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Old 11-09-2010, 05:05 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Bro thank for yr story
Old 11-09-2010, 05:14 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

So deep ar... Seldom heard pple post about threesome n somemore is 2guys 1girl... that is really nuts and not my type but prefer with 2girls 1guy... Do continue it.. XD
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Old 13-09-2010, 12:53 PM
EnigmaofSorrow EnigmaofSorrow is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

I have decided to rewind the timeline a little bit and write about my first few sexual experiences instead, since I have already shared so much about the past few years...

Let me take you back to more than 10 years ago, when I was still in school, Junior College to be exact. I was in the Science stream studying Bio, Chem, Econs and AO Maths for my first 3 months in JC, and moved on to Arts after that when my O Level results were not too good. I did History, Lit and Econs in Arts.

Tanya was an Eurasian girl in my Econs tutorial group. I first met her when we were in the same orientation group. She was tall, around 1.75m, slim, tanned, and had a rack that was impressive for a JC girl. Her hair was perpetually dyed brown, even though it was frowned upon in JC, but she always managed to get away as she was Eurasian, and the fact that she swam alot.

She was physically attractive and made friends easily. I, on the other hand, coming from an all-boys school, was introverted and shy, and only cared about going to the gym. As a result, my grades suffered, and I did very badly for the first Econs test. The Econs tutor, a balding middle-aged man, was an asshole, and decided to make fun of me by saying that my brain was made of muscle. Of course, I endured his needless taunts, otherwise, I might have been expelled from school.

One day, I was studying Econs, or rather trying to make sense of the damn subject, at a study bench in a secluded area of the school. It was tucked away in a far corner, near an unused staircase. I had chosen the spot as it was quiet, and no one would dosturb me. Another reason was that the staircase was actually the unofficial smoking point, and I had seen students as well as teachers emerge from the staircase smelling of smoke.

My study session was like any other, lots of furious scribbling, and the occassional crushing of paper. I was about to go for a smoke when I heard a commotion behind me. Tanya and a group of guys and girls appeared to be heading to the staircase. I only recognised Tanya, and another guy, Derrick, who was from the same secondary school as her. He was also from my orientation group. He stood out as he was the only guy I knew in JC who had a backful of tattoos, and talk of his links with secret societies was rife. But he struck me as a down-to-earth guy who was friendly.

D: Hey man, what are you doing here?

Derrick already had an unlit stick in his mouth.

Me: Studying lor. Econs test next week.

D: Haha. That's tough.

Me: Yeah I suck at Econs.

D: Maybe you can ask Tanya for help? She's quite good.

Me: Er, ok. We're actually in the same tutorial group?

D: Really?

Derrick called Tanya over. I watched as her short short swished around her hips, and her ample chest threatened to burst out of her blouse. I think puberty really hit her after secondary school as her uniform looked to be too small for her. Either that, or she already dressed like this in secondary school.

D: Hey babe, this guy's in your Econs class?

T: Hmm, I don't know. Maybe. He looks familiar. I think he's the quiet guy who sits alone at the back.

Me: Yeah. That's me.

T: Now I remember! You're the guy who Mr. Chan said has muscles for brains!

Me: Er, yeah. That's me too.

D: HAHA! Bro, you kena suan by that old man? How you tahan man? If me, I surely whack him!

Me: I don't wanna get expelled.

D: Anyway, you need help right? Tanya, you wanna help him?

Tanya came up behind me and leaned over my shoulder. I felt her soft breasts pressing on my shoulder blade.

T: Which topic is this?

Me: Micro.

T: Oh. That's easy. And your arm is hard.

She squeezed my deltoid. I stiffened.

Me: Er, thanks. Your breasts are soft... Oops.

I had no idea why but it just slipped out. I never had such close contact with a girl who was not my girlfriend. She laughed.

T: Haha! You were expecting breasts to be as hard as your muscles?

D: Haha bro! That's not the way to pick up girls man!

I was at a loss for words.

Me: Er. Sorry. Didn't mean it...

And they burst out laughing again.

T: Anyway, you wanna come by my place tomorrow after school? I could guide you in MicroEcons.

Me: Er. Sure. Why not?

Tanya went to the side of the bench. Took my pen, and scribbled her address on my notepad. I had a great view of her cleavage as she bent down. I felt my cock stirring in my pants.

D: We're gonna smoke. Wanna join us?

Me: Erm. Nah. I need to finish up here.

