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Old 21-03-2012, 05:26 PM
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Re: New Innovation: Using youtube to share porn.

that must be quite some work to do!
Old 21-03-2012, 06:03 PM
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Re: New Innovation: Using youtube to share porn.

Originally Posted by perfection89 View Post
i'm uploading the vid to your acc right now. pls check by tonight 8pm see if gotch or not. if got, pls reply to here to verify. thank you!

as for the rest, pls pls give me some time to upload. a lot to process and i only can upload videos to 1 acc at a time..cos must login/logout.

I have tones of porn files. Dun seem to have any problem leh. All you have to do is this. get a Seedbox. Find torrents and just download to the server
Use FTP to transfer back the files. Its so simple. If you have a seedbox. Just give the link to the fellow buddies and they can download themself.

I find this way the best as FTP are dedicated. So providers dun check. Its just safe. I have been using it for years and one time transfer of 150gbs of porn files back takes about 8 hours on fiber internet.

Well this is what i do. If i want pass you files. All i have to do it give you my server link and password and you can just use browser to download.
Why so much trouble as to hide here and there. Anyway servers if log in to amsterdam its very safe for porn files and torrents files. As that is the only place in the world where no police are allow in till you are after the amsterdam bridge.

Old 22-03-2012, 12:26 AM
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Re: New Innovation: Using youtube to share porn.

Originally Posted by alangtr View Post

I have tones of porn files. Dun seem to have any problem leh. All you have to do is this. get a Seedbox. Find torrents and just download to the server
Use FTP to transfer back the files. Its so simple. If you have a seedbox. Just give the link to the fellow buddies and they can download themself.

I find this way the best as FTP are dedicated. So providers dun check. Its just safe. I have been using it for years and one time transfer of 150gbs of porn files back takes about 8 hours on fiber internet.

Well this is what i do. If i want pass you files. All i have to do it give you my server link and password and you can just use browser to download.
Why so much trouble as to hide here and there. Anyway servers if log in to amsterdam its very safe for porn files and torrents files. As that is the only place in the world where no police are allow in till you are after the amsterdam bridge.

hi bro, i know what chiu mean..but some workplace block FTP/torrent ports ah and obviously u dun wan ur spying boss to know u go prawn websites during work. and mobile phone if got prawn links, very pai seh. btw, not all bros here got fibre optics to dl that fast.

that's why i use youtube to keep all my prawn videos and share with my inner circle. so far(8mths), we been successful and my friends will send me any prawns they wish to keep on youtube and i will upload for them..den anytime any place, just go youtube watch.

we even have a facebook group to keep all the youtube links.
my purpose of letting bros here know is purely to let you guys know that facebook and youtube don't have any "auto" porn detection. the only way they know is because some knnccb guai lan gina go and report nia. that's why i won't share any links from my youtube here.(tried once and got ban in < 24 hours and lesson learnt.)
so my purpose is to tell bros that u can actually host ur prawn on youtube, share links on facebook in a group and have fun watching porn on 'legal' channel.
actually it's very simple for any fibre optics or >50mb internet speed users.
i'm doing it as a gesture to help bros in sbf find new alternatives to store their prawns while earning a bit of 'karma' because i been in this forum for like 3 years time to return a bit of favour from older bros who helped me or share links with me.

hope the rest of the bros understand that this is not a 'i owe u a porn thread'. and some of the bros(<=20 rep usually) just give me their email. how u expect me to upload?!
If you got a lot of money don't know where to spend, why not give me some?

Thank you!
Old 22-03-2012, 06:14 AM
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Re: New Innovation: Using youtube to share porn.

anyone can create youtube account n hlp me verify? i dont have prepaid number
Old 22-03-2012, 10:26 AM
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Re: New Innovation: Using youtube to share porn.

I see your point. But was thinking if there would be a better way and faster way of sharing prawn files.

Old 22-03-2012, 12:46 PM
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Re: New Innovation: Using youtube to share porn.

Originally Posted by perfection89 View Post
hi bro, i know what chiu mean..but some workplace block FTP/torrent ports ah and obviously u dun wan ur spying boss to know u go prawn websites during work. and mobile phone if got prawn links, very pai seh. btw, not all bros here got fibre optics to dl that fast.

that's why i use youtube to keep all my prawn videos and share with my inner circle. so far(8mths), we been successful and my friends will send me any prawns they wish to keep on youtube and i will upload for them..den anytime any place, just go youtube watch.

we even have a facebook group to keep all the youtube links.
my purpose of letting bros here know is purely to let you guys know that facebook and youtube don't have any "auto" porn detection. the only way they know is because some knnccb guai lan gina go and report nia. that's why i won't share any links from my youtube here.(tried once and got ban in < 24 hours and lesson learnt.)
so my purpose is to tell bros that u can actually host ur prawn on youtube, share links on facebook in a group and have fun watching porn on 'legal' channel.
actually it's very simple for any fibre optics or >50mb internet speed users.
i'm doing it as a gesture to help bros in sbf find new alternatives to store their prawns while earning a bit of 'karma' because i been in this forum for like 3 years time to return a bit of favour from older bros who helped me or share links with me.

hope the rest of the bros understand that this is not a 'i owe u a porn thread'. and some of the bros(<=20 rep usually) just give me their email. how u expect me to upload?!
Hi bro, sorry talk to you again so many times as not use to this FORUM. PS ah.

