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Old 07-01-2010, 01:02 AM
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Lightbulb Story to share and opinions needed

Some background Info: Normally when i go ktv, i take a long time to pick the girls, sibei troublesome, this one cannot that one cannot.

Recently on this special day, when mummy brought the girls in, i straight away bio-ed one, picked her immediately. even mummy was shocked. i also abit amazed. but i told myself must be because i too sian of always taking so long to pick, thats y this time i dun care already. anyhow la. but after awhile, i find her more and more pretty, more and more like my taste. is like during school days u saw some girl and suddenly got the thrill feeling to get her be yr girlfriend.. so, after some conversation, routine touch touch drink drink and sing sing, it was time to tip and ask for da bao. was rejected, but i thought that aiya, nvm la. next time come can get another one to piak piak. Still, she offered to exchange numbers with me and promised and asked me come the next day and go eat together after ktv close. I was thinking, siao ah, u like so difficult to da-bao, there are still so many girls out there, y must waste my time on u. End of day 1.

Next day, i suddenly missed her, and felt like going to find her again and go eat with her after that. So, i called, but she didnt pick up. after a few calls, sian i call mummy. mummy said she went to malaysia to chop passport with her friend, so not coming today. Fine, i thought, I'll come again tomorrow. Late night she called back, still can ask me who i am =.=, so i pek cek and tell her if she cannot keep her promise then y promise me, and i hang up. After awhile she called back, apologising and say she sick and wad wad wad, and ask me go find her tomorrow. I was already damn du lan liao, cos what she say is different from mummy. End of day 2.

Day 3, went down ktv, saw her, feel like hugging her like a girlfriend i havent seen for so long. She explained that yesterday she sick and wad wad wad wad again. then i damn pek cek again lol. and just nice mummy come in, say sorry that she went custom yesterday, thats y nv come work.. wow, i was super hot. but she suddenly kissed me and apologise, then explain the full story, then i melt liao.. She asked me to go watch movie with her on Day 5 and blah blah blah. after routine action and feeling she's like my girlfriend, we went to eat. Didnt really felt like bring her to piak piak, cos she say she going home, so never force her.. Tell her before sleep call me. Wait and wait, no call.. End of day 3 in disappointment.

Day 4, sms-ed her anh nho em, she bo reply. call her, bo pick up..sian 1/2. no call back oso...very sian. End of day 4.

Day 5, supposed to be the day for movie, and my secret agenda to go piak piak with her after that. checked movie timeslots liao and planned everything liao, but she no pick up call again..super sian..

Day 6, new year eve, wanted to bring her go watch fireworks one..but same, no pick up no reply..then i thought, ok thats it. time to move on.

on Day 7, she called me, say she was sick and wad wad wad, ask me go find her. but i abit unwillingly so told her other day la. she told me to go out tomorrow. asked her to call me tomorrow.

Day 8, she called and offered for piak piak. sounded really shy liddat. it was like miracle cos i rejected her and tell her i go down find her later.. so later, went down to find her. told her i like her, and i like her not bcos for sex. she like so moved by me. ask her to go out with me after HH, but she say she need to go home cos today her sister's birthday and her mum waiting for her at home. ok la, let her go home ba.

Day 9, tried to contact her to no avail.

Day 10, i smsed her that i missed her. suddenly she called back and said she missed me as well, ask me to bring her out tomorrow to bring clothes and whatever things. told her not to lie and make empty promises again, she said that now she know that i really like her, it'll be different. so i agreed to bring her out tomorrow.

