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Old 15-08-2009, 06:11 AM
roamersg roamersg is offline
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Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by justime View Post
Having a mistress or a BY is not for the everyman. You must recognize that in addition to the money, there is also temperament, personal idiosyncrasy and character element to consider. If you are emotionally vulnerable, do NOT go this route.

I have mentioned earlier, that human relationships can be expressed in variety and a myriad of ways. For some, the sex element is NOT central. I can therefore appreciate and empathize why the “F**k & Forget” model is not a viable option for some brothers.
Thanks bro justime for this thread. I only happened upon it when I saw Warbird had posted as we've traded postings many places and also happen to like the same physical attributes. Ended up reading much of this thread because quite timely--just started a BY. And this time I know it's more dangerous because it's with a KTV woman who's only 164 (shorter than my preference) and, while she's always quite popular, is probably 2nd quintile in terms of my pure physical attraction. She herself believes that those customers who call her regularly like her for her conversation and style as there are so many younger and more beautiful woman there. So I know that my emotional attraction to her is actually higher than my prior BYs and bonks, hence need to be very careful. Reading this thread to remind myself of the warnings and issues, much as Bro DYBJ has previously warned me

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Of course the biggest danger is for the man to fall in love w/ his BAO-ee...then he is ruined. Since falling in love is not a conscious choice, no man is immune...
I am only very slightly worried about this, but the fact that I am now BYing someone much more for her personality means I recognise some danger!

Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ View Post
Last nite, or was it this morning, was wif 2 singers who claim to be my friends hahahaha
We were having supper and they were relating to me on another singer who doesnt want to be BAO YANG by a SG guy
They were saying, so stoopid and all that, come here to make money, like the guy or not is totally not important, just cling on to him and make as much as possible then when go home

A very important thing to note, is that, they said, when we board the plane to come here, we leave our hearts and emotions in the motherland, so, we're nothing more than zombies......else how we make money as humans......

While this posting from another thread, always appreciate the insights of Bro DYBJ. My last BY was a singer so I am familiar with some of their thinking, but never developed the strong spy network of DYBJ, he really knows their ways well!

Thanks all Bros for the lessons and guidance! Bro Warbird has been very kind to post his philosophies and more importantly his tactics in other threads, and I have compared those to mine (which are not frankly very systematic) and hopefully improved some
Old 15-08-2009, 11:57 AM
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Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
I do hv a question. It's a given that the gals u BY will not fxxk other men. Do u simply trust them or trust them but verify? If u verify, how far would u go? Would u get them accommodation w/ surveillance cameras very close to where u reside? Would u hv spies around the promises n at places where they work? Would u hire PI to follow them?
Hi Bro Warbird, just got back last nite. After BKK, went directly to Down Under for a fair bit of negotiation. Not much shagging there save some snogging session with an old ex gal friend there. “Old” is the operative word, she was a classmate of mine! See I can go beyond SYT if necessary!

(My personal credo – which is probably different from yours: As long as you look good, age is no issue …. Hsu Qi is in her thirties for example! )

Frankly, I can appreciate why there is the perception of “Trust but verify”. This “Reaganesque” view is due in part because:

1) We know that at the back of our mind our hold on our BY is tenuous at best. Another rich prospect come along and with a better financial offer, she flits away. There is perception (correctly I might add) that for a PRC mei, loyalty to a patron is foolish. They see you only as means to an end.

2) We are not confident that our ‘emotional hold’ on her is strong enough to withstand assault from competing Johns. Like it or not, if our prospect are aesthetically pleasing (which they invariably have to be in order to be BY by us), there will be other bees competing to pollinate her flower. We don’t want to see our efforts & money thrown in ‘courting’ her go to waste, especially if we are not done with her yet!

Okay, let me put it thus: the problem of verifying and surveillance occurs only when we are not "done" with our mistress for the present moment. We still want our sexual dalliances with her to go on for a while yet.

(If we are verge of letting her go, we can hardly be bothered. In fact, we encourage duplicitous behaviour because this can be our pretext of dumping her.)

Now I can empathize why such thoughts of verification emanate. I used to hold such notions too. For me however, no surveillance camera etc .. but I did engage PIs to trail my BYs. This is however during my earlier, nascent days of mistressing.

