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Old 12-12-2008, 03:05 PM
Wolfiexx1 Wolfiexx1 is offline
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Prositudes and HIV

I have not posted in a long long time and has quit the scene(occasional KTV still, but nothing much), but I want to write this out as a warning to the people here.

Not long ago, I have the pleasure of being selected in my course of work to be attached to a certain university medical dept for survey of HIV contractors. During the 2 mths, I travelled to Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia and Vietnam. Spoke to many HIV+ people to know more about their habits and medication.

We have translators assigned to everyone of us during our course of work when interviewing.

What i have learned during this trip is both shocking and sad.

In Indo, I was interviewing this 15yr old girl. Contracted HIV as a FL, nice looking girl, looks so damn vibrant and radiant, no one would suspect anything. But she has HIV for at least 1yr. There is simply no way of telling, for all brothers who are out looking for signs, DON'T - there is no way to tell!! I've met at least 10 very healthy looking and pretty girls... I would not have believed until they told me. Her story is quite sad... worked as a FL, told to visit a Hotel. Got gang raped by at least 7 guys, forced to swallow pills and passed out. When she woke up, found semen all over her tiny body and couldn't walk at all. She lie on the bed waiting to recover but just discovered by the room cleaner which reported to the Polis. 4Mths later, she was declared HIV+.

In Thailand, I interviewed a mother of 2 at her home. When I reached, she had make up on. She told us to make it quick as she had to work. I was shocked. I asked what she was working as now. She say she worked in a bar and still providing sexual service to men who wants her. I asked if she knew this was wrong. She told me ' Look at my two kids.... i know this is wrong, but what can i do? let them die with me?' I was angry and sad at the same time. she got a point. I gave her 100usd and left, i did not interview her at all.

Over the course of my work, i came across at least 15 similar instances where HIV+ girls continued to work knowing their condition, all stating the same monetary reasons.

I have come to conclude that it is really extremely dangerous to patronize unregulated FL.

It is true, for a woman who has nothing - therefore selling her own body, there is nothing to lose. On her end, she has to carry on living even when she has HIV, she will be weak and unable to work. she still have to live and eat, some have children, they do not receive help and can only continuing selling their bodies until their bodies do not allow them to. This is a vicious cycle that do not end. Most of them know it is wrong, but most of them do not have a choice... some have vengeance on their minds, some just have no choice....

Also to add on, there is an large influx of Vietnamese girls into Singapore now. I realise they are the most liberal towards sex. While this may be good news to some people here, but please note, they are trusting and lack knowledge to protect themselves the most. When the studies are concluded, they are no1 on the list as the most dangerous group, quite surprising as i was expecting Thailand or Cambodia.

1. Vietnamese - Too liberal towards sex and historically no liking for protection due to culture. Vietnamese girls usually call shots in the family, and likes to have multiple partners. Dangerous mindset - will sleep with the guy whom she have liking to without much questions.
2. Indonesia - Too renegade, do not think too much into future and hence, are not too insistence with protection if she is ok with the guy.
3.Cambodia - Its not too much with the girls, they are very high risk as they are ok with anything, but in 3rd place because most customers take alot of precaution with them.
4. Thailand - Extremely streetwise and conscious of HIV threat. Not so in the rural areas.

for all people reading this... stop before it is too late and it destroys family.


Old 12-12-2008, 03:48 PM
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Re: Prositutes and HIV

Singapore - Must wear condom anot? Aiya just wear lah,ytday i saw kor kor wear also (monkey see monkey do.) Wear won't die lah,one not enough wear two (Kiasu.)...Goverment say must be protected (Everything also goverment)...

Last edited by oOoLyRrAdoOo; 12-12-2008 at 03:51 PM. Reason: typing error
Old 12-12-2008, 05:30 PM
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Re: Prositudes and HIV

good note ....up you
Old 12-12-2008, 05:38 PM
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Exclamation Re: Prositutes and HIV

Originally Posted by oOoLyRrAdoOo View Post
Wear won't die lah,one not enough wear two (Kiasu.)...
Yo Bro. FYI Wearing 2 condoms makes it even more easlier to break!!!
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Old 12-12-2008, 09:20 PM
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Re: Prositudes and HIV

Dear TS,
Thanks for the reminder. I guess most of the time, our small heads over-rule our big heads. Control, must control
Got come got go, if u upz me for a reason or nope, i gurantee to return it.

