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Old 14-03-2024, 04:43 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Wanted to ask fellow bros about Vera and her JG.

Apart from the JG being highly raved, how's her massage and also in terms of look any experienced bros would kindly share your opinion on her?

Old 14-03-2024, 04:59 PM
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Originally Posted by ladyassasinato View Post
For Massage shoule be Xin Yan. For Looks + Massage shoule be Love.

Quite close to Looks + Massage + Sensual should be Man Man. But as a milf liao, not so chio lor.
Looks + Massage + body has to be Love!
Old 14-03-2024, 05:45 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Joined2005 View Post
her SLG ad $150 didnt put BJ, and want to zhut must upgrade to what? Upgrade to her $320 FL rate as advbertised in other site??

Sugar :

She quoted me additional $50 to zhut

Not the prettiest

Good body
$150 include BJ

Massage surprising has good strength for those who need it
Condo parking basement got no reception to receive instructions 😅
Old 14-03-2024, 05:47 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Recently visited Tong Tong

Looks wise i would say abt 20% discount from SLG photos but typically wont rej
Body wise not bad has B-C cup. Didnt try licking but can grope nicely during sensual
Location is central but slightly tough for public transport or foot soldiers. House is clean and she takes effort to air her room
Massage has strength but kind of fast paced? Had some decent massage periods but relatively too fast paced for me to consider that its good
Sensual is quite sop and also slightly too fast tempo. I like slow build up but great thing is she is FN throughout my sesh
BBBJ is her star point. Really took it like a champ and able to blow for a solid 5-10mins without stopping. She took the CIM wholeheartedly and even kept her mouth tightly around my small head to ensure i released fully. Gave me a big head massage for the remaining time

RTM: yes! Mainly cause of her BBBJ and also very pleasant interaction with her. Maybe build more chemistry can ask her to slow down her pace a little. My 2cts worth and YMMV cheers!
Old 14-03-2024, 05:59 PM
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Originally Posted by bookerman View Post
Actually I thought Yu Er got do FL one also eh. Saw it on another place listing a while back. Aiyw was thinking of visiting her as ML first, if can click, piak piak time!
Ya she does FL also - listed on another site
Old 14-03-2024, 06:24 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by mika View Post
hi bro, castle ad says top up abit can FJ. when u are there if u like what u see, and ML quote u more that castle ad for FJ, do u all just reject? or tell ML that u saw her other ad too?

i’m new to this new ML hobby, wondering how to bros here usually handle this?
Usually if you quote their FJ price when they quote you higher they will take it. But some will guai lan and tell you that the FJ price doesn’t include massage.
Old 14-03-2024, 06:37 PM
eirkzq eirkzq is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by mika View Post
hi bro, castle ad says top up abit can FJ. when u are there if u like what u see, and ML quote u more that castle ad for FJ, do u all just reject? or tell ML that u saw her other ad too?

i’m new to this new ML hobby, wondering how to bros here usually handle this?
I thought castle already label the price for FJ? I just gave her 4 blue including tips
Old 14-03-2024, 06:48 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

hi all, giving my review on a girl that I just tried. as always, what applies to me may not apply to you (your mileage may vary) so do keep that in mind.

girl in question:

booking process was rather straightforward (do take note that i don't have any records on their database) but she still took in my booking as she have just touched down not too long ago. i thought to myself, new girl new experience, why not just have a try?

location: 8.5/10 (quite secluded, privacy is there definitely. no complaints.

looks: 8.5/10 (give a abit discount to the photos but she still looks very bubbly and fresh. she has an enthusiastic look on her face and she was beaming in her eyes when she opened the door for me. i suspect business might be slow but she told me that that's her way of greeting new customers)

body: 9/10 (no complaints there. body was as per advertised and she's not fat whatsoever. maintains her body well)

boobs: 9/10 (36C and rather soft to the touch)

massage: 8/10 (not exactly the most skilled masseuse out there but she puts in effort. you can scold a girl if she's slow but not willing to learn and put in the effort but you can't fault a girl whose trying her best while engaging in conversation with you throughout)

sensual: 10/10 (now this is the part where she shines at, even though she's a newbie. while i was relaxing, eyes half closed while enjoying her massage, her soft but warm hands started to roam my body and oh my god, it was fantastic. she alternates from sensual touches from my upper abdomen to my lower and she was excellent at it. while she pressed her body against mine, my dick immediately got hard because her body was so, so soft to the touch). she continued teasing and touching till i couldn't stand it anymore and i asked to be flipped. she then asked me what do i want in a very playful and coy way and i told her i wanted her to give me a blow job and oh my god, the blow job was excellent with a capital " E ". needless to say, i nearly ejaculated into her mouth but since shes new, maybe i will hold on for another day.)

girlfriend experience: 10/10. (she's a romantic. your time wouldn't be wasted, that's for sure.)