I hardly do so anymore. I can, by now, read very easily the verbal and non verbal cues when my BY lies. Be in this game for a while, it becomes so very easy to tell.

Now the prevailing atttidue is: Even if she does lie, I am not bothered. Since I want her to be at my beck & call, she simply has to be there whenever I need her. In other words, as long she meets my time / scheduling demands, I am alright with it.

As a check, if she happens to go out with her friends which coincides with the time I want her company; I simply say I want to join her & see the company she keeps. Do it randomly, without advance warning. Any excuse by her to say it private/personal matter etc does not cut it.

(If you are in the game long enough, you will also hear the following line a lot of times: “No need to pick me. Don’t inconvenient or trouble you, why don’t you rest, you must be tired. – sometimes a little sexual tease accompanies this display of 'care and concern' such as resting to conserve energy in order for wild sex session later).

Remember an earlier advice on not throwing a hissy fit should you discover her little ‘unfaithful’ dalliances. Remain calm at all times and use this to your advantage: such as when she heretofore does not want to swallow cum, use this pretext and moment to make her do your whims. This is turning an unpleasant situation to your advantage.

And to assuage some curiosity, let me tell you that out of the several times I engaged a PI to investigate my mistresses’ activities, there are no hotel visits or secret tryst of the sexual kind. They are mostly normal “dates” & sometimes a little light snogging and hand holding session. (Note: as far as a BY is concern, they know that they have crossed the line even with that).

I used to get extremely emotional when that happens. But now, I simply calmly assess what whether I want to continue with her.

a) If I do not want to continue the transaction – yes it is a transaction! - I will dump her outright. I will throw out all her things from the Love Nest (if need be) without a word being spoken.

b) If I decide that there is still some value – some women can be so aesthetically pleasing with the requisite skilful love wayangs that is so not easily replaceable at short notice (much like C. Ronaldo), I will use it to my advantage – mostly carnal. Whatever the case, the writing is on the wall on this one as her value in my eyes will plummet. (Now you know why having options & choice is a good thing!)

And finally, the most important thing is do NOT obsess over the ‘being faithful’ aspect of the relationship. This can be an Achilles heel to you. If you cannot let go of this, your obsession with your BY not keeping her end of the bargain can get to you.

Remember that when you put in emotions & constantly thinking her (even in the context of something unpleasant such as her being unfaithful), it empowers her vis-a-vis yourself. You will find it harder to let go without some ‘emotional damage’ unto yourself.

A detached nonchalance attitude is the best bet! And since I adopt this detached nonchalance attitude several years back, there hasn’t been a single instance of my BY (or even a gf) calling it quits on me because of a better prospect …. It has always been me to call on the shots on whether I want to continue on the transaction/relationship.
"Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime.

We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day."
Old 15-08-2009, 03:56 PM
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Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by wolf2305 View Post
... To getting to know the gal, i do employ your methods of getting to know the mummy/her best friend and limiting her income (although i have a budget, i have great friends that are willingly to help out .....

….. After 3 wks, i ask her, using your methods that whether she could accept my terms.

Without this thread, i think i could not have done it.

And without the 3 gurus here, i think i am still sitting down and just thinking about it.

FYI, my gal has went back to China, and she cant wait to come back
Hi Bro Wolf, let me first extend you my heartiest congratulations that you have taken action in order to bring your desires into fruition. This is the most essential step of manifesting success in whatever you do - including mistressing.

I remember a Chinese idiomatic expression: “shou zhu dai tu” (rough translation is “waiting beside a tree stump waiting for rabbits”). This essentially means that to be passive recipients and wait for chance rather than to show initiative in getting what you want. I am therefore glad that, you did NOT “shou zhu dai tu”. You went out to “sharpen your saw” (to borrow a Stephen Covey) in the fields rather than simply sit down with theoretical abstractions!

Also very good is that you are very methodical in your approach. It is the best way and most efficient way to learn & make the necessary adjustments so that you will be more efficient in the approach (landing your prospect) as well as handling the interpersonal dynamics of the Mistress-Patron relationship over the course of time. You sure that it will a one time off experience? …

Although the approach looks complicated on theory, I am sure you find the execution of it is very easy. You will find that on the fields, sometimes to get a mistress is as simple as an exchange of niceties and then you make the offer; while at other times “masterstrokes” are needed for the more challenging cases – you want that particular gal and enjoy the process of the pursuit.