It was a lame excuse. But I did not want anyone of them seeing my semi-erection.

T: Ok! I'll see you tomorrow then! Take care!

Me: You too.
Old 13-09-2010, 01:05 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Pretty sure the Laws of Demand & Supply will be cumming up soon eh?? Cheers bro .............
" Life is what happens when you're too busy making other plans." - John Lennon

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Old 13-09-2010, 09:00 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

After school the next day, I met Tanya outside the school gates.

Me: Hi.

T: Hi.

Me: So how are we going to your place?

T: Oh. My chauffuer is on his way.

I got a shock. So she was rich. But she certainly did not act like a rich spoilt brat like some peiple I know.

Me: I see.

T: So how's school today? I didn't see you in Econs lecture?

Me: Er. I was in the gym. Sports day is coming up.

T: Wah. How do you expect to pass if you skip lectures?

Me: I don't think l'll be doing Econs la. Now first 3 months.

T: That's the wrong attitude.

I was thinking why the hell she was reprimanding me and whether she was actually willing to tutor me in Econs. However, I decided against talking back as even if I did not learn anything, I would get to be in close proximity with a hot JC girl, and maybe even get some action. Of course, the priority was passing the test, and later on the Econs common test. After all, the O Level results had not been released yet and I did not know if I would be able to stay in the same stream, or even in the same JC.

Shortly after, a silver BMW 5-series pulled up and Tanya got in, beckoning me to follow.

Having grown up not really well-to-do, the experience of being in a BMW was a totally new one. I breathed in deeply, taking in the leather scent, and of course, caught a whiff of Tanya's perfume. I felt uncomfortable being in the presence of wealth and Tanya could see it. She decided to break the ice by chatting with me, and asking questions about myself. I answered mostly in mono-syllables, seriously unsure of what to say.

She lived in a three storey bungalow somewhere in the Bukit Timah area. When we arrived at her house, there was no one there except her three maids, the chauffuer, and her younger twin sisters, who immediately got into the car, presumably off for piano lessons or something. Essentially, we were alone. She led me to her room on the third floor. It was huge, probably three times the size of my own bedroom, with a walk in wardrobe that had a hidden staircase leading to the attic.

The room was simply furnished, with a king-sized bed in the middle, a dresser, a sofa set, a huge rug and bean bags, and a large flat screen television. There was even an attached bathroom.

Me: Woah.

T: Yeah, my parents are wealthy. Don't look too much into it ok? I'm just a normal girl.

I was at a loss for words. Whoever her boyfriend was, he was a really lucky guy.

Me: So where do we study?

T: Upstairs, my study area is in the attic.

I headed up through the wardrobe and entered the attic. The ceiling seemed low but it was actually normal height. Tanya's two study tables were side-by-side, away from the window. Her desktop and laptop were on one, while the other was clear. Bookcases adorned the walls, with non-fiction and fiction literature. I noticed lots of Sidney Sheldon and Mills and Boon books, and a couple of trashy romance novels. As I was feeling thirsty, I headed back down the stairs and was treated to a sight that made my dick rise instantly.

Tanya was in the midst of undressing. Her uniform skirt around her ankles, revealing the FBT shorts she wore underneath. She was also halfway through unbuttoning her blouse, revealing her cream-coloured bra and ample chest. I missed a step and fell down the stairs.

Me: Shit.

I expected Tanya to scream or something. But she did not.

T: Hey, at least give a warning when you are coming down...

She finished unbuttoning her blouse and took it off, then bent down to retrieve her skirt. She walked towards me in her bra and shorts and dumped her unifor into the laundry basket beside me. All this while, I just sat there admiring her body. Not an inch of fat could be seen on her, and her rack complimented her slim figure nicely, not too big, and not too small.

T: See no touch okay?

She reached around her back and unhooked her bra, before turning around to remove it. She took a t-shirt from a hanger and slipped it on, before turning back to face me, tossing the bra into the laundry basket. I do not know if she did it on purpose but she missed and her bra landed in front of me.

T: Oops. Could you help me put that with the rest of the clothes?

By now my erection was already raging and I picked her bra up, sneaking a quick peek at the label. 34B. I put it in the laundry basket.

Me: Erm, are you always this open with guys around?

T: Yeah. Why not? It's not like we're fucking or anything.

Me: Raging.... Hormones...

I managed to stammer.

T: I'm sure you'll keep your hormones in check. Let's go study.

