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Old 26-09-2010, 03:06 PM
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Re: My colleague last day

please carry on bro , thanks
Old 26-09-2010, 03:10 PM
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Thumbs up Re: My colleague last day

wonderful bro...i read it alll in one shot.. haha..
looking forwards for more of your sharing..
Old 26-09-2010, 08:00 PM
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Re: My colleague last day

Bro andthenhor, i agree with you not all gals can accept married man.... tt's wat happen to me oso..... sad..... sometimes i wonder is my wife the woman I truly luv!!! does this tot happen to any of the bros in sbf?
Old 26-09-2010, 09:42 PM
hortwax hortwax is offline
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Re: My colleague last day

bro u r the best! i give u my 21gun salute.
Old 27-09-2010, 12:43 AM
Chery QQ Chery QQ is offline
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Re: My colleague last day

TS, you r the best ! All your stories can be published as a best seller.
Too bad, I still do not have the power to up you, all tang 1st.
Old 27-09-2010, 01:37 AM
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Re: My colleague last day

Great Story Bro!
Old 27-09-2010, 09:25 AM
andthenhor andthenhor is offline
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Re: My colleague last day

when i reach home, it's about 10pm....
i log into my msn.....
* u recieve a message while u are offline...
ling: dunno.... few more days.... just endure lo.... i hope i can handle.... see u tomorrow.... do greet me "good morning" k....

i smile..... log off and go bath, then go to bed....

Chap 50- ling in need

the whole night i was thinking about jeslyn... about so near yet so far....
in the end i figure out that family should always come first.
and affair is just for the extra spice you need in life.

following morn i reach office as usual. but the feeling is i have given up on jeslyn. at least she still kiss me on the cheek telling me we are frens.

ling came in not long after me...
"morning aaron" she said with a smile.
me: hi, morn...

she then go to her seat, seems like she in a good mood today.
me: today so good mood?
ling: aiya, last two days le. just be happy lo. dun like see u so sad also...
me: ahh. now then u know u made me sad.
ling: i dunno, but see ur face like see justice bao.
me: tat bad meh? u la... must be cause by u de...
ling: bleh... dun say i no good. today i take half day leave. accp u.... u want? tomorrow i last day le... cannot take leave also..
me: so good... wad's up your sleeve?
ling: take it or leave it lo...

the next 3 hours was like torture, i keep doing my paperwork, but time seems to have stop. not moving anymore...

ling was wearing a casual dress, with a thick belt at the waist...
the tighten of the belt presented her boobs in the most flatering way...
me: btw, where u wanna go?
ling: huh.... i tot u will plan?
me: ok lo... anywhere ok for u?
ling: sld be ba, as long not hotel lo...
me: ohh... that's where i tot i want to bring u to...
ling: ah bish... might as well come my house...
me: dun want.... i dun like looking at your wedding photos. make me jealous only...
ling: jealous? serious ahh...
me: wait for me in the carpark ba...

finally, 1230 le...
i go to my car, on the engine, and wait for her, within minutes, she come, hop into my car. and i start driving...
me: ehh.. women change is really 180degree one hor..
ling: aiya, i really dun want see u sad lo...
me: it's u ownself also want me lo..
ling: rubbish...
me: ehh. can give me a kiss?
ling: for wad?

me: i read somewhere on internet... kiss on cheek is for friends, kiss on hand is adore, kiss on lips is love, on ears is wanna have fun, on nose is to get stupid, on neck is wanting that person.

she keep quiet, sitting there thinking abit as i exit the carpark... when i reach the main road, i ask her if she think finish already....
she put her hand on the back of my neck... pull me slightly over, she lean abit forward and bury her head in my neck and give my neck a kiss...

me: that's wanting me leh...
ling: cannot ahh... i very greedy de...
me: can.... (as my hand move over to hold her hand) so where should we go since u want me?
ling: u decide lo.... someplace quiet, someplace where i can relax, no stress...
me: i say le... hotel hor... most privacy... most relax...
ling: aiya, u want that one say so lo... keep calling me go hotel...
me: ya la ya la.... i want la... u dun want meh?
ling: u very long nv do le izzit...?
me: yap... last time also with u...
me: erm... u?
ling: last time with u too....

i'm still driving... driving to nowhere... driving to no location...
i lean over her side...
me: u dun feel like it meh? no needs?
ling: dunno....
me: honest...
ling: maybe lo...
me: not honest enough...
ling: ya la.... dun make me high la...
me: i talk only leh... i nv even touch u... but ling, i really want leh... i nv do with my wife coz i waiting for u...
ling: haiz.... like tat i no choice lo...
me: so?
ling: choose one that is quiet, not alot of ppl and got privacy one...
me: need condom?
ling: up to u lo...
me: aiya, no need lo...
ling: i dunno har... my period will be here anytime...

i go and ta bao burger king... and start driving to koven...
our hand holding tight to each other, as if we are afraid we might lose each other anytime.

to be cont....
(last chap coming up....)
Old 27-09-2010, 09:34 AM
andthenhor andthenhor is offline
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Re: My colleague last day

Originally Posted by xwatx View Post
Bro, great story, thanks for the update!