Once again, kudos for taking action. And enjoy the fruits (papaya?) of your labour!
"Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime.

We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day."
Old 15-08-2009, 04:25 PM
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Re: Mistress

Got a few bros here asking me about my personal views on keeping mistress (when they are married).

It would be disingenous and hypocritical of me if I pontificated otherwise. Also note that I personally do not face this "ethical dilemma" as I am not married presently.

Anyway, my two cents on

Mistressing within a Marriage

In all, I personally find that Patron based mistressing is the best and most efficient compromise to preserve marital monogamy while satisfying a man’s primal urge for polygamous relationships. (ST is the best option if only sex is involved as it provides variety without endangering the marriage too much. Extra Marital Affairs and other GF based relationships are the most destructive of the lot!).

Patron based mistressing means that you must be in control of yourself (especially of your own emotions) and the BY relationship itself at all times.

In fact Patron based mistressing is a method adopted by essentially polygamous creatures like Hua, Terrence & Mike in the context of being happily ensconce in a monogamous ‘marital bliss’. If you see them in public, you would not know that these avuncular men who are apparently so close and intimate with his family can have many gals on the side!

One caveat though, they each all have literally hundreds of gals by way of "practical experience" so emotional control over themselves & their mistress is very easy for them - which may not be necessarily true in the case of other bros.

(As an aside, Hua & Mike and even Jus father’s have more than one wife. I am sure many younger readers may also have granddads with more then one wife as well. It is only with ascension of the “western conceptual lens” and the advent of the Women’s Charter that made monogamy seem 'the natural order' of things here.)

Just as there are a large number of man that thrive in a monogamous relationships; there are an equal number of men who lead lives of ‘quiet desperation’ and then sublimate their philandering instinct in order to preserve their marriage. (I, for one know how destructive a broken marriage can be, and this coming from a person without children!).

Also some men just want the experience of a BY relationship – a one off – to assuage this quiet desperation, while others want the 'polygamous experience' on a regular basis.

Whatever the motivations however, when you want to ‘steal eat’, best make sure that you are in control at all times. Be empowered in all your dealings with the other party/parties.

But first and most importantly remember to take care of your own self first. Be certain that you can handle KC trap, the copious tears & emotional blackmail threats, mistress machinations etc ... in short be empowered.

PS: I will deal with many of the mistress' machination(s) here. I have seen & experience a lot. And unless some new tricks are presented, I can probably see through the intriugues and present a probable effective solution.
"Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime.

We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day."
Old 15-08-2009, 04:53 PM
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Re: Mistress

Very interesting read there and very informative as well.

The term emotional blackmail stands out to me first and foremost as that is something I have experienced very recently which I will recount briefly below.

I met this girl and was dating her with her "dating" her "ex" on a regular basis by way of dinners, weekends and also sending to and fro from office to home.

I was literally "blackmailed" emotionally with the prospect of her running back to the rich but old and balding "ex" who incidentally bought her a 3 pointed-star roadster to get her to bite the marriage vow.

Men are creatures with ego. Her pulling such a stunt on me was clear cut as I wasn't stupid but bad thing is I was slowly falling for her! Cardinal sin number 1!

Would have been nice to really fall for her if she didn't have such tricks up her sleeves but more often than not, such women are simply bad rotten apples in the core. Nice, virtuous girl-next-door types simply won't resort to such underhand methods.

To cut the long story short, I dumped her after a few months of pleasure. It was nice while it lasted. Could have been better if it went on longer.

Justime's motto is true and stands the test ---> Be nonchalantly detached... I've used it before and the girl just comes crawling back to you even though she has her own tricks trying to ensnare you
Old 15-08-2009, 05:12 PM
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Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by ansonsohna View Post
...... I have thinking abt the issue of being w a gal i dun find attractive. wat is yur opinion? u tink love & lust can be 培养 one or not? can u 'do it' with gal u don't find attractive? can lust develop frm initially don't find sexy?

(BTW, I am 又丑又陋 - ugly & low station. So unless I make more $ for mistress, its 'settling' for what I can get. Don't know abt other bros but for me; sometimes even during ST/FL, I many times I got no 'Love Wayang' only the fucking).

