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Old 03-01-2011, 11:32 AM
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………

I would like to thank all of you for your continued support and encouragement. Special thanks for those who up me…

Continuing my story……….

A month gone by, I slowly regained more confidence in our relationship. Jenny served her notice and left without much fanfare. She did worked in a few new places, but quit after short stints for different reasons, mostly due to her inability to settle down. Soon her will to look for other new job diminished as the weeks and months progressed. I had to support her financially.

We meet up regularly, twice a week , every Wed and Sat. As I have to work, most meetings on Wed were confined to parks and movies around my workplace. Sometimes we will end up in Great World Amusement Park watching getais, another one of her other favourite pastime.

On weekends, activities would usually end up with steamy, hot, passionate love making sessions. These trysts usually took place in secluded lovers haunt. Occasionally, when finances permit, we had our romps in hotels. We were like 2 young love birds having in their honeymoon period. We were having the best time of our lives.

Time flew by quickly, we were together for slightly more than half a year now. I continued working hard to build up a future for the both of us. Jenny spent most of her free time playing mahjong with different groups of buddies. These are not social games, but played with much higher stakes. It was financially taxing for me, having to support her lifestyle. Our dating schedule did not vary very much. We were still very much in love. My parents have somewhat accepted my less than desirable lifestyle. Their naggings slowly reduced to occasional reprimands

There was this Sat night where I was invited to a wedding dinner of my rich NS buddy whose parents owned a major seafood distribution business. He was young like me, but a big time cheongster. Unfortunately it caught up with him and was forced into a shotgun marriage. I decided to bring Jenny along for the dinner.

That evening, when I picked Jenny up, I was momentarily stunned. Standing right before me was an attractive woman permeated with beauty and poise. She was dressed elegantly in a strapless black satin sheath dress that ends above her knee, complemented by a pair of matching gold stiletto high heel shoes and a small clutch bag. It was the way the dress hugged the body that had me bewitched. It amplifies her small bosoms and tastefully exposes her prime assets. Her porcelain white skin together with simple zirconia jewelry shines through the contrasting black dress. I was charmed by her. She was a goddess of love and beauty….

That very moment, I knew she was the woman of my life and I would like to make her my wife…

Jenny: Eh…,why you stare at me like that.
Me: You look so beautiful..
Jenny: Now you know eh…
Me: I knew long ago, but today….you are different….very charming
Jenny: Thanks….out of 100 marks … give me how many
Me: Eh..... let me think…..ummm I think 99
Jenny: Oi why 99 only……..why not 100?
Me: 1 mark I keep first….. later I tell you..
Jenny: You uh…….. always so secretive one…don’t tell…. don’t tell lor.
Me: Seriously Jenny… my eyes, you are the most beautiful woman.
Jenny: Sure or not…you make me paiseh already….
Me: I think my buddies will envy me later..
Jenny: I hope I will make you proud…
Me: I’m sure you will..

With that we took a cab to Mandarin Hotel in Orchard Road where the wedding was held. When we arrived, not surprisingly, Jenny was the center of attention, much to the envy of many of my NS buddies. Some even inquired if she has an equally pretty sister to introduce to them. She carried herself very well with charm, elegance and poise. I was so proud of her. We had a good time.

When the dinner ended, I had other plans in mind………
Old 03-01-2011, 12:07 PM
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Talking Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………

nice story bro.. cant wait for the continuation.
Old 03-01-2011, 01:30 PM
Civicsir1 Civicsir1 is offline
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Thumbs up Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………

Bro TS!!!! I salute you for this story!!!! Any chance are you a script writer with TCS? I bet if it were to be directed into a film, it will be a local hit. Well done!!!!
Old 03-01-2011, 05:48 PM
kalamilk kalamilk is offline
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………

have to work from today. sianz... the only thing to my day better is reading your story. nice!

btw you must be reminded by jenny beautiful face while writing story ba. keep it up!!
Old 03-01-2011, 06:27 PM
pro.d.igy pro.d.igy is offline
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………

Wah. This story I like!
Old 03-01-2011, 07:56 PM
xiaoer80 xiaoer80 is offline
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………


Easily pictured with no difficult words found.
Old 04-01-2011, 01:44 AM
mercc mercc is offline
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………

Hi bro!
Great to see your updates again!
Keep coming...
Your story is like soap operas that I'm so addicted to...
Old 04-01-2011, 10:55 AM
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………

Originally Posted by popeye21 View Post
nice story bro.. cant wait for the continuation.
Thank you for your support

Originally Posted by Civicsir1 View Post
Bro TS!!!! I salute you for this story!!!! Any chance are you a script writer with TCS? I bet if it were to be directed into a film, it will be a local hit. Well done!!!!
Haha….no I’m not, how I wished…Thanks for your compliment. I’m flattered

Originally Posted by kalamilk View Post
have to work from today. sianz... the only thing to my day better is reading your story. nice!

btw you must be reminded by jenny beautiful face while writing story ba. keep it up!!
Bro Kalamilk…unfortunately this is life….Thank you for your unwavering support.
I ‘m not only reminded by her face…I am reminded of her as a person, a woman I once love….I get emotional when I think of her….She looks a little bit like the Taiwanese actress六月…………..alas, there is no fairy tale ending

Originally Posted by pro.d.igy View Post
Wah. This story I like!

Originally Posted by xiaoer80 View Post

Easily pictured with no difficult words found.
Thank you for your kind words

Originally Posted by mercc View Post
Hi bro!
Great to see your updates again!
Keep coming...
Your story is like soap operas that I'm so addicted to...
Thank you for your support...I am please it appeals to you

Just noticed this thread have been upgraded. I am flattered. I am not sure how the 5 star rating came about. I wonder if it is an individual bro or a collective effort. Perhaps some bro can enlighten me.

