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Old 04-09-2012, 04:46 PM
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Re: Query on the power and points of some forumners

Did you say something?
Sorry I wasn't listening - I was staring at your breasts
you are a grade one arse-hole and
you certainly made a career out of having a go at others..
you tw@t!

Originally Posted by callme View Post
You are a bastard son of the bitch born loser retarded dog!
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Old 04-09-2012, 04:48 PM
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Re: Query on the power and points of some forumners

Originally Posted by Big Sexy View Post
Did you say something?
Sorry I wasn't listening - I was staring at your breasts
you are a grade one arse-hole and
you certainly made a career out of having a go at others..
you tw@t!


You this son of the bitch bastard messaged me you are a coprohagiac bastard and you would love to eat my faeces.

You are such a pathetic bastard born loser retarded dog!
Old 04-09-2012, 04:55 PM
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Re: Query on the power and points of some forumners

sam...i love the ignore feature..

samsters..... please just dont quote his post so that i wont get to see it..
oh Dearest big sexy..........

please ignore him... He clearly just likes to abuse people from behind his screen but would never dare to do it in person.
Just rest easy in the knowledge that you're a decent person and he's a class A odious little ****.

the end
You are my forum, my only forum, you make me happy, when skies are grey...

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Old 04-09-2012, 05:00 PM
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Re: Query on the power and points of some forumners

Originally Posted by Big Sexy View Post
sam...i love the ignore feature..

samsters..... please just dont quote his post so that i wont get to see it..
oh Dearest big sexy..........

please ignore him... He clearly just likes to abuse people from behind his screen but would never dare to do it in person.
Just rest easy in the knowledge that you're a decent person and he's a class A odious little ****.

the end
You are a bastard born loser retraded dog that is extremely jealous of other people that is having a much better successful career than you this NO-life useless unemployed scum that waste yr time posting 5000 postings in a PORN website.

I just receive another message from you that said you this bastard beg me me to hog-tied you in the toilet and you want me to defecate straight into yr wide-opened mouth.

I can tell very obviously that you this bastard is a very severe coprohagiac
Old 04-09-2012, 05:14 PM
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Re: Query on the power and points of some forumners

Originally Posted by Big Sexy View Post
sam...i love the ignore feature..

samsters..... please just dont quote his post so that i wont get to see it..
oh Dearest big sexy..........

please ignore him... He clearly just likes to abuse people from behind his screen but would never dare to do it in person.
Just rest easy in the knowledge that you're a decent person and he's a class A odious little ****.

the end
What ignore button?

Further proves you are a balless bastard coward. You read my comments liao but you pretend to lie what u cannot see.


In the Online Freelance Prostitute industry now in spore, it is totally a CONSUMER's market. There are soooooo many online porn forums in spore and the competition is sooooo intense that's why now even the face pictures many other forum's ads also post totally UNMASKED becos of the increasing huge supply of FLs pouring into spore but the local demand remain the same. Nowadays almost all ads's the contact numbers are posted openly too. Especially in those chinese-language porn forums, 100% the contacts of Fls are posted openly and most have face pictures unmasked too due to intense competition.

WHO GIVES A DAMN to whether you are the forum's consultant or moderator or what?

If the forum's moderator behaved biasedly or did not act impartially , forumners got the right to rebuke him too, Best example even the most "powerful" CNA forum, often also got many forumners post openly to scold the forums's moderator and administrator becos of improper handling of forum squabbles and postings among forumners.

That r-el-axxbbs PORN forum is also another good example where the previous forums's moderator and consultant was kenna rebuked and scolded by forumners until the moderator eventually changed person!

You are just an ONLINE PIMP and without the consumers, your are have NO income! And like I mentioned earlier the competition now is sooooooo intense there are so many porn forums peddling FLs nowadays in spore

Last edited by callme; 04-09-2012 at 05:34 PM.
Old 04-09-2012, 05:16 PM
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Re: Query on the power and points of some forumners

Hahaha damn entertaining I long time
nv see primary school kids kpkb Liao... Getting old Liao lost touch with the kiddy world

would loved to know more interesting stuff thanks for sharing
think u do resemble the cute beng aaron in YouTube

So interesting thanks callme for interesting post

Originally Posted by callme View Post
You this born loser liar is dead wrong!

