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Old 16-05-2005, 07:06 PM
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

actually those ladyboys can be negotiation. they are well and better friendly than those real gal FL .
Old 17-05-2005, 10:16 AM
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

thanks for all the suggestions!
Old 17-05-2005, 10:37 AM
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

u r most welcome bro.
Old 17-05-2005, 05:42 PM
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

The "sisters" are pretty & nice to play wif,they can suck well!
But a gentle reminder to all CV cheongster!After u have fun & "exploded",make sure the used condom is disposed off by her or best,by urself!
Bocs they might knowingly or uncarefully leave behind evidence!
Pls do a detail search b4 u go home!
I have since stopped cheonging CV cos i am 1 of the victim!!!
My family nearly shattered bcos of the used condom!& i know "they" did out of playfulness,but in the end i had to SUFFER!!
Old 17-05-2005, 08:18 PM
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

Originally Posted by Eastpipper
Bocs they might knowingly or uncarefully leave behind evidence!Pls do a detail search b4 u go home!
I have since stopped cheonging CV cos i am 1 of the victim!!!
My family nearly shattered bcos of the used condom!& i know "they" did out of playfulness,but in the end i had to SUFFER!!
hi all

me once almost kena sabo by one of the sister over there....she onboarded my car with a new pack of 6 condoms and after the job she accidentally left the remaining condoms inside my car.....luckily i found out before i reached home.....


CV Popiah
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Old 18-05-2005, 02:17 AM
Crocodile Crocodile is offline
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

Left condoms in car? free condoms!! no need to commando style go buy condom at 7-11!! haha

anyway.. was at cv abit past month.

Monica: Post Op, Chinese
Solid body and pretty face... looks matured kinda lady

April: Pre-op, mixed
Solid body.. big hormone soft tender breast.. like damn fucking real
Solid body

Estel: looks chinese but malay mix , post op
Body ok.. looks friendly can talk..

Got quitea number more names.. but cant mention all.. cos haven try

anyway.. standard price thr is 30 for bj.. try to keep it that way..
if u wanna take room from the chinese sistas.. they have one room behind the temple 3rd flr.. fj 50-60. Careful with this place cos people outside can see ur head in the room.. hehe..

If u wanna take them to a proper hotel.. then another they mentioned is the one at changi near expo... haven been thr yet... like one bro here said... charges may be 60-80 depending on ur talk...sweet

try not to spoil market... but also dun be a cheapskate..

if u talking abt the carpark behind.. got many trailers.. a number of the sistas thr kena langar by the trailers. therefore looks not too good.. hehe
there u can have it cheaper.. 20 for bj... and some can even spend long time with u..

the standard in cv now has gone a lil bit up since i was last in sg.. abt 2 yrs ago..

Have also went past desker and the sistas thr in one of the rooms.. quite chio.. mixed of thai and locals.. but some of these thai ladyboys are DAMN chio...
this shld be discussed in the Desker forum

Geylang also have... lor 16
got malays thai and china ladyboys..
malay ladyboys thr.. ok ok..
thai ladyboys thr.. can find a gem in a few of them.. the rest.. can be like hardcore guy look! haha
the china ladyboys.. saw a few.. got one DAMN POWER.. go check it out.. heshe's slim and has that china doll face... usu stand in from of that .. champagne hotel i think... never ask the price.. prob the standard rate thr for ladyboys is abt 40-50 with room.
prob can get some for 30 if u know how to talk to them.. u can also get these thai ladyboys into ur car and go to another discreet hotel elsewhr..

Anyways.. to all the ladyboy lovers out thr.. lets share out stories...

if you find my report informative.. kindly up my points!... i dunno how these system works.. but my points seems stagnant... hmmm............. will definitely miss these ladyboys at cv when i;m away again...
Old 18-05-2005, 09:22 AM
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

Originally Posted by Eastpipper
I have since stopped cheonging CV cos i am 1 of the victim!!!
My family nearly shattered bcos of the used condom!& i know "they" did out of playfulness,but in the end i had to SUFFER!!
sad to hear that but still it doesn't stop you from cheonging elsewhere rite? so it's not the used condom but rather sex-in-the-car thingy.

I want to acheive "marathon 1 dragon"

Old 18-05-2005, 09:23 AM
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

Originally Posted by Crocodile

Anyways.. to all the ladyboy lovers out thr.. lets share out stories...

if you find my report informative.. kindly up my points!... i dunno how these system works.. but my points seems stagnant... hmmm............. will definitely miss these ladyboys at cv when i;m away again...

You the man! Thanks you!
Old 18-05-2005, 10:18 AM
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

Originally Posted by Freestyler69
sad to hear that but still it doesn't stop you from cheonging elsewhere rite? so it's not the used condom but rather sex-in-the-car thingy.
for ur info,I have since stopped cheonging CV after that incident.
Not worth to take the risk to shatter my family!
Old 18-05-2005, 11:12 AM
TheHappyMondays TheHappyMondays is offline
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

Originally Posted by Eastpipper
for ur info,I have since stopped cheonging CV after that incident.
Not worth to take the risk to shatter my family!
Bruther, hope you ok now and everythings with you family are fine!
Old 19-05-2005, 02:09 PM
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

Originally Posted by Crocodile
if you find my report informative.. kindly up my points!... i dunno how these system works.. but my points seems stagnant... hmmm............. will definitely miss these ladyboys at cv when i;m away again...

Yo bro croco, nice to know some senior CV cheongster like u over here....
Old 20-05-2005, 12:03 AM
lubeup69 lubeup69 is offline
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....


What if people like me not much money go CV no car take bus?

Sounds like this APRIL not bad but not enough $ how?

Take bus to somewhere?

Hey, CV got temple meh? 3rd floor ???

Please enlighten me. Not been there for ages.
Old 20-05-2005, 08:18 AM
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Exclamation Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

Originally Posted by lubeup69

What if people like me not much money go CV no car take bus

Take bus to somewhere?

Please enlighten me. Not been there for ages.
Hello Bro don't forget, even if the sista got place to cheong., the last bus around 12. Miss and you pay taxi with midnight charge!
Cheaper to go GL 16 or Rowell.
Old 20-05-2005, 08:43 AM
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

Originally Posted by lubeup69

What if people like me not much money go CV no car take bus?

Sounds like this APRIL not bad but not enough $ how?

Take bus to somewhere?

Hey, CV got temple meh? 3rd floor ???

Please enlighten me. Not been there for ages.

Temple- the India temple at the traffic light junction there.
U can take bus no.2 from bus stop at simei mrt, I know some sista do thier bisnes at the garden there, if u got no car, can opt for garden visit...
Old 21-05-2005, 02:26 AM
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

Gonna hate the mosquitos (commandos)

Don't the ladies have rooms there? I know some do ? Saw them can you tell if they have or not??

Don't want to get hooked to one who does not have a room...any suggestions?
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