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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Bro u damn suay meet this kind of pai kia...they damn annoying one
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
can hire you as bodyguard
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
continue pls ... can't wait for the next posting
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
more bro. wanna know what happened~
Too often we don't realize.. What we have until it's gone.. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
I'm not a very good bodyguard. Couldn't even watch Jenny.
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
I guess I was royally screwed unless I did something drastic. The bottle wielding dude's two friends would probably get up soon and join him in beating/slashing the crap out of me.
I wondered why no one had called the police yet, despite the commotion. Besides, the police station was really only just minutes away. I decided to try reasoning. Me: You don't want to do this. He did not say anything but continued to advance towards me. I ran through a few disarm techniques that I learnt before but none seemed to be appropriate. Maybe I should just run. Somehow or another, lucky was on my side. His two friends got up, and dragged him away, cursing me and probably my parents. I heaved a sigh of relief. Then it dawned upon me. I had been distracted from my task of watching Jenny. I turned to look at the void deck but they were no longer there. Maybe I was overreacting but I had a bad feeling about this. I ran towards the void deck while calling her on my mobile. At least it was still ringing. But she was not answering. I ran around the block, checking the staircase and lift landings but she was not there. Maybe she went for supper. I tried her mobile again. This time it was turned off. Something bad was definitely happening. I dialed Jason. He answered sleepily. Me: Bro. Your sister is missing. Come quickly. Jas: Huh? Me: Matthew wanted to meet her to apologize. They met under a block near my place. I was supposed to watch them but I got distracted. Jas: Maybe they went for supper after patching up? Me: I don't think so. Her phones off. Jas: Oh. Ok. I'll be there in half an hour? Where exactly. Me: Block 98. The car park. The old St. Anthony's Convent. Jas: Ok. See you in a while. I wondered why I should even be worried. Maybe Matthew had really changed and they were really having supper. But why would she turn off her phone? Especially since she wanted me to be nearby. I lit another stick and walked around the car park, looking into the cars there, in case there was an off chance that they were in any of them. I headed towards the other block to see if they were there when I suddenly heard what sounded like someone shouting for help, but was cut off halfway. But the person was not shouting for help. She was shouting a name. My name. I headed towards the jogging track in the park. It was dimly lit. The shout sounded like it came from somewhere near the school. I jogged along the track while puffing on my cigarette while looking around, trying to figure out where the shout came from. As I passed by the other fitness station, and came up towards a small area that had benches, I saw it. She was being pinned to the ground by him, struggling wildly. He was forcing himself on her. I rushed up to them and extinguished my cigarette at the side of his neck. He roared in pain and swung out at me, catching me at my ribs. For a big guy, he was not very strong and I was only momentarily winded. Jenny sensed an opportunity and drove her foot into his groin. I bet she wished she was wearing stilettos. His hands instinctively reached down to protect his manhood. I half considered planting a side kick to his head, since he was in a perfect position on his knees. But I decided that it might be lethal, so I grabbed him in a full Nelson hold instead, pulling him to his feet and dragging him a few meters from her. With all the strength I could muster, I flung him aside and released him from the full Nelson before attending to Jenny. She managed to sit up and remove the gag from her mouth. Me: Are you ok? She was a mess. Her t-shirt was torn and there were scratches on her arms, neck and shoulders. Her jeans were unbuttoned and unzipped and halfway down her ass. Lucky for her, they were tight enough around her hips and prevented Matthew from forcibly removing it. She was breathing heavily, but thankfully, she was relatively calm and not crying. Suddenly she screamed again, and I was grabbed by Matthew. He tried to replicate the full Nelson hold on me but was unsuccessful. I shrugged him off and spun around to face him. He swung a punch which connected with my chest as I could not deflect it in time. I stumbled a step back. Me: You sure you want to do this? The police are on their way. I was lying through my teeth but I hoped he would buy it. M: She destroyed my life! Me: You destroyed your own life. Call yourself a Christian. You're definitely going to hell. He lunged at me again. I hit him in the solar plexus with an open palm as I did not want to hurt him too badly. It was rather effective as he stumbled back trying to catch his breath. Just then, Jenny charged towards him with a stick or tree branch or something. I grabbed her before she managed to hit him and threw the branch aside. I tried to calm her down when Matthew decided to come at me again. I struck him in the chest with my elbow as he came from behind, stepped around him and swept his feet out from under him while pushing him back, the same way Jason did the first time he beat him up. However, I did not let him fall to the ground hard, supporting his weight by grabbing his shirt. I got onto his chest and drove my shin into his throat area. He grabbed at me wildly. Me: I can hurt you badly. Kill you even. But I'm not going to do that. We're going to wait until the police get here and you'll get what you deserve. He struggled and gasped for breath. I reduced the pressure on his throat. J: Let him go. Me: What? J: Just let him go. Please. Me: But... I got off. He scrambled to his feet and stumbled away. I watched as he got into a car, started the engine, and sped off. I sat down next to Jenny. She buried her head into my shoulder and started crying. It was definitely going to be a long night. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
This Matthew is really a f***er. Bro you really have good self-control. I would have beat the crap outta him if I were you. Kudos to your writing, I could visualize every move you've written. Keep it coming TS.
