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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 28-01-2022, 09:39 AM
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shower together

anyone know got such service still avail?
Used to be part of the experience. Now is rare
Old 28-01-2022, 09:46 AM
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Re: shower together

Originally Posted by bryanlailai View Post
anyone know got such service still avail?
Used to be part of the experience. Now is rare
Still very common...
Old 28-01-2022, 10:08 AM
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Re: shower together

usually nowadays are those small portable cubicle in mp, so unlikely. Sgl usually alone.
Old 28-01-2022, 11:41 AM
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Re: shower together

Sometimes even if stated, it's not done. Don't try to ask or insist.

So whether stated or not, the opportunity is dependent on mood n chemistry.

Generally, some do not like this private space to be shared. It's not a presumed service. Some when peeing on the toilet bowl do so with a towel blocking the view. Sometimes, she could shave her pussy in front of you, that means she's comfortable with you.

My point is don't be presumptuous unless the comfort and trust level is high. If she invites you, then just be nice about it. Or if you can prompt her for dynamic specials therein. Need to have mutual horny levels unless time is up. No need to appear to be desperate.

The above cannot appear in MR or FR. Likely between you and her.

Same concept as YMMV.

Just my views. Peace.
Old 28-01-2022, 12:02 PM
candeo_88 candeo_88 is offline
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Re: shower together

Still common when the "shower" area is big enough...Otherwise how do you expect a 60, 70 or 80kg guy squeeze into a portable "shower" with a 40-50 kg gal??? More like squeezing into a sardine can...

Unless its those home based, hotel or proper spa type where there is a proper bathroom....and action starts when in there...

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Old 28-01-2022, 01:52 PM
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Re: shower together

So far i only got it when i went to geylang Cat150 then go this service. Massage so far never got it.
Old 28-01-2022, 01:52 PM
bryanlailai bryanlailai is offline
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Re: shower together

can't wait for viet n Thai to open up and visit. Svcs really up another level
Old 28-01-2022, 01:58 PM
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Re: shower together

Originally Posted by bondage View Post
Sometimes even if stated, it's not done. Don't try to ask or insist.

So whether stated or not, the opportunity is dependent on mood n chemistry.

Generally, some do not like this private space to be shared. It's not a presumed service. Some when peeing on the toilet bowl do so with a towel blocking the view. Sometimes, she could shave her pussy in front of you, that means she's comfortable with you.

My point is don't be presumptuous unless the comfort and trust level is high. If she invites you, then just be nice about it. Or if you can prompt her for dynamic specials therein. Need to have mutual horny levels unless time is up. No need to appear to be desperate.

The above cannot appear in MR or FR. Likely between you and her.

Same concept as YMMV.

Just my views. Peace.
It’s a matter of hygiene. If she is sweaty I will ask her to shower. Come out play must protect ourselves.
Old 28-01-2022, 03:14 PM
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Re: shower together

Originally Posted by bondage View Post
Sometimes even if stated, it's not done. Don't try to ask or insist.

So whether stated or not, the opportunity is dependent on mood n chemistry.

If it's not a "definitely will provide service" then they should not state it. Saying depends on mood and chemistry means that it should not be stated in the first place.

I don't see them not in mood or need chemistry to take your money. Things not stated and depends on chemistry are "bonuses" but stating something then not providing it is simply cheating.

Too bad too many "nice gentleman" here. No wonder some of my regular MLs in the past all so happy. There is even one ML whom another guy buy her hours for a full day to go out, she just go out with him and have lunch then complain headache etc. The guy just sent her home to rest, and she msged me later that evening if want to go hotel. Ended up bonking her in hotel and that guy can still send msg to ask her if she's feeling better and she only replied her when I'm sending her back after our action that she just woke up after taking some medicine... She can really act and make her voice sound so weak, totally unlikely how she's moaning in the room. Don't know whether to laugh or cry when I saw this.
Old 28-01-2022, 03:24 PM
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Re: shower together

If cannot find, get some friends to shower together first. Tahan a bit.
Old 28-01-2022, 03:27 PM
bryanlailai bryanlailai is offline
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Re: shower together

It's the intimacy and act of service that is shiok. Guess many bros here haven't encounter it
Old 29-01-2022, 07:21 AM
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Re: shower together

Originally Posted by CheongingEdge View Post
If it's not a "definitely will provide service" then they should not state it. Saying depends on mood and chemistry means that it should not be stated in the first place.

I don't see them not in mood or need chemistry to take your money. Things not stated and depends on chemistry are "bonuses" but stating something then not providing it is simply cheating.

Too bad too many "nice gentleman" here......
I fully agree with your 1st statement. Never ever forget we ARE Singaporeans - pragmatic always - which is why we are a successful nation where none at the least goes hungry unlike our strife & confused neighbor nations.