She proceeded up the stairs and I followed behind. Suddenly she stopped and I bumped into her, my hardon pressing against the back of her thigh.

T: Woah. What's that hard thing?

Me: Sorry. You stopped.

Tanya giggled and continued up the stairs. I had a mind to pin her to the ground and make sweet love to her, even though I had no prior experience in sex. But I realised that she could probably send me to jail for a very long time, and this time, managed to keep my dick in my pants.
Old 14-09-2010, 03:56 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

fast fast to cont the next session sia... Dont always stop half way leh... XD
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Old 14-09-2010, 07:26 PM
EnigmaofSorrow EnigmaofSorrow is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

And so we studied. Really studied. No doubt I was treated to the sight of Tanya in various states of undress over the next few sessions. Maybe it was some kind of weird motivation, but I managed to go from failing Econs outright, to barely passing, to maintaining a C average. This girl was really something. She had beauty, brains, and not to mention, wealth. I had spent so many afternoons after school alone with her that rumours were flying around that we were a couple. A beauty and the (beast) story. But I did not care. My conscience was clear. And at least I was passing Econs. My hormones were also in check. I went from raging hardons at the mere sight of her in her bra, to not even having a single dirty thought in my mind even when her erect nipples pressed through the thin material of her t-shirts.

We also got closer as friends throughout the weeks that passed, and the thought of having a relationship with her also crossed my mind. I did some feelings for her, but did not know if she would reciprocate.

At that time, I was still actively involved in track and field, and even participated in rock-climbing just for kicks. Despite all my extra curricular activities, my grades did not suffer. The turning point came when the O level results were released.

I had somehow screwed up my grades for triple science and maths, and I had to transfer to the Arts stream. Tanya remained in the Science stream. I also contemplated dropping Econs in favour of Geography but a History, Lit and Geog combination was not offered in the Arts stream and I stuck with Econs. I met up with Tanya after school to chat.

Me: Hey. I'm moving to Arts.

T: That's too bad. You won't see me as much.

Me: Haha. We're still in the same school.

T: Actually, I'm leaving in a few months.

Me: Why?

T: My family's moving to the States.

Me: That's fast.

It was not unexpected though. Tanya's mom was American and perhaps it was time the family moved on to greener pastures.

Me: So are you going to stay in school or just leave?

T: Probably won't be staying. I'll take the next few months off to relax.

Me: I see.

T: I'll submit my request to leave school next week.

Me: You know something?

T: Yeah?

Me: I think I'm gonna miss you.

T: Haha. That's sweet. But we ain't a couple. So there's no teary goodbyes.

I decided to try my luck, part of me hoping I wouldn't get slapped.

Me: You have a couple more weeks left. Wanna have a fling?

T: Seriously? Are you for real?

My face reddened. Metaphorically at least.

Me: Yeah.

T: How do you know I'm not seeing someone?

Me: I don't. Are you?

T: Nope.

Me: Then what's the problem?

T: There's no problem.

Me: You've been teasing me all this while, making me want you sexually...

T: Yeah. I did that on purpose.

Me: Huh? Why?

T: Testing your restraint? Haha. I do that to all the guys I'm close to. It's quite fun really.

Me: Erm. No it's not. You're such a cock tease.

T: Haha. You're not the first to call me that.

Me: Right.

T: Well, you proved that you aren't a horny bastard that most guys turn out to be.

Me: And?

T: Let's just say maybe you and I could have had something going.

Me: Well, it's too late for that now anyway.

T: Not really. Tell you what, don't go to school tomorrow, we'll go out.

Me: Hmm, I've got training tomorrow.

T: You're kidding right? You're gonna give up a date with me for training?

Me: Well, yes.

T: I'm impressed. Let me know when you're free then. We'll have a date. And see how things progress.

Me: I'll think about it.

T: Ok. It's a deal then?

Me: I suppose.

The silver BMW appeared. Tanya gave me a hug, pressing her soft boobs against me, and whispered in my ear.

T: I'll see you soon.

I must have been brain-damaged then, rejecting a date with a hot girl whom I had some interest for. I felt that she was toying with me, possibly playing with my feelings. I had entered JC on the back of a failed relationship with my first girlfriend, and probably was still on the rebound. Committment was not on my mind, but here was a chance at some action, hopefully physical, and I did not even have to do much. And yet I kicked opportunity in the face, and spat on it while it was writhing in pain on the ground. But still, the invitation was open. I decided to head to the gym to clear my thoughts.
Old 15-09-2010, 12:20 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

I eventually decided to go out with Tanya, a few days after she had asked me out. I did not see her in school the past few days and wondered what she had been up to.