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
i would have broken his neck man...
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
u really can control your anger man. I would have bashed him up in such circumstances.
Too often we don't realize.. What we have until it's gone.. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
wah bro. took me 3 days to read from the first page to this page. hope everything works out fine for you!
"No man has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training....what a shame it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable." Socrates 470-399 B.C. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Me: You need to go to the police.
Jen: No. Me: Come on. We let him off the last time. He almost raped you this time. Why won't you just report him? Jen: I don't know. Me: Jason's on the way. Jen: Tell him not to come. If he finds out what happened he'll kill him. Me: Exactly. Jen: Please tell him I'm fine. Me: We'll go to the police. Jen: No. Me: Jen, what's wrong with you? Each time you let him off he'll get bolder. The next time I'll find your naked body floating in Bedok reservoir. She tried to slap me but ended up sobbing on my shoulder again. I tried to decide if I should tell Jason not to come when he called me. Jas: I'm at the car park. Where exactly are you? Have you found her? Me: Yeah. She's fine. Jas: I don't believe you. Me: We're at the park benches near the expressway. Jenny removed her head from my shoulder and tried re-arranging her t-shirt to make it look like nothing happened. Obviously, she failed miserably. I lit another stick and prepared for Jason's wrath. Jas: WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU?!!! Jen: Nothing. Enigma stopped him. Jason examined her carefully under the dim lighting. Jas: Where the fuck is he? Me: Gone. Jas: Where? Me: I don't know. She asked me to let him go so I did. Jas: What?!! This wouldn't have happened in the first place if you'd watched her carefully! Me: I agree. Jen: Wasn't his fault! He was being disturbed by some gangster. Matthew took the opportunity to drag me away. Jas: Ok. I'm really gonna kill him. Jen: Stop acting like a kid. What's happened has happened. Jas: And stop acting like it doesn't matter. Jenny started crying again. I pulled her towards my shoulder. Me: I think a clear enough message has been communicated to him. If you look for him now, you'll only make things worse. Given your temper, I'm not sure you can control yourself. Jas: You're half right. What now? Me: Can you take her home? Jas: Where? Neither of us live with our parents. Me: Jen, where are you putting up now? She did not reply, but continued sobbing. Jas: Now what? Me: Just let her cry it out. Suddenly, Jenny pushed me away and slapped me, before slapping Jason. Jas: What the fuck? She got up and walked away. I went after her and grabbed her hand. She turned around and slapped me again. Jen: Don't touch me! Perhaps she was finally feeling the effects of Matthew's violation. I followed her all the way to the void deck where she and Matthew were talking before he dragged her away. She sat on the bench, weeping silently. In the bright light, I saw her injuries more clearly. The scratches on her neck and shoulders were raw and bleeding and it appeared that her bra was missing. Jason came up to us. Jas: What do we do with her now? Me: I don't know. Jas: You know who she's staying with? Me: She didn't tell me. You? Jas: No idea. Me: Maybe we should get a girl down here to talk to her? Jas: Like? Me: Erm. I'm gonna try my luck here. We'll see what happens. Watch her? Jas: Sure. I excused myself and went to make a call, hopefully it would work out. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Shirley arrived around half an hour later.
