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Old 19-02-2009, 04:04 PM
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Hinting? =)

Well well... This only happened today... Just now only... =)

At around 10am this morning, my female manager (V), suddenly msn me. She told me that she had tendered her resignation this morning. And will be working till end of this month. I was kind of sad to hear that though. As though sometimes she's fierce, and scolded me about things that went wrong, and worst is not done by me. But yet, she has the angel's heart, that is caring, and concern towards me. Often encourage in work, or personal life. And best is that when I need to take leave, there's never a NO, even if its last minute... Sometimes, she will just give me off, without using up my leave. Hence officially I had 14 days leave per year, but oftenly, I took more than 20 days per year, but used less than 10 days of annual leave...

Some info about her. She's nearly to 50, but doesn't look like one. Perhaps due to her make-up, her hairstyle, and she often went facial etc to keep herself young and pretty. And perhaps of her small size, which is about 160cm in height, she have a busty breast... and often wore those low cut, which makes one... ahem... Guess bro know what I mean...

Anyway, below are some msn conversation...

V: You know I tendered this morning?
Me: huh.. I din know.. y?
V: tired of working...
Me: i see... but now economic so bad... it isn't the time to tender...
V: I know... but no choice lor..
Me: ok... so what will u be doing after that... found a job?
V: nope... will be resting for a period of time, before starting work...
Me: i see... well, since you already make your choice, all the best then...
V: thank you...

The above conversation was in the morning... About 2pm, she sent an email out, saying about her resignation, those best wishes etc. As of courtesy, I drop back a reply... And soon, she msn me again...

V: Saw your reply. You are the 1st to reply... Very efficient.
Me: haha... Was checking email, and saw it...
V: i see...
Me: yup... remember hor... got good lobang, dun forget us...
V: I wont...
Me: ya lor... when free, can meet up for la kopi, chat or what lor...
V: sure ar... or go batam...
Me: ya hor... I still promise will bring you to go batam shopping etc hor...
V: ya lor...u still dare to say... so long le, say want bring me there, till now haven't...
Me: haha... cause you busy mah... so never call u...
V: after I resign, got plenty of time lor...
Me: ya lor... so plan one weekend, then me, you and S (a colleague of mine) can go together lor...
V: Doubt S will go one lor...
Me: can ask lor...
V: Dun need ask la... If want go, we both go together can le...
Me: o.. oso can... we see how ba...
V: ok...

After doing some work of mine, at about 3pm, she msn me again...

V: I think next sat we can go...
Me: huh... go where?
V: Batam lor... just now we spoken about it mah. So fast forget?
Me: oic... you say which sat?
V: ON 28 Feb lor... You ok? Or got any appointment already?
Me: no appointment... yup... that day is fine for me.. (After looking at calendar)
V: Ok... so we fix on 28 Feb then...
Me: Sure... but will we be staying over or?
V: I'm not sure of Batam. Better to stay over or what?
Me: Well, if you ok, then we can stay over lor...
V: I of course ok. Since my kids are grown up, and have their own program. Moreover I resign, so lots of time to spent. Haha
Me: haha... ok... then we shall go for a 2D1N Batam tour. Ok for you?
V: Yes. Wont bother your dating hor?
Me: no gf, how to date? haha
V: Haha.. then you got any agent to recommend or what?
Me: No wor. Wait huh... I check on it...
V: Ok..

After checking my email, I found one of the website, which I used it previously and went to Batam...

Me: ok... here's the website... maybe you can check it out... and let me know...
V: Ok.. I take a look and let you know again...
Me: Ok...

15mins later...

