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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 21-01-2025, 08:25 AM
amitemikey amitemikey is offline
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Re: Where to go for juagen?

at most kenna scolding from her or make her cry. But i would not want to piss someone who has my nuts and dick in her hand.

Originally Posted by Zendude82 View Post
some bros will see this as a challenge. The more you say cannot, the more they want to try unlock
Old 21-01-2025, 11:21 PM
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Re: Where to go for juagen?

Thanks domboy for the contact, Went for a visit to Lily, as others stated its a 100% no hanky panky at all. Despite her petite size she uses quite a bit a strength when doing her pressure point massage to the point where it is quite painful. can tell she puts in effort for the massage. would visit again just for the massage alone.
Old 22-01-2025, 12:48 PM
Alphonses60 Alphonses60 is offline
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Re: Where to go for juagen?

Anyone can pm me baobao ctc. Thanks so much
Old 22-01-2025, 02:44 PM
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Re: Where to go for juagen?

Originally Posted by zoggs View Post
Visited 168 Lina earlier. Think shes put on weight but s pleasant s ever...
FYI shes goin bac for CNY holidays frm 28/01 till 02/02...
Had a session with Lina. Can only say the JG is hard and good. Had a very enjoyable session. The JG not only relieve my small head, my legs feels lighter too. Not forgetting the releasing b4 JG, shiok

Yes, she will be away from 28/1 to 3/2
Old 22-01-2025, 03:48 PM
asasas asasas is offline
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Originally Posted by domboy View Post
Found a TCM clinical physiotherapist. Quite a sad story. She was hoping to put her TC M knowledge to use and when she thought her agent found her a tcm spa, she was happy. but when told to earn tips, she needed to do hj, she cried. She only wanted to use her physioskils..including treatment of ED, prostate problems, moxibustion, cupping etc

I told her i would give her TCM jg a try. and it wass good. as she treat you, she copuld tell you which accupoints affects what and from your tongue, she could give a basic diagnosis and give recommendation.

She took out a cylindrical container and took out a big fat cigar looking thing. she said its ai jiu (moxibustion). She lit it up and held just below my belly button. The smell is quite nice and relaxing. and the heated sensation is comforting. Usually i feel bloated but with the contant heat, it feels good.

Then she started on the jg, it was not anything sexual, but she would use purposeful stroke, press and rub certain areas...i would tell her whethewr i feel pain, sore or numbness. She concluded that i tend to have heavy dampness (湿气重and that resulted in some health ailments and bad temper). Spot on!

I told her i am on high bllod pressure and taking western med blood thinner. she adv that takingh blood thinner may result in ED as the penis need strong flowing blood to sustain erection. she recommended to use TCM method to tresat high blood via change in diet as well as accupressure massage. It might start off with some pain but later opn it will be better.

She is shy and thorough. The thot of providing sexual services turns her off because from a tcm view, masturbation is bad for men's health. Having sex is different as it a balance between ying and yang. HJ, BJ is all yang energy being depleted.

quite a nice gal to talk to. Pring is definitely very reasonable. $60 entry and i paid her additional $60 for the jg treatment. The moxibustion she let me have free trial ...otherwise, a bit top up...i think diff is about $10-$20.

Will try to get some pic of the moxibustion thingy as it was my first time seeing it.

This contact not suitable for those looking for sex service. BUt if you keen on good health maintenance, this is the one to go for..
Hi Bro, can pm me her contact ? Thanks.
Old 23-01-2025, 08:43 AM
Zendude82 Zendude82 is offline
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Re: Where to go for juagen?

not going to try unlocking her. I see her as a TCM physician, seriously. Anyway she's restocked on her 艾灸 but limited quantities. Already booked my slot this weekend

Originally Posted by wahhero View Post
I think lili not easy to unlock as the price you paid for jg is about the same for hj, and she does not even have to touch the cock...should be good money business...unless she is only earning massage commission then maybe not enough...
Old 23-01-2025, 12:56 PM
cognacrex cognacrex is offline
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Re: Where to go for juagen?

