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FL Dome 3 - The World is Your Oyster Freelancers are not subject to the mandatory health checks that are required of registered sex workers that operate in designated red light areas. They operate illegally outside of the system put in place to curb the spread of STDs. Proceed at your own risk.

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Old 02-01-2010, 11:38 PM
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Re: RED ALERT - Online brothels reported in today ST page B3

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
Is there a bill for online prositution? I doubt so. They need to catch someone in action. Also, there are too many already.

Online selection of gals is a crime? I doubt so. Crack down on gals in Gelyang is just for show. You cannot wipe out the oldest profession.
Not to be nitpicky but for the sake of discussion, prostitution isnt the oldest profession like so many people think.

Priesthood has been documented in the annals of history to be the first and oldest profession in the world.
Old 03-01-2010, 01:23 AM
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Re: RED ALERT - Online brothels reported in today ST page B3

Originally Posted by Mael View Post
Not to be nitpicky but for the sake of discussion, prostitution isnt the oldest profession like so many people think.

Priesthood has been documented in the annals of history to be the first and oldest profession in the world.
harlow bro....wat profession means is get paid to live in dis dog eat dog world....another word is to get paid to survive....priesthood dun get paid....dey dun earn money from wat dey do....prostitution earn money by wat dey r money is for live and feed own mouth...feed children mouth....
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Old 03-01-2010, 01:35 AM
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Re: RED ALERT - Online brothels reported in today ST page B3

To be fair to the OKTs around, they are simply just helping to bring the crime rate down. Without them around, I think crime rates (molest, rape crimes) will be increasing year by year. You will know if you go across the causeway and read their local news.

One of the most longest and established OKT "Prince" have been around for so long already. Is he simply untouchable or just the AV is turning a blind eye on him? The top brass are smart, they will not close all these down just because some reporter post that article. Think about the negative effect on shutting all these activities down here.

I'm just guessing that such activities is still consider acceptable, although no one from the ministry department or any of the ministers in Singapore will openly accept or endorse on this.

Facts are all there...... as long as we Bros obey the rules and stay away from other more serious crimes, I think we are all ok and still safe here.....
Old 03-01-2010, 01:39 AM
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Re: RED ALERT - Online brothels reported in today ST page B3

Originally Posted by Mael View Post
Not to be nitpicky but for the sake of discussion, prostitution isnt the oldest profession like so many people think.

Priesthood has been documented in the annals of history to be the first and oldest profession in the world.
I'm pretty sure that as soon as Man as able to do barter trading, even long before the first priest came along, Woman has been bartering her pussy for goods. In the days before money, you need to own something that other people want in order to barter. And pussy is something that other men will always want.

Besides, when the priest got horny, he probably had to go look for WL too.
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Old 03-01-2010, 02:18 AM
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Re: RED ALERT - Online brothels reported in today ST page B3

Well, it least I am appreciative that sg av only embarrass clients with warnings.

In some states in US, they actually arrest the clients (aka Johns). They believe in no demand = no supply.

Anyway, historically it has been shown that once there are lots of ads on SPAs & HCs in newspapers (Chinese & TNP), reports on raids, unique incidents (e.g death of PRC from KTV, online geylang), AV will have to do something soon.

And of cos with younger gals (barely legal) being advertised in FL Domes, the risk is greater.

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Old 03-01-2010, 02:49 AM
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Re: RED ALERT - Online brothels reported in today ST page B3

should not be too worry.
just exercise caution and bolt the door when inside.
get the room number outside the hotel and go straight in, do not loiter around the lobby. be tacticle.
lets hope the wind will blow away soon.
Old 03-01-2010, 09:30 AM
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Re: RED ALERT - Online brothels reported in today ST page B3

Originally Posted by DeUnknown View Post
harlow bro....wat profession means is get paid to live in dis dog eat dog world....another word is to get paid to survive....priesthood dun get paid....dey dun earn money from wat dey do....prostitution earn money by wat dey r money is for live and feed own mouth...feed children mouth....
I do understand perfectly well what the term profession means. Priesthood in those days and even today was a means of a career, survival and they did get paid for their services.

To put it simply, it was a job like any other and they did get paid. Read it up sometime.
Old 03-01-2010, 09:35 AM
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Re: RED ALERT - Online brothels reported in today ST page B3

Originally Posted by peanut123 View Post
I'm pretty sure that as soon as Man as able to do barter trading, even long before the first priest came along, Woman has been bartering her pussy for goods. In the days before money, you need to own something that other people want in order to barter. And pussy is something that other men will always want.

Besides, when the priest got horny, he probably had to go look for WL too.
It's tough contemplating which of these sources are accurate, the compilation of history books from various sources or the analysis of peanut123 from sammyboy.

No offence but I think i'll go with the former.
Old 03-01-2010, 10:54 AM
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Re: RED ALERT - Online brothels reported in today ST page B3


Bro Loony brought up a valuable insight: "no demand" and "no supply".

