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Old 08-01-2010, 03:38 AM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

Actually, wat you wanna know, u already know.
Remember, 1+1 MUST = 2
See all the missing and unexplained lost time etc etc
We got nothing to loose whether we suggest you leave or stay.
From what you've mentioned so far, dude, you're nothing short of being played.
Choose to trust or not, the longer you hold on to this, the more painful it'll get in the end.
Many have chosen to adopt the wait and see attitude, but the end changed their lives FOREVER!
Remember my fren, the end can be seen from the beginning.
Wake up, wash your eyes wif optrex and look clearly and analyse all events.
If anything is real, there's no MIA or lost time.
Everything must add up!
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Old 08-01-2010, 02:04 PM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

Same thing happened for me, got to know this WL at JC. Every night, for over 1 week go down tip her 50, hoping to score but end up nothing (she say don't go upstairs one). Think senior samsters call it tio kc'ed?

1 fine night decided to bang another WL, straight away forget about her.

To cut the bull, sometimes the WLs play the emotion game to keep you coming back for more. The more you cannot get, the more you want to da bao her....

End of the day you must know that they are here to earn as much $ in the shortest time possible, with the least amount of effort and are not here to look for love.

Find another ger that looks like her, bang her and you'll be fine
Old 08-01-2010, 03:01 PM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

Originally Posted by colins View Post
I wonder if we really need to know EVERYTHING in order to understand what is happening. Same court, new clowns. And finally, my advice to you will be blah blah blah and wad wad wad...
Yeah, bro.

This is the worst of the worst. Sounds like TS is like a small schoolboy. Like that call "love"... Really asking for it.

Bro TS, don't mind us! Go ahead! She loves you many many! Yes, you are her Lao Gong Da Ren! Faster give her ALL your money because she will love you deep deep and fuck you many many!

Quickly get married and get PR for her! BTW, how much "white gold" you want and where do you think your wake will be? The "white gold" also give to your chabor, right? Since I give her money, can fuck her on your wedding bed since you will be dead and not using it by then? Save $20 on hotel mah.

We all brudder, I help you take care of Da Sao, no worries.
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Old 08-01-2010, 05:30 PM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

China whore, take you for a roller coaster ride and you are totally steamed out! Remember the dead little girl found in pasir panjang market, the mother gets everything and they are now living in a new house with plenty of money, children of own flesh & blood are mere money making instrument, what is a women related only by institution of marriage that they cannot exploit. China only produce whores & dogs, trusting them is like believing water do not conduct electricity.

Bear in mind, women will never volunteer into this type of work without the coercion, persuasion or just simply raw threat from family, leeching boyfriend or good for nothing husband. Once they are in, they seldom think about getting out as they are resigned to the fact that they can only be WL, earn money to satisfy leeches. Unless you can turn them around, albeit slim chances but chances still are there.
Old 09-01-2010, 01:13 AM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

thanks bro DYBJ for your helpful opinion. i will bear in mind what u enlightened me...

Anyway, today is Day 13.

As usual, I went to work, half of my mind thinking whether she'll call me when she wake up. Looking at my watch, it went past 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm. No call yet, felt dejected...half of my heart felt that she's just toying with me. fine, i'll go home after work. When i was finishing work and about to leave for home, phone rangg...It was her!
Where are u?
Just finished work lor..
Coming to fetch me?
............ ya..why today wake up didnt call me?
i waiting for u to call me, u guy leh..
..(sm:fine,wadever)kk, i go take cab now, reaching then call u..
ok byebye

And so i reached ktv, fetched her and proceeded to hotel.
ALong the way,
Y u look so tired?very busy today ah..
ya..very busy..tired and oso missing u drains my energy..
bluff me..u wan die ah, y just now on the phone so fierce!
angry la, u say u wake up will call me, which u didnt.
aiyaaaa...i wake up very late, bathe and make-up then faster go work le..sorry la..but u guy leh. why always i call u..u cannot call me ah.
call u also like never call..u oso wont pick up one.
my phone on silent mode ma.but i always got call u back k.dun like that la..
Some kisses, a period of time without talking, some touch touch between our fingers, and we reached. Went to buy helmet, then found out that all the hotels there no room..need to went to eat abit 1st.