I had mustered up enough courage to wake her up and ask for her help. No doubt she had mentioned before that she was ok with the whole situation, but you can never be too sure what a woman is thinking. Especially if the other woman is someone you were sleeping with while sleeping with her. But after I explained the situation, Shirley told me not to worry and that she would help in anyway she could. I think Jenny was a little shocked to see Shirley. She was still sobbing uncontrollably as Shirley wrapped the jacket around her and gave her a hug while stroking her hair. Jenny hugged her back and continued weeping into Shirley's ample bosom. On another day, in another situation, I would have found the scene in front of me extremely erotic. But this was not one of the days. S: Do you want to go to the police? Jenny shook her head. S: Ok. Let's get you back to my place to clean up. Jenny raised her head and looked at me as if asking for some sort of sign for what she should do. I merely shrugged. S: Don't worry. I know who you are and what happened. Just come back, get a change of clothes, maybe a hot drink, then we'll see if you want to go to the police. Jason looked at me. Jas: Should I drive over? Me: Why not? Jas: Ok. Jason retrieved his car and we bundled Jenny and Shirley into the back seat, while I took the front. He drove us across the street to the car park where Shirley's block was at. We went up first as he went to park the car. Shirley guided Jenny into the bathroom and sat her on the toilet bowl. She started to remove Jenny's torn t-shirt, carefully avoiding the scratches. I was right. Her bra was gone, that piece of shit Matthew must have removed it. However, sensing they needed some privacy, I excused myself and closed the bathroom door, heading outside for a smoke while waiting for Jason. Jason appeared and we smoked while waiting for Shirley. He had gone to the 7-11 to buy some beer. I was surprised as usually they did not sell alcohol after midnight. He popped the tab of the Heineken and chugged down almost the entire can in one go. Me: Hey. Slow down. Jas: I should never have introduced her to him. He seemed so decent. So innocent. Me: You can't judge a book by it's cover. How were you supposed to know anyway? Jas: If I ever see him again I swear I'll fucking kill him. Me: You need to calm down. You still have a career. Don't jeopardize your own life because of fuckers like him. Let the police handle it. He finished his can and opened another. Me: Woah. You don't intend to drive home? Jas: It's only two cans. So far. Shirley appeared at the door. S: It's not good. Me: What? S: He, erm, penetrated her. Jas: What?! Jason crushed the can, spilling the remaining beer everywhere. Me: His pants were still on, so he used his fingers? S: Yeah. There's scratches on her inner thighs and she's bleeding quite badly. We probably need to bring her to a doctor. Me: Ok. Let's go then. S: She doesn't want to. I've cleaned her wounds and put her to bed. She's still crying though. Jas: I'm gonna kill him. Me: Jason, forget it. Concentrate on the task at hand. S: Yes. She doesn't want any more trouble. The best we can do is to watch her and try to convince her to see a doctor and go the police. Me: Can't we call the police to come here instead? S: We could. But it would be better for her to go to them willingly. Me: Good point. S: Well, just let her sleep. Don't disturb her. I'm going back to bed. In your bed. Me: Sure. I'll take the couch. S: The beds big enough for us both. Me: Erm. Nah. I'll take the couch, or my inflatable mattress. S: Suit yourself. I'm a little shaken by the situation. Would have wanted someone to hold me. Me: Oh. S: But maybe it's better for you to sleep on the couch. Wake me if she wakes and needs help. She turned to Jason. S: You staying as well? Jas: Yeah. S: Well, she told you to go home and be with your fiancee. And forget about Matthew. Jas: Why? S: She said you have your own life to lead. Don't bother about her. Jas: That does sound like her. Well, ok. I'll go after the beer. But if I see him I'll still kill him. Me: Your fighting skills come from a video game. I think you should know where you stand. Jas: Right. He's still gonna get it. Me: You need to learn some form of restraint. Otherwise, one day your temper is going to get you in big trouble. Jas: I'll think about it. S: Ok. I'm off to bed. You're making breakfast tomorrow right? Me: I guess so. S: Well, you need to go to the supermarket then. You're cooking for three now. Shirley went back into the house. Jas: I guess I'll be going. Me: Alright. Don't do anything stupid. Jason left and I entered the house. I stood outside Shirley's room. I could still hear Jenny crying. I wanted to go in and say something but I guess the timing was not right yet. I lay down on the couch and closed my eyes. What a way to finally introduce Shirley to Jenny. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Bro, can't wait for the continuation..
