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Old 29-10-2008, 04:43 AM
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Re: Advise please

It,s with much sentiments i pen this down on this fateful day, if we were still together it would have been our 5 years anniversay... Bro charmaine hope that all will go well for u...

To everyone who is trying to make their relationships work (be they with WLs or normal gals) ... I wish you all the best ... and my only advice is that life is too short for regrets ... follow your heart as long as you are man enough to bear the consequences and not intentionally hurt anyone along the way

There is a samster which i respect quite a lot quite to his sacrifice he made to his spouse which has been his wife for more than 5 years now... I can say his union is consider a successful one considering the numerous barriers and difficulties he faced before settling down as this women in his life is no ordinary folk...

In my own opinion, bros, you have to be your own judge when it comes to having a relationship with a WL or G-club girl. First and foremost, you have to realise that once you have made the decision to be with her, you most probably wiill be on a long and lonely journey because in most cases, your friends will chide you, advice against you and persuade you to "wake-up". YOU have to be your own judge!!
Its you, yourself and ownself against whatever, whoever you have know so far in your life!!

i will not go so far as to take sides for or against a relationship with WLs. but i do know that there are many of them who are here hoping to find someone they can spend the rest of their life with. So there are goods gals out there. 'Few?? near to zero??' i beg to differ!! there are tons!! The problem in my opinion is the place where you met her...
The Setting

you met her at a drinking hole, a place where man merry themselves, waves wads of cash and enjoy the companions of gals.... Hows do you think you fare in the eyes of gals who work there??? husband material?? definitely not but more a casannova, someone who will stick to this lifestyle when married..... so bros, before we start to grade and rate gals and their intentions, lets look at ourselfs first..the gals are here to work, to make money and they are far from home and relatives, they have to be porcupines for reasons clear to even the most senile of humans.

The Getting-to-know-you Stage
Most gals in this stage are in their FOPK(trenches), they will get to know you better in their own tests and patterns. they have to, you have just enjoyed her company as a wl last night? last week? how do they know you are not one of the guys who are out looking for a free F??? Why do they think like this?? there is of course a reason behind......VERY SIMPLY...there are bros out there who are doing this(cheating gals feelings and getting free F and patting their butts when they think they have feasted enough or needs a change of taste).. THINK bros, they are here to work for a reason for money yes!! but behind that there is always a further underlying need for money.

When one gal thinks that you are the one, they tend to not request money from you, gifts from you, they just need you to be true to them. And i mean this....TRUE to them...think of how many I Love Yous they hear in one night of different is yours?? so when they put their feelings in and they get jilted one fine day by some irresonsible bros how do you expect them to react??? smile at you and let you get what you want??? that's stupid!! yes!! they will take up defensive positions with many chosing the offensive routes....and this is where they bring you shopping, ask for this ask for mother is sick need money kind of requests starts coming out!!

Can we fault them? i mean yes you are not the one who jilted her but if you get played by a WL, wouldn't you feel the same hurt and thus subsequent thinking to get back at the next one?? so i believe there is always a reason behind every thing in life and we have to overlook the superficial , outer appearance...

Decision Time

As much as you think you are troubled with whether SHE is true to you, SHE is having the same thoughts.... AS much as you have friends who are advicing you against being with her, she have tens of 'sisters' advising her against mutuals bros!! its never just us...

If you think you are the only one making the BIG decision, think again. They were here for a reason, money fundamentally but have they fulfilled their fundamental reason for coming here?? if yes good they can concentrate on working out the relationship with you, if not then how can she achieve what she wanted but without affecting the relationship she so cherish with you??? see their trouble??

many choose to ask guys to wait for them while they slogged to get as much money as short a time as possible because they do not want your money here. they are afraid!! As much as they want to settle their problems /aims, they are afraid that their request to help with their problems will forever smash to smitheereens the relationship they so cherish with you.... how many of us guys wait?? really??

we think ok now i buy this buy that for her and now her true colours are coming out ...she still wanna work and chose work and money over me..fine we say... let her be... i should have listened to my friends and others in the it always the case?? do you bros know many many many of them cry themselves to sleep everynight not because they miss home, they need money or they pity themselvs...but because the relationship they so cherished are gone because we guys doubt their feelings and their intentions...and them?? they should have listened to their so called sisters and you bros see their side of the story??

decision-making on committing to a relationship with us is just about as hard to them as it is to us.......