Originally Posted by domboy View Post
Found a TCM clinical physiotherapist. Quite a sad story. She was hoping to put her TC M knowledge to use and when she thought her agent found her a tcm spa, she was happy. but when told to earn tips, she needed to do hj, she cried. She only wanted to use her physioskils..including treatment of ED, prostate problems, moxibustion, cupping etc

I told her i would give her TCM jg a try. and it wass good. as she treat you, she copuld tell you which accupoints affects what and from your tongue, she could give a basic diagnosis and give recommendation.

She took out a cylindrical container and took out a big fat cigar looking thing. she said its ai jiu (moxibustion). She lit it up and held just below my belly button. The smell is quite nice and relaxing. and the heated sensation is comforting. Usually i feel bloated but with the contant heat, it feels good.

Then she started on the jg, it was not anything sexual, but she would use purposeful stroke, press and rub certain areas...i would tell her whethewr i feel pain, sore or numbness. She concluded that i tend to have heavy dampness (湿气重and that resulted in some health ailments and bad temper). Spot on!

I told her i am on high bllod pressure and taking western med blood thinner. she adv that takingh blood thinner may result in ED as the penis need strong flowing blood to sustain erection. she recommended to use TCM method to tresat high blood via change in diet as well as accupressure massage. It might start off with some pain but later opn it will be better.

She is shy and thorough. The thot of providing sexual services turns her off because from a tcm view, masturbation is bad for men's health. Having sex is different as it a balance between ying and yang. HJ, BJ is all yang energy being depleted.

quite a nice gal to talk to. Pring is definitely very reasonable. $60 entry and i paid her additional $60 for the jg treatment. The moxibustion she let me have free trial ...otherwise, a bit top up...i think diff is about $10-$20.

Will try to get some pic of the moxibustion thingy as it was my first time seeing it.

This contact not suitable for those looking for sex service. BUt if you keen on good health maintenance, this is the one to go for..
Hi, Can Share Contact. Thanks in advance
Old 23-01-2025, 02:40 PM
renkinjutsushi renkinjutsushi is offline
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Originally Posted by domboy View Post
Found a TCM clinical physiotherapist. Quite a sad story. She was hoping to put her TC M knowledge to use and when she thought her agent found her a tcm spa, she was happy. but when told to earn tips, she needed to do hj, she cried. She only wanted to use her physioskils..including treatment of ED, prostate problems, moxibustion, cupping etc

I told her i would give her TCM jg a try. and it wass good. as she treat you, she copuld tell you which accupoints affects what and from your tongue, she could give a basic diagnosis and give recommendation.

She took out a cylindrical container and took out a big fat cigar looking thing. she said its ai jiu (moxibustion). She lit it up and held just below my belly button. The smell is quite nice and relaxing. and the heated sensation is comforting. Usually i feel bloated but with the contant heat, it feels good.

Then she started on the jg, it was not anything sexual, but she would use purposeful stroke, press and rub certain areas...i would tell her whethewr i feel pain, sore or numbness. She concluded that i tend to have heavy dampness (湿气重and that resulted in some health ailments and bad temper). Spot on!

I told her i am on high bllod pressure and taking western med blood thinner. she adv that takingh blood thinner may result in ED as the penis need strong flowing blood to sustain erection. she recommended to use TCM method to tresat high blood via change in diet as well as accupressure massage. It might start off with some pain but later opn it will be better.

She is shy and thorough. The thot of providing sexual services turns her off because from a tcm view, masturbation is bad for men's health. Having sex is different as it a balance between ying and yang. HJ, BJ is all yang energy being depleted.

quite a nice gal to talk to. Pring is definitely very reasonable. $60 entry and i paid her additional $60 for the jg treatment. The moxibustion she let me have free trial ...otherwise, a bit top up...i think diff is about $10-$20.

Will try to get some pic of the moxibustion thingy as it was my first time seeing it.

This contact not suitable for those looking for sex service. BUt if you keen on good health maintenance, this is the one to go for..
hi bro, appreciate if you can pm contact, thanks!
Old 25-01-2025, 06:25 AM
Zhonggege Zhonggege is offline
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Re: Where to go for juagen?

hi Bro,

Thanks for the recommendation. I stay quite near and would frequent the market with family. Heng Heng parked near there and walked past there with my wife. She smelled the 艾灸 and liked it alot. She said it was strong and not a stingy TCM shop. She herself walked in and i acted blur and just followed. Over the counter she enquired about treatment for menses pain and backache stuff. The recept gal (big boobs but face...looks like plastic surgey gone bad) asked Lili/Lily to come out. wah, she power, started talking in fast chinese to my wife and convinced her to try her massage.