Hopefully jenny is okay.. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
hope jenny is alright. Bro dunoe you heng or you suay always kena in a difficult position. But nevertheless glad you followed your heart in doing the right things. violence cant solve problems but only escalate them. Hope everything will turn out fine.
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
I had barely gotten any rest when I heard someone open the main door and start rattling the gate.
Jenny, still crying, and dressed only in one of my army T-shirts that Shirley used to wear, was trying to get out of the house. I got up and approached her, but she crumpled into a heap by the door, hugging her legs to her chest. I turned on the light and saw the wounds on her thighs. J: Go away! Me: Jen, you need to rest. Go back to the room? J: I want to go home. I squatted down next to her but she withdrew herself, squeezing against the wall and the door. I extended my hand to hold hers but was greeted by a loud wail. I wondered if the neighbours were going to call the police yet. Sighing, I went to my room to wake Shirley up. I glanced at the digital clock on my table. It was 430am. I sat on the bed and shook her awake. S: Hmm? You decided to join me? Me: No. I'm having a little trouble outside. Jenny's trying to leave. She sat up. S: Huh. Why? Me: Maybe she's still traumatized. S: You don't say. Me: Well? Help me get her back to bed? S: Ok. We were about to go the the living room when Jenny appeared in the doorway, giving us both a shock. The light from the living room cast a silhoutte into the room. It was like a scene from a B-grade horro movie. Her hair was messy and falling over her face. The only thing missing was a knife and lots of blood. Jenny entered the room, pushing me off the bed. I wisely gave her some space. Jenny grabbed a shocked Shirley, pulled her down onto the bed, and buried her head in her chest again, sobbing. Me: Well, I guess that's settled. Shirley gave me a confused look, but accommodated Jenny anyway, stroking her hair and shushing her. I shrugged and pulled the comforter over them. Jenny flinched, as though I was trying to molest her, and sobbed louder. Shirley gave me a stare which indicated I should leave. I left and shut the door, heading back to the couch for some much needed rest. I did not get to rest much though, as Jason called at around 530. J: Bro, you awake? Me: Now I am. J: How's she? Me: Should be sleeping. J: I couldn't sleep the whole fucking night. He sounded a little high. Or drunk. Me: And? J: I want to go see him. Me: Right. And do what? J: I won't kill him. I hope not. Me: Then? J: Just teach him a lesson? Me: What's the point? J: She won't go to the police. Even if we do, they might not take action unless she presses charges. Me: Are you suggesting we carry out our own brand of vigilante justice? J: Yeah. Me: Who do you think you are? Batman? J: You can be Robin. Me: Dude, that's not funny. J: I know. But I need to settle this. Otherwise I won't have peace. Me: Don't make vengeance your priority. There won't be a good end to it. J: Whatever I can do to him will never surpass what he did to Jenny. Me: That's not the point. J: Anyway, I'm downstairs. Me: You drove? J: No, took a cab. Me: Somehow I have a bad feeling you included me in your plan. J: Just drive me there. Me: No. J: Do it for Jenny. You owe it to her. Me: What? J: If you'd watched them carefully, he wouldn't have had the opportunity. Me: Fuck you man. J: Just drive me there. I need you to be there in case I lose control as well. Me: You gotta be kidding. J: Nope. I heard a knock on the door. Jason had arrived. I opened the door. Me: You weren't kidding. J: Nope. Get dressed and let's go. I let him in. J: Where's she? Me: Sleeping with Shirley. J: Right. Me: Really. And where exactly do you intend to find him? J: I called his sister. He hasn't been home all night. Me: You told her? J: Somewhat. She asked me not to tell their parents. Me: And yet you're gonna beat him up? J: Yeah. Why not? Makes sense right? Me: Not at all. J: Well, get dressed? Me: My clothes are in my room. J: Then go get them. Me: They're inside. J: Doesn't Shirley have her own room? Me: Long story. Be quiet. I opened the door as silently as I could and peered in. Jenny was snuggled against Shirley and appeared to be sleeping peacefully. I wondered how Shirley felt about the whole situation. I tiptoed in, grabbed my berms and a t-shirt and tiptoed out, shutting the door quietly behind me. Me: Where are we going? J: He stays in Boon Keng. Opposite the Kallang MRT. Know where? Me: Rough idea. Let's go. |
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