My Own Experience
- I made my own judgements
- I did my own set of tests
- I stood there for her thru everything...police raids, lock-ups, bailing out etc... to prove my stance.
- it was lonely.
- from my almost daily meetings with her while she was here , i try to establish what kind of person she is when she is with me and when with her friends.
- i told her outright i was not broke but not rich...enough for two of us if she chose to be with me.
- i borrowed from my best friend around 10k to pay the balance for the money she needs so that she stops work...and she did after that..

Well that was the past and unfortunately it was not a fairy tale ending but i never did blame her once for leaving as it was due to my character. No rooms for regrets tho...

In summary, i would say...bros look out for yourself out there ...what i have illustrated represent my own account and there are decent girls out there who are looking for a decent guy to marry but it how you get thru their defences and convince them that you are real and true... There are nevertheless gals out there who are as many bros here say...out to pull the plugs when u think you have met one.

YOU but who else will know your gal best from your regular meetings with her...
YOU but who else should knoe if she is the one for you...
YOU but who else will know if she really love you...
YOU but who else should be sure of your judgements...
You but who else should honour your promises for if not dun blame others...
You but who else should know what you are getting yourself into...for there are those who work(decent ones) here to feed their family back home while you take care of your own family and there are those that wait for you to pay the bills, the expenses and then provide for her family back home.

And i reiterate.....i did not set out to help the WLs or coyotes or is against any bros who are against the gals..bros can read and decide for themselves....

Remember i think the key is to be TRUE to them, dun make promises you cannot give..they dun need your money or your promises of the sky...they need only you!! For being true and honest, you already is different from many players out there.....Cheers!!!
Free from desire, u realize the mystery. Caught in desire, u only see the manifestations. In lust we trust.....

Last edited by CeiResident; 29-10-2008 at 04:44 AM. Reason: These are sentiments shared not only by me but a wise man... Kudo to u bro....
Old 29-10-2008, 10:17 AM
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Re: Advise please

Again! Another good post. Alot of it resonate with my experience so far. The key has been to choose the correct one. And even when I've made my choice with great care, there'll still be doubts, from friends and family. It'll be the 2 of us who will shoulder it through to the end.

Just last night, we talked and before I slept, I told her that she floods my heart with love. I could sense the same from her as she took in a deep breath and thanked me for treating her like this. It felt so natural.
The best way to cure temptation is to yield to it.
Old 29-10-2008, 10:32 AM
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Re: Advise please

Marvelous post by CeiResident. Not to sound overly dramatic, but I had to try hard and control my tears from running in the office when I first read it.

I am treading this relationship like a normal guy would with a normal girl - carefully, with respect, suitable restraint and most importantly with a view to the future. No words of "I love you" matter these days, and I have stopped saying that to her (in addition to banning myself from demanding it from her). It feels a lot more natural these days and I can feel that she trusts me more and more now. There was always a thinly-veiled wall of caution before - I thank the heavens that it's coming down slowly, and in no small part because of my persistence and perseverance. It's coming to and I'm grateful.
Old 29-10-2008, 11:13 AM
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Re: Advise please

Bro CeiResident, excellence read!

This is really a sifu speaking his mind out loud and i totally agreed that all bros should not judge anyone before judging yourself first.