RTM: it's a resounding yes.

i hope this helps for the bros that wants to try her. do note that this is 100percent true and no factual nonsense is inside. i have no affiliation to her and I hardly write reviews but i thought that this girl deserves more attention. if there are more questions, do feel free to drop me a message and i will answer them as accurately as possible.

Last edited by vazie; 14-03-2024 at 07:03 PM.
Old 14-03-2024, 06:55 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by vazie View Post
hi all, giving my review on a girl that I just tried. as always, what applies to me may not apply to you (your mileage may vary) so do keep that in mind.

girl in question:
wah bro you say until like that i think should have just topped up abit more for the fj alr
Old 14-03-2024, 06:57 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Moshimosh View Post
She seems to be in sg currently. Starting work soon?
Still not ready yet apparently.

Another of my more recent regular ML is also back on the same day... she can start tomorrow, just posted moments also.

Mango, Tomato
Old 14-03-2024, 07:02 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by greeniebeanie4 View Post
wah bro you say until like that i think should have just topped up abit more for the fj alr
hahahaha, maybe another day.
Old 14-03-2024, 07:20 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by vazie View Post
hi all, giving my review on a girl that I just tried. as always, what applies to me may not apply to you (your mileage may vary) so do keep that in mind.

girl in question:

booking process was rather straightforward (do take note that i don't have any records on their database) but she still took in my booking as she have just touched down not too long ago. i thought to myself, new girl new experience, why not just have a try?

location: 8.5/10 (quite secluded, privacy is there definitely. no complaints.

looks: 8.5/10 (give a abit discount to the photos but she still looks very bubbly and fresh. she has an enthusiastic look on her face and she was beaming in her eyes when she opened the door for me. i suspect business might be slow but she told me that that's her way of greeting new customers)

body: 9/10 (no complaints there. body was as per advertised and she's not fat whatsoever. maintains her body well)

boobs: 9/10 (36C and rather soft to the touch)

massage: 8/10 (not exactly the most skilled masseuse out there but she puts in effort. you can scold a girl if she's slow but not willing to learn and put in the effort but you can't fault a girl whose trying her best while engaging in conversation with you throughout)

sensual: 10/10 (now this is the part where she shines at, even though she's a newbie. while i was relaxing, eyes half closed while enjoying her massage, her soft but warm hands started to roam my body and oh my god, it was fantastic. she alternates from sensual touches from my upper abdomen to my lower and she was excellent at it. while she pressed her body against mine, my dick immediately got hard because her body was so, so soft to the touch). she continued teasing and touching till i couldn't stand it anymore and i asked to be flipped. she then asked me what do i want in a very playful and coy way and i told her i wanted her to give me a blow job and oh my god, the blow job was excellent with a capital " E ". needless to say, i nearly ejaculated into her mouth but since shes new, maybe i will hold on for another day.)

girlfriend experience: 10/10. (she's a romantic. your time wouldn't be wasted, that's for sure.)

RTM: it's a resounding yes.

i hope this helps for the bros that wants to try her. do note that this is 100percent true and no factual nonsense is inside. i have no affiliation to her and I hardly write reviews but i thought that this girl deserves more attention. if there are more questions, do feel free to drop me a message and i will answer them as accurately as possible.

She is also a FL in another site at 160
Old 14-03-2024, 07:20 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by mika View Post
hi bro, castle ad says top up abit can FJ. when u are there if u like what u see, and ML quote u more that castle ad for FJ, do u all just reject? or tell ML that u saw her other ad too?
Today just kena-ed something similar, I added this "ML" from the moments of another RTC ML... so I went to SLG to see her pricing... so she is in fact a FL and she quoted me the FJ price from vip site. I told her I money not enough as I saw SLG only... think if no money excuse she also bobian.

Lol she then asked me how much money I brought.

Mango, Tomato
Old 14-03-2024, 07:22 PM
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Originally Posted by crypster View Post
She is also a FL in another site at 160
oh that i didn't know. as per mentioned, she didn't explicitly mentioned if i can fuck her so i also didn't ask for it as well. but hey, i think her services is decent so why not just write a MR to help the poor girl out?
Old 14-03-2024, 07:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Venti0000 View Post
Have PM you. Sharing is caring !
Bro can share coco ctc too? Thanks a lot
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