In any case, thank you all for contributing to it. I appreciate all the support rendered to me. Please do not waste your precious points on me. Keep it for better use or award it to others more deserving.

I am working on the next installment now and will publish it soon…I hope you enjoy reading it…

Thank you once again
Old 04-01-2011, 11:26 AM
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………

Really nice story, but disturbingly somewhat similar to my current relationship now.

Inticipating your story and the ending.
Old 04-01-2011, 11:56 AM
kkk2ppp kkk2ppp is offline
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………

Very interesting story and attractive Writing Style.
Camping here
Old 04-01-2011, 03:56 PM
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………


I looked at her in the eyes and said…….

Me: Dear….. let’s go somewhere, just you and me.
Jenny: Where?
Me: Let’s go get a room…..
Jenny: Why…… you horny uh…
Me: Ya lor…you are so beautiful I can’t resist…..want to make love to you tonight..
Jenny: You huh….only think of sex only
Me: Seriously baby…..I want to marry you…make you my wife
Jenny: Really……sure you won’t regret
Me: I won’t…..我亲爱的老婆…..I kissed her
Jenny: 我亲爱的公老……..let’s go

There was no question that I was looking forward to this night with her. We took a cab and headed towards Bencoolen St where I knew there were some less expensive hotels. As luck has it, there was an available room. After completing all the necessary paperwork, I got the keys to the room on the 4th floor. The room was not very big. It had a double bed and a shower stall. As she switched on the aircon and light, I went over and hugged her.

Without asking, I unzipped her dress from behind and let it dropped to the ground, exposing her strapless black lacy bra with matching black lacy panty. She helped me out of my pants and shirt, leaving me just in my CK boxers.

Jenny kicked off her heels as I held her hand and lead her to the bed. I gently place her down. Looking down on her just with her undergarments aroused me to the next level.

I kissed her, she responded, but I wanted to please her more. I broke away and began to plant small butterfly kisses, nuzzling her starting from her earlobes, down to the neck, to the top of her breast, gently biting her nipples through her bra, then down her body to her naval, and finally her valley, giving her the gentlest of bites on the folds of her vulva through her panty.

Jenny was very aroused now as I feel the wetness through her black lacy panty. She was moaning sexily, spreading her legs wide. I revered the process…going all the way back to the top.

Darlingggg, I loooove ittttt”……. she cooed.

I unclasped the front of her bra and her soft creamy boobs sprang to life right before my eyes. I pulled the bra off and proceed to lick her areola, teasing the nipples, occasionally giving it a gentle nibble, alternating between her 2 twin mounts. Jenny was breathing very heavily now, moaning as she expelled her breath.

Ohhhhh. that feeeel gooood“ she said in a low sultry tone.

She held her hands out, took out my little brother and rubbed it. I wanted to make sure that I hold on longer, so I moved down and slowly pulled her laced panty down her knee. She helped herself by pushing it all the way off, using her feet. Jenny is now spread eagled in her full natural glory. Her flawless white porcelain skin radiated the room. She was my Venus. I went down and started to lick her vulva folds. Each time I reached her clit, I played with the hood and when I flick her engorged clit, her body jerked involuntarily. It was fascinating. Jenny opened her legs wider as if inviting me for more. I formed my tongue like a funnel and plunged it deep into her very wet vagina.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh” she screamed….

I continued to tongued for a little while, until she said…”Faster baby….I am neeeaaar …..Ohhhh…..” but I withdrew and went back to kissing her breasts.

Jenny: Why did you stop…… she asked
Me: Not yet….I want us to cum together….. .
Jenny: You so bad…. as she thump my chest

I removed my last piece of fabric. She continued to rub me, while I showered her breast with tender loving care.

Baby….pleeeeese put it in….I want you…I want to make you a baby…pleeese put in”….she pleaded in the most erotic tone.

Honey…..I love you……I need you so much”….as I positioned myself.

Then I penetrated her. I felt the head of my hard and swollen brother enter her. She was incredible. I entered her slowly, she was gushing with moisture. I pulled out and inched into her again

I continued to work myself in and out of her with a slow pace. After a few minutes she wrapped her legs tightly around my waist then pulled them up with her arm, pulling her hips up to an angle where I could get deep penetration. I could feel the entrance to her womb against the tip of my penis. I had never felt that before.

On the next thrust felt the tip entered her womb. Now I began to plunge harder and faster into her. “Ohhh…. Ohhh…. Ohhh…. Ohhh”….. Jenny was moaning with a high pitched whimper with each thrust. Her pitch was getting higher and her breaths shallower. I knew I was near the apex of a climax. I clinched my teeth. I did no want to let go…. not until she hit hers.

James….I love you, I loooove yoooou”, she was saying with each breath with each trust. “Jenny…..I love you so much.”…. I replied. I began driving into her with everything I had. The bed was banging against the wall, the bed springs were squeaking.

Finally, Jenny was screaming out loud……. “Now babbby….I’m cummmmming”…… I could no longer hold on and we came together in a mind boggling orgasm that left both if us weak, and exhausted.

I don’t know how long we laid there in bed wet with perspiration. I had no sense of time……..
Old 04-01-2011, 05:03 PM
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………

good share bro. Whole 10 pages full with very meaningful story.
Con't to enjoy ur upcoming story. Cheers happy new year
Old 04-01-2011, 06:19 PM
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………

Nice Story Bro.... climax to the max... another one more camper... i pitched a big tent for others to enjoy....
Old 04-01-2011, 08:35 PM
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………

marvellous story...keep cumming !
Old 04-01-2011, 08:43 PM
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Re: Until Now I Still Can’t Forget Her………

Wow, something "deep" is gonna happen soon eh bro TS? , cheers .................
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