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Another Kc Story, but now from the Woman's Perspective
Dear bros, i have just been told of a story by a Ex WL.......cos she just reported to me last nite about it and its about not 1 but 2 WLs...here it goes
We'll call both WLs A & B A & B were both singers from a very regularly mentioned KTV here. Anyways, A was very much patronised by a customer, and soon a relationship developed. Through the eyes of a seasoned cheongster, they would be able to make out that the guy chasing Ms A was nothing but an empty shell. FYI, A is married and has a kid in the motherland. As time progresses, A fell in love wif the guy and had alot of hopes of him giving her a better life, as such, 1month short of the contract due date, she left our shore. Prior to that, shae called back and told her PRC hubby, SHE WANTS A DIVORCE...poor dude was all freaked out and crying but she made up her mind, and that's it. That guy said he's goin to another part of PRC to do business and thus she followed him there......this was late last year. Well, as time passes, her hopes in him was starting to diminish cos she was literally getting nothing and she doesnt see any improvements rather, belts were getting tighter! What she did? She gave some excuse went back to her hometown, wasted these few months, and most importantly, went home broke! She crawled back to her husband. As for that guy, well, that's not for me to reveal but i'm sure he'll seek her out cos she like just disappeared hahahahaha Now for Gal B. She also fell in love with the above guy's kaki. Who inturn, also said he's going up to do biz wif his bro. Now Gal B is not married thus not so complicated. She's so in love with that guy that, she suspects that her man is Fing around outside. Well, as confirmed by Gal A, he has another 2 more pussies over where they are now but never revealed to Gal B...so much for sistahood! He would not come home at times, and like most recently, told her that he was coming back to SG but infact was still there in a hotel having a goodtime with another pussy. Gal B is goin crazy from what i heard but her love for him makes her endure and accept his lifestyle. How this will end, well, think we all can roughly guess liao. KC traps happen on both ends, like i always say, either they kill you or you kill them........Fair Game and casualties are on both sides......only thing is, we hardly hear from the otherside that's all.
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!! The 4 Golden Rules in life: 1) 不要欺骗自己 2) 不要出卖自己 3) 不要背叛自己 4) 不要对不起自己 是你的,就是你的。 不是你的,不要抢! 人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少 Officially Retired From The Nite Scene |
Re: Another Kc Story, but now from the Woman's Perspective
Sometimes it's difficult to control the feeling
![]() But it's never gonna have any frutiful outcome with WL |
Re: Another Kc Story, but now from the Woman's Perspective
I like Bro DYBJ's stories. But then the problem is... with PRC... with PRC WL or FL, I do not believe that they know the meaning of the word "true love". Perhaps they are so calculative that they reason that their target is reasonably pliable in their hands and they start to invest in longer terms plans... In such an investment, they will perhaps cut down on their side business and so on. Or like the first lady, even want to divorce their husband so as to have an open road to PR status in SG. However, they could also have been truly in love. My gutt feel is that even if they are planning a long term relationship with some of our brothers, they will drop them at a blink if some other bigger cabbage head appears. I have seen it so many times. There was once a really cute PRC who has married a local guy. This local guy even brought her family her for her... In the end, she keeps complaining that he is old and is not functioning on the bottom part and so on... meaning?? And if I were to have a relationship with her... how??? So... some do want to settle down.... Some are really able to love because ultimately all women want a man to love them. But especially for PRC women... please do be extra careful and also please do try to acertain their true motive for "loving" you. It does feel like 7 heaven... but then when they strike back... you will feel the 7 levels of hell... That is why I always say... give what you can afford to give.. and do not ask from them anything you should not be asking.... Some people think that they make the lady love them, they get free fuck and better sex... but lets face it... they have been farked by so many and can be farked by many more... And they are also very very calculative....So it is better to fire and forget and to find new targets each time... then once in a long while... go back again.....
To the bros and sistas who have upped my points, pls leave name and when I can, I will do the same. For those who jus enjoy my posts, thank you for enjoying. |
Re: Another Kc Story, but now from the Woman's Perspective
This is a very big phenomenon for PRC especially.
Cos of the one child policy, all these kids now are so spoilt since birth till late teens and their aspiritions for the branded, thus never even have to work hard to survive. How many have actually witnessed that parents starve outside McDonalds so that their kid can go in to buy a cheeseburger to eat........ I am just waiting for this generation to be of age, then the next Chinese Govt...well, it'll be a show to watch!