Day 11, which is today. Went down to ktv there to fetch her, then go town walk walk. felt so in love, so happy. bought quite some things, i paid and she ask me whether i got enough money to spend for myself anot. I said that its fine as long as she's happy. She was so happy, hug hug me. around 10pm, she asked me whether i want to have sex with her when i 1st knew her. yes, i said. but now its different, i mean, sex is common between a couple, of cos i wan to have sex with u, but i really like u as well. its not just about the sex. then i asked her whether she wanted to go hotel now, she blushed and looked very lost. she said she very pai seh, dunno wad to say. initially she wanted to go back ktv and work till closing, but i told her not to go back, i'll give her some $. as least she dont need to drink and get touched by other guys for 1 day. i know her nature of work, but 1 day is better than nothing. so as we were walking to nearby hotel, i went to atm to withdraw money. then i saw her suddenly on the phone, and looked like a bit sad sad one. she said that her mum called, ask her why nv go work, why go out play till so late still dun go back. she ask me whether we can postpone the session to tomorrow. i sian 1/2 liao.. like in the mood to go piak piak already. potong steam ah. told her i cannot tmr la, work till so late. she ask me to go fetch her from ktv tmr nite. she looked so sorry and also she said that she scared of her mum. her mum very fierce will scold her this and that, then scared next time cannot come out with me anymore. she really was sweating like she very scared liddat. ok lor, send her back ba.. so when almost reaching her place, her friend called her, and in the end, send her to a nearby shopping centre to meet her friends and let them go back together. during the time she hang up and she press the call list dunno for wad, i saw this contact "Lao Gong Da Ren" in the call list. i acted like i didnt see, but deep in my heart, it was breaking. I told myself it must be some customer who keyed in the name himself. I wanted to believe her so much, yet I felt like i was lying to myself. I like her and i want her. I know its super dumb of me to like her. I shouldnt be liking her. I want to believe that she's not out for my money, yet i know that 9/10 Viet girls do anything for $. I feel so stupid, so brainless, yet im willing to be cheated. What should i do? Can there really be true love between viet and sg?

(The above layout of events may exclude some talking which im lazy to type out, and which may affect you brothers' interpretation of the whole story)
Old 07-01-2010, 03:55 AM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

If you need opinions, then say the whole fucking event as detailed as possible minus the pungsai etc etc
You lazy to type and you want advise yet you know it'll affect readers interpretation!!!!
You're already fucked before anyone started to advise you.
Need help and advise, at least have some decency to show some sincerity.
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Old 07-01-2010, 08:05 AM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

bro TS,
couple of years back, when i was stupid n stuck my head in the mud, bro DYB met me n spoken with me. he was a bitter pill to swallow. today, i found back that which was lost the moment i fell in love with a man with lousy character. today i am a winner. i am not afraid anymore. ur problem may be different but trust me, BYJ has his own style n method when it comes to helping u. n he usually is rather successful with helping people.
Old 07-01-2010, 08:43 AM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ View Post
You lazy to type and you want advise yet you know it'll affect readers interpretation!!!!

Need help and advise, at least have some decency to show some sincerity.
Should be ".. you want ADVICE...." & "Need help and ADVICE,".

"Advise" is a verb.
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Old 07-01-2010, 11:20 AM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
Should be ".. you want ADVICE...." & "Need help and ADVICE,".

"Advise" is a verb.
Hmm... Boss, I thought you'd add something in the lines of "And you're an idiot for falling in love with a WHORE! "

Anyway, from what the TS wrote, he has not read through the other threads.

So, TS, first I comment on you. You really are an idiot. You should have scoured through this section BEFORE Day 10 and save all those money on Day 11. I donno how much you spent, but must be at least a few K. Out of those 11 days you only got her on the phone on 3 days?

As for your last question, what kind of fuck question is that? There can be true love between ANYBODY even with ghosts and animals. Just don't delude yourself that what you are feeling now is true love.
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Old 07-01-2010, 11:31 AM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

Originally Posted by Cheonging101 View Post
Hmm... Boss, I thought you'd add something in the lines of "And you're an idiot for falling in love with a WHORE! "
ha ha ha ha... you another one that read his mind.......
Old 07-01-2010, 12:30 PM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

i need advisess
Old 07-01-2010, 06:14 PM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

wake up! the signs are already there.cut your losses.spare yourself the heartache and financial loss.move on.
Old 07-01-2010, 10:44 PM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

Ding dong~~~~Ding dong~~~~
Time to wake up!
U already know wat is happening, so y still refused to wake up?
But its yr choice, so don't say we didn't warn u.
Old 07-01-2010, 10:57 PM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

Love is in the air
Old 08-01-2010, 12:16 AM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ View Post
If you need opinions, then say the whole fucking event as detailed as possible minus the pungsai etc etc
You lazy to type and you want advise yet you know it'll affect readers interpretation!!!!
You're already fucked before anyone started to advise you.
Need help and advise, at least have some decency to show some sincerity.
i tried to cut it shorter ma, cos some talk i type out or not oso like no difference. what i posted was like detailed but not so detailed summary of events. hope u can enlighten me! anyway what's pungsai?
Old 08-01-2010, 01:26 AM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