Bro Justime: I read tis thread to motivate me to make more $$. Aspiration & inspiration. I know tat my now salary not enuff, so tinking hard of sideline biz (legal ones lah!) to supplement my 'laoyah' pay. i want to have the experience of BY one day. Hopefully sooner rather than later.
Hi Bro anson, I have tracked your postings in this forum and have noted the progress you made. Well done!

Now that you have made some critical breakthoughs, there is a tendency to "settle". You are NOT to settle at this point. Have you not seen how far you can go?

Continue with little exercises I gave you and remember my little talk about understanding the "Rules of Engagement".

Well you can and did succeed. Some reference points -

1) Remember you being so upset about the gal ignoring you and you fretting about the prospect of not getting anyone besides in a WL context? Well, you have "gotten" a new gal and she is a 'normal' Office Lady - may not be your dream girl, but nevertheless it is a start. Let's see where you can go from here okay?

2) You were also upset about the rep points you have in this forum. Now look ... you have almost overtaken me.

3) You thought that you can never overcome your cravings for ciggies and alcohol. Now you have gone days (or is it weeks?) without alcohol and managed to cut down rather drastically on yur cigerette consumption.

4) You are also more in control with your spending decisions and are now in a postion to offer me partial re-payment. This coming from a desperate situation?

How's that for quick progress? Do you still think you need to settle after seeing how far you have come barely over one month ago?

As "homework" for you, do you still have the ST/FL contact which treated you coldly? Apply some of my steps I taught you on engaging a WL and see if the same still holds true.

As a social experiment: In order to demonstrate that money can fuel or faciliate "love wayangs", pay the "cold fish" an additional $50 over the present quoted rate. Add these words for extra potency: say to Cold Fish that she has made such a deep impression in your heart and mind that you want to know her better & that the extra $50 tip is simply a token gesture of what your appreciation of her services. Your Chinese is so much better than mine so I leave it to you to craft the actual words!

Now after applying these two steps, see if you still get the cold fish treatment in your next visit. Session on me if it is! In fact, you can use the money that you insist on paying me back on this experiment. (Please note that you must take care of your own personal situation first before spending this money!).

So Bro Anson, well done on yur first tentative steps towards empowerment. What I like about you is your humilty, your desire and the fact that you are willing to take action to alleviate your situation despite your discomfort.... And the initial results are encouraging is it not?
"Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime.

We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day."
Old 15-08-2009, 06:07 PM
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Smile Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by roamersg View Post
Thanks bro justime for this thread. I only happened upon it when I saw Warbird had posted as we've traded postings many places and also happen to like the same physical attributes. Ended up reading much of this thread because quite timely--just started a BY. And this time I know it's more dangerous because it's with a KTV woman who's only 164 (shorter than my preference) and, while she's always quite popular, is probably 2nd quintile in terms of my pure physical attraction.......... Reading this thread to remind myself of the warnings and issues, much as Bro DYBJ has previously warned me
.................................................. .................................................. .......

Thanks all Bros for the lessons and guidance! Bro Warbird has been very kind to post his philosophies and more importantly his tactics in other threads, and I have compared those to mine (which are not frankly very systematic) and hopefully improved some
Yo bro roamersg,

Good to hear from u!! Yeah, we both like chio tall gals (165-175) w/ proportionate figure.

I'm just like an armchair general who has virtually no battle experience, hahaha. Therefore, I'm busy trying to get my feet wet wet. I hv been bruised a bit but I'll charge ahead...

Originally Posted by justime View Post
Hi Bro Warbird, just got back last nite. After BKK, went directly to Down Under for a fair bit of negotiation..................

Frankly, I can appreciate why there is the perception of “Trust but verify”. This “Reaganesque” view is due in part because:

1) We know that at the back of our mind our hold on our BY is tenuous at best............

2) We are not confident that our ‘emotional hold’ on her is strong enough to withstand assault from competing Johns. Like it or not, if our prospect are aesthetically pleasing (which they invariably have to be in order to be BY by us), there will be other bees competing to pollinate her flower. We don’t want to see our efforts & money thrown in ‘courting’ her go to waste, especially if we are not done with her yet!

Okay, let me put it thus: the problem of verifying and surveillance occurs only when we are not "done" with our mistress for the present moment. We still want our sexual dalliances with her to go on for a while yet.