"u very late sleep ah.ask u go faster sleep yesterday when i call u ma.yr dark circles all come out liao.
i tried to sleep early ma..but i was talking to my friend who got vietnam wife..he teach me how to understand Viet girls better.(Friend=SBF)
wow, what he taught u then?
aiya, i dunno how to say la..yr chinese standard not so good, i say liao u oso wont understand. he just taught me what's helpful to our relationship if we ever start one. good ah your friend..see, i told u nowadays alot of SG guy got VN wives..but i never say i want be your wife ah.
........(ignore her, continue eating)
actually, what do u like about me? u guys all the same, must be bcos i cute la.
like means like la. what's there to explain..and its not only that u're cute..aiya..cannot describe in words one la.
And hotel called, so we faster eat finish and go check in liao.

Last edited by Kesame; 09-01-2010 at 01:16 AM. Reason: dialogue colour
Old 09-01-2010, 05:57 AM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

Just observe her when you're wif her, in great detail.
Like when you call n she no answer...does her phone ever ring when she's wif you?????
Little things are wat you want, cos she'll do everything to conceal the big thing, but it's the little things that will let the cat out of the bag.
Based on wat you've typed so far, she's already pulling you by your nose.
You can be how toolan, she just sayang sayang you, you melt liao
Time to let the big head take over the game, cos you can clearly see, your little head is leading you to your doom!
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Old 09-01-2010, 09:30 AM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

so what's next after you have the fark job done?

Time to move on to other targets and play the waiting game. just wait and pay makan and hotel only
Old 09-01-2010, 10:01 AM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

The KTV fishing game. Sigh when will people ever learn.....
Old 09-01-2010, 04:34 PM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

Originally Posted by EtherC View Post
The KTV fishing game. Sigh when will people ever learn.....
Hahaha bro, nice to c u back.
You've been M.I.A for a while.
As for your statement, yes, many learnt and graduated, these are newly enrolled students only lol
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Old 09-01-2010, 05:01 PM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

Think this will be a Taiwan-style mega-episode drama with an ending like my dark Swing of Death avatar
Old 12-01-2010, 10:05 PM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

ts where are u leh?? u more update liao meh??
retirement start from 01/03/210
now in newbie and football section hiding from my zapper frenz
Old 12-01-2010, 11:30 PM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

sorry all bros, my lappie is spoilt and still under repair thus didnt manage to continue posting..

and so after that night at the hotel..

Day 14,
she called me and asked whether we'll be meeting today. so i suggested that i go ktv to find her after my work.. She made a few calls to me after i ended my work to make sure i was coming, cos i ended at 6 and only reached ktv at 11. Was waiting for a few of my bros, and finally turned up at 11pm. This night, she teared and refused to tell me why she cried. However, thoughts in my mind was.."u sure anot..thinking of your ex-boyfriend is it..or u drink too much anyhow cry?". Then, she suddenly pointed at her empty wrist and panicked like a kid who lost her parents. The bracelet I bought for her was missing. Immediately she left the room and only returned like 30mins later. during this 30mins, i was searching high and low for the bracelet in the room, but to no avail. felt really emo. how can she lose that? totally moody and kept thinking about the reliability of her words. when she came back, she didn't know how disappointed and upset i was due to the lost of the bracelet. kept asking me why i so sad, and mummy and my bros disrupted the picture by saying i drank a little too much. before i left, i asked her where the bracelet was. She had already found it somewhere and its in her bag now. End of Day 14 feeling confused and upset yet a little relieved.
Old 13-01-2010, 12:16 AM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

Mas Kesame

As the pages of the calenders tear off so will the monies in your pocket (literally

As pointed out by Mas DYB and others 'Get out before its too late'
You seem to be sinking further into this 'trap'

Do read up on current threads and you'll get the picture

I'm sad to say but failure to adhere to fellow expert's Mas advice will only have you starting a new thread later by expressing your despairs and ordeals of being KCed later

I hope you'll make a 'decisive' decision

Good luck to you Mas
Old 13-01-2010, 11:09 AM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

Love is blind n complicated eh?
Stop before its too late man.
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Old 13-01-2010, 11:57 AM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

Originally Posted by Kesame View Post
She had already found it somewhere and its in her bag now.

Bro Kesame, it's true love lar! Faster marry her!

BTW, please give us her contact. We will post FR of your wife.

This thread is so entertaining in such a cliche manner that I can't help commenting in it like those annoying SMSes during those New Year/Christmas TV Variety shows.

Bro TS, you are the MAN! Get a WL to fall in love with you within 2 weeks! Mai tu liao!

All bros, why you all want to discourage him? Can't you see he already made up his mind to go ahead? Let us just eat popcorn and watch the story (yeah, I know it's written millions of times) unfold.
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