I did not go to school that day and met Tanya at her house bright and early in the morning. I was a little afraid of bumping into her parents or siblings, especially since it was barely 8am.

Her maid was waiting for me at the gate as I alighted from the cab. I was dressed casually in a sleeveless t-shirt and berms, but had a polo tee and jeans in my sling bag in case she decided to go to a place where I had to be slightly more appropriately dressed.

Maid: Good morning Sir, Madam Tanya is waiting for you upstairs.

Me: Er. Morning.

Maid: Would you like anything to drink? Milo, coffee or tea?

Her maid spoke impeccable English.

Me: No thank you, I'm fine.

Maid: Ok Sir, there are soft drinks and mineral water in the pantry upstairs.

Wow. There was a pantry. I did not notice it the past few times I was there.

Me: Thank you.

I headed up to Tanya's room and knocked on the door, in case I caught her in a state of undress. I heard her muffled voice through the door.

T: Come in.

I opened the door and peered in. Tanya was nowhere to be seen. Her half-eaten tray of breakfast, scrambled eggs and toast, sat on the nightstand beside her bed. The sheets were pulled and the quilt nicely arranged. It looked as though she had been up for quite some time.

Me: Where are you?

T: Up here.

I entered the wardrobe and climbed the stairs up to her study. Still, she was nowhere to be seen. I wondered what kind of hide and seek game she was playing.

Me: Where?

T: In the balcony.

Her study led to the balcony. I had not noticed it before as the curtains were drawn and I thought that it was just some windows. I approached cautiously.

T: Hi.

Oh my fucking god. The balcony was not a balcony, but rather something like a huge patio. There were deck chairs and even a jacuzzi on a raised wooden platform. So this was how the rich wasted their money. Tanya wearing a white bikini, reading the morning papers. I was totally unprepared for what happened next. It was as though I was Hugh Jackman in Swordfish meeting Halle Berry. Tanya lowered the papers to reveal her bare chest. My jaw dropped and clanked onto the wooden floorboards and rolled off. Saliva gushed out of my mouth like a broken tap. Just kidding.

Me: Hi...

Before this, I had only seen her in her bra, and whenever she removed it, she would turn her back to me, depriving me of the wondrous sight. Now, her 'eyes' were 'staring' at me. I wanted so much to reach out and squeeze them. I regretted wearing boxers under my berms as the tent was becoming pretty obvious.

Me: Catching the morning sun?

T: Yeah. I usually do this when I'm free in the mornings.

Me: Won't the neighbours see....

Then I realised that the area was secluded from the prying eyes of anyone else.

Me: Erm. So what's up?

Something was hampering me from making decent conversation.

T: Other than the sky?

Tanya eyed the bulge in my berms and giggled.

Me: So what do you wanna do today? I skipped school just for you.

T: I'm flattered. I thought I might tan a bit. Maybe catch a movie, window shop?

Me: Er. Ok. So how do I fit into the picture?

T: Well, you could help me oil my back...

I gulped and headed over.

T: Why don't you remove your top? I wanna see what you look like.

I hesitated for awhile before removing my t-shirt. Tanya gazed at my pecs and abs.

T: You must really like going to the gym.

Me: Er. Yeah.

T: I think you're hot. How come you don't have a girlfriend?

Me: Erm. I don't know. No time maybe?

T: Well, you definitely aren't gay.

Me: Of course not!

T: Had a girlfriend before?

Me: Just one.

Tanya flipped over and I took the bottle of tanning oil and squirted some on her back.

T: Not like that! Put it on your hands and slowly rub it in...

I did as told and massaged the oil onto her neck, shoulders and back, taking care to avoid the sides of her breasts.

T: So only one girlfriend? Was it serious?

Me: Er, I'm not sure. We broke up after a year.

T: That's long. You must have been sad.

Me: Yeah.

I got more oil and rubbed it slowly onto her thighs and calves.

T: Hang on.

She undid the knot on the bikini bottom and pulled it out from under her. I inhaled sharply.

T: Do my butt too. I hate tanlines.

I ran my hands over her shapely ass, gently massaging the oil in.

T: I realised something.

Me: Yeah?

T: You aren't molesting me.

