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Old 05-04-2011, 10:17 AM
rob_onny rob_onny is offline
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Arrow Re: Bonking a Lesbian

Wow Bro 9dragon, she must b very loud while bonking...
BTW, nobody @ home huh??
I guess her neighbors heard everything @ the windows...
Jamie (FL) is a gem that i like a lot, & she's now on temporary retired mode 4 a few months...
For my unconventional FR on Jamie, pls kindly click here... Hope u like it
Old 05-04-2011, 10:45 AM
9dragon 9dragon is offline
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Re: Bonking a Lesbian

Originally Posted by Ice2005 View Post
It is real suprise that a Lesbo is so high in Sex. Frankly i am curious to find if you are attached to her. She sound so good and delicious. I am dreaming of her when i PCC.
Yes bro..i was a bit shocked when she's so into sex...probably deprived from the "real" thing when she's with Chris....haha we were never an official "couple" ..haha..happy pcc bro =)
Originally Posted by tanmikel View Post
I'm just waiting the juicy finale when chris finds out
Hehe..finale is here..stay tune
Originally Posted by SunRayys View Post
wow.. 9dragon bro.. wat a nice way to make luv... will try out by the window the next time..

wat a fabulous way to finish the luv-making session... cheers
Yes bro..when u sian of the current positions, u will think of other ways to make love
Originally Posted by snoopdoggz View Post
Still waiting for your updates bro 9dragon... Great story u have.. 2 thumbs up~!!!
Tks bro..updating in progress!
Originally Posted by Flying Wing View Post
Sperm is surposedly protein based to believe. Or is it not??
Haha..that's a hearsay but quite true:
"Semen is primarily water, but contains trace amounts of almost every nutrient the human body uses.[citation needed] It has somewhat higher amounts of commonly deficient minerals, such as potassium, magnesium, and selenium.[41] One typical ejaculation contains 150 mg of protein, 11 mg of carbohydrates, 6 mg fat, 3 mg cholesterol, 7% US RDA potassium and 3% US RDA copper and zinc.[42] When metabolized, protein yields 4 kcal/g, carbohydrate also yields 4 kcal/g, and fat yields 9 kcal/g.[43] Hence the food energy in the typical ejaculation is 0.7 kcal (2.9 kJ)."
Extracted from WIki
Originally Posted by houses100 View Post
Great story... thanks for sharing...
My pleasure bro..hope enjoy =)
Originally Posted by rob_onny View Post
Wow Bro 9dragon, she must b very loud while bonking...
BTW, nobody @ home huh??
I guess her neighbors heard everything @ the windows...
Yes bro..she's loud but thank god the next room is her sister's not her parents so she didn't really care..haha..her moan is the sound of music to my ears when bonking her
Old 05-04-2011, 11:20 AM
9dragon 9dragon is offline
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Re: Bonking a Lesbian

.................................................. ...................

I stayed over at her place at woke up late as I was super tired from the "over-sexed" sessions. She looked so lovely sleeping and when I got up and pull the blanket aside, I saw her lovely titties greeting me with slightly erected nipples..I woke up with a hard dick but didn't have time for a quickie already. I couldn't resist in peeking at her pussy so I pulled down the blanket further to reveal her smooth pussy but starting to have a bit of stubbles..haha..time for a shave soon

I went down to gave her pussy a kiss and she woke up...
"Morning dear...u going to work?" she yawned

"Yup..a bit late already so need to rush" giving me a morning kiss. She then got up and wore her Ts and put on a pair of shorts before opening her room door. She led me to the bedroom to wash up then send me off at the door. On the way to work, I was smiling to myself but on the other dick felt rather sore from all those bonking sessions.

Fiona & I got closer and we spent many nights at her place. Chris stayed over lesser and most of the time, she will leave Fiona's place at about 1am plus and that's when I go over & sleep with her. Sometimes when she has morning class, I 'll send her to school before going to work....Chris never suspected us at all and we were even "free" to date each other in the presence of Chris even tho Chris knows Fiona can be quite "physical" when she's me. Our sex life improved tremendously but this came with a price...Fiona got more possesive. She wanted to know my whereabouts and started to get temperamental if she does not have it her way.

I found out that Chris was seeing another les behind's Fiona's back but I kept it a secret. Fiona din wanna break up with Chris as they've been together for 5yrs. Can u imagine even Butch can "stray" away from their partners.......I din bother much about Chris. Fiona's horniness got worst and everytime we made love, it becomes a habit that she will BJ me and i will CIM on her..she swallows every single time and always made sure I cum during our 2nd lovemaking sessions. She dresses more sexily when we go out and always surprises me with pantyless dress or braless tops when we go out on dates..I was addicted to her in a way.

