the passenger if he did not prepare all the immigration required documents duly.
Very true. But i must give our ica offrs thumbs up. Most of the time they do a good job. There were once they highlighted to my friend passport which expiring 5 mths later. Told my friend ica cant stop him fm leaving sillypore and shld my friend kana ntl fm Tbk is not fault of ica. My friend took the risk. End up bribing Tbk corrupted offr s$50. But bargain to s$30. KNN..can negotiate like how hw u did at villa.
Plse dont upz me

Thank you
Old 19-01-2020, 11:48 PM
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Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
You shld have try the cha kue/carrot cake stall beside Bai Long noodle stall. That is the the better cha kue stall. I think the best one around in Batam. Still, i feel that Singapore fried carrot cake better than Batam.

Then again, everyone's taste bud is different. So what suit me might not suit u. At least it should be edible,hehehe...

I will be compiling up all my favourite Grab-food in Batam soon,hehehe...
The aunty morning in Penuin.
And evening in A2. But now she no more helping in A2 any more.

Not sure she go Nagoya FC or not.
Btw Satay Buaya got a store at NFC.
Old 20-01-2020, 12:18 AM
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Originally Posted by nitecrawllerr View Post

Very true. But i must give our ica offrs thumbs up. Most of the time they do a good job. There were once they highlighted to my friend passport which expiring 5 mths later. Told my friend ica cant stop him fm leaving sillypore and shld my friend kana ntl fm Tbk is not fault of ica. My friend took the risk. End up bribing Tbk corrupted offr s$50. But bargain to s$30. KNN..can negotiate like how hw u did at villa.
Don't think they are so on the ball...
Most time they just tally passport Name with the boarding pass Name.

Also don't think Ticket counters girls will check passport expiry..
Old 20-01-2020, 01:44 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Go Batam @ Cowboy-Town, don't LCLY unless you're super-loaded and wish to contribute your precious time (behind jail, the dirtiest in Asia) for few days & money (few grands SGD$) to both the criminal & unofficial criminal (officers, polisi, immigrasi, custom, etc)!

Remember, 'Cowboy town' have their own rules, just like Geylang in the 60's & 70's! Every them, is 'eyeing us' for a hit! As, we're presume loaded!

Best, go in quietly & go back safely! Show head there, and you will be the first to be pick and knock-by! That's the culture there, even the local chinese, practise such!

Sux policy there, but that's also the reason why we go there, because of their low-standard of living! Sux thumb, remember the armies 1st rule and stay safe! 'Do whatever you one, just don't get CAUGHT'!
Old 20-01-2020, 03:10 AM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
bro, dun expect much help from these civil servants...from my friends experience they rendered no help for any polisi cases...these buggers tot you committed crime...they are only good to issue temp passport with a fees...
Not everyone from the Singapore Consulate or High Commission are civil servants. They do outsource certain jobs to agents and subcontractors.
I used to travel a lot and have on occasions been contacted by MFA to render assistance to their consular officers due to my familiarity with the locality or populace there.
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