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Old 12-12-2008, 09:28 PM
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Re: Prositudes and HIV

Thank you bro.........wonderful write up. I hope bros going for RAW, pls think again.
Old 12-12-2008, 09:30 PM
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Re: Prositudes and HIV

well it is a good thing that TS decide to come out and share abt his feels abt this issue.

but the thing is we guys do have needs, and by asking us to stop or quit this habit, l believe is a bit hard la. So l think cheong is can cheong, but remember to wear cap during sex to protect ourselves. With the use of cd, the risk of contacting sexual disease is to the minimal.

although, l believed that raw sex is better than wearing cap. more sensation, more shiok. but then, wif WL / FL and even strangers, do u really dare to take the risk? for me, l am still young, still have many yrs to pass, and also l scared la, dun dare. Few mins of pleasure, then one day something wrong happens to u, go checkup, positive report, wah, really GG.
Old 12-12-2008, 10:14 PM
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Re: Prositudes and HIV

Originally Posted by Wolfiexx1 View Post

1. Vietnamese - Too liberal towards sex and historically no liking for protection due to culture. Vietnamese girls usually call shots in the family, and likes to have multiple partners. Dangerous mindset - will sleep with the guy whom she have liking to without much questions.
2. Indonesia - Too renegade, do not think too much into future and hence, are not too insistence with protection if she is ok with the guy.
3.Cambodia - Its not too much with the girls, they are very high risk as they are ok with anything, but in 3rd place because most customers take alot of precaution with them.
4. Thailand - Extremely streetwise and conscious of HIV threat. Not so in the rural areas.

for all people reading this... stop before it is too late and it destroys family.


Good article bro, upz you my humble points liao.

*Hi bro MelbSJ, how'z things
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Old 12-12-2008, 10:59 PM
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Re: Prositutes and HIV

I thought wearing two is more dangerous than wearing one as the two rubbers will rub and more likely to tear ?

Originally Posted by oOoLyRrAdoOo View Post
Singapore - Must wear condom anot? Aiya just wear lah,ytday i saw kor kor wear also (monkey see monkey do.) Wear won't die lah,one not enough wear two (Kiasu.)...Goverment say must be protected (Everything also goverment)...
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Old 13-12-2008, 10:01 AM
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Re: Prositudes and HIV

Its kind of you to share this with us here. I know of bros who do it raw most of the time. I hope that these bros will change for the benefit of all.
Old 13-12-2008, 12:04 PM
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Re: Prositudes and HIV

Originally Posted by ganbei View Post
Its kind of you to share this with us here. I know of bros who do it raw most of the time. I hope that these bros will change for the benefit of all.
better to stop such raw activities, unless u really think ur life is of no value or seeking of death.
Old 13-12-2008, 12:18 PM
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Re: Prositudes and HIV

Originally Posted by ganbei View Post
Its kind of you to share this with us here. I know of bros who do it raw most of the time. I hope that these bros will change for the benefit of all.
Yo Bro Ganbei...can PM me their IDs
so that I can give them as X'mas presents 1 box of CDs
hopefully, they will remember to protect others and oso their didis
after all this is now the season to be farking merry, horny but not sorry!!
Old 13-12-2008, 01:18 PM
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Re: Prositudes and HIV

Good info.
Lucky I only fancy PRC gals,..
and furthermore, not in the Hazardous list
Old 13-12-2008, 02:18 PM
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Re: Prositudes and HIV

Good posting bro !! Upz....................
Old 13-12-2008, 02:35 PM
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Re: Prositudes and HIV

By wearing CD how much can it protects? 99.99% or less?

I know not many brothers can answer this question.
I always wear, but also worry about that 0.01% will hit me.
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