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Old 14-08-2012, 12:33 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Originally Posted by EnigmaofSorrow View Post

I brushed my teeth and headed back to Nicole. She appeared to be fast asleep when I lay down next to her. As I put my arms around her, she shifted so that her ass was on my groin. I could not tell if it was deliberate but I left it there anyway.

Soon, enough, I fell asleep too, still spooning her.
And that's definitely pure love, or at least love without lust! Wishing you all the best with Nicole, I think you really should make up to her as she prob has been waiting for you thru the years. But that leaves you with another problem and that's Shirley. Looking forward to new developments....
Please support my true stories of short encounters and ONS from 2003 till now here Thanks!
Old 15-08-2012, 11:04 AM
fire_boi fire_boi is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Nice story bro... I spend 3 days reading from pg 1 to now... Nice twist of events... Anyway just follow ur heart and let nature takes its course...
Old 15-08-2012, 02:02 PM
EnigmaofSorrow EnigmaofSorrow is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

I awoke the next morning with Nicole's face buried in my chest, her arms wrapped around me like I was a bolster. I stroked her hair and face. She stirred.

Nic: Morning. Why did you decide to come over last night?

Me: Why not? You said you were free today.

Nic: Didn't expect you to come last night.

Me: Well, you did want to cuddle right?

Nic: Yeah.

Me: So I came to cuddle.

Nic: You sure you don't want anything else?

Me: Nope.

Nic: You're really trying to turn this into something more?

Me: Perhaps?

Nic: What if it doesn't work out in the end?

Me: Then it doesn't work out. I can't control these things.

Nic: I don't want to be responsible for your heartache.

Me: Neither do I for yours.

Nic: You already did the damage then.

Me: Is that why you're so unreceptive to the idea?

Nic: Maybe.

Me: And all you want now is just sex?

Nic: I really don't see what's wrong with this arrangement now.

Me: There's nothing wrong with it physically. But all we're doing is expanding the emotional void we both have.

Nic: And who do you think created this void?

Me: Probably me.

Nic: Then?

Me: I don't know. I felt something for you back then. And I'm blaming it on teenage hormones that screwed things up.

Nic: Keep blaming it. I shouldn't have led you on then.

Me: So maybe we can start afresh?

Nic: I don't think so.

Me: Why not?

Nic: Because I like you too.

Me: Huh?

Nic: I like you too. And I don't want to suffer the hurt of you running away again. This way we're both free from emotional commitment. There's no hurt.

Me: Wait. You like me but don't want to get together? Doesn't make any sense.

Nic: What if one day you decide you prefer Shirley? Or Jenny? Or some other random girl you happen to meet? Then what?

Me: Why would that happen?

Nic: You never know.

Me: Then what if you decide you like girls again?

Nic: There's a possibility of that...

Me: Right. So that's why this arrangement is better for you.

Nic: Yeah.

Me: I'll have to respect that I guess.

Nic: Good.

I cupped her face and brought my lips to hers, kissing them gently. I think she was surprised but did not resist.

Slowly, our mouths parted and she traced my lips with her tongue. I resisted turning it into a full-blown French kiss, continuing to kiss her gently instead. She ran her hands down my shoulders and to my groin but I pulled them back up and placed them on my chest, letting her feel my heartbeat. She stopped.

Nic: What are you doing?

Me: Trying to change your mind about me.

Nic: Nice try. But it's not working.

I ignored her and continued, planting gentle kisses on her forehead, face and lips. She pushed me away.

Nic: Stop it!

Me: What's wrong?

She sat up, turned away from me, and hugged her legs to her chest.

Nic: I don't like this.

Me: Why?

Nic: It's not the you I know. The you who would be ever ready to stick your dick into any hole.

Me: I'm not that person anymore.

Nic: It's already imprinted in my head.

Me: Remember the coffee? Or the cyclist? Remember how you rubbed the aloe vera gel onto my burns? We cared for each other.

Nic: Don't bring up the past.

Me: Remember how we kissed for the first time? How you said I might have done something right?

Nic: Shut up!

She covered her ears. I pulled her hands away.

Me: Nic, I'm serious. I only want to remember the good memories we both shared.


This time I remained silent. I got off the bed, put on my berms and t-shirt, grabbed my stuff, and left.

Nicole remained seated on the bed, seemingly emotionless.

I let myself out and climbed over the gate as I did not want to throw the key back inside. I got into my car and drove off with no destination in mind.

I guess I screwed things up again.
Old 15-08-2012, 02:27 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

actions of our ugly past always seem to bite back at us when we least expect it...

One can like many, but can only love One at a time..

Bros/Sis on the up list: nil

Pls be patient & will share 16 Green Apples every 24hrs

Priority will be given to bro/sis above +8pts
Old 15-08-2012, 02:38 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Hang in THERE !!! Give her some time ... don't give up yet !!!
Exchange with +10 pointers and above only. Thanks.

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Old 15-08-2012, 04:08 PM
SharkAttack SharkAttack is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

i think what u did by walking off was to reinforce her final statement.

Maybe by staying back and hugging her while she kick a fuzz and sob till she slept might be a better option.