Me: Er, what?

Tanya sat up, grabbed my hands and placed them on her chest. I instinctively backed off.

Me: Woah.

T: This is very strange...

Me: What is?

T: You.

Me: Me?

T: Yeah you. Normally guys would be all over me, grabbing my boobs, forcing their tongues into my mouth, and trying to stick their dicks in me.

Me: Er...

T: You sure you are hetero?

Me: Of course! I respect you too much to do all that!

T: No, seriously.

Me: Seriously!

T: Hmm... It's still weird. What's the furthest you've gone with your ex?

Me: Erm. French kissing?

Tanya burst out laughing.

T: HAHA! How old were you? Twelve?

Me: Sixteen.

T: Oh. So you never touched her breasts?

Me: Nope.

T: Pussy?

Me: Nope.

T: Gotten a handjob?

Me: Nope.

T: Blowjob?

Me: Nope.

T: Oh my god. You are really a virgin...

Me: Yeah. Why would you think otherwise?
Old 15-09-2010, 01:10 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

T: Let's just say I've been hearing rumours about you.

Me: From?

T: Friends of friends.

Me: What kind of rumours?

T: That you're a playboy and have multiple sex partners?

Me: Haha. How's that possible? I spent most of my free time in the gym.

T: Haha. I can see that.

She stroked my chest. I flinched.

Me: What other rumours have you heard?

T: After orientation night you bedded three girls at the same time.

Me: Wow. In my dreams maybe.

T: Oh. And you have a huge dick.

Me: Erm. It's a rumour right?

T: So how big is it? Ten? Twelve?

I felt myself blushing, and staring at the tuft of hair between her legs.

Me: Er. I never measured.

T: Let's find out then. Remove your berms.

I took them off.

T: And your boxers.

Off came the only thing protecting my modesty. My erection sprung free. I felt like a piece of meat at the market being examined by a housewife for freshness.

T: Ok. It's not THAT big. I'd say seven inches?

Me: I didn't measure it!

Tanya grabbed it and wanked it a few times, making sure the foreskin fully covered the head before pulling it back. I was trying hard not to be Jason Biggs in American Pie.

T: It's hard too! Do you train it in the gym as well?

I looked at Tanya incredulously, as though she was a dumb blond with a new toy.

Me: Er. Nope.

T: You sure you're Chinese? I've never seen a Chinese guy with one this big.

Me: Really? I thought I'm average.

T: Nah. Average would be five inches? Like most of the Chinese guys I've had.

Tanya continued wanking me. I shuddered.

T: So anyway, this is called a handjob.

Me: I know what a handjob is!

T: Wanna find out what a blowjob is?

Without waiting for my reply, Tanya pulled me towards her and placed her soft lips on my dickhead, her tongue giving it soft licks of alternating speed, before engulfing it with her mouth inch by inch. She bobbed her head up and down my pole while using her hand to wank it in a twisting motion. I lasted two minutes, and shot my load into her mouth. It took her by surprise and a bit of semen dribbled down the corner of her mouth. She wiped it up with her finger and licked it clean before swallowing.

Me: Sorry.

T: My, my. You really are a virgin.

Me: You actually needed proof?

T: Well, I was kinda hoping the rumours were true. I'm kinda disappointed...

Me: Erm. Too bad then.

T: I don't just sleep with any guy ok?

Me: Er. Ok. Whatever you say.

T: Haha. You're cute.

Me: Er. Thanks?

Tanya took a gulp from the glass of orange juice beside her and stood up. I could not stop staring at her neatly trimmed pussy.

T: Into the jacuzzi.

She got in and I slid in beside her. I leaned back, letting the jets massage my back. Tanya did not let me relax for long though, and she pulled me towards her.

T: Kiss me.

I brought my face towards her awkwardly. Our lips parted and our tongues met, slowly touching then retracting. I traced the outline of her lips with my tongue. She pulled away.

T: So you're a gentle one...

She pulled me towards her and forced her tongue into my mouth, furiously attacking mine, and sucking hard on my lips. Her hands grabbed my head as our tongues fought, each trying to gain the upper hand. The vicious battle subsided and we went back to slow frenching for a couple more minutes before starting the full-scale onslaught again. When we parted we were both panting and my heart was racing.

T: See? Vary the force you use to kiss, it feels better.

Me: Are you teaching me how to kiss?

T: No. I'm teaching you how to make a girl feel good.