Pretty sad indeed, that you gotten that far, but I guess you are right.
Its going to be really tough for a girl to accept a man who is married, even if she's in love with you, especially for a 21yr old girl who is actually attached.

Complicated stuffs you got there.
Jiayou on the updates! Like I say, will be camping here and rooting for you!
yap, usually i feel gals who can accept married guys are those who have work in a proper working enviorenment before. not jeslyn, a 21 yr old fresh grad who is pretty much craving for more romance... not something i can give.

Originally Posted by redlancer View Post
Wonderful storyline that makes me craving more.the twist of the story and the description of the scenes gives one a chance to let their imagination run wild (: keep up with the updates
thanks bro... glad u enjoy..

Originally Posted by eeemen View Post
Yeah, that's right bro.

Anyway, I think you made the correct decision based on the thoughts that u had highlighted, particularly being married and requiring alot of effort. Count it as a blessing in disguise? Frees you from getting tangled and allows u other easier conquests?

Anyway, just sharing my personal thoughts. Thanks and looking forward to more, cheers ........
yap... guess jeslyn is a fren worth having.... maybe years from now when she had enough of romance, i will be the one she turn to... hehe...

Originally Posted by wynchn View Post
Bro andthenhor, i agree with you not all gals can accept married man.... tt's wat happen to me oso..... sad..... sometimes i wonder is my wife the woman I truly luv!!! does this tot happen to any of the bros in sbf?
hmmm.... alot of ppl ask this question, do u truely love ur wife.... actually i can safely say yes... we love our wife.... the only prob is human are greedy... fling are just like chilli sauce. eat it without the main course(your wife) and it will taste real bad...
but put some into your wantan noodle. and it taste so yummy...

Originally Posted by Chery QQ View Post
TS, you r the best ! All your stories can be published as a best seller.
Too bad, I still do not have the power to up you, all tang 1st.
thanks! glad u enjoy...

Originally Posted by Garfield-Mel View Post
So near and yet so far.if mi I will go bang the wall.
haha bro, then i think my head already brain damage base on the failure i had before...

Originally Posted by bugmenot View Post
Sad and bitter turn of fairytale with Jeslyn..... Case of bittersweet love story with no lust.....

Bro I had that kind of similar feeling before... I empathize with you...
hehe..... u gain some u lose some... no choice lo.... sometime not within our controll...

Originally Posted by GeMiNiZzzzZzz View Post
Really good story, as not all sex stories must end up with sex ..that's the good thing about this story bro ...
thanks bro!!
Old 27-09-2010, 09:35 AM
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Re: My colleague last day

Setting camp
Old 27-09-2010, 09:51 AM
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Re: My colleague last day

Am ready waiting for the day's dietary input , looking forward to it, and maybe a swan song with Ling? cheers bro TS ......................
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Old 27-09-2010, 09:56 AM
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Re: My colleague last day

TS, thx for your update.
Three humble pts to be given daily.

Please leave your nick and PM me. I will definitely return your favour.
Old 27-09-2010, 09:56 AM
rob_onny rob_onny is offline
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Arrow Re: My colleague last day

Bro Andthenhor, u plan 2 have another hot raw actions w/Ling again??
Originally Posted by andthenhor View Post
me: need condom?
ling: up to u lo...
me: aiya, no need lo...
ling: i dunno har... my period will be here anytime...
Jamie (FL) is a gem that i like a lot, & she's now on temporary retired mode 4 a few months...
For my unconventional FR on Jamie, pls kindly click here... Hope u like it
Old 27-09-2010, 09:57 AM
andthenhor andthenhor is offline
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Re: My colleague last day

Chap 51 - hurting romance....

i carry the burgerking paperbag and the smell of our fries and burger fill up the whole lobby of the hotel... i try to make it fast, get a bigger room for 4 hour...
then we hurried into the lift in case meet someone we know...

lucky not alot of ppl, we are both alone in the lift, going to the 4th storey...

i pull her towards me... kiss her on the lips... she refuse to engage... and soon we reach the 4th storey...
i find the room, fast fast open as she follow in behine...

i just cannot get over the feeling of opening a hotel room, everytime when u enter a hotel room, the smell of sex is just so strong...

i survey the room, wow... really good...,.
big and spacious...

we sit down have our lunch on the bed.... i was peeping her ZG like no one business...
then i proceed to brush my teeth, and she follows...

i then lie on the bed... hands behine my head...
me: tot u say u want me...
ling: dun want le, i want to sleep....
me: u dare.....
as i go over and hug her from behine....
hand moving up to cup her breast...
ling: dun want dun want, i want sleep....
me: haiz... last 2nd day le also want treat me like that...

