My favvvvvv. Sultry face, sexy dance. Natural tits
She is the best ml in term of look, figure and service. Hope she will come back but just serve her regular will do. Just make an announcement in her wc moment, we will all cheong to date her. I have 30 over kakis waiting patiently.
__________________ 书到用时方恨少
Last edited by ladyassasinato; 23-02-2025 at 09:34 PM.
She is the best ml in term of look, figure and service. Hope she will come back but just serve her regular will do. Just make an announcement in her wc moment, we will all cheong to date her. I have 30 over kakis waiting patiently.
Real person. Look will grow on you. Not for boobs lover. Petite body. Will put her in my regular list if she stay long. But is short term..
Oh Tian Xin short termer? Then I don't think I'll visit. I always go for long termers, can charm and get more fulfilment.
Originally Posted by Chidorigan
This is 150 to start and top up for bj? Man so many are charging this rate alr. Really crazy
Exactly, and except for a 2 or 3 girls, the rest of the SLG quality is substandard. Yet, many punters are unwittingly paying for it. Lol.
That's why I have been been venturing into GL and spas and fortunately finding many many gems. Just last week, I discovered a slim, 170cm, beautiful, long hair, premium spa ML. But I'm gatekeeping her cos she's already thinking of quiting the work soon cos it is too tiring and she explicitly told me not to get more biz for her.
Oh Tian Xin short termer? Then I don't think I'll visit. I always go for long termers, can charm and get more fulfilment.
Yah this is only her side line, she says she has been here before, usually on her breaks. Her real world job got nothing to do with ML. A pity really, she got potential
What good does your post do here? You have zero clue who is browsing this thread, and yet you reveal what MLs are doing to remain undetected.
I am a long time lurker and I made it a point *never* to interact with anyone via a post. But this was too stupid for me to ignore. Could an admin delete these posts?
Thanks for the bros who give a shout out to my mistakes. I learn alot from many brothers on what are the inappropriate postings that are detrimental and not to trust anybody with any info on the MLs as they may be acting in a guise . But why does the admistrator set a time limit because some threads i recently wrote cannot edit lia. But those threads are not of significant impact come to think of it and wud need a infinity of guesswork , from now on, i will just just coast in this forum and comment on the neceesary without revealing too much intimate details
I don’t get it. You guys talk about being discreet etc. One guy posting WeChat DP the other one posting moments. Lol I don’t get it
Very obvious right? I believe it is the same person who open so many accounts, then post and reply his own post using another one. The Motivation is clear, maybe is some REPUTED user~
Age Estimate: Woman
Looks: Exactly as posted. She has so much media online
Body: slim, didn't get to see her boobs as I had an unforeseen emergency
Shower: Another one of those dangerous step down showers. She gets in with you to help you shower but no body to body action. Some catbath and suction but I found that a bit odd
Nudity: started massage in SN but in reverse, bra on panties off
Massage: Ok
Kissing: light
Playability: full roaming
Sensual: A fair bit of finger teasing,full catbath with lots of licking and suction. Bbbj was pretty good. The craziest thing is that she is a hair trigger squirter, the slightest action sets her off, quite fun in a way
RTM: maybe
Location: one of my least favourite locations, worse than Dora's old place. Don't think there's any public carpark right outside. Foot soldiers will sweat buckets by the time you get there
Additional Notes:
- For YMMV context, I'm a slightly overweight, middle aged Chinese male.
- Age Estimate scale 21-25 SYT, 26-30 Woman, 31+ MILF, 40+ oh hell no
- had to run out early due to emergency so some details a bit hazy, was distracted during my time there
I don’t get it. You guys talk about being discreet etc. One guy posting WeChat DP the other one posting moments. Lol I don’t get it
I make a mistake here. In the heat of the moment, wana share, tried to delete but failed because of time limit. You make a good point. I will do it no more, sorry to all the bros out there who are offended by this posting. I learn alot from this forum brothers whopmme personally. Anyway,to all those bros who pm me for her contacts and name,i will decline all of your requests, so dont try to pm me anymore. This personal picture is shared to me when she trust me, so not going to betray that trust, at first i thought can help her generate some interest and business because i want her to stay here long long as she will need to pay her bills as her present regulars not supporting her enough.