Great, not only was Tanya my Econs tutor, she suddenly became my sex education teacher. Not that I was really complaining.

T: Let's try again. But this tim, hand on boob.

She placed my hands on her chest and we started to french again. I squeezed her boobs. She stopped.

T: No, no. Not so hard. It's not a squishy toy. Squeeze, and caress. Trace the outline of the areola. Brush against the nipples. Pinch them lightly, flick them, rub them. Then repeat from step one.

Me: Huh?

She pulled my face towards her again and this time I tried to apply what she taught me. She pulled my head towards her neck.

T: Light kisses, some tongue. Earlobes can be nibbled. The back of the neck is sensitive. Lick the ear, but don't stick your tongue in.

More practice. Tanya place one of my hands at her pussy.

T: Stroke the sides, or labia. At the top is the clit, it's under a hood-like thing, it's very very sensitive, just like your dickhead. It gets filled with blood when a woman is aroused. The hood can be pulled back, like foreskin. Rub it gently, or roughly, circular or up-down motions.

I found her clit. It was engorged with blood. Did it mean that I was doing things right?

T: Insert your finger in slowly, make sure she's wet. Roughly an inch or two up, there's an area that feels weird, like a mound of flesh that isn't supposed to be there. That's the g-spot. Rub it too.

I did, and decided to apply the boob techniques using my mouth. A moan escaped her lips.

T: You're a fast learner...

I inserted another finger into her pussy, and used my thumb to play with her clit. My other hand fondled her breast, while my mouth alternated between her other breast, her neck, earlobes, and mouth.


I felt her pussy muscles tighten around my fingers and I quickened the pace, grabbing her boobs hard and frenching her at the same time.


Tanya writhed and shuddered and kissed me with wild abandon. Her hands grabbed my cock underwater and jerked me hard and fast. Then she stopped, and pulled me close. She whispered into my ear.

T: I came.
Old 15-09-2010, 10:29 AM
io33 io33 is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

if i was at home, i would probably have come too!

Old 15-09-2010, 03:09 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Now waiting for the part where YOU cum!! , cheers bro ..................
" Life is what happens when you're too busy making other plans." - John Lennon

" All that is needed for Evil to succeed is, that decent human beings do NOTHING. " - Edmund Burke
Old 15-09-2010, 05:49 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Originally Posted by eeemen View Post
Now waiting for the part where YOU cum!! , cheers bro ..................
already did bro... haha...

stay tuned for the next update...
Old 15-09-2010, 09:35 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

We continued frenching like lovers for the next few minutes. Tanya played with my cock, teasing it, waiting for it to get soft, then making it hard again.

Me: Er. Isn't this a little too much?

T: What is?

Me: We're getting quite physical.

T: And you're complaining?

Me: Not really... But I've never gone this far with anyone before.

T: Now you have.

Me: Well, yeah.

T: Aren't you enjoying yourself?

Me: Of course! But I thought we were supposed to go on a date?

T: Isn't this a date?

Me: Sort of. I guess.

T: Never heard of fucking on the first date?

Me: Erm. Let's just say it took me a couple of dates before I held my ex's hand. And 6 months before we even kissed.

T: You've got to be kidding? What's she? A nun?

Me: No... I guess we were young and inexperienced.

T: Well, you made me cum on the first date. That's a start right?

Me: Haha. Yeah.

T: Are you ready for the next lesson?

Me: I think so.

Tanya got out of the jacuzzi and sat on the edge, spreading her legs.

T: Ok. I shall teach you how to eat pussy. Or cunninlingus.

Me: I know what it's called...

She ignored me.

T: A blowjob is called fellatio.

Me: I know that too...

T: Well, since you know so much, show me.

Me and my big mouth. Well, I had to try anyway. I positioned myself comfortably and brought my mouth close to her pussy. I applied the hand techniques Tanya taught me, but used my tongue instead. Since she compared the clitoris to a dickhead, I decided that it was probably the area to concentrate on. Then I tried sticking my tongue into her pussy, as though it was a dick. Tanya stopped me.

T: Look, you were doing fine until you tried that. Unless you're Gene Simmons, it probably isn't going to work.

Me: Wait. You know who Gene Simmons is?

T: Yeah. The guy with the super long tongue. Now carry on, but don't stick your tongue in.

I continued licking her clit slowly, in up-down and circular motions, sometimes pausing to tease her labia. I tried nibbling on it. She stopped me again.

