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Old 04-04-2005, 05:09 PM
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Re: Chiongsters Dead End

I think at the end of the all boils down to self control...... on both your wallet and your emotions....
Old 04-04-2005, 05:10 PM
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Re: Chiongsters Dead End money go cheong, no money pcc or bonk your wife / GF.....
and when cheonging....leave your emotions at home.
Old 04-04-2005, 06:24 PM
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Re: Chiongsters Dead End

Cheong for so many yrs, that's one rule I never forgot (fr a lau ciau). "Don't borrow/lent money to cheong, and clear your credit card every month". Yes, it's easy to talk than action, but it will safe us from troubler. Credit card charge 24% interest (last time no bal transfer offer), personal credit also >10%. if owe $5000 per yr, one mth pay interest $100, GL $80 one bonk liau.

The most important, as per bro okoboko, cheong within your own limit.
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Old 05-04-2005, 02:00 AM
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Re: Chiongsters Dead End

Originally Posted by sjb1994
Cheong for so many yrs, that's one rule I never forgot (fr a lau ciau). "Don't borrow/lent money to cheong, and clear your credit card every month". Yes, it's easy to talk than action, but it will safe us from troubler. Credit card charge 24% interest (last time no bal transfer offer), personal credit also >10%. if owe $5000 per yr, one mth pay interest $100, GL $80 one bonk liau.

The most important, as per bro okoboko, cheong within your own limit.
I agree. For me, I will never owe credit card bills and always clear on time. This is my principle rule of spending. Spend only when you can afford.

Old 05-04-2005, 02:12 AM
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Re: Chiongsters Dead End

It's like an old saying "Fang Xia Du Dao, Li Di Cheng Fou" and "Hui Dou Si An"... =)
Old 05-04-2005, 03:18 AM
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Re: Chiongsters Dead End

sigh datuk...u inspired by me is it? kekeke... just kidding. Is cheonging a dead end? I cheonging lifestyle can be measured by days. Some of the old birds might have been doing it for decades.

End of the day, I guess everyone has their reasons to cheong. Some are just horny, some have other issues. End of the day, there's a saying in mandarin "Every house has its own sad tale".

But i think at the end , whether it is a dead end depends on the individual. My motto in life "The hole I dig for myself, I will have to climb out by myself". This motto I learnt the hard way.

Be it KC trap, credit card bill, drug addiction...all these things are our own choices. Nobody can force us, maybe persuade but end of the day, it is our choice. But since we can make the choice to go in, we must never forget we have the choice to come out. Getting up is always harder but it is the getting up that enriches your life. Nietzche said "That which does not kill me shall only make me stronger"

Cheonging to me right now is not a dead end. It is a pit-stop. Like formula one racing, have to relax awhile, change tires and get maintenance. So that I can get back on the race of my life. The important thing i guess is to make sure you don't end up living in the cheonging pit-stop.

I'm glad you brought this matter up and I will remember that cheonging should only be temporary and never dominate my life.

Old 05-04-2005, 03:22 AM
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Re: Chiongsters Dead End

think gonna setup a thread: how to avoid falling into kc trap!
Old 05-04-2005, 08:47 AM
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Re: Chiongsters Dead End

Originally Posted by asdfghjkl
think gonna setup a thread: how to avoid falling into kc trap!
Hi bro.,
Seriously, you should considering cheonging KTV/FL/GL/TN/HC can be additive and if one is not careful, it can dominate your life! I've seen personally some of my colleagues's lives been ruin and it is sad. Few have the mental strength and financial resources to with stand the addictions. Before you realised it, you are in deep shit! Cheong within your means if you must. So bro. asdfghjk, please do the younger and less experience the favour.
Old 05-04-2005, 09:12 AM
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Re: Chiongsters Dead End

Originally Posted by flaxseed
Cheonging to me right now is not a dead end. It is a pit-stop. Like formula one racing, have to relax awhile, change tires and get maintenance. So that I can get back on the race of my life. The important thing i guess is to make sure you don't end up living in the cheonging pit-stop.
Bro, you have forgotten when a car failed, it goes back to the pit.
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Old 05-04-2005, 09:38 AM
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Re: Chiongsters Dead End

Originally Posted by asdfghjkl
think gonna setup a thread: how to avoid falling into kc trap!
Gd idea bro. Cheoning lifestyle is really a money-sink.... and it's addictive as well ... worse when u kenna "blinded" by a certain WL and start to "feel" for her... then it really spiral downwards.
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 05-04-2005, 09:49 AM
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Re: Chiongsters lead to happy ending

Example one: Chiongster A, Found a true luv & change each other life, help her out no more working in KTV. (Lead a normal Life)

Example two: Chiongster B, Learn to become more man & Marcho.

Example three: Chiongster C, Chiong alot, FxxK so many girls, experience Jap, Korean, Philippine, malay & many many country, very proud hv world wide record but dont need to bring them home & get married hee hee.

This is happy ending kekekekeke
Old 05-04-2005, 10:07 AM
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Re: Chiongsters lead to happy ending

Originally Posted by Siam_Bu
Example one: Chiongster A, Found a true luv & change each other life, help her out no more working in KTV. (Lead a normal Life)

Example two: Chiongster B, Learn to become more man & Marcho.

Example three: Chiongster C, Chiong alot, FxxK so many girls, experience Jap, Korean, Philippine, malay & many many country, very proud hv world wide record but dont need to bring them home & get married hee hee.

This is happy ending kekekekeke
the three u mention above all needs lots of money..

thus, meaning only the rich will have happy ending??
Old 05-04-2005, 10:16 AM
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Re: Chiongsters Dead End

Originally Posted by Marlboro69
No hard feelings, but the followings were my truth accounts:

Finally cleared all debts within 4 years. Within that 4 painful years, I kept reminding myself not to contact all those kakis & so called brothers. By the 3 year, married with my current wife.
I'm 34yrs old this year only cheong HC 1 evey month and sometime drink with friends at coffeeshop (cheaper).
bro... talking about credit card makes me cry...

the coffeeshop is always the best place to fall back on. during the "dark" days, my friends and me, all debt ridden, know the coffeeshop owner so well, we can drink beer everyday and pay him on payday. and we were all in our early 20s only!

we cheonged, hug girls in so many ktv and nightclubs like bloody rich men's sons, took turn sign and sign, but in the end, we end up hugging each other in the coffeeshop for many many months.....

nowadays my cards are used mainly for petrol.....

sigh..... credit cards.....
Old 05-04-2005, 10:21 AM
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Re: Chiongsters Dead End

Originally Posted by Castrol
bro... talking about credit card makes me cry...

sigh..... credit cards.....
now u know why banks LOVE to make u sign up for credit card right..
They called it FREEDOM!!
to do what u wan to do with a CREDIT CARD!!..

but they forget to mention.. PAYBACK TIME!!..
Old 05-04-2005, 10:51 AM
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Re: Chiongsters Dead End

Originally Posted by lawry
now u know why banks LOVE to make u sign up for credit card right..
They called it FREEDOM!!
to do what u wan to do with a CREDIT CARD!!..

but they forget to mention.. PAYBACK TIME!!..
more like PAYBACK BIG TIME for many a poor fella.....
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