Originally Posted by yongzhen View Post
Ding dong~~~~Ding dong~~~~
Time to wake up!
U already know wat is happening, so y still refused to wake up?
But its yr choice, so don't say we didn't warn u.
I am awake after reading the whole thread by cassanova. just need some opinions to help me in case i really tio KC-ed

I've decided to keep this thread like a mini-drama for u guys, i'll update everyday

Before I continue on day 12, I would like to express my thoughts from ytd to today. Might sound stupid, but i have a feeling that "Lao gong da ren" was me. hard to say, dun scold me! cos i didnt c the call time oso, just a feeling...

Day 12, she called me when she woke up. 1st time so auto wor.
"where are u?"
i at work wor. wake up liao ah.
" already?"
"sorry yesterday went back mum scold and i dont dare to call, and very late liao dun wan to disturb u le"
"no worries.."
"got miss me ah, haha"
"ya lor.."
"later coming to fetch me?"
ya..i call u later at work not free..
ok, dun bluff me ah, haha..
ok byebye..
Around 10+ when i about to end work, she called again..
finish work le ma?
haven, about to..
wad time u finish work tmr?
8pm+, y?
i think i going home now wor, they say got police come, me and sisters go home ba..later mum see me nv go home with them, scold me again..sorry...tomorrow then u come find me ok? ba..(very sadTT)sorry la..u eat already then go home ah..i reach home call careful..

So i wait and wait and wait, she like crawl back home ah, y take so long? sian liao lor, got bluffed
(rite at this moment, here where i typed the lol.)
hello, haven sleep ah?
no, waiting for your call..
really ah, sorry ah i just now reach home bathe already, chatting with mum..she sleep already then i call u..wad u doing?
orh..i..watching tv..(cannot say i at SBF share story rite LOL)
hmm..tomorrow u work early..faster sleep ba..finish work come and fetch me..
ok..u oso sleep early, wake up call me ok?
ok..good nite, miss u..

wa...i feel really in love<3
Old 08-01-2010, 01:30 AM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

dump the girl. If she likes you, she will let you da bao her in the first night. If you still can't get her to sleep with you after 3 days, it's a lost cause. Move on to other girls. This one will be expensive to chase. If you want to spend money to have the satisfaction of bedding her, by all means. But be clear it is a monetary transaction and leave all your emotions at the door.
It'a obvious she's playing the love game and leading you by the nose. All those SMS has an objective to keep you constantly thinking of her and keeping you on your edge, always wanting her in your mind. You will receive more calls from her but she's always out of your reach. It's a common love game tactic. They tease you with these calls and raise your hopes. Just dump her and move on. If you don't have feelings for her, you can play along and keep her on her edge, but looks like you're too far gone to play, so just dump her. Just remember this, out of 10 girls that you hit on, you'll be successful with 1 or 2. Just don't spend more time on the other 8. They're a lost cause. The successful ones are very good at identifying the lost causes and the potentials. This, my friend, is a lost cause. Don't play the KC game with her, you'll lose because you're too emotional with her.
Some written FRs:

Xiao Na II

Bing Er

Li Wei

Last edited by qsnake; 08-01-2010 at 01:42 AM.
Old 08-01-2010, 01:32 AM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ View Post
If you need opinions, then say the whole fucking event as detailed as possible minus the pungsai etc etc
You lazy to type and you want advise yet you know it'll affect readers interpretation!!!!
You're already fucked before anyone started to advise you.
Need help and advise, at least have some decency to show some sincerity.
and bro, sorry if i showed any lack of sincerity.. cos i'm typing out like a summary of events, like detailed but oso not so detailed one..cos some talking i think is redundant de...thats y i said MAY exclude some talking that MAY affect the interpretation ma..dun so fierce bro TT
Old 08-01-2010, 01:49 AM
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Re: Story to share and opinions needed

I wonder if we really need to know EVERYTHING in order to understand what is happening. Same court, new clowns. And finally, my advice to you will be blah blah blah and wad wad wad...
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