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Old 18-08-2021, 05:43 PM
kombust kombust is offline
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Re: Sammyboy sex forum TWENTY YEARS and still going.

no apologies needed boss. its unreasonable to ask of you to maintain this forum for free. i gotta say the maintenance is very well done.
Old 19-08-2021, 12:03 AM
edkoh2000 edkoh2000 is offline
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Re: Sammyboy sex forum TWENTY YEARS and still going.

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
For the first 7 years of the forum all the OKTs used this place FOC which was the reason why there was absolutely no deleting of threads and FRs.

I kept the forum going entirely from sign ups to view the images in the private picture forum.

However from around 2008 overheads were increasing to the point where I was losing big money so it was either call it a day or start charging for advertising.

Once paid adverts became a feature the forum lost its spirit of sharing FOC and was run along commercial lines. It's a sad reality but something that I could not avoid. Sorry about that.
Hey Boss

In my mind, I do not expect you to be someone saying sorry.

But apology accepted.

Actually I put up a thread recently to ask for recommendation for home based massage (they send people to massage you at your home) and the thread was deleted. I have no idea why. I mean does it even conflict with any paid OKT advertisement ?

As far as I know, there is no one anyone advertising this service "sending ML to your home, hotel to massage you".
Old 19-08-2021, 12:04 AM
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Re: Sammyboy sex forum TWENTY YEARS and still going.

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
It cannot be managed from Singapore as it is an offense to operate a site that sells sex and porn.

It has to be from a country where prostitution and porn is legal.

A bit of creativity and ingenuity is also required to keep it going despite the bans.
Then maybe that guy who runs the used car garage in NZ from the article
Old 19-08-2021, 12:17 AM
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Re: Sammyboy sex forum TWENTY YEARS and still going.

Got to thank SBf that I get to know many good bros here ! Those were the days!
Old 19-08-2021, 12:37 AM
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Re: Sammyboy sex forum TWENTY YEARS and still going.

Did you start counting from Delphi days?

Thought I joined before 1 Dec 2001 though I later forgot my password and need to reregister a new id.
Old 19-08-2021, 05:12 AM
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Re: Sammyboy sex forum TWENTY YEARS and still going.

Originally Posted by blurtoad000 View Post
Did you start counting from Delphi days?

Thought I joined before 1 Dec 2001 though I later forgot my password and need to reregister a new id.
No I'm not counting the delphi days. If you include Delphi you have to add another 2 years.
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Old 19-08-2021, 05:35 AM
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Re: Sammyboy sex forum TWENTY YEARS and still going.

Thanks bro for your service! Even though I haven’t been here for long, I’ve made good friends on Sbf and continue to! Brothers who will never judge - cos we are all perverts…I mean… we are likeminded gentlemen with similar interests (namely pussy n other orifices)

It also feels damn good to have a place where we men can just be men w/o worrying so much abt offending ppl esp these days. Like a bro mentioned your tagline earlier - whores are for fucking not loving.

Here’s to the next 20 years of brotherhood!
Old 19-08-2021, 10:24 AM
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Re: Sammyboy sex forum TWENTY YEARS and still going.

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
For the first 7 years of the forum all the OKTs used this place FOC which was the reason why there was absolutely no deleting of threads and FRs.

I kept the forum going entirely from sign ups to view the images in the private picture forum.

However from around 2008 overheads were increasing to the point where I was losing big money so it was either call it a day or start charging for advertising.

Once paid adverts became a feature the forum lost its spirit of sharing FOC and was run along commercial lines. It's a sad reality but something that I could not avoid. Sorry about that.
boss, no apology necessary...

I remembered you were struggling with the hardware crashes and also limited by bandwidth...those days were tough becos the authorities also trying to block the url was always a problem and you will go round zapping anyone that quoted long post and all the photos...

Oops I remembered you were going round telling ppl about "Advice - a noun and advise as a verb"...anyone remembered this...

Once you put the forum on cloud things were easier and you started to relax more on storage...

I also remembered trying to read all the International sub-forum threads especially ASEAN cities...

Back in 2008 onwards, I started sharing lots of info from hcm city since I started flying regularly to the city...

All these were good old days...
<a href= target=_blank></a>

Info threads are for field reports...if you want to chat post in tcss thread
Please do not post when you PM somebody
Please Do Not reply long post, always edit...
may zap and remove post

Old 19-08-2021, 03:51 PM
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Re: Sammyboy sex forum TWENTY YEARS and still going.

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post

storage was always a problem and you will go round zapping anyone that quoted long post and all the photo
Off topic not related to sex got zap too.

Click here for my latest post to return Up.Thanks!

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Old 19-08-2021, 04:39 PM
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Re: Sammyboy sex forum TWENTY YEARS and still going.

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
No I'm not counting the delphi days. If you include Delphi you have to add another 2 years.
I been a member since Delphi days updating on GL n HC activities ... cheers
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Old 19-08-2021, 04:49 PM
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Re: Sammyboy sex forum TWENTY YEARS and still going.

I remember those delphi days....

thanks to SBF, we have also aged through the years and it has been a great 20 years, spill lots of soldiers over the content

back in the day, we ups bros who shared and encouraged.

it might just be me, but these days people are stingy to appreciate, quick to judge, fast to zap
The Best Way to overcome heart break is in the arms of another. You focus on making money, you get girls, you focus on your body, you get sex, you focus on the girl, you get NOTHING but heartache and disappointment
Old 19-08-2021, 04:50 PM
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Re: Sammyboy sex forum TWENTY YEARS and still going.

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
Started this forum on 1st Dec 2001 at 1 pm.

It will be TWO DECADES old on 1st Dec 2021 1300 hrs assuming I can keep it going for a few more months.

For all those who were here for the opening ceremony and are still hanging around thanks very much for standing by through thick and thin.
thank you for this platform...
The Best Way to overcome heart break is in the arms of another. You focus on making money, you get girls, you focus on your body, you get sex, you focus on the girl, you get NOTHING but heartache and disappointment
Old 19-08-2021, 06:26 PM
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Re: Sammyboy sex forum TWENTY YEARS and still going.

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
If anyone want to help signing up for premium membership would be a godsend.

The forum is losing money monthly. Last year alone it lost $40,000. This year I dare not look. The reason is obvious.... border closures kill supply and lockdowns kill demand. Revenue has dropped by more than 80% while overheads have gone up instead of down due to the constant need to register new domains to circumvent the bans.

Hopefully things will turn around by the end of the year. In the meantime every cent helps.
Small token of appreciation for the upcoming 20yrs anniversary
Old 19-08-2021, 07:11 PM
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Re: Sammyboy sex forum TWENTY YEARS and still going.

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
No I'm not counting the delphi days. If you include Delphi you have to add another 2 years.
Those were the days at Delphi… sharing is caring
Food and sex are the same
End of the day as long as satisfy U that's good enuff
Got pic to show???
Old 19-08-2021, 09:13 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Sammyboy sex forum TWENTY YEARS and still going.

an early years pioneer joined from 27-11-2002 in my early 30s to now my 50s, still frequent reader , my fav section also change through the years from Health/ KTV session (cheong days) to International section (when I was stationed overseas or on regional assignments); then Movies/Pictures section (Stay home chill watch RA or X movie in my 40s) and presently more into intriguing section of Adult Discussions. (relate some of real life experiences that uncle here also went through the years)
Its like listening from 987 to class 95 and now 905, but still my fav radio stations to tune in too
Btw if include dephi days, add another golden year so its also Happy 20th year membership medalist too hahah

Kudos to boss for keeping this alive over the years. A truly Lion City Icon
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