(If we are verge of letting her go, we can hardly be bothered. In fact, we encourage duplicitous behaviour because this can be our pretext of dumping her.)

Now I can empathize why such thoughts of verification emanate. I used to hold such notions too. For me however, no surveillance camera etc .. but I did engage PIs to trail my BYs. This is however during my earlier, nascent days of mistressing.

I hardly do so anymore. I can, by now, read very easily the verbal and non verbal cues when my BY lies. Be in this game for a while, it becomes so very easy to tell.

Now the prevailing atttidue is: Even if she does lie, I am not bothered. Since I want her to be at my beck & call, she simply has to be there whenever I need her. In other words, as long she meets my time / scheduling demands, I am alright with it.

As a check, if she happens to go out with her friends which coincides with the time I want her company; I simply say I want to join her & see the company she keeps. Do it randomly, without advance warning. Any excuse by her to say it private/personal matter etc does not cut it.
Remember an earlier advice on not throwing a hissy fit should you discover her little ‘unfaithful’ dalliances. Remain calm at all times and use this to your advantage.................
And to assuage some curiosity, let me tell you that out of the several times I engaged a PI to investigate my mistresses’ activities, there are no hotel visits or secret tryst of the sexual kind. They are mostly normal “dates” & sometimes a little light snogging and hand holding session. (Note: as far as a BY is concern, they know that they have crossed the line even with that).

I used to get extremely emotional when that happens. But now, I simply calmly assess what whether I want to continue with her....................

And finally, the most important thing is do NOT obsess over the ‘being faithful’ aspect of the relationship. This can be an Achilles heel to you. If you cannot let go of this, your obsession with your BY not keeping her end of the bargain can get to you.

Remember that when you put in emotions & constantly thinking her (even in the context of something unpleasant such as her being unfaithful), it empowers her vis-a-vis yourself. You will find it harder to let go without some ‘emotional damage’ unto yourself.

A detached nonchalance attitude is the best bet! And since I adopt this detached nonchalance attitude several years back, there hasn’t been a single instance of my BY (or even a gf) calling it quits on me because of a better prospect …. It has always been me to call on the shots on whether I want to continue on the transaction/relationship.
Yo bro justime,

You're cool man. I admire ur detached nonchalant attitude.

Your approach to the issue of unfaithfulness is very level-headed n pragmatic.

I agree that it's not difficult to tell if a gal is lying by carefully observing her nonverbal cues n body language, hahaha.

OK, if I know my BAO-ee 偷吃 n If I'm already bored w/ her, I'll just dump her by breaking off all ctc. No explanations necessary. If I still enjoy her pussy, I'll alter the terms in my favor, fxxk her until I'm bored, then dump her.

BTW, thx to u n bro DYBJ, I hv improved my negotiating skill. When a gal wants a long-term commitment, I'll now say YES, IF certain conditions r met...such as if she gives me complete satisfaction, if she is always available, if she doesn't eat outside, if...hehehe. There is a big IF I wont tell her: If I dun get bored w/ her. I'm gradually becoming an overconfident n unflappable bastard.

Old 15-08-2009, 09:15 PM
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Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by justime View Post
Hi Bro anson, I have tracked your postings in this forum and have noted the progress you made. Well done! ....

Now that you have made some critical breakthoughs, there is a tendency to "settle". You are NOT to settle at this point. Have you not seen how far you can go?.....

So Bro Anson, well done on yur first tentative steps towards empowerment. What I like about you is your humilty, your desire and the fact that you are willing to take action to alleviate your situation despite your discomfort.... And the initial results are encouraging is it not?
Hi Bro Justime, reading yur post make me feel like tearing. i feel like i owe u so much. my gratitude to u 一辈子 (lifetime).

u are right, i got many new success since yur amazing counseling session. don't wori, i will def not 'settle'....

for thirty plus yrs, i only go out with 2 gals before. never even 偷吃 when with them. my cheong session at anson, fl & geylang is when i not have gf that time & feeling lonely.

now with yur 着数 i already go out w three diff gal in less than two mths. & one of them actually proposing to me to go steady w her some more. to me tis is so incredible. i can see how yur technic properly apply can hv amazing result.