I know you see me as a new user in forum and you are afraid I might "give you alway" for the Youtube thing. The reasons is I only manage to come upon this sites last week only and register two days ago. I wish I was a "lao jiao" member in this forum too. Everyone starts form new right?

Trust me brother, I am 22 yrs old this yr and joining this forum is to find more friend, share lobang, more prawn sites. Won't give you alway one.

Here so many people can witness me ma.

Hope you can consider, adding me to you plan.

Also, if you want I can share with you Japan AV full DVD download sites. SERIOUS, no JOKE. Why I don't download is my internet only 10Mbps, download very slow.

Take care
Old 22-03-2012, 07:51 PM
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Re: New Innovation: Using youtube to share porn.

Yes bro....I've seen the 2 videos and there're very good. Cheers and more please

Originally Posted by perfection89 View Post
i'm uploading the vid to your acc right now. pls check by tonight 8pm see if gotch or not. if got, pls reply to here to verify. thank you!

as for the rest, pls pls give me some time to upload. a lot to process and i only can upload videos to 1 acc at a time..cos must login/logout.
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Old 24-03-2012, 01:59 AM
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Re: New Innovation: Using youtube to share porn.

Originally Posted by thomas88 View Post
Yes bro....I've seen the 2 videos and there're very good. Cheers and more please
hi bros,

thanks again for your wonderful support for my initiative.
Like i previously mentioned, what i am doing is like what venture capitalist are doing. helping people to start their utube acc/ guiding people to use it.

i would like to mention 2 great examples, which bros here can follow.
1. thomas88 -> after helping him to upload the 2 videos, he use his fibre optics to upload some more jap av. this way, i can dl it and share with other bros who share their accts.

2. ttrentt -> he took initiative to share a video on his youtube and verify his acc so now i can upload full-length (> 15min) videos to his account and he can enjoy 1080P Full HD video at anywhere as long can access youtube. don't believe you can ask him screen shot the videos by tml...i'm still uploading now!

hope more bros will get what i finally meant and help each other upload. our community needs to have such form of sharing to promote even better prawn and prevent sabo kias.

and just one more note. like i said, i can't be the only one login in and out 10plus accts to do this as it would be impossible. Thus, I hope trustable bros here whom I have help can help others too(but there's not an obligation la) and those with rep < 20 points and using fibre optics, you can help urself and help me by uploading the videos first and verifying ur account for full length so i can help you upload. =)
If you got a lot of money don't know where to spend, why not give me some?

Thank you!
Old 24-03-2012, 03:10 AM
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Re: New Innovation: Using youtube to share porn.

Here's a preview of what I uploaded for others:

Picture 2:

So if you want full length videos, please verify your account.
If you got a lot of money don't know where to spend, why not give me some?

Thank you!

Last edited by perfection89; 24-03-2012 at 03:21 AM.
Old 24-03-2012, 03:04 PM
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Re: New Innovation: Using youtube to share porn.

hi guys,

a million thanks to perfection89 for uploading 2 videos to my acc last night, i'm not too sure how to upload pics so therefore i'm not able to provide any screenshots.

perfection89 is a man true to his words and all the bros here can just trust him with your accs.

too bad i'm unable to help perfection89 as i'm not on fibre and it takes me more than 3 hours to upload and process 1 video(1gb++) so i'll only do it before i goes to bed and just let it run overnight.
i'll try to upload another vid if possible tonight.

Old 24-03-2012, 07:32 PM
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Re: New Innovation: Using youtube to share porn.

can just use the link to watch!
Old 24-03-2012, 08:57 PM
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Re: New Innovation: Using youtube to share porn.

Originally Posted by perfection89 View Post

Youtube has a limit of 1gb/15min video for non-verified users. If you want me to upload > 15min videos, please verify your acct.

Some ways which you can do is:

go malaysia, buy prepaid card and verify.
buy any sg prepaid card and verify
use your phone to verify(not recommended)

Either way, my main purpose is to upload the videos to your acc.

Some bros might ask, why don't I create an acc and upload the videos to my acc and share link here. Problem is, i tried it before, and my video got banned in less than 24 hours because inside this forum, there are some pubor kias who will itchy hand itchy leg go and report the video. if i upload to your acc, only you can see and those who u 'trust' can see if you share with them. this way, even if u kana banned cos of ur frens, others bros here won't be affected.
Why not create one fake account, share username and password with bros here and everyone can upload their share of porn video and watch the videos too.

I tried logging in to the same account for youtube on different browser at the same time and it works fine.
Old 24-07-2012, 01:02 AM
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Re: New Innovation: Using youtube to share porn.

gmail need hp no. to verify.
Then you use isp to access internet, you know the rest.
Old 24-07-2012, 07:27 PM
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Re: New Innovation: Using youtube to share porn.

there is a way to stream youtube video via custom flash player.

you can even disable right click, add watermark...etc

there is no way a viewer can find out the REAL youtube link, so no one can report the porn and get u banned.

u can even try digging the html code but no way you can extract the real URL.

anyone got any free hosting server so that I can do a demo?
Old 24-07-2012, 08:40 PM
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Re: New Innovation: Using youtube to share porn.

y need to upload/download so ma fan? qvod player is damn good to use le.
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