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!! The 4 Golden Rules in life: 1) 不要欺骗自己 2) 不要出卖自己 3) 不要背叛自己 4) 不要对不起自己 是你的,就是你的。 不是你的,不要抢! 人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少 Officially Retired From The Nite Scene |
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There r always 2 sides to a coin. IMHO, no human is immune to falling in love. As I hv mentioned before, physical/sexual attraction (or falling in love) is not a conscious choice. It happens at the subconscious level, in the reptilian n primitive parts of the brain. ![]() Therefore, a gal can't consciously choose whom she falls in love with. She can choose whom she wants to marry, whom she wants to be bao-ed by, whom she wants to be the father of her kids, etc. She consciously looks for providers, but subconsciously looks for lovers. Happiness is when you're both a provider n a lover to her. ![]() Man-woman relationship is far more complicated w/ FLs/WLs in general, but w/ PRC MMS in particular, becos money is like OXYGEN to most of them. They may ditch the men they truly love for those w/ much more money (great providers). ![]() In my personal experience, many PRC MMs r willing to be my er nais n even to hv my kids, w/o falling in love w/ me, if I offer enough money. ![]() Thx for reading n hv good day! |
Re: Another Kc Story, but now from the Woman's Perspective
I believe that here is Sg, we will never really see many of the higher educated and also more wealthy PRC MM's. Most are here for the main purpose of making money and getting a honey... But I just came back from Beijing last week. My distributors have a very large proportion of very highly educated PRC's. I met a very nice young lady who is 27, studied in America and has perfect English. She took care of me while I was there, (since I lau pan) but there was no sexual connotations. And when I left for the airport, she even sms'ed me to make sure I was safe. That job was supposed to have been done by the manager, but she also took it upon herself to do it... Hints? Meanings? Looking into it, highly educated, pretty, petite, and speaks English well. Parents rich enough to send her abroad for education. Wow... KC or work her a little and can a nice FB who I can visit whenever I am in Beijing.
But I did not look too much into them and am not interested in getting a PRC second wife. Not meaning to be demeaning or what. She never called or sms since I got back a couple of days ago and I do not feel sad or whatever. We were just like 2 ships passing in the vast ocean. Our paths had crossed but briefly and that was it. This should be the attitude because this means nothing needs to be ventured and therefore nothing needs to be lost.
To the bros and sistas who have upped my points, pls leave name and when I can, I will do the same. For those who jus enjoy my posts, thank you for enjoying. |
Re: Another Kc Story, but now from the Woman's Perspective
I believe that sex is one of the most beautiful, natural and wholesome thing that money can buy. 最浪漫的三个字不是“我爱你”,而是“在一起”。 |
Re: Another Kc Story, but now from the Woman's Perspective
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Re: Another Kc Story, but now from the Woman's Perspective
Quite confused over the moral of your story against the thread topic. ![]() |
Re: Another Kc Story, but now from the Woman's Perspective
It serves as the basic platform or sutra of how to CON SILLYPORE Men....... I've had more than 10 PRC WLs ask me whether i read that book in my years of chionging.....and when I ask why??? They always reply.....machiam i know all the trick of their trade liao! So, and i quote, DANGEROUS SPECIES...the type WLs fear the most hehehehe Repeat, I quote them hor, not say myself to myself about myself!!!! ![]()
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!! The 4 Golden Rules in life: 1) 不要欺骗自己 2) 不要出卖自己 3) 不要背叛自己 4) 不要对不起自己 是你的,就是你的。 不是你的,不要抢! 人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少 Officially Retired From The Nite Scene |
Re: Another Kc Story, but now from the Woman's Perspective
Bro colins, I believe bro mike have just simply wanted to share an instance of experience he had encountered and just to say that most of the time of whether we thought kenna KCed or not, it's all in the thinking...
To bro mike, your story is one great classic who'll surely test a person's whether he's the adventurous or cautious type of person. Perhaps as what bro Cheonging101 says, they are really simply being service-oriented, or unless you misinterpreted it, you will thought she had that something special feelings to you... As said, it's all in the thinking. Quote:
Stopped cheonging... since July 2008... Still a Samster all the same and to help out anyone in need of advice or assistance... |
Re: Another Kc Story, but now from the Woman's Perspective
For me my stories don have moral one lah... If I wanted to be moralistic, I would have become a priest or monk. But it is true, we can read a thousand things into a single act. And we can act a thousand ways into a single read. We are all humans. Sori if what I said was hard to understand bros.
To the bros and sistas who have upped my points, pls leave name and when I can, I will do the same. For those who jus enjoy my posts, thank you for enjoying. |
Re: Another Kc Story, but now from the Woman's Perspective
Title: 新加坡Love秀 Author: 肖冰点
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!! The 4 Golden Rules in life: 1) 不要欺骗自己 2) 不要出卖自己 3) 不要背叛自己 4) 不要对不起自己 是你的,就是你的。 不是你的,不要抢! 人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少 Officially Retired From The Nite Scene |
Re: Another Kc Story, but now from the Woman's Perspective
Correction its not
Title: 新加坡Love秀 But Title: 新加坡Lover秀 Sorry for the typo bros
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!! The 4 Golden Rules in life: 1) 不要欺骗自己 2) 不要出卖自己 3) 不要背叛自己 4) 不要对不起自己 是你的,就是你的。 不是你的,不要抢! 人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少 Officially Retired From The Nite Scene |
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![]() I'm trying to order it online, haha. Heartfelt thx again to bro DO_YOU_BJ for sharing. ![]() |
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