aso frm sammyboy pts to hoongki, to $ prob. everythings aso improve. i tink tat w yur masterstrokes, even 冷若冰霜 cold fish WL can give me more warmth. wl try tis out wen next pay check coming & i still got extra cash to burn as i still got her number.

kum siah .........
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Old 16-08-2009, 09:57 AM
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Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by Soul_Reaper View Post
So troublesome for wat? .. coz my mantra now is f*ck n forget
Issue here is not F&Forget, Juz be beri cautions. Many atimes we know it and play it, but as I seen it, you(we) have yet to meet our fallen-maiden. Nobody can rules this out. Otherwise why people like 谢四哥 also can be trapped or let's not talk too far away, Our local male Best Actors also fallen into the trap and mind you both had family and the lady is well-established too.

Originally Posted by ansonsohna;

for thirty plus yrs, i only go out with 2 gals before. never even 偷吃 when with them. my cheong session at anson, fl & geylang is when i not have gf that time & feeling lonely.

now with yur 着数 i already go out w three diff gal in less than two mths. & one of them actually proposing to me to go steady w her some more. to me tis is so incredible. i can see how yur technic properly apply can hv amazing result.
Just to note, although what was share are applicable and you feel cloud 9 with some art skill of cheonging, but dun let it go Gaga. One will never know the bottomless pit, unless one went throught and not every Foundation spring is strong to bring you back from the pit. Just my sharing.

Originally Posted by warbird;
Spending time w/ a gal whose face n body type r not attractive to u is a risky encounter. You should dump her ASAP. Why? She may, by sheer luck or karma, trigger neuro mechanisms in the primitive areas of ur brain (or the subconscious mind) n you may fall in love w/ her!! Attraction n falling in love, contrary to what many believe, is NOT a choice n you can't help it.
Bro warbird, I have definte see lot of changes in you, from your this post and the rope of learning curve from you. Cheers.
Too bad can't join you at TAM, was with 马克 Marc one of the fri night though of also joining you for TCSS and some peanuts, coz smallfly like me prefer small (Medium) joint with less big player like you and DYBJ.

Quality is lifestyle !


Learn to Enjoy the riding Curves, rather than busy with the starting and where you be landing.

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Old 16-08-2009, 11:03 AM
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Smile Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by Oceanlee View Post
Bro warbird, I have definte see lot of changes in you, from your this post and the rope of learning curve from you. Cheers.
Too bad can't join you at TAM, was with 马克 Marc one of the fri night though of also joining you for TCSS and some peanuts, coz smallfly like me prefer small (Medium) joint with less big player like you and DYBJ.

Hi bro Oceanlee,

I'm trying to catch up w/ lost time bcos I dun want to remain an armchair general forever, hehehe.

Any fren of Marc is also my fren. Bro loving dickhead n I will be exploring DC HH this coming Tues n Marc has been invited. Will u be there??

BTW, I'm now trying to learn the strategies n management methods of an ancient sage 卫鞅,a legalist, whose radical 变法 transformed a poor n weak 秦国 facing imminent annihilation into the most powerful among the 7 waring states. He had absolute integrity n formidable emotional control. Several of the most beautiful gals in that era pursued him n fell in love w/ him, including the princess of Qin. We should emulate his fearless, unflappable attitude n shrewd strategies so that we may become successful in every area of our lives, including getting the prettiest pussies, hahaha.

Old 16-08-2009, 12:33 PM
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Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by Oceanlee View Post
Just to note, although what was share are applicable and you feel cloud 9 with some art skill of cheonging, but dun let it go Gaga. One will never know the bottomless pit, unless one went throught and not every Foundation spring is strong to bring you back from the pit. Just my sharing.

Bro Oceanlee, kum siah for the timely reminder. Don't wori lah, won't let my small success go into my head. i know got dam far more to go leh.

Anyway, this very chim: "One will never know the bottomless pit, unless one went throught and not every Foundation spring is strong to bring you back from the pit" .... don't quite understand what u mean. Sori, me just sotong sometimes.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
.....BTW, I'm now trying to learn the strategies n management methods of an ancient sage 卫鞅,a legalist, whose radical 变法 transformed a poor n weak 秦国 facing imminent annihilation into the most powerful among the 7 waring states. He had absolute integrity n formidable emotional control. Several of the most beautiful gals in that era pursued him n fell in love w/ him, including the princess of Qin. We should emulate his fearless, unflappable attitude n shrewd strategies so that we may become successful in every area of our lives, including getting the prettiest pussies, hahaha
bro warbird, me qte uneducated one, do you mean 商鞅变法? 卫鞅 = 商鞅? or u refering to another character?

if 商鞅变法, me search & look up & find that his life not very tokong leh... I tink your life better.... & I rather learn from u/bro jus/bro dybj life experience rather than some ancient knowledge. me attitude dam siah suay, sure kena call "lesser mortal" from elite one!

