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Re: Look out for this tread
Yo bros, can contacts be shared? Cos i mean we are all in the same thing together, helping these girls out. Please PM me
Re: Look out for this tread
hey bros, hope u guys can share the contacts? Im kinda new here so i hope you guys can share. I mean we are in it together, to help the ladies. Hope i get yr understanding. Thanks so much
Re: Look out for this tread
yo bro
you really get me going! PLs PM me for the contacts as you know.... it gets very kinky when it involves mum! waiting for you... ![]() |
bro pls pm me the contact thanks
Re: Look out for this tread
I applaud your good gesture to help Koey. But the problem is that she has taken your kindness for granted and taken us samsters & bonsters for a ride, she thinks we bonkers are fools. Why you so angry and type in red and big font some more ? I didn't say KC is an ah qua, I said KC resembled an ah qua, meaning she looks like ah qua. But I stand by my statement that she is an Indian because she doesn't look like an ang moh at all. I think all bros who have bonk her will agree that she looks more like an Indian as shown in the earlier post. However, the main gest of my post is to warn bros of Koey's mode of business. She is unethical. If you see the post here, a lot of bros actually book for other girls and despite her confirmeing the booking, upon arrival bros will be persuaded to take KC (who otherwise would not have any customers because she is an imitation ang moh, she dye her hair blonde to look like ang moh but her face and skin clearly shows she is Indian). This is despite her knowing that the other girls are not available. There is no excuse because it is not a one-off case but proven by so many FRs. This Koey actually thinks that she can bluff bros here into bonking KC and her unethical lies made all bros travel all the way to Yishun with a horny cock but then the confirmed booking girls that you have booked will not be there. This is outright cheating and she has every intention to cheat. And she cheat on purpose !! If she continues her business like that, soon she will be closed down. Hope I am allowed to voice my opinion here. At first I do not want to post this but I know all bros are giving the TS face. But then after reading so many FRs of her cheating and tricking bros to take KC, it really boils me !! She thinks we are fools or what ? |
Re: Look out for this tread
Judging from the many FRs here, I think bro 1acoruna69 is correct considering a lot of bros here post that they book for a certain girl but when reached there was asked to take KC instead. I think this mode of operation and business model is dishonest. Just imagine, if you call up a cinema and book 4 tickets for the movie "Star Wars" and the cinema confirmed your 4 tickets are reserved for you. Then when you reached the cinema, they told you "Sorry Sir, our Cinema not showing Star Wars, watch other movie Tom & Jerry lah, also not bad what". You will feel pissed, right ? Also, from the many FRs, a lot of bros also feel like KC looks more like Indian rather than ang moh Nevertheless, I think it is not bro holymonk's fault. I think basically Koey has betrayed holymonk's trust. By the way, what is bro holymonk's take on this ? |
Re: Look out for this tread
bros... i had the same experience (COS FIRST TIME there like everyuone else) but its up to u...IF u dun want to let KC serve u, then just let her know OR boycott...dun get angry....
![]() Last edited by simone; 29-05-2008 at 03:07 AM. |
Re: Look out for this tread
kc is not ang mo
Re: Look out for this tread
First of all, I would like to seek forgiven from all Bros and apologized to all bros.
![]() My intention is purely helping her out due to her situation as mentioned in this tread in the early page. After reading from bros FR, true enough that she do not do massage for bros and instead push to either KC or Kelly rather than her self doing. Spoke to her regarding this matter and she say she cant really perform massage and rather take commissions from her girls massage money. The way she run the business is not supported or must say irresponsible. Anyway, i have yet to try koey also as my 1st massage was done by cindy who has already left the place. Lastly, any qualify bro who still wish to try out KC or Kelly massage may still pm me and please read through the FR before deciding to go. Please allow me sometime to response as i already told her if possible, create an account herself. ***Just a kind soul out there to help out.....Holymonk ![]() 1 69king 2 ahkong 3 Alwaysbestdeal 4 assrammer 5 BabySpiderman 6 BAD-MAN 7 beckie0723 8 blue_swatch 9 Blueballs 10 bobchow 11 Bodhisattva 12 bugmenot 13 butcher_hoe 14 Championbee 15 Chandler 16 civic_jerk 17 cockcansing2 18 Cracky 19 danny41sg 20 Dargon1981 21 darkkrait 22 donchew 23 douhonda77 24 Eastpak 25 ekemono 26 elvix 27 Evianalps 28 fantastic_acey 29 featherbird 30 Gal2swap 31 GeckoSG 32 Gennaro_ 33 Glen2712 34 gohzxc 35 gongongong 36 GTR Z-TUNE 37 Halid 38 harpoon 39 highlander 40 holeinone6666 41 irjasy 42 JackieTan 43 JacKING 