WIfey asked me if i want to do marketing myself, i told her i also backache from cleasning up house. They dont have couple room so each of us were assigned to our own. she had lili and i had yuki that the recept recommended.

Yuki's massage has strength and she has big big melons 38D/E, but they sway alot while massaging me. Happy with session.

Oh...btw, wife happy with lili's skill too.

Got the winwin situation that all husbands' hope for ....a tcm shop endorsed by wife.
Old 25-01-2025, 06:59 AM
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Re: Where to go for juagen?

bro can share the contact?

Originally Posted by wahhero View Post
There are many jg masters around but wont get really effective results with just one session...need to get a good one and then try to go for 3 to 4 sessions to find out..i have tried a few and have a little effect on the peeing, hardness (depends)...below are some ok ones:
1) baobao - need to be prepare for some ass hole digging but can feel some effectiveness
2) eva (tpy) - sensual and pain...some tugging and pressing but also some sensual to compensate
3) Master A - sensual and pain...same like the above but curtain environment.
4) upper boon keng tcm lili - straight forward accupoint massage with pain and strictly no sensual.
5) keke - milf with nice sensual but some pulling of veins
6) Jalan sultan Master Wang - pressing and pulling of veins but no sexual..
7) YF - good and painful and no sexual...tried to be naughty once and got scolding by her..
There are others which i will not reveal unless they give permission...otherwise, the above are good try...still looking continuously for good ones to share
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Old 25-01-2025, 11:30 AM
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Re: Where to go for juagen?

recommended to a gal with nice tattoo on front above breast and back.
Thot ah lian hiong hiong type, but she has a JC gal look. Long haiur and petite.
See already would want to love her type. Very high GFE. She even worked in Japan n Korea before. So her skills in pleasing men are top notch. She just dont do kissing and if you have stubbles, you can go down on her as she will have rashes. Her JG is slow and very sensual. Makes u want to hold her down and have your way with her while she moan softly.

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Old 25-01-2025, 12:29 PM
Jaws6 Jaws6 is offline
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Originally Posted by loony View Post
recommended to a gal with nice tattoo on front above breast and back.
Thot ah lian hiong hiong type, but she has a JC gal look. Long haiur and petite.
See already would want to love her type. Very high GFE. She even worked in Japan n Korea before. So her skills in pleasing men are top notch. She just dont do kissing and if you have stubbles, you can go down on her as she will have rashes. Her JG is slow and very sensual. Makes u want to hold her down and have your way with her while she moan softly.

Bro can share thanks
Old 25-01-2025, 03:01 PM
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Re: Where to go for juagen?

Originally Posted by m4a1gd View Post

Saw everyone share their JG experience here mine.Recently went to this lady at a shop at Green Line. She say that she able to do JG that pique my interest. She looks like mixed nationality.When I asked her she told me she Vietnamese. She is in her late 20s,with big dolly eyes and ample size build have front and have back. She started with a good hard massage,really hit all the spots.She say need to massage the back before starting her JG. After a good 20 to 30 minutes of massage,she didn't pop any GQ,she proceed to ask me to flip over and she start to do her JG.Started with massaging the balls and then pulling of veins.While she was doing it,I sat up and do some roaming on her body.she asked me if I want to shoot I nodded my head.She did some teasing to my body to keep me stimulated while HJ me till i cum a huge load. Total Damage 2B2R.. I know true JG cannot shoot but I kinda enjoyed too much
hey bro mind sharing her ctc thanks
Old 25-01-2025, 07:24 PM
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Re: Where to go for juagen?

Anyone have west side contact for juagen? Can share? 🙏
Old 25-01-2025, 07:47 PM
Sunnysunflower2 Sunnysunflower2 is offline
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Re: Where to go for juagen?

Anyone have contact for east side ?
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