If below info is "chun", Shang Yang is one staffy bastard (I think he will classify FL/KTV as a 'non-essential activity') & also who finally kena karmaic retribution!

Shang Yang (ca. 390-338 B.C.) was a Chinese statesman and political philosopher. He was one of the founders of Chinese Legalism and organized the rise to power of the Ch'in dynasty.

The real name of Shang Yang was Kung-sun Yang; he was also known as Wei Yang. He was born in Wei, a state in north-central China. His mother was a concubine of a member of the Wei royal family. In his youth he specialized in criminal law and served as tutor to the Wei princes. He was a favorite of the Wei prime minister, who recommended to the Wei ruler that Shang Yang succeed to the ministry upon his death. This request was denied, and Shang Yang, feeling that he was not appreciated in Wei, journeyed to the western state of Ch'in, which had been seeking men who could offer practical advice on state affairs.

Becoming the confidant of Duke Hsiao, who was just then embarking on a program of military expansion and revitalization of the state, Shang Yang presented him with a comprehensive plan for the accomplishment of these ends. He proposed a complete reform of the political, social, and economic structure of the state. He advocated strengthening the judicial system and the imposition of severe punishments for crimes of all kinds.

There was to be a group sharing of guilt and punishment, and people were required to inform on lawbreakers. Those who failed to denounce a criminal were cut in two. Rank and position would be given only to those who distinguished themselves in military affairs. Membership in the Ch'in royal clan was denied to nobles who achieved no military success.

Central to Shang Yang's economic theory was an overwhelming emphasis on agriculture and a rejection of "nonessential" activities such as commerce and manufacturing. He proposed that anyone engaging in secondary professions be sold as slaves. His most famous economic reform was the abolition of the idealized system of land-holding known as the "well-field system," in which a section of land was divided into nine portions, tilled by eight families in common, with the produce from the ninth portion reserved for the overlord.

Shang Yang reportedly substituted for this system individual ownership of property and had new land brought under cultivation. He also introduced a poll tax and a produce tax. Actually, the well-field system may well have been abolished already, and Shang Yang may not have had anything to do with originating this reform.

Given a high military post, Shang Yang led an expedition against his home state of Wei, which he conquered in 350 B.C. He supervised the building of a new capital at Hsien-Yang. He applied his laws so strictly and impartially that even the crown prince was punished on several occasions, even having his nose sliced off. In 341 Shang Yang led another expedition against Wei and forced it to cede to Ch'in all of the land west of the Yellow River. For his services, Shang Yang was rewarded with a fief of 15 cities in Shang (modern Shensi), from which his names Lord Shang and Shang Yang are derived.

Duke Hsiao died in 338, and his successor was the crown prince whom Shang Yang had punished earlier. Shang Yang was then charged with plotting rebellion and forced to flee. One account states that he tried to take refuge in an inn but was refused entrance because the law of Lord Shang prohibited the lodging of fugitives! He tried to return to Wei, but he was sent back to Ch'in. Shang Yang was finally killed making a stand at his fief in Shang. His body was pulled apart by chariots and his whole family executed.

Shang Yang is credited with the authorship of the Book of Lord Shang (Shang-Chün shu ), a collection of economic, legal, and political treatises, many of which are elaborations of the program he developed in Ch'in. It is doubtful that this book actually comes from his hand, nor is it the work of a single author. Because of its emphasis on law, this work is considered one of the major ancient Chinese works on Legalist philosophy.

Further Reading
The best work on Shang Yang is J.J.L. Duyvendak, The Book of Lord Shang (1928). Some information on Shang Yang appears in Cho-yun Hsu, Ancient China in Transition: An Analysis of Social Mobility, 722-222 B.C. (1965), and Joseph R. Levenson and Franz Schurman, China: An Interpretative History—From the Beginnings to the Fall of Han (1969). For general background see Edwin O. Reischauer and John K. Fairbank, A History of East Asian Civilization, vol. 1: East Asia: The Great Tradition (1958). □
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Old 16-08-2009, 01:40 PM
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Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by ansonsohna View Post
Bro Oceanlee, kum siah for the timely reminder.