T: How would you like it if I bit your dick?? Nibbling works for earlobes and maybe nipples, but please don't use it on clits...

I tried again, and went on for another few minutes. Tanya moaned softly and grabbed her breasts, playing with the nipples. My tongue was getting tired and my jaw felt sore. I had no idea it was going to be this tough. I slackened the pace and suddenly hit on a brainwave. I inserted my finger into her pussy and tried stimulating her g-spot. She moaned louder.


Her pussy was extremely wet and I slid another finger in easily. Juices were slowly trickling down my fingers and onto my palm. I felt her pussy contract and expand. I quickened the pace. She screamed.


Her thighs closed around my head and she grabbed my hair, holding me in a vice-like grip between her legs. I could not breathe. I struggled and managed to break free, but kept rubbing her g-spot. Suddenly, Tanya convulsed violently and I felt some liquid squirting onto my hand.

Me: Wow. I thought this only happens in porn!

It reminded me of a porn clip I watched previously where Peter North was fucking this girl and she ejaculated so hard that the camera got some of the juices. The memory of it turned me on and I continued rubbing. Tanya grabbed the edge of the jacuzzi as she convulsed even more. I used my other hand to rub her clit. Her moans got louder and louder and finally culminated into a loud scream. I hoped no one heard, otherwise they might have thought a murderer was on the loose. Tanya ejaculated twice more and collapsed onto the floor. I continued rubbing her clit and g-spot.

T: Stop. You're killing me.

Now it was my turn to ignore her. I brought my aching jaw back to her pussy for some more tongue action. She lay there panting heavily, moaning, while her lower body spasmed involuntarily.

T: Please.... Stop....

I ignored her again. Another five minutes of stimulation brought about the strongest vaginal contractions I had ever felt. This time, however, there was no ejaculate. I guess she had spent her load. Just like how sometimes I felt as though I had an orgasm but nothing came out, especially after masturbating to porn a couple of times in a row.

T: Oh my god. You're crazy. Everyone else usually gives up after awhile...

Me: I wanted to see if you were really squirting. Only seen it in porn before.

T: You watch alot of porn?

Me: Not really. Whatever I can get. Trying to learn stuff from there.

T: Porn isn't realistic. You need a real woman to try with.

Me: Yeah. I know.

T: I've never been so exhausted before.

Me: I made you cum like 4 times?

T: Five actually. But I wasn't counting. You're good for a virgin. Except you cum too fast.

Me: Hey! That's not fair. It's my first blowjob. And I haven't masturbated in days...

T: Really? Don't guys do it like twice a day?

Me: I suppose. But my release comes from the gym.

T: You mean when you saw me almost naked previously, you wanted to lift weights?

Me: No! But I couldn't do anything right?

T: You could have, but you didn't try...

Me: Erm. Now you tell me. Haha.

T: Well, when I saw your erection I got kinda horny.

Me: And you masturbated?

T: Yeah. When you left. In fact, I do it every night. Helps me to sleep.

Me: Really? Maybe I should try that too. Haha.

T: It relaxes the mind and body. Like right now, all I wanna do is sleep.

Me: I thought we were going out?

T: Maybe later. I need a shower and a nap. You wanna join me? The bathtub's big enough...

Me: Hmm, why not? Haha.

Tanya got up and I followed her. We entered the bathroom and she ran a bubble bath. We got in and it was indeed big enough.

T: Can you give me a shoulder rub?

She sat in front of me, leaning against her knees. I massaged her shoulders for awhile before she stretched out and snuggled up to me. I grabbed her boob. She slapped my hand away.

T: I want to sleep.

And she promptly fell asleep on me.

At that point of time, relaxing in a warm bubble bath with a hot naked girl next to me, all I wanted was a cigarette, which was in my bag. But I could not move. I kissed Tanya on the forehead and she stirred.

Me: Thanks for teaching me.

I closed my eyes.
Old 15-09-2010, 11:41 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Impressive virgin boy eh? making her cum 5 times!! , well done, more ? will it be the end of your virginity? cheers bro .................
" Life is what happens when you're too busy making other plans." - John Lennon

" All that is needed for Evil to succeed is, that decent human beings do NOTHING. " - Edmund Burke
Old 16-09-2010, 01:03 AM
saintathome saintathome is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Wah bro u e pro man!!! Either u damn pro or actually Jenny trying to other men horny also =p hahahaha
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