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Old 27-02-2009, 09:41 PM
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Re: Hinting? =)

Good luck bro!!
All the best for you adventure!!!
Do update us when u r back!!
Old 27-02-2009, 10:07 PM
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Re: Hinting? =)

Originally Posted by Eastpipper View Post
i supposed TS is excited for tomorrow big day....congrats
Originally Posted by BiRd13 View Post
Me too...damn excited...
Maybe excited until tonight cannot sleep.
Old 27-02-2009, 10:43 PM
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Re: Hinting? =)

Hahaha, this is not a hint anymore !

Bro, you'll be drained
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Old 28-02-2009, 05:34 AM
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Re: Hinting? =)

ho seh liao la.
Old 01-03-2009, 10:39 AM
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Re: Hinting? =)

why keep us waiting la ??
pls continue..................
Old 01-03-2009, 10:58 AM
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Re: Hinting? =)

He haven come back....
FuNn| h0w 2 s|mp|3 w0rds like "I do" can Ru|n Ur |ife
Old 01-03-2009, 12:04 PM
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Re: Hinting? =)

Originally Posted by joew2005 View Post
why keep us waiting la ??
pls continue..................
At this moment, he is in Batam enjoying the trip. Maybe having Sunday brunch on each other.
Old 01-03-2009, 12:18 PM
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Re: Hinting? =)

enjoying abalone liao....kekekeke
Daily +20 green apples exchange, surely return after UP!!!!
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Old 02-03-2009, 09:35 AM
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Re: Hinting? =)

Originally Posted by BAD-MAN View Post
THINK bro bird13 must standyby Red-Bull
Lol... Yeah... Tons of red bull as suggest by other bros... =D

Originally Posted by Fatty George View Post
There got sell TongatAli.
Have a good trip.
Didn't really get it... But brought some tongkat Ali pills along... Which I saw from this forum... =P

Originally Posted by kevin3505 View Post
bro ah...remember to bring a dozen of condom ah...if afraid not enough ,bring two dozen lo.......waitting fro ur story after u trip from batam ,enjoy urself!
Thx bro... Since she hints on 'raw'... so... =P

Originally Posted by dingoblue View Post
bro, ur tao hua damn good lor...enjoy ur bonking over there...also plss updates us where u r resting hor...
Thx bro... Will update in a short while...

Originally Posted by corsiar74 View Post
r u going on tomorrow bro?? enjoy k!!!
Thx bro...

Originally Posted by Demonkin7 View Post
Congrats bro. All the best in ur adventure!!!
Give us update when u r back!!
Will update in a shortwhile..

Originally Posted by AD69 View Post
Maybe excited until tonight cannot sleep.
Yeah bro... Really cant sleep well...

Originally Posted by lblittlebear View Post
Hahaha, this is not a hint anymore !

Bro, you'll be drained
Drained till jia lat jia lat...

Originally Posted by joew2005 View Post
why keep us waiting la ?? pls continue..................
Sorry bro... Just came back... =)

Originally Posted by ballzballz View Post
He haven come back....
Thx bro for the explanation....

Originally Posted by AD69 View Post
At this moment, he is in Batam enjoying the trip. Maybe having Sunday brunch on each other.
Ahem... Quite

Originally Posted by corsiar74 View Post
enjoying abalone liao....kekekeke
Abalone? More to raw fish... =P

Thx again for all bros for the support... Will update in a short while...
I'm just an old, forgetful bird, that drink lemonade to become smarter...

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Old 02-03-2009, 09:51 AM
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Re: Hinting? =)

camp here
Old 02-03-2009, 10:59 AM
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Re: Hinting? =)

Ok... Here's the update... =)

Before that night, 27 Feb, cant really get to sleep as was really anxious over it... Keep on packing, and unpacking my luggage... =P As can't sleep, played some online games till 3-4am, before heading on to sleep...

Wake up around 9am on 28 Feb, and after taking some light breakfast, and took my stuff, proceed out of the house... Reached there and it was about 9.45am, and after met up with V, went to the counter to exchange for the tickets, and boarding pass, before heading down to the gate, for the boarding of ferry. Anyway, she's wearing a bermudas, and a t-shirt, while I'm on a polo-tee, and bermudas... It was about 10.50am, when the ferry departs.. Quite accurate timing... We were chatting on stuff, and she was kind of exciting about the trip...

