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Old 17-09-2013, 04:28 PM
HitnRunz HitnRunz is offline
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All Samsters' FR

Hi guys, just a concerned Samster thats willing to help the community to become a more informed, efficient and un-"robert"fied from this current market.

FL2 has become a commercialised zone. We cannot blame the moderators as they depend on this for their own living, and this is indeed a free website for our usage. So we cannot complain about what the Mods are doing.

With this in mind, we shall start a new thread of bad services provided by bad INDIVIDUALS.
Take note that this is not the same as the past threads that senior samsters have started. This is purely a thread that allow Samsters to write their FRs based on their own experience, and not to pinpoint any Stables nor OKTs.

If we want to keep this thread going, then Samsters will have to follow these rules:

1) FRs shall be of own opinion, with no defamation of both OKts nor stables to be named in your FRs.

2) No disclosure of Names of Individual, which if done so will affect the business of the OKTs and indirectly of SBF.

3) No Pictures nor links should be added into your thread.

4) No disclosure of locations of the individual that you had in your FRs.

5) Samsters who violates number 1-4 will risk this thread being removed by Mods.

The only way to indentify the person that you are talking about in your FRs, will be the Attire that the person is wearing, followed by their Cup size.

Yes you might find that this is very vague as there is no tell who is the exact person. However we must protect the interest of OKTS and also SBF. It is the INDIVIDUALS that we are discussing now. You will have to do your homework if you want the information.

If Mod does remove this thread again that will really spell the doom of our chionging days.
Will need supports of senior samsters on this, and also all Samsters if you want to benefit from this thread.

This has nothing to do with OKTs nor Stable. Just give us a small corner so that we can make our voices being heard.

Thanks in advance to all Samster
Hope this thread can continue to serve the community in anyway it can.
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Last edited by HitnRunz; 17-09-2013 at 05:05 PM.
Old 17-09-2013, 05:53 PM
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Re: All Samsters' FR

Originally Posted by HitnRunz View Post

2) No disclosure of Names of Individual, which if done so will affect the business of the OKTs and indirectly of SBF.

3) No Pictures nor links should be added into your thread.

Yes you might find that this is very vague You will have to do your homework if you want the information.

Just give us a small corner so that we can make our voices being heard.
Hi bro, you have the right intention but with these conditions, just how do we make our voices heard?
Old 17-09-2013, 09:09 PM
HitnRunz HitnRunz is offline
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Wink Re: All Samsters' FR

Hi Dixon,
The voices shall be heard by other Samster who follows this tread. Not for those who are operating the business.

This thread is only for Samsters to write abt their experience with bad service, so that other Samsters will be aware of the BAD individuals that are in the market.
It is never our intention for us to complain to the OKTs about the standards of their girls, but more for us to avoid them when choosing our next session.

This will need everyone in this FL2 to cooperate and share whenever they have such experience.

This is how to identify them without too much aggression and pinpointing:

"The only way to identify the person that you are talking about in your FRs, will be the Attire that the person is wearing, followed by their Cup size." Thats the info that can be shared, the rest will be pure guessing game ald.
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Old 17-09-2013, 09:17 PM
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Re: All Samsters' FR

The easiest way is put girl name. Everyone can know is who then avoid. Put in the cup size and clothes, not everyone So free to go filter all the girls here. And also, one girl can put up in many sites then change clothes. So, is like got report equal no report. No point.
Old 17-09-2013, 11:44 PM
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Re: All Samsters' FR

Ya if you put name then so many websites they also got diff name, somemore if you put name this thread will be deleted in no time.
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Old 17-09-2013, 11:52 PM
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Re: All Samsters' FR

waste of time if skip this and skip that....

A honest FR is what we want...skip this skip that better dun write...

If the girl is bad in service or bad is bad...she dun have biz...that is her problems because she is bad...that is also the OKT problems to educate her girl that this is service line and if she want good biz...better give her best in term of service...
Old 17-09-2013, 11:58 PM
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Re: All Samsters' FR

But like that the fate of this thread will be the same as the one like the previous one, the one by Technica bro
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Old 18-09-2013, 12:08 AM
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Re: All Samsters' FR

What is a FR?
Field report of the girl..

If u dun mention who is the girl and under which OKT....what FR is that???
How cheongster going to know which girl u referring...
Old 18-09-2013, 03:23 AM
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Bro, U know how many b size and c size cup fl are there ?

If by your condition to write a fr , will be

*i screw this c cup size lady who wear white top and black gstring . I sure u guys will know who i talking about *

I doubt even u can find who am i talking in fl 2.

If a girl is good, determine by her fr ,not only 1, but more then 5 frs that is not the same and they all mention the same quality service for the girl.

Fr will come on a good fl. Those with no biz or not popular will have their thread empty or no supporter at all
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Old 18-09-2013, 09:22 AM
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Re: All Samsters' FR

Originally Posted by dude head View Post

*i screw this c cup size lady who wear white top and black gstring . I sure u guys will know who i talking about *
This is what I meant....
Old 18-09-2013, 02:06 PM
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Re: All Samsters' FR

If so, shall we start another round of BAD FRs like the one before? Make it a true Hitnrunz thread so that chiongsters at least can filter out the bad ones before mods delete this thread... Hahaha...
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