Up you, bro!
Old 29-10-2008, 11:13 AM
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Re: Advise please

In the first place, why do other bros need to go and look for WLs for a long term relationship? I mean there are other alternatives to looking for a foreign gf other than WLs.... obviously we are looking for troubles right.... Afterall, to love WLs,

1) we need to forget and accept abt their pasts
2) we need to trust them whenever her phone rings and on the other side, it is a male voice...
3) Is she ready to settle down with you or just looking for a quick entry to SG PR?
4) Are you ready to support her as u and I know.... WLs used to earn much much more in a single month with tips and sessions with other bros?
5) Are you sure yor love for her is real? Afterall you have met her via sex session.... the process of understanding someone should not be bassed on sex attractions...

Anyway, we have seen mutiple threads on pple asking if it is possible for a relationship with FLs or WLs... we have also seen pple with unsuccessful FLs relationship as well. IMHO, If you really love her and know abt her pasts, there is no point in asking for advices over here. You take the decision, walk the path and dont regret.

If you are worried abt this and that, then dont start it in the beginning....

U must not use our mentally to try to understand them.
You must use a reverse mentality of yours then you'll understand them.
Everything they plan for in life is short run.
Everything we plan is long run.
So, whatever you think is logical means human....our mindset.
Whatever you think is illogical, is their mindset.
With this in mind, you'll be able to think with their mindset & see things through their eyes soon........
Then you'll be 天下无敌already my friend.
Free from desire, u realize the mystery. Caught in desire, u only see the manifestations. In lust we trust.....
Old 29-10-2008, 11:25 AM
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Re: Advise please

Most if not all come into the WL line to find a quick fix to all their probs.
They apply the 逃避mentally to all their probs.
But the more they do and the more they 逃避they find that their probs never actually end but increases.

i guess, sometimes denial is not exclusive to their kind, i've come across many normal ones who adapt that sorta mentality too. then of cos, perhaps those that thread the line probably have more issues (untold) to deny from. (btw, which nationality in particular?)

Mine did an outright confession after i softened her up & told her i'll give her moral and selfless support to help her get those burdens off her back once and for all.
What i got in return was a confession that was so DETAILED and so much more than i actually predicted or expected i nearly or literally fell off the chair!the truth can sometimes be too overwhelming. 家家有本难念的经... as i've learnt, everyone's a victim of circumstance.

if i see one drowning, i will stretch out my hand and if he/she refuses to accept it and drown, I've still done merit.
But if he/she stretches out their hand & i shrug it off, its nothing short of murder. Everybody has a choice, 1 to offer, another to play deaf. while the recipient has but to choose between accepting the offer or declining it

.... well, as the old saying goes, 1 can lead the horse to
the water, but cant make it drink.

With this i conclude..... Wish u were here.......


ในเมื่อสุดท้ายยิ่งรู้.. ยิ่งไม่มีใคร (Yang Ruk Khwan)
Free from desire, u realize the mystery. Caught in desire, u only see the manifestations. In lust we trust.....
Old 30-10-2008, 04:04 AM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by CeiResident View Post
Tsk!Tsk!Tsk! bro jai yen yen na! green bus cheap na.... no more 30 baht som tum leaw na.... even moo ping also sip baht already. when free to go down to pra kanong's nang nak shrine with me there is a back alley seafood joint aroi mak mak.... u stay at srinakarin so far la, last time meet up at ratchada robinson can liao mah...
So far I yet to take green bus before...hahaa...srinakarin not far lah...only 80baht taxi from On nut BTS station.
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 30-10-2008, 04:06 AM
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Re: Advise please

Why nowadays u so long winded with all that long long posts of yours?

Got any girls to intro me or not Mr OKT??
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 30-10-2008, 02:02 PM
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Re: Advise please

Miss those good old days back in 2006 ma... hey since when i became okt. i just a sad fuck leh..... u are ultimate tirak liao la still want to suan me.... haolian liao lor these days. jio u also bo chap..

Originally Posted by Jun|ch| View Post
Why nowadays u so long winded with all that long long posts of yours?

