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Old 01-05-2008, 11:39 AM
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Re: Attached lady here needs sex

Originally Posted by wooshiedot View Post
. I want to marry him and I do not wish to hurt him with an affair when Im eventually married u see?
ok i think it that you are a here the monster advice to you....sexual compatibility is one of the major consideration in a marriage...i won't say 100% of us married guys seek an alternative lifestyle becos we are born to stray but a good number of us do so becos of the lack of sexual response from our counterpart...btw have you ever tried talking to him about his "shortcomings"...
Old 01-05-2008, 11:47 AM
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Re: Attached lady here needs sex

Originally Posted by Frankiestine View Post
ok i think it that you are a here the monster advice to you....sexual compatibility is one of the major consideration in a marriage...i won't say 100% of us married guys seek an alternative lifestyle becos we are born to stray but a good number of us do so becos of the lack of sexual response from our counterpart...btw have you ever tried talking to him about his "shortcomings"...

well said, bro..I myself am a victim of sexual incompatibility
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Old 01-05-2008, 12:40 PM
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Re: Attached lady here needs sex

Originally Posted by Frankiestine View Post
ok i think it that you are a here the monster advice to you....sexual compatibility is one of the major consideration in a marriage...i won't say 100% of us married guys seek an alternative lifestyle becos we are born to stray but a good number of us do so becos of the lack of sexual response from our counterpart...btw have you ever tried talking to him about his "shortcomings"...
No one starts a marriage with the plan of seeking an "alternative" outside.. at least most. I do know of blokes who continue their philandering ways into marriage and has no plans to quit. Anyway I did talk to him abt it and voiced out what I wanted; he seems receptive when he heard it (albeit a lil disappointed, yes) but he assures me he'll do his best to "learn" if I may use that word from watever resources online, on tv etc etc... Is he improving? to be fair, i think he did or at least I would like to think so. I do try to encourage him like, offering compliments when he does something right.
Increasingly, these days, he seems to stop wanting to the not so distant past, he would try to stay awake for a 2nd time. These days, promises such as these are uttered on the point of ejaculating or after he is spent, but it never comes true. Sleep finaly takes over him and I'm left lying so damn awke on my side of the bed feeling unfulfiled.

At the start when it happens, his not fulfiling me and all..n being constantly tired, it made me more frustrated than anythings. I just sleep it off. These days, it's more hurt, more sadness and sometimes anger. That I end up staying awake til 3, 4 am all the while when he's sleeping like a log next to me.
I'm not asking for a "rocking heaven and earth experience" though that would sure be nice.. I'm not even looking at coming every single time we do it. Al I'm asking is a 1 out of 3 times odds. N i'm happy enough. Do correct me if my expectations are too high again. In my previous relationships, I never had a problem in this aspect and was always able to match that of my ex-es.

It's startiing to affect us, perhaps it's my fault perhaps I did not try hard enough. Starting to have arguments indirectly related..again, mayb it's me again; perhaps venting out the frustration, anger and hurt indrectly.. Hence this thread. I just wish to find out if perhaps thr're more solutions out thr that I've not tried?
Old 01-05-2008, 02:48 PM
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Lightbulb Re: Attached lady here needs sex

get him to exercise + practise makes perfect provided he is not being stress out with work etc .... in time to come , u will see the result
Old 01-05-2008, 04:05 PM
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Re: Attached lady here needs sex

yes totally agreed wif ya !!
Old 01-05-2008, 04:54 PM
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Re: Attached lady here needs sex

Originally Posted by wooshiedot View Post
com[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Kinda happily attached. There's only one problem. My bf comes too fast and is to a large extent unable to please me in bed. Initially thought I could get over this minor hiccup. I don't wish to embarass him by asking my female frens for their take or advice, neither wish to visit female forums cos I seriously do not see what info they can offer that I don't know..

Before me, he had only had 2 girlfrens, less than a handful of sexual intercourse experience (making out less than 15times a year) and mostly do-it-himself mode. Not fantastically high sex drive but not a dead rat either.

I'm the exact opposite. I do believe myself to a high sex drive and appetite.

And therein lies the problem.
*sigh* ... I am in kind of exact situation like you except that I am the guy and problem that I have is with my gf.

I need to DO IT at least TWICE a day, one before sleep and one when wake up.

I can "HOLD BACK" for as long as I want, 30mins is normal ... but my gf complain "Darling, please come faster." *sigh* She also complained that TWICE a day is TOO MUCH for her.

I really WISH THAT MY GF HAS SEX DRIVE like yours!! Woo hoo!!

Anyway, if your bf don't have a problem of getting hard ... what you can do is ... give him a good BLOWJOB .... blow and blow till he cums ....

Suck him dry .... blow him hard again ... then intercourse ... usually this will allow him to hold back much longer.

Do try it and let us know. =)
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Old 01-05-2008, 05:02 PM
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Re: Attached lady here needs sex

Originally Posted by wooshiedot View Post
He sleeps everywhere and anytime. When he happens to skive off work for 2 hours in the noon, n i happen to be home. I ask for it and he tells me he is tired..let him sleep 1st.