I believe they would also adopt "innovative methods" to control. I also believe that they also understand that the problem shall never be eradicated. Hence, probably those boys in blue will probably do the following:

- monitor online traffic proactively (Masquerading as interested clients and possibly okt?)
- policing the trade (masquerading as interested clients to the okt & fl and/or vice versa)
- not sure the penalty of above with respect to the long arm of the law to us bros caught in engaging sexual activities? any bros can share their legal expertise?
- ring-fencing? maybe copy and paste from the TP? maybe hehe... apparently they did a hell of a fine job in a sustained offensive against the streetwalkers in GL last year starting March 2008 for half a year...
- engaging with hotels who create the platforms for such trades and using hotel logs as "proof" similarly done when they raid HC and KTV... some more have CCTV...
- the boys in blue would probably use some justification like Aids statistics, illegal sexual trade, hearts and minds (maybe statistics for the GL Houses on how their trade is hurt?) for the witch hunt...
- probably the boys in blue would also try the "hearts and minds" games on followup with the media on more of their FR with the bottomline on the legal penalties?

hope fellow OKTs or other bros here can pass the message around to "prepare for war"... haha... as we fellow bros, maybe the Masqueraders in blue have already begun their online monitoring now even as we speak -- which means we probably need to do something immediately.
Old 03-01-2010, 02:38 PM
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Re: RED ALERT - Online brothels reported in today ST page B3

Originally Posted by pyscho77 View Post

Bro Loony brought up a valuable insight: "no demand" and "no supply".

I believe they would also adopt "innovative methods" to control. I also believe that they also understand that the problem shall never be eradicated. Hence, probably those boys in blue will probably do the following:

- monitor online traffic proactively (Masquerading as interested clients and possibly okt?)
- policing the trade (masquerading as interested clients to the okt & fl and/or vice versa)
- not sure the penalty of above with respect to the long arm of the law to us bros caught in engaging sexual activities? any bros can share their legal expertise?
- ring-fencing? maybe copy and paste from the TP? maybe hehe... apparently they did a hell of a fine job in a sustained offensive against the streetwalkers in GL last year starting March 2008 for half a year...
- engaging with hotels who create the platforms for such trades and using hotel logs as "proof" similarly done when they raid HC and KTV... some more have CCTV...
- the boys in blue would probably use some justification like Aids statistics, illegal sexual trade, hearts and minds (maybe statistics for the GL Houses on how their trade is hurt?) for the witch hunt...
- probably the boys in blue would also try the "hearts and minds" games on followup with the media on more of their FR with the bottomline on the legal penalties?

hope fellow OKTs or other bros here can pass the message around to "prepare for war"... haha... as we fellow bros, maybe the Masqueraders in blue have already begun their online monitoring now even as we speak -- which means we probably need to do something immediately.
I'm pretty sure SBF has monitored by whichever authority ever since the FL dome opened up. It's better to regulate the activities going on there, rather than crack down and drive it further underground where it'll be more difficult to control.
Old 03-01-2010, 03:34 PM
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Re: RED ALERT - Online brothels reported in today ST page B3

Originally Posted by peanut123 View Post
...Besides, when the priest got horny, he probably had to go look for WL too.
lol...i like this statement
they probably just need to con naive believers that they need "spiritual" cleansing (with the priest horny dick)
(not starting any religious war, just my stupid joke, pardon me if bro get offended)

anyway we are not here to discuss priest or history
just put it that MEN knows how to sex trade soon after they know how to fuck whether profession or not

the main topic still lies with the online brothel
don't think SG law body has much jurisdiction over foreign country website
however, if there is too much spotlight on SBF, they may just simply block the site from SG traffics like Playboy, Youporn...etc
so if OKTs and bros here are not discreet and keep broadcasting SBF
then likely 80% of the folks here will have to find alternate source to let their dick "communicate" liao
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Old 03-01-2010, 05:47 PM
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Re: RED ALERT - Online brothels reported in today ST page B3

The best is FLs operate in their small rented rooms for services N after a certain times, change location. This way of operating is much safer to both FLs n cheongsters
Old 04-01-2010, 03:14 AM
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Cool Re: RED ALERT - Online brothels reported in today ST page B3

Originally Posted by Mael View Post
I do understand perfectly well what the term profession means. Priesthood in those days and even today was a means of a career, survival and they did get paid for their services.

To put it simply, it was a job like any other and they did get paid. Read it up sometime.
wah lau, very knowlegable...

But hor, I think most (if not all) SBF bros here not interested in the priest lad, though i not sure what service the priest can provide that would interest SBF bros

we rather contribute to the salary of the prostitute..
Old 04-01-2010, 07:36 AM
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Re: RED ALERT - Online brothels reported in today ST page B3

AV more to control the influx of illegal foreigners doing the trade, they do not want sillypore to be the hub for fl for prc, pinay... haha. see joo chiat now the viet gerls are back in business,

the income tax dept will go after the okt, for not declaring additional income. even Gl operator pay tax, so this private okt sure kenna. in sillypore , all is about money only.
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