Hey no ones' perfect. If we're, thats no such thing as a special someone. Just a standard or normal others.

Time to fight for something you migght treasure. Never too late to start. Always too late to regret if no action is taken.
Old 15-08-2012, 11:54 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Camping for moreee..

Bro enigma, please give nicole some time to think as the past experience between both of you isn't something easy for her to accept. Don't forget to check up on her.

Or maybe you can try it slowly by being her fb before developing everything from there.
Show her your intention thru love making. I think she'll feel it. No need to say it out loud if she just can't hear it.
Show it.
Old 16-08-2012, 12:02 AM
wldsguy wldsguy is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Never leave a gal alone even during a quarrel bro. Once you leave u might never be able to return. I have been following your story its been well written and wonderful. Thank you for the effort. Hang in there give her some time,

perhaps try finding out what she loves to eat or drink from her sis, prepare the meal yourself for a candle light dinner and surprise her. maybe get her sis to go out with andrew for a while that day just my random 2 cents

Old 16-08-2012, 12:39 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Seems like there's great animosity between Nic and her Sis Nat.

She do not want to anything 'touched' by Nat.

And I wonder why ???
Old 16-08-2012, 01:17 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

I drove until I reached my favorite spot at East Coast beach. I headed straight to the breakwater and sat down, ignoring the growls of my stomach.

The sun's rays beat down on me as I stared into the horizon. The beach was rather empty for a Saturday morning. I took the time to enjoy the solitude.

Perhaps I should not have left so abruptly, but that was how I usually dealt with all this. I guess my flight or fight mechanism was tuned more to flight.

I must have stoned there for pretty long, chain-smoking my entire pack of cigarettes before my phone rang. It was Natalie.

Nat: Hey. Thought you were here?

Me: Argued with Nic.

Nat: So that's why I heard her shouting.

Me: You were awake?

Nat: Not really. But I heard stuff.

Me: How is she?

Nat: How would I know?

Me: She's not home?

Nat: I woke up and wanted to see if you two wanted breakfast. But both cars were gone. She didn't pick up my call. So I called you.

Me: Hmm.

Nat: So I'm guessing she's not with you?

Me: Good guess.

Nat: Ok. So do you wanna have breakfast?

Me: It's almost time for lunch.

Nat: Brunch then.

Me: But where's your sister?

Nat: Who knows?

Me: You're not worried?

Nat: Nope. She can take care of herself.

Me: I hope so.

Nat: So brunch?

Me: Nah. I think I'll just stay here.

Nat: And do what?

Me: Reflect?

Nat: On?

Me: Things?

Nat: Looks like you two had a bad quarrel.

Me: I wouldn't exactly call it quarrel.

Nat: Well, I'm hungry, and your brother didn't reply my SMS. So if you wanna talk about it, I'm free.

Me: It's ok.

Nat: I'm not going to ask you to sleep with me. Just eat.

Me: I don't feel like it.

Nat: Just meet up to chat then?

Me: Nah.

Nat: Fine. Suit yourself. Bye.

Me: Bye.

She hung up and I resumed my staring out at the open sea.

I probably sat there without moving until the shadow cast by the sun was almost invisible. The humidity levels were not helping either. I decided to head home.

Upon reaching home, I realised that Shirley was not alone. Before I opened the door, I heard her chatting and laughing with someone. I entered anyway. Diane was over again.

I did not greet either of them but went straight to my room, took off my sweaty clothes and lay on the floor, not bothering to even take a shower.

I overheard Diane telling Shirley how rude I was and that she should kick me out of the house. Strangely, Shirley shushed her and said that I was having some problems and she should leave me alone for awhile. Did that mean that we were ok?

I plugged in my earphones and closed my eyes, trying to shut out the rest of the world around me.

I really needed to reflect on everything that was currently happening.
Old 16-08-2012, 01:22 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Originally Posted by curiouslala View Post
Camping for moreee..

Bro enigma, please give nicole some time to think as the past experience between both of you isn't something easy for her to accept. Don't forget to check up on her.

Or maybe you can try it slowly by being her fb before developing everything from there.
Show her your intention thru love making. I think she'll feel it. No need to say it out loud if she just can't hear it.
Show it.
A Woman's POV ? Take Heed ...
Exchange with +10 pointers and above only. Thanks.

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Thanks for up Javabeans, Swagelock & bigbirdbird but I can't return pts to you this round.
Old 16-08-2012, 01:24 PM
wtfuad wtfuad is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Great story ts. Not only the sexual side, but also the emotional side. Though it is good for the readers, but I doubt it is good for u when u recall all these stuff. Do take care
Old 16-08-2012, 09:55 PM
tomyum65 tomyum65 is offline
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Good story (over a decade of events). Good writing. 船到桥头自然直。随缘吧!
For the "unfortunate" events in life, we have to just grit our teeth and beat with it.

Awaits for your updates.
Old 18-08-2012, 01:24 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Engima bro. Had been reading from page 1 to page 70 for the past 3 days. Earned yourself a fan! Hoping to see next update
Old 18-08-2012, 10:40 AM
arohong arohong is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Waiting for more updates, interesting read.
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