At about 11.50am, we arrived at Batam, and after proceeding out, there was a man, holding a board writing my name, and hence we go towards him. He then lead us the way out to his van, and inside, there was another couple too. During the way to the hotel, we 4 were chatting with each other... Seems that they took the package too...

Upon arrival at the hotel, and after proceeded into check-in, we went back to our own room. We entered and as usual, after putting down our luggage, we proceed on 'discover', and 'checking' the room. I was kind of excited at that moment, and seems she sense about it...

V: You look gan cheong...
Me: huh... ok la... coz oly we 2 here.. in a hotel room...
V: Haha... relax abit...

After saying, she held my hands, and kissed on my kips... Can felt her soft lips on me... So I held her hands tight and pulled her closer. We french kiss for awhile... She stopped the kiss after sometime...

V: Ok..that will be all for now... hungry now... we go for our lunch 1st?
Me: making me horny liao...
V: haha... well... I'm sure u can tahan...
Me: cant leh...
V: good... later then give you a good one...
Me: huh... ok lor...

'Knn.. make me horny and now say such things...' I was thinking to myself... 'But bo bian la... later then u know...' I smiled, and after 'adjusting' our clothes, we proceed out of the room, and went down for our lunch... After eating, we went ahead to the counter, to place the booking back to Singapore... (As scared that no more tics...) After that, we shop around the area, and took a cab (from the hotel) to Nagoya for some shopping. About 3pm, I swallowed the pills, I brought with, so that can 'perform' later... After that, we proceed back to hotel, as our spa timing is 4pm (Singapore time), but was told to wait at hotel lobby 15mins earlier, which is 3.45pm..

Upon arriving back in hotel room, it was only 3.15pm...

Me: Still got half hour to go...
V: Ya lor... the time seems slow...
Me: Well... Since got time, we can...

I moved towards her, and hugged her to me, and we started french kissing again... This time, the kiss was passionate, and our tongue was playing with each other... While kissing, I stripped her clothes, and she was stripping mine too... Within seconds, we both were naked...

V: Huge dick...

She looked down, and said... I just smiled at her and whispered to her...

Me: Suck for me...

She nodded, and squatted down... With one of her hands on my back, she uses her another hand and grabbed on my 'didi', and stroke and licked on it... Perhaps due to that she long time no do le, or too experience in it, that makes me really high and horny... Within about 5mins or so, I exploded and shot into her mouth... I will give her BJ a 9.5/10, as was really deep and good... At that time, I was still horny, and perhaps the 'pill' was taking effect, even after explode, my 'didi' still as hard as rock... I squatted down to the floor, and pushed her down onto the floor.... I lied on top of her, and started licking her like a beast... I licked her ear, her neck, her nipples and sucked on it... She was moaning by then...

I spread opened her legs, and pushed my 'didi' into her pussy... Can feels that she was horny, and wet too... It was tight when trying to go in, but after sometime of forcing, and rubbing, my 'didi' was finally inside of her... I started to move slowly, while continue licking her nipples... As it gets 'smoother', I pumped harder and faster... She was moaning when my 'didi' moved in... After pumping for sometime, I knew I was cumming and I whispered to her about it... She told me that she's cumming too, and asked me to cum inside of her... Without hesitation, I continue pumping till I cummed, and shot inside of her...

Me: How was it? Did you cummed?
V: Yes... At the same time with you...
Me: Oh good... How's the feeling?
V: Very good... Is been really long since I felt this...
Me: That's great...

We french kiss for a moment again, before proceed in wearing back our clothes, and as time for us to go down, we proceed out again of the hotel room...
I'm just an old, forgetful bird, that drink lemonade to become smarter...

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Old 02-03-2009, 12:15 PM
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Re: Hinting? =)

Action finally start liao... cock and ready to shooot
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Old 02-03-2009, 02:36 PM
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Re: Hinting? =)

Shall continue... =)

We french kiss for a moment again, before proceed in wearing back our clothes, and as time for us to go down, we proceed out again of the hotel room... We went down, and the driver was already there. We hopped in the van, with the earlier couple in there too. So, the driver drove us to the Spa, which was located about 20mins drive from the hotel..

Upon arrival, we were greeted by the receptionist over there. After processing the neccessary 'check-in', we were being lead into the area. The receptionist opened one of the treatment room, and told me to wait outside, while she bring V in. I was puzzled at the moment. After that, she closed the door, and asked me to followed her.