44 JAR1234 45 JBCheongster 46 jit singapore 1 47 Jlove 48 justhorny 49 kelvinail 50 ladyassasinato 51 LAYSER 52 Lester1 53 Life 54 like2cum 55 lixiao17 56 lone_dog69 57 lonely_12kev 58 lucifier 59 maccalim 60 maddog_mlvn 61 Mai Jia Qi 62 maituleow 63 MassageLover88 64 melon8888 65 miki 66 MirageX 67 mJ`mJ 68 ml1138 69 msdn 70 msndude 71 natassevil74 72 new30 73 Night70 74 nihonjin 75 nonolee 76 nonsense 77 obelisk 78 ol'coyote 79 Paracetemol 80 Payandplay 81 pentium77 82 PeteTsang69 83 phocker 84 poplam77 85 Prolink 86 qza879 87 Regza 88 RunNGun 89 SA23 90 SBF89 91 sextrooper 92 simon07cheong04 93 simone 94 Songsong77 95 soundlab 96 SSOU 97 Steege 98 steve 99 stuartcummings 100 sumsingkia 101 superfox 102 suspectedwildgu 103 taicheong 104 tasmania 105 TBogard 106 Titty Boy 107 Trooper 108 Vibrator8289 109 wahlau_7 110 weeweeman 111 Wonderz 112 xtremsproz 113 youngboygun
女人-不吃饭的女人这世上也许有好几个,不吃醋的女人却连一个也没有。女孩子说没有想什么的时候,心里一定有心事 。 男人-男人就像孩子,你要他听话,多少也得给他点甜头吃吃。 友情-一个人如果能把他的感触和他的朋友们共享,纵然无酒,也是愉快的。 爱情-原来能为自己所爱的人吃苦,竟也是一种快乐,只是世上有几人能享受到这种快乐。 哲理-走对了路的原因只有一种,走错路的原因却有很多。 人生-多情人隐藏情感,远远要比无情人隐藏冷酷困难得多。无论是什么人,在梦中、他永远比在清醒时更为勇敢、更为 坦率。 ★Next Target 1000 points, pls support hor ![]() |
Re: Look out for this tread
Cannot perform massage is no excuse for accepting CONFIRMATION booking when there is actually no such girl available. This cheating method by Koey is deplorable. |
Re: Look out for this tread
She is trying to take advantage of the situation where since bros have already drive all the way and reach there, the options for bros with a horny cock only left two choice, PCC or KC. The point is she should reply in the sms something like "Cindy no longer available, you want KC instead" and if bros say ok, then al least bros go there with the knowledge of booking KC. But in this case, bros have been cheated. Since Koey wants to be OKT, she better learn to be an honest one else AV will visit her soon. But I repeat I do not blame holymonk. |
Re: Look out for this tread
bro acoruna... sorry for the misintepretation.. ![]() |
Re: Look out for this tread
Now that bro holymonk has confirmed that Koey's business mode of operation is unethical and irresponsible, the next question is should we support a OKT like Koey who has no qualms to lie. We also never hear from holymonk that this lier Koey has apologize. Koey should also re-advertise that KC is an Indian and should not market as ang moh. I hope holymonk can instill in Koey that the first and most important think we look for in an OKT is integrity and honesty. |
Re: Look out for this tread
Hi bros,
Pls do not zap me for posting this. I received a pm from bro 1acoruna69 asking me to post in here. As you know, he brought up the issue on how Koey cheats and trick her customers both of hich have also been verified and admited by threadstarter holymonk. Besides, bringing up this issues for bros attention, he has also bring up to bros attention about how cruel and untethical okt true_enjoyment is. As you know since this is a paid forum where the okt pays money to the moderator to look after his interest, true_enjoyment always asked it to be deleted for fear of his cruel action being exposed especially on why his own girl like Angel has to to quit. In addition, to shut bro 1acoruna69's mouth, his account has been deactivated. I believe mine will be soon. So, please keep this info alive and spread to as many bros as possible. I attached here the report that he found for bros to read. Bros can create other account and copy this info into their new account and post it for the benefit of other bros. Bros can also spread this bad news about true_enjoyment thru pm Quote:
Re: Look out for this tread
Announcements to all bros,
Koey has official closed down her home base massage with effect and will be opening her shop early next month..... 4 Cubicles for massage 1 cubicle for facial got shower room provided She will be the boss and answer your calls. She agreed that bros can choose the girls you want and she promise not to push any girl to you. When you are in the shop, you can choose the girl you prefer or wait for the girl you want. Koey (Ladyboss) - perform only aromatherapy massage and facial treatment. KC - Massage Kelly - Massage Alicia - Massage Chloe - Massage Maia (part-time) -Massage 30 mins - $20 45 mins - $30 60 mins - $40 (Opt for 60 mins get free ear candling) opening hours - 10.30 am -11 pm *As for special, deal with the girl yourself and the price to pay, FJ cant be done inside the shop as mentioned by Koey. *They are currently busy preparing for the shop opening *Once opening, I will announce again. Bros who have koey contact may find out more from her yourself. *Lastly, again, I do not gain anything from them. Just trying to help out since I created this tread for her. ![]()
女人-不吃饭的女人这世上也许有好几个,不吃醋的女人却连一个也没有。女孩子说没有想什么的时候,心里一定有心事 。 男人-男人就像孩子,你要他听话,多少也得给他点甜头吃吃。 友情-一个人如果能把他的感触和他的朋友们共享,纵然无酒,也是愉快的。 爱情-原来能为自己所爱的人吃苦,竟也是一种快乐,只是世上有几人能享受到这种快乐。 哲理-走对了路的原因只有一种,走错路的原因却有很多。 人生-多情人隐藏情感,远远要比无情人隐藏冷酷困难得多。无论是什么人,在梦中、他永远比在清醒时更为勇敢、更为 坦率。 ★Next Target 1000 points, pls support hor ![]() |
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