Got any girls to intro me or not Mr OKT??
Free from desire, u realize the mystery. Caught in desire, u only see the manifestations. In lust we trust.....
Old 30-10-2008, 02:13 PM
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Re: Advise please

i doubt many who've threaded the perilous path, would be willing to disclose their success stories, neither would they encourage others to follow their path.

technically, WL or FL or OL... all the same, they're all woman by nature, n they've their own ideals on marriage & married livelihood. they're in it only for a temporary stint, get the quick buck for the quick fix (for watever reasons told/untold). subsequently, they'd wanna lead the normal life...

the process very much the same as any other relationship (they wanna be treated like a normal lady, dun wanna be treated like an object, dun wanna b discarded like a ragdoll... etc) only difference is that the journey's sprinkled with occassional obstacles, constant need for emotional solace amidst volatile highs & lows (for both parties).

imho, i metaphorically view relationship w any "lady of the night" to be like ironman contest. 3 phases; swimming, cycling & running.

1. swimming - to each his/her own, thrashing in the water to make it back onto dry land, soon as possible.
2. cycling - as if not exhaustive enough, need to thread over long distance with speed & endurance (reserving energy for the final phase)
3. running - the body already beaten & drained, limbs going numb, n still pushing on to clear the mileage & cross the finishing line.

... to finally retire & recover from the gruelling route.

at the end of the day, nt every1 who enters the ironman contest can finish the race - many casualties fall out along the way. it takes extra ordinary will power & magnanimosity to survive the trials.
Free from desire, u realize the mystery. Caught in desire, u only see the manifestations. In lust we trust.....
Old 30-10-2008, 02:24 PM
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Re: Advise please

Just to share my thoughts. Dun zap me hor TS..

I have recently got very involved with a Thai FL again!. To be frank, I enjoy this relationship, bearing in my mind that I need to get out of it if before things get really worst for me. Just enjoy the "Guo Chen". However, sometime it is really out of my control. It is just like I tio "gong tao". This is because we are still human, we have feelings and emotions.

What did I get out of this relationship?
1. Great feeling of being loved
2. Free sex
3. Extended free hours

What drained you out from this relationship?
1. Time and afford during the process
2. Emotionally draining
3. Waste money? not really... maybe small saving for me

Successful relationship?? I never thought of it.

I was invited to go to her parents kampong, OMG!! We also talked about kids and house. There is some MANY things to consider. Placing a bet in share market is much easiler, we only have ONE chip on hand, $$$. For WL relationship, you have 101 things to think about.

One thumb rule for cheongster, it never change since I started years ago...
Fuck and go! If you wanna play this game, prepared to lose. For me, I go with my feeling, I serious do not really care or think much. However, back in my mind I know this relationship is going to end one day.
Free from desire, u realize the mystery. Caught in desire, u only see the manifestations. In lust we trust.....

Last edited by CeiResident; 30-10-2008 at 02:26 PM. Reason: Nevertheless i wish u guys well... i am a sunken ship.. u guys should journey on...
Old 30-10-2008, 05:08 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by CeiResident View Post
5) Are you sure yor love for her is real? Afterall you have met her via sex session.... the process of understanding someone should not be bassed on sex attractions...
some cannot differentiate between lust and love ...

Originally Posted by CeiResident View Post
What i got in return was a confession that was so DETAILED and so much more than i actually predicted or expected i nearly or literally fell off the chair!the truth can sometimes be too overwhelming. 家家有本难念的经... as i've learnt, everyone's a victim of circumstance.
Truth is always not popular but it is always right.

Originally Posted by CeiResident View Post
One thumb rule for cheongster, it never change since I started years ago...
Time do not make changes. Decision do.
Change begin with decision. Not time.
Old 30-10-2008, 05:11 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by CeiResident View Post
It,s with much sentiments i pen this down on this fateful day, if we were still together it would have been our 5 years anniversay... Bro charmaine hope that all will go well for u...