Me: Hmm... I thought we took the couple package?
Recept: Yes. You did.
Me: But how come not in the same room?
Recept: Sir. That's the ladies changing room. Your changing room is in the other room.
Me: Oh I see. So the treatment will be conducted together?
Recept: Yes Sir. After both of you have done changing, will lead you both back to the treatment room.
Me: Ok...

I followed her turning here and there, until came to a room stating 'Male Changing Room'. She then opened the door, and proceed in, and told me to go in. So I followed her in.... The room consists of a small bench, and a mirror, and some hangers on the wall. She closed and locked the door after I went in.

Recept: Sir. I will help you to change.
Me: huh...
Recept: This is our service provide to you...
Me: Oh... Ok...

'Hor seh liao... confirm wu special...' I was thinking to myself. After that, she moved forward abit, and help me in taking off my clothes. After that, she squatted infront of me, and helped me took off my bermudas, and underwear... Of course, my 'didi' erected by then...

Recept: Sir. You want any special?
Me: What kind of special you provide?
Recept: HJ and BJ...
Me: How's the cost like?
Recept: 50k for HJ, and 80k for BJ...
Me: I will prefer a BJ then...
Recept: Ok sir.

After finished, she took off her clothes and pants, and left with her bras and panties. She then told me to sit on the bench. After that, she came over to me, and squatted down again infront of me. I opened my legs so that she can move nearer to me. She grabbed hold of my 'didi', and started stroking it... She then put my 'didi' into her mouth, and started to give me a deep throat BJ... Her BJ was kind of good, I will give her a rating of 7/10.

I was turning horny, and perhaps the pills I took earlier is taking effect, due to that an hour has passed... I buay tahan liao... And after a short while of BJ, I shot onto her face... She looked at me, and smiled at me...

Recept: Welcome to the spa Sir. Hope you enjoy our welcome treatment...
Me: Oh... Thanks for the welcome...
Recept: You are welcome Sir.

After saying, she proceed in helping me to wear the disposable undies, and then help me to wear the bath-robe that was provided. After that, I paid her 100k (80 for BJ, and 20 for tips), and then she lead me to the Treatment Room. Once in, V was there already, and 2 other girls, was there too. I believe both are the Therapist. After the receptionist left, we was told to lied on the bed, for our treatment.

We had massage, followed by some steam, then body scrub and facial... At last, my favourite, which is the milk bath... =D

After the therapist told us of the timing and procedure, they left the room, and I locked it as per told by them. I then held V's hand, and led her into the Bath Room. We both stripped down the bath robe we were wearing, and after I took off my disposable undies, we went into the tub...

The feeling was great inside the tub.. Perhaps due to hot milk bath... =P I hugged her closed to me, and caressed her nipples, while she stroke my 'didi'.... Both her nipples turned hard after sometime, and of course my 'didi' was super hard too...

Me: Ever make love in a tub before?
V: No... never...
Me: Then come on, baby...

I smiled, and kissed her lightly on her lips... I then put her slowly down, with her heads lying on the 'Head Rest' of the tub, and spread both her legs opened. I pushed my hardened 'didi' into her pussy, and started to pump her... After about 15mins of pumping, I began to cum again, and I pump harder and faster till I again shoot inside of her...

Me: So how?
V: Great... Fancy having a bath, and make love...
Me: Haha... Song right?
V: yup... haha...

We then soaked till 30mins is up, and proceed out of the tub, back into the room. We then dried ourself up, and wrapped the towel around ourself, while waiting. A knocked on the door, and I unlocked and opened it. The 2 therapist are back, and one of them told me to follow her back to the Changing Room, while the other lead V out of the room.

I followed her to the changing room, and after she opened, she asked me in. But this time, she waited outside... 'Chey...Bo lobang liao'... I went in, closed and locked the door, and proceed in changing back to my clothes. After that, I went out, and she was there still. She lead me back to the main hall, and told me to wait over there. Exchange some chatting with the receptionist, while waiting for V. After V is out, we headed out, as the driver was there already. He then drove us (Me and V, and the other couple) back to our hotel....
I'm just an old, forgetful bird, that drink lemonade to become smarter...

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Old 03-03-2009, 10:47 AM
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Re: Hinting? =)

Now looking forward to read what happened in the room.
Old 03-03-2009, 06:24 PM
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Re: Hinting? =)


how come the last time I went Batam dont have such treatment from the recep of the massage parlour. haha.
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