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Old 04-04-2005, 02:13 PM
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Chiongsters Dead End

This phrase was actually coined by a good bro long ago but this topic came up again for discussion recently with some of the bros and with most of the examples I have personally witnessed, I have to agree with this statement....maybe the bros here can share their views.

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Old 04-04-2005, 03:09 PM
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Re: Chiongsters Dead End

Ok let me elaborate....

Example one: Chiongster A, normally a financially prudent person but within few months of being introduce to the wonderful world of chionging, max out on his credit cards.....leading to financial woes.

Example two: Chiongster B, high flying exec. With his well paid job, he can still afford to support his chionging habit but due to the frequent drunken late nights....job performance suffers, got the sack.

Example three: Chiongster C, wealthy sob doesn't need to work. Have both the time and money for chionging......but reckless lifestyle led to him contracting the dreaded HIV.....death sentence.

These examples may or may not be thru and many the bros got some other experiences to share too but does chionging really lead to a dead end? Any happy endings to share?

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Old 04-04-2005, 03:15 PM
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Re: Chiongsters Dead End

well, md. wat's is life without cheong'ing? for me, cheongs' goes on.
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Old 04-04-2005, 03:18 PM
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Re: Chiongsters Dead End

I agree but I'm really disillusion right now.....chiongster all end up down the same road one....maybe partly because now I kena KC trap.....I know the how the ending will be but still walk right into it so was hoping to hear some happy ending chiongsters stories

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Old 04-04-2005, 03:19 PM
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Re: Chiongsters Dead End

actually, I met with one of the samsters b4. he got to cheonging bcos he is bored, got money to spare and single. Then after cheonging, he found the ger of his dreams and fell in love with the ger. and they are preparing to get married sometime this yr. like tat considered happy ending?

for me, its only after cheonging for a while that make me realise what I actually lack in life. funni it may seem, but I got more motivated to earn more money with the same drive as those ktv gers.

My thoughts are that somehow or another, those hardcore cheongsters might one day lead themselves out of this "addiction" and go back to the "normal" path, not neccesarry lead to the downfall. but I do agree that over cheonging might lead one's work performance to suffer..... for I'm one of those previously. lucky I bucked up, ah boh now no money to pay for internet liaoz.....

Statements are my 02 cents of thoughts. flame me if you do not agree, but do state your nick and reasons. its all for the good of discussions.
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Old 04-04-2005, 03:25 PM
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Re: Chiongsters Dead End

Originally Posted by Malaysian Datuk
I agree but I'm really disillusion right now........maybe partly because now I kena KC trap.....I know the how the ending will be but still walk right into it so was hoping to hear some happy ending chiongsters stories

It may or may not be a trap. bro md, u r a seasoned cheongster, do wat u deemed is right, bottom-line is yrself........cheer up bro.
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Old 04-04-2005, 03:34 PM
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Re: Chiongsters Dead End


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Old 04-04-2005, 03:43 PM
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Re: Chiongsters Dead End

we should have a Dead Cheongsters Society here...
similar to Dead Poets Society.
Old 04-04-2005, 03:45 PM
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Re: Chiongsters Dead End

Originally Posted by Castrol
we should have a Dead Cheongsters Society here...
similar to Dead Poets Society.
great idea! the dead chiongsters can then gather and wax lyrical about the 'good old days'

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Old 04-04-2005, 03:52 PM
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Re: Chiongsters Dead End

cheong definately is a highly addictive and expensive event..

cost of bonks- cheapest $40 ~ $500 (FL/GL)
drinks $0 (if u are drinks sucker that basically leech on ur friends) ~ $200 (1 bottle)..
KTV trips (easily $100 ~ $200 per time)
HC ($140 per trip)
TN ( $58 (cum HJ) to $138 (cum FJ)
overseas bonking trip ($500 ~ $2000)

Oh i admit.. during my young days.. i sign credit card like nobody's biz.. until i bursted.. max out.. heng.. i negociate with banks and have paid back (owe 2 banks only)..