To everyone who is trying to make their relationships work (be they with WLs or normal gals) ... I wish you all the best ... and my only advice is that life is too short for regrets ... follow your heart as long as you are man enough to bear the consequences and not intentionally hurt anyone along the way

There is a samster which i respect quite a lot quite to his sacrifice he made to his spouse which has been his wife for more than 5 years now... I can say his union is consider a successful one considering the numerous barriers and difficulties he faced before settling down as this women in his life is no ordinary folk...

In my own opinion, bros, you have to be your own judge when it comes to having a relationship with a WL or G-club girl. First and foremost, you have to realise that once you have made the decision to be with her, you most probably wiill be on a long and lonely journey because in most cases, your friends will chide you, advice against you and persuade you to "wake-up". YOU have to be your own judge!!
Its you, yourself and ownself against whatever, whoever you have know so far in your life!!

i will not go so far as to take sides for or against a relationship with WLs. but i do know that there are many of them who are here hoping to find someone they can spend the rest of their life with. So there are goods gals out there. 'Few?? near to zero??' i beg to differ!! there are tons!! The problem in my opinion is the place where you met her...
The Setting

you met her at a drinking hole, a place where man merry themselves, waves wads of cash and enjoy the companions of gals.... Hows do you think you fare in the eyes of gals who work there??? husband material?? definitely not but more a casannova, someone who will stick to this lifestyle when married..... so bros, before we start to grade and rate gals and their intentions, lets look at ourselfs first..the gals are here to work, to make money and they are far from home and relatives, they have to be porcupines for reasons clear to even the most senile of humans.

The Getting-to-know-you Stage
Most gals in this stage are in their FOPK(trenches), they will get to know you better in their own tests and patterns. they have to, you have just enjoyed her company as a wl last night? last week? how do they know you are not one of the guys who are out looking for a free F??? Why do they think like this?? there is of course a reason behind......VERY SIMPLY...there are bros out there who are doing this(cheating gals feelings and getting free F and patting their butts when they think they have feasted enough or needs a change of taste).. THINK bros, they are here to work for a reason for money yes!! but behind that there is always a further underlying need for money.

When one gal thinks that you are the one, they tend to not request money from you, gifts from you, they just need you to be true to them. And i mean this....TRUE to them...think of how many I Love Yous they hear in one night of different is yours?? so when they put their feelings in and they get jilted one fine day by some irresonsible bros how do you expect them to react??? smile at you and let you get what you want??? that's stupid!! yes!! they will take up defensive positions with many chosing the offensive routes....and this is where they bring you shopping, ask for this ask for mother is sick need money kind of requests starts coming out!!

Can we fault them? i mean yes you are not the one who jilted her but if you get played by a WL, wouldn't you feel the same hurt and thus subsequent thinking to get back at the next one?? so i believe there is always a reason behind every thing in life and we have to overlook the superficial , outer appearance...

Decision Time

As much as you think you are troubled with whether SHE is true to you, SHE is having the same thoughts.... AS much as you have friends who are advicing you against being with her, she have tens of 'sisters' advising her against mutuals bros!! its never just us...

If you think you are the only one making the BIG decision, think again. They were here for a reason, money fundamentally but have they fulfilled their fundamental reason for coming here?? if yes good they can concentrate on working out the relationship with you, if not then how can she achieve what she wanted but without affecting the relationship she so cherish with you??? see their trouble??

many choose to ask guys to wait for them while they slogged to get as much money as short a time as possible because they do not want your money here. they are afraid!! As much as they want to settle their problems /aims, they are afraid that their request to help with their problems will forever smash to smitheereens the relationship they so cherish with you.... how many of us guys wait?? really??

we think ok now i buy this buy that for her and now her true colours are coming out ...she still wanna work and chose work and money over me..fine we say... let her be... i should have listened to my friends and others in the it always the case?? do you bros know many many many of them cry themselves to sleep everynight not because they miss home, they need money or they pity themselvs...but because the relationship they so cherished are gone because we guys doubt their feelings and their intentions...and them?? they should have listened to their so called sisters and you bros see their side of the story??

decision-making on committing to a relationship with us is just about as hard to them as it is to us.......