ling: ok la, ok la.... do wad u want... haha...
me: it's u want me wor... not i want u... sld be u do wad u want...

we both kneel down on the bed...
facing each other... she begin unbuttoning me... and i unbuckle her belt and throw it one side...
then i lifted up her dress.... showing her black lacy panty, lift up somemore to reveal her flat tummy...
and up somemore to reveal her matching black bra... and she lifted her hand to allow me to slip her dress out...

in no time we are in our underwear....
will not go into details wad happen next....
i have some of the most enjoyable sex with ling yet.. no time pressure. no worries of getting caught...

i lick her and she come big time... and i was being blow like how a king should recieve his...

we got into 69.... and she give me a full body to body back massage.... using her very erected nipple to good use tickleing the whole of my back....
all the way down to my ass crack before pressing her breast on my back and move all the way up...

we have sex and tried all position and i finially come all over her body.... we ended up in the bathtub and had a 2ndround on the bed again...
knowing we just bath in the bathtub, i finger and lick her at the same time....
she give out moans so loud i'm sure ppl can hear it two blocks away...
when she shiver and come , i refuse to stop.... i want her to enjoy the good feeling of oral sex....

and finally we ended up lying under the blanket. hugging each other with my sperm all over her vagina area...

me: i'll miss u de leh... how?
ling: no choice lo... enjoy me now lo...
me: wun u miss me?
ling: i will of couse. but also like tat... u married le... i dun wanna break up ur family u know,..
me: if i not married?
ling: dun talk about if la... just enjoy k... *and she give me a deep kiss to silence me...

we kiss and my hand went all over her naked smooth body again....
but i fail to come for the 3rd time...
in my mind, i keep telling myself... "please dun forget how this beauty look like when naked, the next time might be far far away....

me: so u decide ur future le ma?
ling: with my hubby? i wun tell u... dun get affected by my decision, i'm just a passer by in your life, after tomorrow i will be passed by le...
me: haha... u so cruel leh...
she give me a kiss again, as if treasuring all the time we have...

in no time, the room is up.... i LL, really LL have to fetch her back....
ling: tomorrow u will be in office right?
me: yap, i will....
ling: cya tomorrow...

ande she alight... i began my lonely drive home yet again....

to be cont....
Old 27-09-2010, 10:08 AM
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Arrow Re: My colleague last day

Bro Andthenhor, u didn't prepare redbull (or similar stuff)??
Pls give us more... still hungry... hahahaha...
Originally Posted by andthenhor View Post
we kiss and my hand went all over her naked smooth body again....
but i fail to come for the 3rd time...
Jamie (FL) is a gem that i like a lot, & she's now on temporary retired mode 4 a few months...
For my unconventional FR on Jamie, pls kindly click here... Hope u like it
Old 27-09-2010, 10:12 AM
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Re: My colleague last day

Chap 52 - My Colleague last day.

dragging myself from bed... i do my usual morning routine.. hating to accept that today will be the last time i will see ling in office...

no smile. no anything.... i kiss my wife goodbye as i go work.... she's having bad headache and thus gotta take mc...

i reach office early, but hey, ling is earlier then me...
i saw her table mostly cleared.... she got 2 paperbag which i saw gift inside...
focing a weak smile...
me: wa... got preasent for me ahh?
ling: got.... of coz...

soon, col start to come in...
she give out identical size present to everyone....
then finally she give me a different looking present...
ling: na... a special one for u....
i took it...
me: thanks...

eric: wa... got special one de wor...
aunty sue: of coz la... u know aaron treat her how good or not...

ling just smile and walk back to her desk where she start penning a good bye email...

me: am i suppose to open my present now?
ling: open in ur car when u going home ok....
me: ok.... any last word for me?
ling: nope... take care and treasure ur family ba...
me: u too k.... made the right decision, and always stay happy!!

i continue doing my paperwork... very un focus...
i have this very sour feeling in my heart....
just could not bring myself to accept that ling can just let go... But come on aaron, wad could she do??
cry?? dun be stupid...

i need to go le... the tension made me unable to stay any longer...
i take my bag, i walk to ling desk...
me: ling, i got to go for appointment le... u take care k.... all the best in ur future...
she look up... "orrhhh... thanks...."
i shake her hand and i turn and leave the office.... the next time i step in, she wun be around le...

when i reach the car... i took out the present and unwrap it...
it was hard...
it's a crystal....
ling actually took one of our group photo and engrave in into a crystal....
below the crystal is a note...
"dear aaron... if only i could freeze the time.... but since i can't, i freeze the memory in this crystal.... forget me not....
love, ling"

i feel a tears tickle down my cheek.... i wipe it away.... and as i took in the fact that i might no longer see her again, more tear roll down...

i dirve out of the carpark....

ring ring, ring ring....

me: hello?
wife: dear.... i'm positive leh!!

Tears of joy i guess.....

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