Anyway, this very chim: "One will never know the bottomless pit, unless one went throught and not every Foundation spring is strong to bring you back from the pit" .... don't quite understand what u mean. Sori, me just sotong sometimes.
Its simply means, Some fallen are able to make a comeback or at least pullback might not to the glorious day but able to survive. worst is fallen and unable to stand tall like a man again.
Not everyone is fortunate enuff to have 2nd, 3rd chance to pick up from where they fallen or meet 贵人 master / good samaritian to help them.

therefore one foundation must be build n know its strength n weak points.
din know you are well learnt on chinese history too.
I would rather 2nd that and relate it to the classic of "唐伯虎" which is more relevant than 商鞅

Originally Posted by warbird;
Hi bro Oceanlee,

I will be exploring DC HH this coming Tues n Marc has been invited. Will u be there??

BTW, I'm now trying to learn the strategies n management methods of an ancient sage 卫鞅,a legalist, whose radical 变法 transformed a poor n weak 秦国 facing imminent annihilation into the most powerful among the 7 waring states. He had absolute integrity n formidable emotional control. Several of the most beautiful gals in that era pursued him n fell in love w/ him, including the princess of Qin. We should emulate his fearless, unflappable attitude n shrewd strategies so that we may become successful in every area of our lives, including getting the prettiest pussies, hahaha.

Thanks for your invite warbird, I can only make it on SH for weekdayz.
if HH will be avail on sat, look forward with u and Bro Marc any of the SH.
maybe see Smeagol back in town oredi or not.

Or meet me at small joint outlet near Jln Besar for SH.
Din know you read history too, you might like to know more about

�� 黃帝軒轅氏 Huangdi-Xuanyuan (bc2697?-bc2599?,計99年)
�� 少昊金天氏 Shaohan-Jintian (bc2598?-bc2515?,計84年)
�� 顓頊高陽氏 Zhuanxu-Gaoyang (bc2514?-bc2437?,計78年)
�� 帝嚳高辛氏 Diku-Gaoxin (bc2436?-bc2367?,計70年)
�� 帝摯高辛氏 Dizhi-Gaoxin (bc2366?-bc2358?,計9年)
�� 唐堯 Tangyao (bc2357?-bc2258?,計100年)
�� 虞舜 Yushun (bc2257?-bc2208?,計50年)

.... wahaha. I am know little become rep. 识少少,办代表.
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Old 16-08-2009, 02:34 PM
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Re: Mistress

Bro OL, I still owe you a bottle . Will definitely arrange a session with you soon. We should invite bro warbird to discuss his latest strategy in "mistressing"


PS. Sorry TS, I don't BY and don't intend to have a mistress yet. I'm happy with the current buffet-selection approach of bonking PRC gals. So can't contribute but TCSS here...
Old 16-08-2009, 10:39 PM
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Re: Mistress

For Chinese history, hope bro warbird and oceanlee will like the following:


There are a series of lecturers from Prof 王立群 on 秦始皇, you can search for Lecture 1 and then continue. They tell you about power play and strategies during this period.
Old 16-08-2009, 11:34 PM
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Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by Oceanlee View Post
Its simply means, Some fallen are able to make a comeback or at least pullback might not to the glorious day but able to survive. worst is fallen and unable to stand tall like a man again.
Not everyone is fortunate enuff to have 2nd, 3rd chance to pick up from where they fallen or meet 贵人 master / good samaritian to help them.

therefore one foundation must be build n know its strength n weak points.
din know you are well learnt on chinese history too.
I would rather 2nd that and relate it to the classic of "唐伯虎" which is more relevant than 商鞅
Tk u for yur explanation. got wat u mean now!

alamak bro oceanlee, me no 'glorious day' before lah, just only 'quiet desperation' so far ... Glorious day? ........ it is yet to cum!

& if i 刻苦钻研 & apply wat '贵人' bro justime taught, i believe tat day wl surely cum .. as i already see sum result wen i apply his priniciples.
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