The fact that you said someone that spent soooo much time in a short 6 months to post 500postings in an illegal pornographic website forum is a successful person in his life already proves you have a 5-cent pea-size retarded brain. Obviously you are a no-life born loser retard just like that born loser.

You look at all successful happy people in their carreers and personal family life, do they spend soooooooo much time posting a whopping 500 postings in a PORN website forum in a short 6 months??? Do they idle away their time 12 hours a day daily in PORN websites forums? You are a born loser retard!

It's alright to come PORN forums occasionally once in a while to destress, fun reading. But anyone that spend soooooooooo much time posting 500 postings in a short 6 mths, proves he is a unemployed low-income social dysfunction in his personal life. And don't forget Sammyboy is just only one of the many Porn websites in spore, how about all the rest, one single sammyboy forum alone he oredi posted a shocking 500 postings in a short 6 months, if combine his other postings in l-a-k-saboy, sg-pl-ea-sure, r-el-axbb-s, sg-ads-online and all the other online forums etc etc , the total time that born loser retard spent his time in PORN websites will be even more astounding! That loser need psychiatric assistance from IMH.
semi retired or almost
Old 04-09-2012, 05:29 PM
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Re: Query on the power and points of some forumners

Originally Posted by keewee View Post
Hahaha damn entertaining I long time
nv see primary school kids kpkb Liao... Getting old Liao lost touch with the kiddy world

would loved to know more interesting stuff thanks for sharing
think u do resemble the cute beng aaron in YouTube

So interesting thanks callme for interesting post
You are a bastard retarded moron!

Your prostitute whore mother calling you to go back to eat dinner now liao lah
Old 04-09-2012, 05:56 PM
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Re: Query on the power and points of some forumners

Originally Posted by callme View Post
You are a bastard retarded moron!

Your prostitute whore mother calling you to go back to eat dinner now liao lah
Hahaha see wat i mean?
semi retired or almost
Old 04-09-2012, 05:58 PM
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Re: Query on the power and points of some forumners

Originally Posted by callme View Post
You are a bastard retarded moron!

Your prostitute whore mother calling you to go back to eat dinner now liao lah
What happened to you today?? An overdose of sweaty feet???

Originally Posted by callme View Post
Bro femdom1, can you kindly pm me her contact once she reply you through QQ.

I like to smell the sweaty feet of women too.

You tell her I'm a 39-yr-old diivorcee with no kids and my ex-wife is also from 西岗区 of 大连.

you tell her I currently own my own house in singapore. If chemistry is good between both of us, can even progress to become good friends later on.

thank a lot to you
BTW why did you divorce your wife? Feet not sweaty enough for you???
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Old 04-09-2012, 05:59 PM
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Re: Query on the power and points of some forumners

Originally Posted by callme View Post
You are a bastard retarded moron!

Your prostitute whore mother calling you to go back to eat dinner now liao lah
Are you suffering from mental loss ?

Thought you said : Another thing, when adults quarral, you should not bring in mother word.

Old 04-09-2012, 06:00 PM
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Re: Query on the power and points of some forumners

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post

BTW why did you divorce your wife? Feet not sweaty enough for you???
Maybe get cheated in CHINA and lost his mind .

Please do forgive him .
Old 04-09-2012, 06:03 PM
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Re: Query on the power and points of some forumners

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
What happened to you today?? An overdose of sweaty feet???

BTW why did you divorce your wife? Feet not sweaty enough for you???


My above nick was a troll, you moron!

Those postings I made were fake, you stupid bastard!

I thought you as the moderator should have already known but now it proves you are a stupid moron!
Old 04-09-2012, 06:05 PM
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Re: Query on the power and points of some forumners

Originally Posted by callme View Post

My above nick was a troll, you moron!

Those postings I made were fake, you stupid bastard!
Yeah whatever...
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Old 04-09-2012, 06:05 PM
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Re: Query on the power and points of some forumners

Originally Posted by coller View Post
maybe get cheated in china and lost his mind .

please do forgive him . :d
you are a bastard moron!
Old 04-09-2012, 08:02 PM
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Re: Query on the power and points of some forumners

Callme, YOU are wasting your father sperm and basically make big your mother hole to have YOU IN this world.

This forum don't need YOU This type of high income pig head with human body

Originally Posted by callme View Post
you are a bastard moron!
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