Sadly I grown sian of her possessiveness & also find her titties a tad too bad for my liking. We quarrel more often and soon my love for her was dying...I think she felt it too...Soon, many men were going after Fiona and she was suddenly surrounded by "wolves"'s nature lah...She & Chris slowly drifted apart and she went on "dates" with other guys too but with my knowledge. She started to drink more when we were out and it doesn't need an occassion for her to drink and our lovemaking sessions were done often when she was high or after drinks..hardly when she's sober...I also got sian as she's not as "concious" when sober and I din enjoy our love sessions as much.

Soon, my workload got heavier and I slowly drifted away from Fiona...she was seeing another guy not behind my back but rather on a more regular basis..I din bother as my love for her was dying and that spark started to diminish. Soon we were more like Fuck Buddies not lovers as all the fuck sessions were done when she was high after drinks and I had to send her after sending her home, we will make out before I go back home. In no time, I got bored of this routine as well so we made a clean break to each other...

Fiona went on to love other men before finding her "true" love...After me, she went on with this guy who had lotsa charm but not good looking..he was damn good with words and naturally women flocked to him..He dated her but I caught him countless times with other women too..Fiona was very much in love with him so I have never told her about his other flings since we're not together anymore. It took her 3 years to leave that guy and finally found her "true" love at her work place...from my knowledge, she's not married yet but have been with her love for 5yrs to date.

Hope u guys enjoy this story and Yes, Fiona's not longer a lesbian...As for Chris, due to the "guilt" for seeing fiona behind Chris's back..I partner her to open some business only to have her "eat" all my money...It went into a lawsuit cos I sued her but we settled privately...I lost about $15k investment.....haha for that kinda money to have Fiona..well, I can't say it was worth it or not
Old 05-04-2011, 11:38 AM
rob_onny rob_onny is offline
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Arrow Re: Bonking a Lesbian

Bro 9dragon, it's a pity that u don't have this abalone w/u 4ever...
Anyway, hope 2 c ur another bonking story very soon...
Jamie (FL) is a gem that i like a lot, & she's now on temporary retired mode 4 a few months...
For my unconventional FR on Jamie, pls kindly click here... Hope u like it
Old 05-04-2011, 11:40 AM
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Re: Bonking a Lesbian

Oh no, so this is the end?
Despite all the intense love making session can't keep you too together?
Old 05-04-2011, 11:48 AM
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Re: Bonking a Lesbian

Wow, what a way to end...

I guess that everybody just got tired at the end of the day.

Sorry about losing your money.
But the bonking is great while it lasts.

Cheers, have a great day ahead.

Old 05-04-2011, 12:05 PM
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Re: Bonking a Lesbian

Great story bro

looking forward to your next one ^0^

but yah its kinda sian once your other half becomes extremely possessive.

Its a thin line between concern and possessiveness.
Old 05-04-2011, 12:36 PM
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Re: Bonking a Lesbian

Great story TS!!! Will be waiting for more sex-iting stories from you. Cheers!
Old 05-04-2011, 12:51 PM
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Re: Bonking a Lesbian

Great Story TS!!! Thumbs up
Old 05-04-2011, 01:22 PM
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Re: Bonking a Lesbian

The relationship was gearing towards being possessive ... it became just a chore with the sex ... the spark was diminishing and no longer became fun for the 2 of them ... guess it had to end the natural way.

Hope the SGD15K made your conscience feel slightly better hehe You never did really ask Chris whether she knew you were digging her babe ? I'm sure she felt something was up.

Well T/S ... thank you for the sharing your story.
Old 05-04-2011, 02:07 PM
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Re: Bonking a Lesbian

wow.. what an ending.. thanks for sharing this entire story with us..
Old 05-04-2011, 02:21 PM
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Re: Bonking a Lesbian

Dude.... It was a great story... got me glue to for close to 3 weeks...

BTW i check for updates everyday!!!

the epilogue was a little too soon... we need ONE MORE BANG!!

Thank you for the story... GREAT ONE..
Old 05-04-2011, 02:29 PM
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Re: Bonking a Lesbian

9dragon,farking good story!!!!!
Screw all you want, whenever you want but please do exercise precaution, use a condom.
Old 05-04-2011, 02:38 PM
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Re: Bonking a Lesbian

thanks for the story, its well-written
looking forward for your next series..
Old 05-04-2011, 02:59 PM
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Re: Bonking a Lesbian

Huh story end ? So what next ^_- hehe

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