Nightfall, same thing. N then when we eventually do it, he comes fast.. and sleep comes fast too.. so no chance for a 2nd time. Same thing if you guys are thinking how abt weekends.

He is kinda not really into sex. Like he has his urges n I accomodate him all the time; im fine with it anytime. But those urges aint often? Beyond those urges, when I do try to "teach" or encourage something else, he aint keen to learn. Like you know if that person does not have a passion for it..he'll seem kinda "go-along-with-it cos-u-want-me-to" N we're both in our late late late twenties so no reason why this sorta things happens..
Wah!! Frankly ... if my gf were to tell me all this!! I would dump my sleep aside liao!!

Even if I'm dead tired ... I would still at least DO IT for an hour or so before sleeping.

I hold for 15-20mins ... my gf also complain too long liao ... *sob sob*
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Old 01-05-2008, 05:26 PM
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Re: Attached lady here needs sex


whats the first a couple do when the penis is in?

they start moving in rhythm, do u actually need to move? just go with the flow of the breathing, tell him dun think about the feeling at the bottom. This is part of mind control. It works, trust me.

Do your foreplay as long as possible dun think of entry too soon.
Old 01-05-2008, 05:46 PM
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Re: Attached lady here needs sex

Originally Posted by wooshiedot View Post
I just have 2 questions.
1. Are there anyone out there or any suggestions on what i can do to "teach" him...? I was hoping I could engage someone to come and do a practical on me and at the same time, be able to guide him and all on the hot spots and how to properly do it.

2. Anyone tried tantric massage? Would it be good for my bf? as well as terms of sexual side.

Thks loads.
Hi there, it think this might have been suggested. what u could do is send him to us for training. we will make sure he gets so many girls the next time he sees you it will take it hours for him to cum. He is most probably too sexually attracted to you and this gets too excited once he is exposed to loads of girls he would gradually upgrade in skills and timing. But its costly though going to GL CAT 150 is about 150 a shot. Even if he goes to places like VV or VL it will be 140 a shot. And i reckon he needs at least a once a week training and about a duration of 3 months before he gets to your standard.
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Old 01-05-2008, 07:57 PM
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Re: Attached lady here needs sex

Originally Posted by wooshiedot View Post
presumptous mate.. I definitely wouldn't come here for attention; i'm better off hanging out at bala or st james for drinks. I get real attention if i so need that.

Would appreciate better input. thanks.

And just to clear the air, it is not my purpose to invoke fantasies. Thanks.
Then why the fuck are u starting a thread here?!?! Go and find a love doctor. What makes you think any of us horny samsters is qualified to give good advise to you? This is a Sex forum and you will get all the horny advances here, especially you declare u are a sexually deprived lady!
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Old 01-05-2008, 10:05 PM
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Re: Attached lady here needs sex

Some consideration on my own opinion:

1) train your guy stamina

2) ask him to masturbate out before going for action

3) do not show much satisified are u during action.. so he will concentrate

4) Buy more sex toy.. so he can foreplay before action.. this can prolong time

5) Do not watch porn and masturbate at the same time. (Do it only when he really cannot take it after a period of time)

Hope all these advice can help you ^^
Old 02-05-2008, 12:23 AM
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Re: Attached lady here needs sex

Hi, I used to be like ur bf. For a few years i was cumming fast easily, But go thru lots of practise till I am also high sex drive now. Made my wife cum 7 times a nite few times. Encourage him more, maybe he needs mental screw.
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Old 02-05-2008, 01:20 AM
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Re: Attached lady here needs sex

Me too used to cum fast... 1st shot less than 5mins out liao but practise really help... slowly i can last 20mins or more i not sure if this consider long

btw did your guy really tried his very BEST ??? if not say so much also useless la
if we can do it so can he

Old 02-05-2008, 02:16 AM
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Re: Attached lady here needs sex

Originally Posted by wooshiedot View Post
It's startiing to affect us, perhaps it's my fault perhaps I did not try hard enough. Starting to have arguments indirectly related..again, mayb it's me again; perhaps venting out the frustration, anger and hurt indrectly.. Hence this thread. I just wish to find out if perhaps thr're more solutions out thr that I've not tried?
its never easy to change others, especially if they are not willing to change themselves. either you accept him as he is or find some other avenues to satisfy yourself. cheers!
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Old 02-05-2008, 02:20 AM
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Re: Attached lady here needs sex


From what you have mentioned so far, I can really see that you're a f&*%*@# horny gal. How I wish my wife were like you, or half like you will do.. and I won't have to look for WLs to satisfy my urges. I think your bf is a real lucky chap.

Back to business, I think most bros have given their best advice. I did have the same problem before, and now I still have, but I've improved a lot by spending lots of mulahs on WLs. You hear all the advice and read about it, but if you don't practise, you will never improve. Your bf is lucky to have you to do his practices, so both of you should talk about it and give yourselves a lot of time and not being pressurized into having overnight success. It takes me a few years to see the improvement, and be prepared to go through it. Good luck!
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