The majority of Singaporeans have good upbringing, being sheltered & protected by forefathers who built this nation. We have no aim to cheat others but at the same time we do not want to be cheated by others. Perhaps such is due to Western & American culture we were brought up with & exposed daily.

We Sporeans worked hard for our money, & thus DO have a right to see value in return for money spent - nothing more & nothing less. If what is stated upon either verbally or written is NOT performed, then that is utter cheating.

The majority of us can only be cheated once, & then it is bye bye to the cheater. We Sporeans are not fools. For cheating businesses that relies on word of mouth or advertising, they can only make quick gain & will have to fold up the next day, as in this age of information, a brand or a name be made or broken within light speed.

For ladies working in the nightlife industry, they depend on numbers, to survive. If they think they can be supported by spendthrift rich fools, then they r the fools & will have no customers soon, as in Spore-majority are middle class. The rich are but only a few, & majority of the rich are NOT fools, as it is by savings & scrimping that they got rich.

Now, due to covid surges, the supply of ladies in this industry is low, & thus they think they have the upper hand. It's only a matter of time when they & their managers wake up to their senses, or be bankrupted, as most of Asia had now decided to 'live with endemic covid', with borders open to the hungry to earn a living - money for services rendered honestly.

As for the 2nd part of your post, all I can say is that may fellow Sporeans not be naive when entering this industry as a customer or no need to be overly suspicious. It's only entertainment, akin to watching or experience a movie in a cinema. Whatever that happens there on any particular nite, ends there that nite. The next day is a new day to refocus back to family & work, which are real & critical to one's well being & survival.

It's ok to spend money for entertainment, as money can be earned back the next day by working hard & smart, but if one loses one's mind in entertainment, it is almost impossible to gain it back, trapped forever in sweet memories which are only fantasies.
Old 29-01-2022, 10:37 AM
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Re: shower together

Originally Posted by Willamshakspear View Post
I fully agree with your 1st statement. Never ever forget we ARE Singaporeans - pragmatic always - which is why we are a successful nation where none at the least goes hungry unlike our strife & confused neighbor nations.

The majority of Singaporeans have good upbringing, being sheltered & protected by forefathers who built this nation. We have no aim to cheat others but at the same time we do not want to be cheated by others. Perhaps such is due to Western & American culture we were brought up with & exposed daily.

We Sporeans worked hard for our money, & thus DO have a right to see value in return for money spent - nothing more & nothing less. If what is stated upon either verbally or written is NOT performed, then that is utter cheating.

The majority of us can only be cheated once, & then it is bye bye to the cheater. We Sporeans are not fools. For cheating businesses that relies on word of mouth or advertising, they can only make quick gain & will have to fold up the next day, as in this age of information, a brand or a name be made or broken within light speed.

For ladies working in the nightlife industry, they depend on numbers, to survive. If they think they can be supported by spendthrift rich fools, then they r the fools & will have no customers soon, as in Spore-majority are middle class. The rich are but only a few, & majority of the rich are NOT fools, as it is by savings & scrimping that they got rich.

Now, due to covid surges, the supply of ladies in this industry is low, & thus they think they have the upper hand. It's only a matter of time when they & their managers wake up to their senses, or be bankrupted, as most of Asia had now decided to 'live with endemic covid', with borders open to the hungry to earn a living - money for services rendered honestly.

As for the 2nd part of your post, all I can say is that may fellow Sporeans not be naive when entering this industry as a customer or no need to be overly suspicious. It's only entertainment, akin to watching or experience a movie in a cinema. Whatever that happens there on any particular nite, ends there that nite. The next day is a new day to refocus back to family & work, which are real & critical to one's well being & survival.

It's ok to spend money for entertainment, as money can be earned back the next day by working hard & smart, but if one loses one's mind in entertainment, it is almost impossible to gain it back, trapped forever in sweet memories which are only fantasies.
wah lan.. ur post at 7:21am machiam like professor give lesson about econmics + singapore history... relax la brother.. we only want to shower together with ml.. u either have lobang or no lobang... no need to spend so much time write all these kind of things... dunno u loh soh or want to hao lian u very smart...
Old 29-01-2022, 10:40 AM
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Re: shower together

He's William Shakespear...the famous poet....

Originally Posted by superstiffy View Post
wah lan.. ur post at 7:21am machiam like professor give lesson about econmics + singapore history... relax la brother.. we only want to shower together with ml.. u either have lobang or no lobang... no need to spend so much time write all these kind of things... dunno u loh soh or want to hao lian u very smart...
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Appreciate if bro's can PM me after upping so that I can find your latest posts quickly. Cheers.
Old 29-01-2022, 11:02 AM
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