Cheong is a expensive activity.. especially if u ganna KC traps.. the gal will make u bleed.. my KC traps is not by a WL/KTV/HC lady but a SQ gal i pick up... ganna she really knows how to suck my money.. tat time stupid.. i know she is sucking my money.. but i created excuses for her.. and let her cheat me.. sigh..

I would suggest to young cheongsters.. LEARN TO SAY NO TO UR FELLOW CHEONG KAKI if u financially cant make it..
create a spread sheet and record ur expense on cheonging.. if not.. u definately over spend.. happy dick but sad big head when u see ur bills...

newly grad or new ppl to workforce the most $3 per month.. after CPF.. $2400.. after giving to family, hp, transport,meals and sian GF.. the most left with $500.. careful...


Old 04-04-2005, 04:19 PM
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Re: Chiongsters Dead End

Originally Posted by lawry

newly grad or new ppl to workforce the most $3 per month.. after CPF.. $2400.. after giving to family, hp, transport,meals and sian GF.. the most left with $500.. careful...
S$3K har?

lidat those earning S$1800 per month can just E Y T liao leh ... hahaha

NSF fellas just watch RA show and PCC


Old 04-04-2005, 05:01 PM
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Re: Chiongsters Dead End

No hard feelings, but the followings were my truth accounts:

24yrs old, regular in the SAF. Monthly take home about $2K+. so more than 30K per year. Hands itchy, apply for credit cards and overdraft from banks. - BIG MISTAKE number 1.
3 months down the road, everything still ok. Can save about $500 per month. That time got gf, so think of getting marry.
Then got to know kakis or brothers from the same unit, so go cheong. U name it I went to it. From KTV, Night Clubs, Discos, Pubs, HC and JB (very famous) Max out on all my credit cards and over draft within 2 year. (total about 4 banks)
Every month pay min payment then take the money out and go cheonging again. Then sudenly new ideas came in, apply for credit card from other bank (previuosly didn't apply) and use it to pay older cards. This goes on for about 4 months. ANOTHER BIG MISTAKE. It's like u got 4 holes then u dig another 4 hole to fill up the older ones.
Then after a while get bore, so look for kakis and brothers to cheong again. This time even worst, almost drunk very night. By the age 28yrs old, I've own about 8 banks money, total about $60K ( 8 credit card, u name it, I've got it. And 5 over draft)
Banks sent letters to my home, I also don't give a damn.
Then suddenly someone very close said something to me.
"How long can u go on? Every night drunk very shiok meh? What u drank u either urine out or vomitted out, so what's the point?"
So I decided to wake myself up. After I ROD or now called ORD, I look for a decent job. Get paid about $1.9 a month. Then slow talk with all banks and worked very hard at my new job. Always do OT till max hours. Managed to get promoted in the 2nd and 4th year. Finally cleared all debts within 4 years. Within that 4 painful years, I kept reminding myself not to contact all those kakis & so called brothers. By the 3 year, married with my current wife.
I'm 34yrs old this year only cheong HC 1 evey month and sometime drink with friends at coffeeshop (cheaper).
Old 04-04-2005, 05:01 PM
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Re: Chiongsters Dead End

Originally Posted by DNAT
S$3K har?

lidat those earning S$1800 per month can just E Y T liao leh ... hahaha

NSF fellas just watch RA show and PCC
wah liao.. u see the price menus i listed... still can go for Cat$40 or once a month pamper urself to a CAT$150 lah..

NSF fellas.. can try ur best to sian one gal and ask that gal to satisfy u loh..

and wats wrong with watching X-rated movie and PCC?? I do that too during my NS time leh... not like u born with a silver spoon..
Old 04-04-2005, 05:01 PM
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Re: Chiongsters Dead End

Originally Posted by DNAT

NSF fellas just watch RA show and PCC
Uncle DNAT, some NSF still gets pocket money from rich parents one hor. In fact, I believe many NSF would probably have more spending power than us working + married + have kids younger working people lor.
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Old 04-04-2005, 05:06 PM
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Re: Chiongsters Dead End

Bottomline - Cheong within yr means.
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