V: Wow... the website not bad ar...
Me: Ok ba...
V: Is it cheaper than free and easy?
Me: Not really ba... But I guess package wise will be more convenient, since we both not really sure of Batam.
V: Ya. Agreed.
Me: ya lor... so seen any package that is interested in?
V: Hmm.. I saw quite a few... but not sure if you don't mind taking...
Me: huh... I'm fine with anything. Since its more to relax, and a promise to bring you there, so you pick it, and I'm fine...
V: You sure?
Me: sure...
V: ok...
Me: so which package?
V: I think I saw a couple package, which consists of stay, shopping, spa etc... seems not bad...
Me: ok... then we take that lor...
V: You sure don't mind?
Me: mind for what...
V: its a COUPLE package lor... you don't mind spa with an old auntie?
Me: haha... Dun mind la... Like I said earlier, is for us to relax what.. Somemore I'm a guy, nothing to lose what... haha...
V: ok... then I shall place the booking for it...
Me: Ok... then how much you tell me lor, we split...
V: its ok... I treat you lor...
Me: huh... dun wan la... I promise to bring you mah...
V: its ok la... you never break your promise what... at least now u promise to bring me there... So I will pay for it.. OK?
Me: huh.. paiseh la...
V: what paiseh... Its ok la... settle then...
Me: ok...thanks in advance...
V: no problem...

Wonder what will happened for the next few days... Bro... wish me good luck ar... Hope by next week, can have 'something' happened... keke
Old 19-02-2009, 04:10 PM
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Re: Hinting? =)

Camping here for more.. awaiting your return next week bro!
Old 19-02-2009, 04:13 PM
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Re: Hinting? =)

Rifle standby liao.. load , ready and safety off..
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Old 19-02-2009, 04:22 PM
Oralcraz Oralcraz is offline
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Re: Hinting? =)

WAH LAU EH!!!!! I steam liao. Make sure u bring condom and KY. I don't like the idea of upping other's wife, that how to tahan.....
Hah.....what a kang tao! Enjoy bro.
Old 19-02-2009, 04:55 PM
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Re: Hinting? =)

Originally Posted by bigmannow View Post
Rifle standby liao.. load , ready and safety off..
Lol..thx bro for the support... Will update if there's news =)

Originally Posted by Oralcraz View Post
WAH LAU EH!!!!! I steam liao. Make sure u bring condom and KY. I don't like the idea of upping other's wife, that how to tahan.....
Hah.....what a kang tao! Enjoy bro.
Oops... forget to mention she's a divorcee. And she alone bring up 2 kids... That's why I kind of respect her...
Old 19-02-2009, 06:36 PM
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Re: Hinting? =)

If that is not a clear enough hint :P

i don't know what is...

Go go and good luck..

Camp here for your report...
Old 19-02-2009, 06:46 PM
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Re: Hinting? =)

Not sure if I'd be that interested. Manager is already close to 50??
Old 19-02-2009, 07:02 PM
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Re: Hinting? =) ur story. like that also can..

let me msn my manager see can hook her up or not..
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Old 19-02-2009, 07:07 PM
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Re: Hinting? =)

Looking forward to your update and good luck to you.
Old 19-02-2009, 07:13 PM
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Re: Hinting? =)

My manager is also a divorcee, but it's a HE!!! Hahahaha...

Looks like I won't get a chance to sleep with my boss liao...
Longstanding walls are there to keep out those who do not want it badly enough. I will get to the other side.

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Please PM (very impt cos me poor memory) me so I can return your favour.
Old 19-02-2009, 07:35 PM
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Re: Hinting? =)

It is quite clear............

Keep us posted.......

Give us FR if possible.........
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Old 19-02-2009, 07:46 PM
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Re: Hinting? =)

hey ,bro ... so clear already ,i think u better make some prepare lo cause she confirm will eat you when at batam ,haha..... have a nice and 'happy' trip
Old 19-02-2009, 07:51 PM
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Re: Hinting? =)

Very obviously hint keep us update after your trip pls
Old 19-02-2009, 09:00 PM
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Re: Hinting? =)

all the best and have a happy time
Old 19-02-2009, 10:47 PM
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Re: Hinting? =)

How old are you yourself?

Do you have the intention to hump her?

Describe her more, eg complexion, shapely legs or not, etc.
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