My Own Experience
- I made my own judgements
- I did my own set of tests
- I stood there for her thru everything...police raids, lock-ups, bailing out etc... to prove my stance.
- it was lonely.
- from my almost daily meetings with her while she was here , i try to establish what kind of person she is when she is with me and when with her friends.
- i told her outright i was not broke but not rich...enough for two of us if she chose to be with me.
- i borrowed from my best friend around 10k to pay the balance for the money she needs so that she stops work...and she did after that..

Well that was the past and unfortunately it was not a fairy tale ending but i never did blame her once for leaving as it was due to my character. No rooms for regrets tho...

In summary, i would say...bros look out for yourself out there ...what i have illustrated represent my own account and there are decent girls out there who are looking for a decent guy to marry but it how you get thru their defences and convince them that you are real and true... There are nevertheless gals out there who are as many bros here say...out to pull the plugs when u think you have met one.

YOU but who else will know your gal best from your regular meetings with her...
YOU but who else should knoe if she is the one for you...
YOU but who else will know if she really love you...
YOU but who else should be sure of your judgements...
You but who else should honour your promises for if not dun blame others...
You but who else should know what you are getting yourself into...for there are those who work(decent ones) here to feed their family back home while you take care of your own family and there are those that wait for you to pay the bills, the expenses and then provide for her family back home.

And i reiterate.....i did not set out to help the WLs or coyotes or is against any bros who are against the gals..bros can read and decide for themselves....

Remember i think the key is to be TRUE to them, dun make promises you cannot give..they dun need your money or your promises of the sky...they need only you!! For being true and honest, you already is different from many players out there.....Cheers!!!

wah lao weh 4.43am .. true story mann, ... dont like that leh, recalling the 'passed' ..., but its truely touching my heart (specially the last sentence) ... aprreciate for honest sharing ... try drink some beer and listen wubai "tong ku de ren" ... feel the sober ... sood jord pii (be cool man)

my 2 baht:
thai-land is truely a paradise for men. truely. the girls are sexy, the softness of their culture, the way they wear (shorts), the way they show-off their leggy ... their doll hairstyles, they can hold you, touch you, even the way they speaks their language, whether she just met with you, or commercially received money frm u ... doent matter bcos they are able to naturally so make u felt u just stepped into heaven. kena play or being played also can take it bcos many of us still can afford the baht . () jing. But, we came, we saw, we may conquered, but we easily forget (or do not wish to) return to reality liao.
Old 31-10-2008, 06:10 AM
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Re: Advise please

Aarchan u suan me again na... hey i on leave till tuesday meet up leh after that i would be me na piii.

Truth is always not popular but it is always right.

Time do not make changes. Decision do.
Change begin with decision. Not time.
Free from desire, u realize the mystery. Caught in desire, u only see the manifestations. In lust we trust.....
Old 31-10-2008, 06:13 AM
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Re: Advise please

Chok dee na nong... i love Antarai leh haha your nick reminds me of someone again...

Originally Posted by BkkAntaRai View Post
my 2 baht:
thai-land is truely a paradise for men. truely. the girls are sexy, the softness of their culture, the way they wear (shorts), the way they show-off their leggy ... their doll hairstyles, they can hold you, touch you, even the way they speaks their language, whether she just met with you, or commercially received money frm u ... doent matter bcos they are able to naturally so make u felt u just stepped into heaven. kena play or being played also can take it bcos many of us still can afford the baht . () jing. But, we came, we saw, we may conquered, but we easily forget (or do not wish to) return to reality liao.
Free from desire, u realize the mystery. Caught in desire, u only see the manifestations. In lust we trust.....
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